The Lisa Series

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The Lisa Series Page 27

by Charles Arnold

  “Yeah, Lisa, the truth.”

  “You are what you’ve said: cruel, unfeeling. You and Frank are incapable of loving anything.” She clinched her fists and I noticed a flash of hatred in her eyes. Silk waited. “You are old, and ugly. Your body and dirty. You always smell like dried sweat and urine.” She leaned forward, speaking louder, her eyes blazing. “You’ve been right about me feeling superior to you. Even that horrible homeless little man you brought here tonight is a better man than you. You’re a pathetic drunk and you’re stupid. Why wouldn’t I feel superior? I’m a thousand times better than you.” She looked away from him. “You wanted the truth,” she added.

  “Yeah, the fuckin truth, and you sure gave it to me.” His face was red. He paused to get his anger under control. “Listen up, you snotty bitch,” he said. Lisa turned to face him again. “Here’s the deal. You got three choices: Number one: you can take the husband you love so fuckin much, young stud Billy here, into that bed you’re sittin on. You can spend the rest of night there makin love with him and most of tomorrow too. I’ll leave, close the door behind me, and go somewhere else to sleep. Straight deal, no strings. All you got to do is say that’s what you want.” He paused, waiting for both of us to fully understand.

  “Number two: you and Billy just walk on out of here right now and go home, and never come back.” He held up three dirty fingers, “Here’s choice number three: you slide off the bed and get on your knees in front of old Silk. You bend down and show me the kind of respect you showed Dooley tonight before you sucked him off. And you thank me for letting you do it.” Lisa glanced at his feet and quickly shut her eyes. “Then you stand up and tell Billy to undress you. Make your husband undress you right in front of me. Make Billy show his wife’s naked body to old Silk. You tell Billy that you want to spend the rest of the night here with me in my bed givin me whatever I want. Them’s the choices. I know Frank didn’t say nothin to you about this because Frank don’t know nothin about it, so don’t be askin yourself what Frank would want you to do. This proposition is just between you and me, between little Miss fuckin superior Lisa and old Silk.”

  I couldn’t believe what he had just said. He actually offered to leave. Lisa and I could be together, alone, in each other’s arms! Better yet, we could walk out, go home. Lisa was silent. She looked down at her hands still folded in her lap. I couldn’t understand why she hadn’t immediately told Silk we were going home. The three of us sat there in silence for what seemed a long time. Lisa had bowed her head and closed her eyes.

  “Make up your mind, bitch,” Silk said evenly.

  I watched, horrified, as she slid off the bed. She crossed to us, her head bowed, her heels clicking on the bare floor. Silk grinned, his broken teeth yellow, his gums discolored. Lisa faced him. A tremor coursed through her body. Then, she got down on her knees before him. She looked up into his cadaverous face. He nodded. Slowly she bent down to press her lips to the black, twisted toes of his right foot and then to the toes of his left foot. Each time, she made a soft audible kissing sound. When she lifted her head again, I saw the delicate pink outline of her lips imprinted on his filthy toes. “Thank you,” she said.

  “So, you decided,” he said, “and Frank had nothin to do with it?”

  “Yes. I decided and Frank had nothing to do with it,” she replied, looking up at him.

  “Lisa, for God’s sake!” I shouted.

  Silk grabbed me by the arm and led me to the foot of the bed. “Didn’t you see your wife on her knees? Didn’t you hear her say that she decided?” I looked back at Lisa. She was staring straight ahead. “Now, Billy,” Silk continued, “you can stay or go. If you stay it’s on the condition that you do what Lisa and me tell you to do. Stay or go?”

  “Stay,” I said.

  “Come over here, Lisa, and tell him what you want him to do first.” Silk took several steps back.

  Lisa was still on her knees. Without turning to face us she began, “I...I...don’t...”

  “Tell him, goddamn it!” Silk yelled.

  Slowly Lisa stood and crossed to stand before me. She looked at me for a moment, then down at the floor. “Billy, take off my gown. I want to be naked for Mr. Silk.” Her voice, as I had heard it so often before, was a flat monotone. “I want to spend the night with him in his bed. I want to do whatever he tells me to do.” She turned around. My hands shook as I untied the bows. Lisa stood with her arms at her sides. She was facing Silk who stood about three feet in front of her. He nodded as I untied the bows revealing her body to him. My God, she was my wife! Until six weeks ago she had given her beautiful pale body only to me. And now she was offering it to this foul smelling degenerate, and I was helping her to do it!

