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The Lisa Series

Page 28

by Charles Arnold

  “Yes, honey. It was good. Thank you.” She reached for his cock and drew him forward so that she could press it against her cheeks. “I want it,” she said, looking up at him and pleading with her eyes. She rubbed it over her face, saying again, “I want it, please honey, I want it.” Then, she began to cover his uncircumcised prick with soft open-mouth kisses until it was as wet as his balls.

  “That’s it, get me hard. Do whatever it takes to get me hard. Then, tell Billy to beg. Tell him to beg old Silk to fuck his pretty little wife. Make him promise to do what I say.”

  Stroking his prick and pausing to kiss it, she looked directly at me, “See, Billy, see what I’m doing.” She ran her tongue along the length of the underside of his prick. Once more she held it against her cheek as she stared at me. “Do it, Billy...beg him like he said, beg him fuck your pretty wife...promise...promise to do what he says. Beg and promise, Billy.”

  My throat had gone dry. I wanted desperately to touch my aching cock. “Please, Silk,” I said, “give her what she wants.”

  “Not good enough, Billy, tell me where you’d like to see me put my cock.” Silk grinned at me while Lisa continued to lick his balls and kiss the underside of his dark veined prick. She rubbed it against her cheeks.

  “I’m begging you, Silk, begging you to fuck my pretty wife. Put your cock in her...put it in my wife’s cunt, please. I’ll do whatever you tell me.”

  Silk swung his leg over her and moved to the edge of the bed where he sat, once more, with his feet on the floor. He pulled Lisa up to sit beside him. Her face and body were flushed. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly. Silk’s horrible stiff prick, wet with Lisa’s spittle, swung back and forth between his pale skinny thighs, the cockhead still covered with wrinkled skin bunched together at its tip. “We’re gonna take a little pause here to see if Billy means what he says.”

  Lisa shook her head, “Please no...please I want...”

  Silk glared at her. “When you gonna learn that nobody gives a shit what you want? Now, go fix your face.” He waved in the direction of the door. “Take your nightgown and shoes. Come back with them on.”He shook his head, “Who the fuck are you to be telling Silk what you want? You still got a lot to learn!”

  Lisa nodded. I noticed the milky secretions oozing from her shaved pussy. “Yes, honey, only...please.” She looked at his cock, which had started to go limp.

  “Guess you just gonna have to get it up again, Mrs. Lindal,” Silk gestured toward the door. Lisa gathered her gown and shoes together and left. We sat in silence for several minutes. Then, Silk motioned for me to hand him his robe. He started to put it on, but changed his mind and gave it back to me. “I’m forgettin, Billy. I not only got myself your hot young woman who always wants fucked, I got you as my personal servant.” He stood up. I held his robe. When it covered him, he turned around to face me and pointed to the sash. I reached out to tie it. “On your knees, Billy boy.” He pointed to the floor. I got to my knees in front of him. His flaccid cock dangled just inches from my face. I could see traces of Lisa’s lipstick on it. As I was kneeling there tying the sash of his robe, Lisa returned. I didn’t look up until I saw her white heels next to Silk’s dirty feet.

  “Ain’t Billy and me a pretty picture,” Silk laughed. I felt the color rise to my cheeks. My own cock had gone limp. Lisa had washed her face and applied eye makeup and fresh lipstick, bright red this time. The oily gloss made her swollen lips shine. It appeared, through the gown, that she had also rubbed her body once more with the perfumed oil. Silk tapped me on the head. “You can get up now Billy boy,” he chuckled. He pulled Lisa aside and whispered in her ear. I saw her grow rigid and clinch her hands into tight fists. Silk noticed it too. While he continued to whisper to her he began to rub her wet slit with his middle finger. She closed her eyes and pushed against his hand. When he finished whispering, he turned her head toward him and looked hard into her eyes, his fingers tightening on her chin. “You want that, don’t you, bitch? I know you been thinkin about it. You been wantin it to be that way ever since you come here?”

