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Parlor Tricks

Page 3

by Mara Lee

  “Why am I even sweating this?” Sass muttered under her breath. Griffin Sampson wouldn’t be in town long. Even if the date was a total disaster, it wasn’t as if she had to worry about running into him around town.

  Everyone in Daring knew that Griffin couldn’t stand to stay too long in the ‘den of weird’ as he affectionately called their little town. It didn’t bother the townsfolk—much. They were weird. But even the weird needed a place to live.

  Founded in the late 17th century, Daring was a refuge for those who fled from the trials in Salem. Shielded by powerful magic and the will of one very determined witch, the inhabitants lived in peace, even though the world around them was shaken by terror, prejudice and gripped by horrific fear.

  Sass’s family had lived in Daring since the founding of the town. All her ancestors possessed strong magical abilities and it was expected that Sass would keep the tradition alive. She had attended The Academy, the finest magic school in Daring, and although she graduated with no honors her teachers had praised her work ethic and dedication. And in Daring, Massachusetts that was a high recommendation indeed.

  The Sampson family was almost as well known in Daring as the Riley’s. Hester Sampson, Tina and Griffin’s mother, had been a first-rate psychic and competent witch. She had tried to instill in Tina and Griffin a love of the magical arts. It seemed that the love only took with Tina. Of course, Henry Sampson, Tina and Griffin’s father, could have had something to do with Griffin’s distaste of magic.

  As rumors would have it, Henry Sampson had filed for divorce from Hester when he had come home to find the house overrun with bunnies—yes, the floppy-eared, pink-nosed kind. Hester had been practicing a simple trick for Tina’s birthday … and she had miscalculated. It could have happened to anyone.

  Even now the story made Sass smile. Too bad Mr. Sampson hadn’t found it amusing. He took most of the money, the car … and Griffin. He had taken Griffin.

  “Bastard,” Sass ground out. She didn’t understand how anyone could be so cruel. To take a child from his mother … it was absolutely unpardonable.

  Sass remembered the day she had learned Griffin would be leaving Daring. Tabitha Spencer—bane of her existence—had hexed her. It wasn’t a very good hex, only managing to kill her hair with static electricity. She had been working on summoning a spell strong enough to cause Tabitha—and only Tabitha—to be caught in a very strong thunderstorm, when Tina had come crying to her. Sass consoled her friend and learned of Griffin’s departure. It had shattered her.

  It was Sass’s secret and would remain her secret; she had longed for Griffin from the moment she learned what longing was.

  Oh, he had never paid her the slightest bit of attention. She had always been his kid sister’s gangly, all-too-serious friend. But that hadn’t mattered to Sass. She was content to hope.

  When Henry Sampson passed away and Griffin came back to Daring for his first visit in over ten years, Sass’s heart nearly stopped beating. No longer the cute boy she remembered, he was now tall, blindingly handsome, with a smile that could make her hormones rush into overdrive. Too bad he didn’t utilize that smile more often.

  Sass had told Henrietta all sorts of things about that night with Griffin. What she hadn’t told her was that from the moment Griffin kissed her she had known; she couldn’t stop. She was lost. How could she deny herself the pleasure of lying in Griffin’s arms when that was all she had dreamed of these many years?

  Sass stared out of her bedroom window at Tina’s house and sighed. It shouldn’t matter. She had had her night with Griffin. Wasn’t that what she had dreamed of? And did she have a right to be so greedy?

  Chapter Three

  Griffin shifted uncomfortably in his bed. He couldn’t sleep. He was plagued with very, very, erotic images of one Saskia Riley.

  When he had seen her at the grocery store it was as if someone had socked him in his stomach. There was something about her—something unbelievably familiar. And it wasn’t the fact that she and Tina had played together as children. He could barely remember what she looked like back then. He had a vague image in his mind’s eye of a small girl with large, solemn, gray eyes and a wealth of riotous hair that always seemed to hide her face.

  Saskia Riley. She had been his sister’s friend—always had her nose in the books.

  Griffin rubbed his eyes and rolled to his side. What in God’s name was wrong with him? It was just Saskia Riley, one of his sister’s weird friends.

  And yet—there was a smooth, pale limb, the curve of a breast, the shadow of things to come.

  “I have got to have my head examined,” Griffin muttered. He was thinking of Saskia naked—very naked. He was imagining what she looked like under that ugly brown dress she had been wearing tonight. How pale was her skin? Were her breasts as full as promised? Was her hair as dark below as it was above?