  I pushed the gown off her shoulders. It fell to the floor around her feet. Her breath was coming fast, and I saw that her nipples were hard. Silk pulled her aside and whispered in her ear. She turned back to me. “Ask Mr. Silk, Billy, if he’ll let you remove his robe so that your wife can make love to him.” She sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked directly at me. “I want to do it, Billy...make love to him.”

  Silk was grinning at me. I wanted to strangle him, to feel the small bones in his neck crack under my fingers. I started to reach for his robe but he held up his hand. “She said to ask,” Silk sneered.“Can I help you out of your robe? Lisa...I mean my wife wants make love to you?” My cock had become hard enough so that both of them could see it pressing against my pants.

  “Please,” Silk taunted. “Say please, Billy.”

  “Please,” I said, “it’’s what she wants.”

  Silk laughed as I untied the sash that held his robe together. I circled behind him to lift it from his bony shoulders. The odor of sweat and piss was strong. The dark red crusted warts spotted his skinny torso and legs. I picked up Lisa’s gown and put it with Silk’s robe on the back of the only chair in the room. Silk turned toward me and grabbed his flaccid cock. “I can’t count the number of times I fucked your wife’s tight ass.” He shook his cock at me, “This was shootin a load up your wife’s ass only an hour ago. You think she can make it hard again, Billy?”

  I glanced at Lisa who was sitting primly on the edge of the bed. She looked away. “Yes,” I said. “I think she can.”

  Silk continued to hold his limp brown cock in his hand. Again, he shook it at me. “And if she gets it up, Billy, where’s she going to want me to put it?”

  “In her...”

  “In her hot cunt, Billy, in her sweet little cunt, say it.”

  “She’ll want you to put it in her...sweet little cunt.”

  “That’s right. She ain’t cum since early this evening with that old bastard Leavy. Knowing her, I think she’d like to cum again, right Lisa?”

  “Yes, I’d like to cum again.”

  “Ain’t you forgettin something?”

  “I’m sorry. Yes, honey, I’d like very much to cum again.”

  “You decided to fuck me instead of Billy because I make you cum better than he does. Ain’t that right?”

  She was looking down at her hands, “Yes, that’s right, honey. You always make me cum, and it’s better with you than with my husband.”

  Silk crossed to sit on the bed next to her. I stood in the middle of the room facing them. “Show Billy that you’re wet,” Silk put his arm around her and squeezed her nipple between his grimy thumb and forefinger. She looked at me as she spread her legs. I saw the gleam of cum between the outer folds of her vagina. Silk said something to her that I couldn’t quite hear. She placed her hand on his limp prick. “Billy,” she said, “take off my shoes.”

  I got to my knees before her. Lisa glanced at me and turned back to Silk. She lifted one foot. I slipped off the high heel. Then the other one. Her perfectly formed tiny feet never failed to astonish me. Now, next to Silk’s filthy toes with their long, black ragged toenails the contrast was even more startling. Silk leaned forward to pat me on the head,
“While you’re there, Billy, tell us what you see on my feet,” he chuckled.

  “Lisa’s...Lisa’s lipstick,” I said, staring at the faint pink imprints.

  “Yeah, think about it, Billy, your pretty young wife who says she’s better than me was down there on her knees, you know, kneeling at the dirty feet of the old man she just called a stupid drunk. Her lips was touching my ugly toes. She got soft lips, Billy, and a hot mouth. When she put them soft lips on my toes, I could feel how hot her mouth is. You know, hot and wet. I liked the way that felt. Best of all she didn’t have to do it. No one forced her. She wanted to press them soft lips to my toes. She wanted to taste, Billy, wanted to taste old Silk’s sweaty toes. She wanted to show her respect for me by doing that. Ain’t I right, bitch?”

  I looked up. Her hand was moving back and forth on his cock trying to get it hard.“Yes, honey, that’s right. No one forced me. I wanted you there.” She turned to face him. “I wanted to kiss your toes.” I still knelt at their feet. She shifted slightly in order to rub her left foot over his right one. When I looked up her arms were around his neck and she was lifting her head and parting her lips to accept his tongue. The kiss lasted a long time. Both of her feet were now rubbing against his, her tiny bright red polished toenails reflecting the light. My cock strained against my pants, and my swollen testicles ached.

