The Lisa Series

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The Lisa Series Page 26

by Charles Arnold

  Lisa leaned forward staring at the fat woman’s gaping pussy. “ the taste and the...the smell of...of...your cunt,” she said.

  “Prove it.”

  Lisa lowered her head between the older woman’s heavy thighs. After a moment Arisha yanked Lisa’s head back again. “Look at me American whore,” she said. “I think you’re just licking it. You ain’t loving it. There’s a big fuckin difference. Now, you either make me hot or you’ll be down there till the sun comes up.”

  “I’ll...I’ll love it,” Lisa said.

  “Look at my cunt,” Arisha still held Lisa’s hair. “You want it? You want to love it with your mouth?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Arisha let go and very slowly Lisa lowered her head once more and parted her lips. This time she flicked her tongue over Arisha's meaty clit, then drew it into her mouth and sucked it. Arisha grunted, “Tell me.”

  Lisa paused and looked up at her, “I love your cunt,” she said. “I love it.” She closed her mouth over Arisha’s vagina and began to tongue fuck her. Arisha moaned and gyrated her hips.

  “That’s where you belong you white American slut,” Arisha whispered fiercely. “That’s where you fuckin belong.”Arisha kept up a litany of verbal abuse, “Make love to my cunt. Eat it. Eat it good. Fuck it with your tongue. That’s it, lick up my juice, you goddamn bitch. Suck me! Suck me! Suck me good!” Suddenly Arisha began to thrust her pelvis up and cry out as she ground her pussy against Lisa’s mouth. When she had finished coming, she sighed and lay back. She rested for a moment, then roughly pushed Lisa aside and heaved her heavy bulk up from the couch.

  Lisa stretched out, face down. At first she gasped for breath, then gradually her breathing became quieter. Her head was turned away from us. One arm hung down over the edge of the couch. I noticed a smear of KY on her leg was tinged with blood. Silk had opened several beers and was passing them around. He handed one to Rafti. “After what I just let you have,” he said, “you ought to keep me supplied with beer for the rest of my fuckin life.”

  “The woman, Lisa, she say ‘no pay’,” Rafti protested.

  “She said it was up to me. She’s my whore. If I say you gotta pay to fuck her ass, then you gotta pay!”

  Suddenly we heard Frank’s voice coming from the speakerphone. “Sounds like you people had a good time over there.” Lisa flinched and buried her head in the corner of the couch.

  “Yeah, Frank. She did okay except for that stuff she said about me. I don’t think we should forget what she said about leaving either.”

  “What’s she doing now?”

  “She’s on the couch hiding her face. Maybe resting.”

  “Lisa,” Frank said, “listen to me.”

  Lisa stirred and began to sit up, “Yes, I’m listening.” Her voice was hoarse. She sat as she had before, facing us, her feet on the floor, her hands folded in her lap, her eyes closed. Her nipples were scratched where Arisha had dug her fingernails into them.

  “You’re Silk’s woman till I say different, right?” Frank asked.

  “Yes, I’m Silk’s woman.”

  “You shouldn’t have said you hate him.”

  Lisa spoke in the flat monotone, “Yes, honey, I should not have said it.”

  “Even more important, you shouldn’t have refused to do what he told you to do.”

  “I’m sorry, honey, I know I should have obeyed him.”

  “I want you to make it up to him after Dooley and them others leave. Do old Silk real nice, like you mean it.”

  Lisa winced and clinched her fists, but she nodded her head, “Yes, Frank, I’ll do my best to prove that I’m sorry for the things I said.”

  “And I think you should be punished.” He waited.

  After a moment, Lisa said, “Yes, you’re right.”

  “Later this week where I can watch.”

  “Yes,” Lisa said.

  “Who should do it?”

  Lisa hesitated, but she knew how he wanted her to answer. “Arisha.”

  “Good!” Arisha shouted, “I want to whip the American bitch!”

  “I’m sure you do,” Frank said. “Silk will let you know where and when. Silk?”

  “I’m here, Frank,” he yelled.

  “Don’t use her mouth or her ass tonight. They had enough. Be sure to let her know who she belongs to. You ought to discipline her for the things she said about you.”