  He let go of her chin. Lisa lowered her eyes and bowed her head. It was several moments before she murmured, “Yes...I...I...have been thinking...imagining.” She paused again then looked up at Silk, “You’re seems impossible. I don’t understand...can’t...can’t accept...but it is what I want.” She lifted her head and stared at him, frowning slightly. She took a small step back. It was clear that the sight of him disgusted her. He grabbed her arms and pulled her against him. She continued to look up at him, her body tight against his. “Yes,” she said calmly, “yes, it’s what I want.”

  They both turned to face me. She took his hand, and somehow this simple act of intimacy upset me as much as anything else I’d seen that night. It wasn’t that he grabbed her hand, but that she had reached out to take his. I couldn’t stop staring. My wife’s tiny white fingers with their delicately painted pink nails entwined with his that were filthy and infested with warts. They stood there before me holding hands as if they were lovers. “Billy,” Lisa began, a slight tremor in her voice, “do you remember the words the priest said when he married us...the words of the ceremony?”

  The question caught me by surprise. She looked straight at me, waiting. “Yes, I think so. But why...”

  “Please, Billy, give me the ring I put on your finger on our wedding day.” She glanced at Silk who winked at her.

  “Lisa, what for? Jesus, Lisa!” I protested, “do you know what you’re asking? The ring’s important. It…it...shows we’re married...husband and wife. I remember on our wedding day...”

  Silk poked her hard in the ribs with his elbow. She winced and clutched her side, then straightened up, “Billy, ” she said, “you promised to do what we asked.”

  Reluctantly, I twisted the ring off my finger and passed it over to her. She looked puzzled for a moment. Silk again whispered in her ear. She looked directly at me. There were tears in her eyes. She said, “For tonight and maybe awhile longer, I want to be his wife. Silk’s wife, Billy, not yours.” I felt my cock begin to stiffen. “He wants you to say the words of the ceremony. Ask me the marriage questions.” She glanced at Silk who nodded. “After I answer them, I want you to say the same thing the priest said to us. You know, pronounce us...” She stopped speaking and looked at the floor. Silk put his arm around her waist and dug his nails into her skin. She gasped. After a moment, she said, “Pronounce us man and wife.”

  “My God, Lisa, do you know what you’re asking?”

  She looked at me, blinking to hold back the tears, “Yes, Billy, I love you, believe that. But he wants...I mean...we both want this...and...and not pretend, Billy. I want it to be real.”

  “I...I...can’t do it, Lisa, really I can’t.”

  Silk’s hand moved up along her side to forcefully squeeze her breast. “Damnit! Do what she told you to do,” he said. They could see how hard my cock had become.

  “Do, it, Billy, please,” she said. She placed her hand over his and pressed it tighter against her breast. “Please, Billy, like he said, I’ve thought about it, imagined it. I want to feel that I’m his wife.”

  I looked at them. My Lisa more beautiful, more desirable than I’d ever seen her, standing next to this wizened old pervert, his skin almost yellow covered with the purple splotches of warts. His lips were wet exposing the dark stubs of his broken teeth. I glanced down at his legs, which were like white sticks, at his filthy feet, at the long black ragged toenails. He was slouching there in his soiled robe, smelling of sweat and piss, grinning at me while he rolled my wife’s protruding nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “I expect I know her body better than you do, Billy,” Silk sneered. “I been doin things to it, Billy, doin things to her body you never done. I been doin all kinds of nasty things to your wife’s young body. I been makin her do things to me with her mouth, you know...with them soft lips and that hot little tongue.” He moved his hand to her other breast and pulle
d on her long pink nipple.“Folks might even say I sometimes abuse your wife’s tight little body. I like that. I like hurtin her. She thinks she’s better than I am, so I show her that her body belongs to me. Her titties, her ass, her cunt, her mouth...I done things to all of them.” He took his hand from her breast and lowered it to her thigh. Then he drew his fingernails along her pale skin leaving livid red scratches. I could see that she was trying not to cry out, but she didn’t move away from him. “You see, Billy, she’s mine. I do what I want. Whatever I feel like doin to your wife’s body, I do and she don’t say nothin. Ain’t that right bitch?”