  “Keep pullin my prick,” he said. Lisa continued to stroke him as he spoke, “You know, Billy, I taught your wife how to greet her man when he comes home. Most times, she’s on the bed, waitin with her ass cheeks spread for me to fuck her little asshole. Ain’t that right, Mrs. Lindal?”

  “Yes, honey.”

  “Remember the first time I done it, how you refused and screamed and cried and made a goddamn fuckin fuss, but it didn’t do no good?”

  Lisa nodded. I could see her jaw line tighten, “I remember.”

  Silk tilted her head up, “And now?”

  Looking into his ugly face she said clearly, “Now I want it. I think about it all day. I’m anxious for you to come home. I want to...want to feel you...feel your cock in my ass.”

  Silk grinned across at me, “Sometimes she’s made my dinner and scoots under the table to suck my dick while I eat.” He pushed her off the bed. “Show him,” he ordered. Lisa knelt between his skinny legs and took the full length of his half limp cock into her mouth. Her cheeks were drawn in. Her glistening lips were tight around the base of his dark cock. “Yeah, she’s become a pretty good cocksucker,” he patted her head. “Before I leave for the day I tell her how I want her to be when I come back. Lately I been tellin her to wait for me way over there in the corner of the room, naked just like she is now. When I come in, I sit on the bed here. She ain’t allowed to look at me. I keep her there all crouched over for awhile, then I say, ‘crawl little whore’.” He lifted her head away from his cock and pointed. Obediently Lisa crawled on her hands and knees to the far corner of the room. She turned around, her head bowed. With her back against the wall she crouched in a half-sitting position, her arms clasping her knees.

  “Look at how little your wife is, you know, all bunched up like that she looks like a kid. I keep her that way sometimes for an hour or more. Sometimes I fall asleep and when I wake up she’s still huddled over waitin. What are you waitin for, Lisa? Tell Billy. Tell him what you’re so goddamn hot for.”

  Not looking up, Lisa said, “I...I..I’m waiting to be allowed to you. I...I’m hot for you.”

  “And what’s the little bitch thinkin about all that time she’s been waitin?”

  “I...I’m thinking that maybe you will fuck and let me cum.”

  “But I don’t hardly ever fuck your cunt. What do I fuck Mrs. Lindal?”

  Her arms were still around her knees, her head bowed. “ ass. Almost always my ass.”

  “And are you disappointed?”

  After a moment, Lisa shook her head, “ like when you take me that way.”

  “You hear that, Billy,” Silk laughed. “Your wife likes me to fuck her ass.” He moved to sit on the edge of the bed and spread his legs. “Now, Billy, watch how I got your wife trained. Lisa!” he commanded. Her body jerked as if she’d been hit but she didn’t raise her head. Silk snapped his fingers, “If you want my prick in your ass, you know how to come for it, and goddamn, you better go slow and do it right!”

  Lisa lay on the bare floor, naked, her arms stretched out in front of her. Using just the flat of her hands and tips of her toes, she inched toward the bed. The floor was gritty with dirt. In places the boards were rough and splintered. “Tight!” Silk yelled, “I want your belly and them titties scraping the fuckin floor!” Slowly, she made her way toward him. When she stopped between Silk’s parted legs I could see the angry red abrasions on her breasts. She still had not raised her head. Roughly Silk placed his callused feet on her shoulders and pushed. She raised her ass and reached back to spread her cheeks. “Say it,” Silk demanded. “Say the words.”

  “I...I...crawl to you on my belly as I should and...and...I beg you please take me...please fuck my ass. I am...I am yours. I’m Silk’s woman.”

  Silk looked across at me. “Well, Billy, what do you think. Is this a fuckin act or does she mean it?” Without waiting for me to answer he put his feet back on the floor and said, “Okay, little whore, you can get up now.” He indicated she was to sit beside him.

  He pulled her back on the bed as both of them swung their legs up and onto it. Silk leaned over her. “Where was Billy that time at Frank’s when the three of you was in Frank’s bedroom and Frank was fucking you?”

  “Frank made Billy sit in a chair beside the bed and watch.”

  “Bring that chair over here, Billy. You gonna watch your wife try to get me hard enough to give her what she wants. You want fucked, fucked by your man, your dirty old man right, Mrs. Lindal?”