  “Right Frank. She’s gonna crawl. She’s gonna beg. She’s gonna do things she ain’t never done before.” Lisa glanced up at him but quickly lowered her eyes.

  “And this will probably be your last night with her. It’s only two weeks till the men with the big bucks get here. She still has a lot to learn.”

  “Okay, Frank, whatever you say.”

  “Fuck her good tonight, and tell her she better damn well make it up to you for them things she said. I don’t care how tired she is.”

  Silk nodded, “You hear that, Lisa?”

  Lisa shuddered, then opened her eyes and looked directly at him, “Yes, honey. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry I said what I said. I’ll do you good. I promise.”

  “Another thing,” Frank added, “when you come back here, bring her clothes and shoes with you. Also bring the cuffs and the whips.” Lisa glanced at Arisha again and looked away. “Okay, Lisa,” Frank continued, “I have some other instructions for you, but they’re private. Phone me now from Silk’s room.” We heard the click as he hung up.

  Silk waved a hand at Lisa, “Frank’s number is next to the bedroom phone. Listen to Frank and do what he tells you.”

  She stood. “Yes, honey, I know.” She crossed the room unsteadily. I looked up at her as she passed me. Her lips were swollen. The whip marks had begun to fade but the small cuts on her nipples were bright red. She stared straight ahead, never glancing at me. We heard her heels click down the hall.

  Dooley had dressed. The others were gathering their things. After a few whispered words to Dooley, Silk ushered everyone out.

  Chapter Seven


  When Silk returned, he unlocked the handcuffs. “I don’t think you’re gonna be any trouble after what you just seen and heard,” he said.

  “No, I won’t be any trouble.”

  He twisted the cap off a beer and handed the bottle to me. “Sit, sit,” he gestured toward one of the folding chairs. He pulled up another one and sat across from me. “Billy,” he began, “Frank thinks you ought to give Lisa a divorce.”

  “No, goddamn it!” I began to protest. “She’s my wife and...”

  He held up his hand to silence me. “Billy, your wife wants what Frank tells her to want and he’s telling her to want a divorce. If she ain’t legally married, she’s a lot more valuable.” He leaned forward. “Face it Billy. She ain’t coming back. She could have walked out tonight. You saw what happened. You saw how it was as soon as Frank talked to her.”

  I stared at him and thought once again that he was the ugliest, filthiest, most loathsome man I had ever seen. He grinned, showing the stubs of his teeth. His thin, cracked lips were wet with spittle. He put a bony hand on my knee. His long ragged fingernails were yellow and crusted with dirt. I pushed his hand away, “Goddamn you,” I said.

  Still grinning, he shook his head. “You know what your sweet little wife is doing right this minute, Billy? She’s making herself real pretty again. How many times has she done that tonight? Tired as she is, she’s painting her lips. She does that real careful, you know...every time like she’s goin out to a fancy party. She’s spraying her shaved pussy with perfume, rubbing that tight little body with oil. Sliding her tiny feet into them spike heels. Know why she’s doing them things, Billy?” I looked away from him. “She doing them cause she wants to look good for me, that’s why. She wants me to kiss that pretty red mouth. She wants to open them soft lips so she can suck on my tongue. She wants to feel my fingers on her sore nipples. She wants to take hold of my prick and slide it into her hot cunt. Get real, Bi

  “She hates you. She hates to look at you. She hates you to touch her. How many goddamn times did she tell you that tonight!”

  “You know what, Billy? I think you’re right. In fact, I know she hates me. But all the same, your pretty wife is doin her goddamn best to make herself look good for me. She’s gettin ready to make love to old Silk just like she done every night for the past couple of weeks.”He leaned toward me. “And you know, Billy boy, she’s hot. You can bet on it. Even after all that’s happened tonight, she’s still hot. She was never that hot for you, Billy, and you fuckin know it.”