  “Yes. I belong to you. You can do what you want.” She looked down at the floor then back at him. “You can tell me to do anything and I do it.”

  Silk glared at me, “Now, you miserable piece of shit, say the fuckin words!” he hissed.

  I swallowed and took a deep breath. “Do you, Lisa Lindal, take this man, Silk, to be thy lawful wedded husband?” I heard the words I’d spoken, but they seemed to come from someone else.

  Once more, bowing her head, Lisa answered quietly, “Yes, I do.”

  “There’s more,” Silk growled. Viciously he pinched her tortured nipple. This time Lisa jerked away and cried out. Roughly Silk pulled her back against him. “Keep going, Billy,” he said.

  “Do you swear to love, honor, and obey him till death do you part?”

  Still looking down, she said in a shaking whisper, “I do so swear.” She opened her trembling hand. In it was the wedding band she’d given to me on our wedding day.

  “Now the ring,” I said.

  She turned to face Silk. He extended the finger she had sucked clean. Her hand shook as she slid my ring on to it. I was surprised to see that it fit snugly. They both looked at me, waiting. “I...I pronounce you man and wife.”

  Lisa, looked up into his face. Understanding what she’d done, she turned away and uttered a little cry of despair. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “Stop that shit, you uppity bitch,” Silk growled. “Do what you’re fuckin supposed to do.”

  Slowly, she turned back to face him. She lifted her head. Her lips parted and her tongue slid into the dark cavity of his mouth. He pulled her into him digging his fingernails into her ass. She placed her hands behind his head and held him there against her open mouth for a long time. When they parted he stepped back to look at her. “You’re my goddamn wife now,” he said, “and that stuff preacher Billy said about honor and gonna do it, right?”

  Lisa looked down at the floor, then back up at him, “Yes, I’m your wife now. I’ll honor, and obey, like I promised.”

  “You’ll call me ‘husband’ and mean it cause that’s what you want?”

  “Yes, I’ll call you ‘husband’ and mean it.” She looked away, “I...I...want to be your wife.” She turned back to him, “Like you said...I...I’ve thought about it, wondered how it would be. Maybe ever since that first time, that time when you came to our apartment and...and took me while Billy watched.”

  Silk nodded, “Damn right. I knew it then. I knew I could have you, that I could have you as my woman, and you knew it too?” It was a question.

  Lisa was quiet for a moment. “I guess maybe I did...somewhere inside, maybe I did.”

  Silk put his arm around her waist, ”When did you lose your cherry? Did Billy get it on your wedding night?”

  Lisa’s face reddened. “,” she looked at me.

  “She was raped when she was fourteen.” I said.

  “Yeah,” Silk sneered, “so I heard. Then she had that kid and got religion and lived with her sister in some bum fuck country town upstate.”

  “That’s right,” I said.

  “She screw around?”

  “No, never. She was very religious. Very innocent and shy, afraid of men. On our wedding night I was the only one except for...for...”

  “Except for the lucky guy what raped her and knocked her up,” Silk laughed. “So, Billy boy got seconds.”

  “How about her cherry ass, Billy? Did you get her tight little asshole?”

  “No. You and Frank know we never...we never even thought of that.”

  “Well, then, who did get her virgin ass, Billy?”

  He never tired of tormenting me. “You did,” I said.

  “That’s right. I won her never-been-fucked little asshole in Frank’s goddamn card game.” Silk tightened his grip on Lisa’s waist. “Well, Lisa, since you lost your pussy cherry when you was fourteen, Billy didn’t get it. You gave your virgin ass to me. Billy didn’t get that neither. Maybe I got a better claim to you than he does. Seems like maybe you’re more my wife than his?” He slid his hand up to fondle her breast. “Shit! I bet you never even gave that dumb bastard a blow job. Right?”

  “Never,” Lisa said. “I never...we never did that.” She turned away and paused for what seemed a long time. Later, I was to conclude that this was the decisive moment. Until now there had been some hope, some slight hope that she would fight her way back. I half expected her to grab my hand and run with me to the door, and down the stairs, and home.