  “Yes, yes, I want fucked.” She reached up to touch his unshaven face, “Fucked by my man. Please, honey, fuck me.” she said. She held his face between her small hands and looked directly into his eyes. She looked away for a moment and drew a deep breath, then turned back to him, “I want you, honey,” she said. He grinned and nodded. She repeated, “I want you.” The tip of her tongue circled her lips making them shine, “Oh, God, yes...I want your cock, want it inside me.”

  While I pulled the chair close to the bed Silk was speaking to Lisa. When I sat down, she turned to me, “Mr. Silk says you can take out your penis, Billy, but don’t touch it. Don’t touch it all night until he tells you that you can.” Gratefully, I unzipped by pants and freed my stiff cock. Lisa glanced at it, then quickly turned back to Silk. He shook his head. Without looking at me she said, “Watch me, Billy, watch how I make love to my new man. When I get him hard, I want you him...ask him to please fuck me.” Silk whispered to her. “He says he won’t give me what I need unless you beg him his...his...cock in me.”

  “That’s right, Billy,” Silk interjected. “Just sit there with your sorry lookin prick stickin out of your pants and beg me to fuck your hot little wife. Tell him, Lisa.”

  “He won’t...won’t fuck me unless you promise to do whatever he tells you to do.” I sat there saying nothing.

  “Answer her, Billy, or zip up your pants and get the hell out of here,” Silk rasped.

  “Yes, Lisa, whatever you say.”

  They were lying side by side facing one another. I watched as Silk pinched her breasts. She gasped as her nipples were still hurting. His fingernails were long and dirty. She softly kissed his neck. The tip of her pink tongue darted into his ear. She brushed her wet lips against his, teasing him. His filthy hands were on her ass cheeks, pulling her to him. She winced in pain, but ground her pelvis against his. Their faces were only an inch apart, their mouths open. Silk’s cracked lips were wet with saliva. I watched their tongues touch and dart back and touch again. She was making love to him, slow and gentle as s
he had once made love to me. He held his long tongue out to her. She drew back. He wiggled his tongue obscenely.

  “Yes, honey,” she whispered, “that’s what I want.” Moving closer, she parted her lips and sucked on his tongue. He began to slide it in and out between her lips, fucking her mouth with it. His tongue looked like a dog’s prick, dark red and covered with a film of slime. She made small whimpering noises and squirmed against him, trying to rub her clitoris on his cock.

  He rolled her over and, leaning above her, began very slowly to rub her wet lips with the black ragged nail of his index finger. “Suck it,” he said, “suck it clean and look at me.”She parted her lips and his dirty finger disappeared into her mouth. He made her suck for a long time. Her body was rigid and her hands were clenched tightly at her sides. I thought of the grime I had seen under his fingernail. Never taking her eyes from his face, she swallowed several times. When he withdrew his finger, he held it up for me to see. “What do you think, Billy? She do it good?”

  “Yes, you sadistic bastard,” I said, “she did it good.”

  “Now, watch, Billy. She does this to the old sadistic bastard almost every night,” he said. Kneeling over her, his legs on each side of her body, he slid up. She lifted her arms back so that he could pin them under his knees. Silk grinned at me, “She knows the drill, Billy. Your pretty little wife knows what I like.”His cock was only half erect. He inched forward until the wrinkled skin of his testicles hung just above her mouth. “I bet they smell rich, don’t they Mrs. Lindal?” he grinned down at her. She nodded her head. He lowered himself slightly. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick his scrotum. “You like?” he asked. She nodded her head again. “Speak up, goddamn it! Tell Silk that his little whore wants to clean his sweaty balls with her tongue.”

  “Please, ” she whispered, “your little whore wants…clean your sweaty balls with her tongue.”

  “Open wide,” he said. He lowered his putrid testicles into her mouth. Her lips closed around his warty sack and I could see her cheeks draw in and out as she gently licked and sucked. “If she wanted to, Billy,” Silk grinned at me, “she could hurt me real bad, you know what I mean?” Her nose was pressed tight against the base of his cock, which gradually became hard. “But I don’t hardly ever feel her teeth, just her tongue loving my balls.” He lifted up, his testicles dripped with her saliva. “And when your wife sucks my sweaty balls, Billy, she don’t ever complain about the smell or the taste. What do you make of that?” He slid back slightly, unpinning her arms. “Was that good, little bitch? You like doin old Silk?”


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