  We sat in silence for several minutes. I felt my world dissolving. Silk finished his beer and began again, “Divorce or not, she’ll soon be gone out of the country. Believe me, it will be better if she ain’t married.” His robe had fallen open. The dark red warts on his body were like raised scabs. His thin brown cock hung down between his skinny legs. In a little while it would be hard again. It would be inside my wife. I would watch it slide into her and I would be thinking about how it would feel to tight and wet...and how when she came she would wrap her legs around him and pull his rancid prick deeper into her.

  “All right,” I said, “I guess you and Frank win.”

  “Good,” he patted my knee again, “Frank will get all the papers together. You won’t have to do nothin except sign your name.”


  “In about two weeks. Frank will get in touch with you. If everything goes the way he expects, we can get all the business done in one afternoon and little Lisa will be on her way.”

  “What do you mean, ‘on her way’?”

  “I can’t tell you no more right now, but when you come to sign the papers you’ll probably see the whole transaction. You know...the deal Frank’s been working on.” We heard the bathroom door open, then the bedroom door. “Drink,” Silk said. “Give her a couple of minutes to think about them things she said about me and what I might make her do to prove she’s sorry.” He laughed. “Yeah, Billy, your pretty little wife belongs to me now. I fuckin own her. Ain’t that right?” I didn’t answer. We sat, not speaking, while I finished my beer. I put the empty on the floor.

  Silk stood, “Come on,” he said, “I want you to be here for this, Billy. There’s still some things you don’t understand about little Lisa cause you’re either blind or stupid or both. There’s things I picked up on the first time I seen her. So did Frank. From then on it was just a matter of time and us makin the right moves.” He stopped me outside the door. “There ain’t no cameras or tapes in my bedroom.”The face that peered up into mine was pure evil. His small black pinpoint eyes glittered, his thin lips were flecked with spit. He stood there in the soiled robe, which still hung open. “Frank gave her some instructions on the phone, but this is going to be my party. Mine and Lisa’s.” He reached down to his crotch squeezed his limp cock. “I want you to be at my little party. I want you to see and hear your wife do and say things she ain’t never done or said before. Not for you, not for Frank, not for no one.” He put his filthy fingers to his nose and smelled them. The stench coming from his body was making me nauseous. Grinning, he said, “I got a better hold on her than anyone thinks. Even she don’t know. But keep in mind, Billy, she can leave. That’s the way it’s been ever since she come to me. No matter what happens in here,” he nodded toward the bedroom door, “your wife can just fuckin walk out with you right behind her. She understands that.”

  He twisted the knob and pushed the door open. The room was mostly dark except for two cheap lamps on the bedside tables. Lisa sat stiffly on the edge of the bed, her feet on the floor, her hands folded in her lap. Her full lips glistened once more with pale pink, little-girl lipstick. She wore a sheer white gown, which tied with a pink ribbon at the neck. Small ribbon ties were spaced about four inches apart down to her waist. From there, the gown was open to the floor. Her bare legs and shaved pussy were exposed. She also had on white pumps with the five inch heels Silk and Frank insisted she wear. Her body, as Silk had predicted, seemed to glow with a soft sheen of baby oil. Silk had been right. It was obvious she’d taken real care to look beautiful for him. Outwardly, she didn’t appear exhausted or emotionally stressed, but I knew she had to be.

  Silk took several steps into the room and stood staring at her. I remained behind him in the doorway. Lisa glanced at his filthy bare feet, then quickly looked away, the color rising to her cheeks. Silk coughed and spit on the floor. “You said you hated for me to touch you,” he said. “Is that true?” His voice was mocking. I suspected he knew what Frank had instructed Lisa to say.

  “No, please believe me.” Lisa nervously twisted her hands in her lap. “I was tired and upset. Rafti and Arisha they...” she paused, then started over. “I didn’t know what I was saying at the time. I didn’t mean it, honestly...please forgive me.”

  “Well?” Silk questioned.

  “ for you to touch me. That’s just the way it is. I love to feel your hands on my body. When you touch my breasts and squeeze my nipples, I get excited. You must know that because it happens every time.” I noticed as she said the words her nipples stiffened. “I...I love to touch you, too. To touch you with my taste you... taste your mouth...your skin.”