  Instead, she turned toward Silk. “Maybe I am more your wife than Billy’s. What you say is true. You have had me...had me in more different ways than Billy has.” She looked up into his face, “I have given myself to you in more ways than I’ve given myself to any man. I have done things for you and let you do things to me that, in the past, I could never even have imagined.” She placed her arms around his neck. “I want to be your wife.” She pushed her body against him. “I want to kiss you...kiss your mouth...kiss you everywhere. She stood on her tiptoes and brushed his lips with hers. “I want kiss taste you.”

  “Everywhere?” he asked.

  She looked down at the floor, “Everywhere,” she said softly.

  “What the fuck else does my hot young bride want?”

  Not lifting her head she spoke almost to herself, “Yes, I’m your young bride now; Silk’s wife. And it’s true, I’m hot.” She paused then looked up at him. “I’m very hot. I want to feel you inside me. I want to feel your...your cock. I want it in my mouth. I want to feel it in my ass.”

  “Yeah,” Silk grinned, “Now I’ll be fuckin my little whore’s ass and my new wife’s ass at the same time. Ain’t that right?”

  “Yes, honey,” Lisa answered, “that’s what I am now, your little whore and your new wife.” She pulled his head down to her and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  “You love my prick up your ass, don’t you, bitch? You goddamn love it...tell me.” He glanced across at me and winked.

  “Yes, honey. You know I do. These past weeks I’ve learned love it when you fuck my ass. At first, I didn’t. I hated when you did that to me. But now I want it all the time. You can tell, can’t you? The way I make myself pretty for you...the way I wait for you to come home, the way I tease you...the way I crawl across the floor on my belly to you...the way I open myself for you. You know how hot I get when you take me. You can tell by how I move when you’re...when you’re in my ass. Surely you know how much I love you cum in my ass.”

  “Is that all?” Silk’s hand had moved down to stroke her oozing pussy.

  She placed her hand on top of his and pressed. “I want...want you to fuck me. Fuck me a lot. Whenever you want to fuck me, I’ll be ready. Wherever you want to fuck me, I’ll be wet for you.” She paused, the color rising to her cheeks. Silk withdrew his hand from between her legs.

  “My woman?” he asked. “Silk’s woman?”

  She reached for his hand but he held it back, “Yes...yes, now I’m really your woman.” She looked down at the floor and said more to herself than to him, “It’s almost a relief to be able to say it know, at last, that it’s true.” He waited for her to go on. “If...if…you want to give me to your friends and to strangers on the street, in bars, it doesn’t matter. I’ll always be pretty for you and dress the way you lik
e. I’ll make other men envy you. I’ll do things to make them know I’m your woman, make them see that I belong to you. I’ll always do what you want. I’ll make you proud of your wife...make you proud of your little whore.” She reached for his hand again and, taking it in hers, raised it to her lips and gently kissed his fingers. Looking directly at him she whispered, “I’m your woman, you must know it now, you must know I’m truly your woman...Silk’s woman...only yours.”

  Silk nodded in my direction, “But there’s still Billy?”

  “My feelings for Billy haven’t changed. But now you wear his wedding ring. I have made promises to you that I broke in my marriage to Billy. I won’t break them to you.”

  “Why not?” Silk grinned.

  “Because you are what I need. Of course, the words Billy just said don’t make this a legal marriage, but it doesn’t matter to me. What I feel matters.” She paused and looked down at the floor again.“Even in my heart, I feel I am now your wife,” she whispered. She brought his repulsive hand up to her lips and once more kissed his fingers. “I want to be your wife, and....and..... I want to be your whore.”

  I stood there, two feet in front of them, and watched her moist red lips gently touch the stained, grimy fingers of his left hand. He moved his right hand over her gown to cup her breast and squeeze it. Again the thought of my Lisa giving herself like this, with these intimate expressions of her mouth and her breasts to this foul smelling, arrogant, filthy bastard made me want to kill him. At the same time my cock was painfully rigid.


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