  It was impossible, yet here I was listening to the beautiful woman who was my wife say these words to this disgusting, foul smelling, vicious old man. Saying she wanted to taste his skin, his wrinkled sagging skin blotched everywhere with crusted warts. Saying she wanted to feel his hands on her breasts. It was part of the act for the tape. Then I remembered Silk had said there were no cameras or recorders in this room. I looked for them and saw none. But she knew he would tell Frank. She was terrified of Frank and was saying what he’d instructed her to say.

  “How about my prick, little Lisa. You want to taste Silk’s sweaty old prick?” he sneered.

  “Yes, yes...your...your...prick...and...and...”

  “My balls. You want to lick old Silk’s balls?”

  “Yes...yes...I do.”

  “I ain’t too clean,” Silk turned to wink at me, and deliberately smelled his fingers again.

  “I’ve learned to...I mean, I...I... don’t mind anymore.”

  “Then I guess we can say you like being Silk’s woman, Silk’s little whore?”

  Lisa had not looked at me. It was as if I weren’t there. “Yes, that’s right. I like being your woman...your whore.”

  “You’d rather be old Silk’s whore than be Billy’s wife?”

  Lisa looked away for a moment before answering. “Yes, belonging to you better for me than being Billy’s wife.” Silk waited, saying nothing. Lisa leaned forward. “Both Frank and you have told me over and over, that I could leave if I wanted to. I haven’t left. Tonight, more than any time in the past, I wanted to go because...because of those people. Frank had told Dooley to release my husband. Frank said Billy and me could just walk out and never come back. Instead, I stayed. I gave myself to Rafti and Arisha because that’s what you wanted. I’m here with you now. This is where I need to be.”

  “You said you love your husband. You still love your husband?”

  Lisa still did not look in my direction. “That’s true. It’s always been true. I do love him. I love him with all my heart. But...but...I’ve come to believe that it’s better for him, too...better for him that I stay here...that I belong to you.”

  I took a step forward and was about to speak when Silk spun around to face me. “Get back, Billy,” he said. “Let her finish.” He turned to Lisa.

  She bowed her head and took a deep breath. Then, looking up at Silk again, she continued, “Even though I love my husband more than ever, he is not what I need. Frank and you have taught me that there’s a great difference between love and need. I know now that I’m not like most women. I needed what Frank gave me. I love my husband, but I need and Frank. I need what you give me.” She looked down at her hands then at Silk, “I...I...need
you to tell me what to do. Then, I need to do matter what.” She spread her knees slightly. “I mean I want to do the things you make me do. I want to do them.”

  “Are you hot and wet again?”

  “Yes, you know I am. I’m very hot, very wet.”

  “I’m going to make you a proposition little Mrs. Lindal...give you a choice. This is just between us. Frank don’t have to know and I won’t tell him. There ain’t no cameras or tape recorders in here.” He motioned for me to step up next to him. “Check Billy boy and me out.” He paused. For the first time, Lisa looked at me. Immediately tears formed in her eyes. “Here’s the asshole you love,” he clapped me on the shoulder. “He’s young, very handsome. He’s one of the fuckin good guys. Has all the good things: gentle, thoughtful, that kind of shit. Ain’t many like him left. And he’s your husband. You got his wedding ring on and he got one that you gave him. He must fuckin love you if he’s willing to take you back after all he’s seen you do.” Lisa bowed her head.

  “And here I am,” Silk poked me with his elbow. “Look at me.” She lifted her head and stared directly at him. “Old enough to be your fuckin father. I’m nothin but bones. My skin’s covered with these goddamn itching warts. Most of my teeth are gone and so is my hair. I hardly ever take a bath so I stink. I’m a drunk and a mean one. I don’t give a shit about you except to fuck your ass and show you off as my whore. Ain’t I right? Ain’t this a hellava fuckin difference you see standing here?”

  Refusing to look at me, Lisa said, “You’re right. You and Billy are worlds apart. He loves me. He’s my husband. Like you say, he is a good man, and young, and handsome. He’s very gentle and kind. He would never humiliate or abuse me.”

  “And me?” Silk asked. “Tell it like it is. Tell us exactly what you think of old Silk.”

  “The truth? Do you really want the truth?” There was an edge to Lisa’s voice.


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