  “God!” Griffin jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. He splashed cold water over his face and took several deep breaths. “Get a hold of yourself man. Get a hold of yourself.”

  He couldn’t believe this. He was lusting after Tina’s oddball neighbor. And why, why, did he have this strange feeling that they had … touched before?

  * * * *

  Sass tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and swallowed. It was okay. It was going to be okay. She was just going to show Griffin around town. Nothing major—it was a simple, neighborly thing to do.

  Sass heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. She took a deep breath, turned the knob and opened the door.

  “Hello Saskia.” Griffin stood solemnly on the front porch.

  Sass desperately tried to settle her jitters. “Griffin. You look…” Sass tried to find the appropriate words. How did she say absolutely, positively, mouthwatering in a non-embarrassing way? “Nice.” She groaned inwardly. Now that was just lame.

  “Thank you. You look beautiful,” Griffin said, voice husky.

  Sass smiled and tempered down a blush. “Thanks.” She locked her door. “Uhm, should we go?”

  Griffin nodded. “Lead the way.”

  “I thought I’d show you the public gardens,” Sass said. “They’ve really bloomed since you’ve been away.”



  “The last time I looked there were no lights in the public garden.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “You’re right, there are no lights.”

  Griffin’s brow furrowed. “Then how…”

  Her answering smile was brilliant.

  * * * *

  Daring’s public gardens were magnificent. Set upon over two square miles, the garden was a true testament to the town’s magic.

  It mattered little what time of year it was, weather conditions, or quick changes in the atmosphere; in Daring Massachusetts the gardens always bloomed.

  Sass led Griffin by the hand. She innately knew where she was going. Once she reached the center of the gardens she stopped.

  “Saskia…” Griffin sighed, “I can’t see anything.”

  Sass let go of Griffin’s hand and opened her palm. She concentrated on pulling the necessary elements out of the air and then focused on centering them. Within moments a bright ball of light formed in her hand. She tossed the light up in the air, illuminating the magnificent gardens.

  Griffin stood—mouth gaping open—eyes wide.

  Sass dimmed the light slightly and turned to a shocked Griffin. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Griffin blinked.

  Sass held out her hand. “Come with me?” She asked.

  Griffin nodded mutely, accepting her offered hand. When they had walked a short way, he found his voice. “What is this?” He asked in awe.

  Sass breathed in the scent of the sweet air and smiled beatifically. “Magic, Griff. It’s magic.”

  * * * *

  Griffin took in the lush plants, sturdy trees and vibrant flowers and shook his head in wonder. It was beautiful, it was alive. In this time, a time when
things were dying … this stunning place was alive.

  Griffin shook his head. “I don’t understand any of this, Saskia.”

  Sass closed her eyes. “Perhaps there is nothing to understand, Griff.”

  “This garden shouldn’t be alive. There shouldn’t be any light. We shouldn’t be able to see anything…” Griffin broke off helplessly.

  Sass opened her eyes and took both of Griffin’s hands in hers. “Do you believe what you see, Griff?”

  Griffin swallowed. “Usually.”

  “And seeing is believing,” Sass said, repeating the town’s mantra.

  Griffin sucked in a deep breath. “This shouldn’t be,” He said firmly.

  “Magic,” Sass whispered.

  “Magic isn’t real, Saskia.”

  Sass laughed. “Then what is, Griff?”

  Griffin pulled his hands from Sass’s and looked around helplessly. “Not this. This is an illusion.”


  “How are you doing it?” Griffin asked.

  Sass sighed. “Though you can’t believe it … can you not merely try to enjoy it?”

  Griffin clenched his hands into fists, warring with himself. It was beautiful. This place was beautiful … and it eased him … soothed him. The fragrant scent of blooming flowers teased his nose and the large open branches of the swaying trees called to him. This is what he missed. In the city, ‘the concrete jungle’, there was none of this to calm him. No hint of the magic of nature existed.

  Sass kicked off her shoes and buried her feet in the lush grass. She opened her arms wide and began to twirl around and around, letting the air caress her face and whip through her dress.

  She hadn’t been sure how Griffin would react to the sight of the gardens, but she had to take him—she had to chance it. If there was anything that could make him believe in magic—it was this.

  “Take down your hair.” Griffin’s voice had deepened

  Sass stopped and turned to face Griffin. “What?”

  Griffin stepped closer. “Take down your hair, Saskia.”

  Sass touched her hair. “Why?”

  “Because I want you to,” Griffin answered softly.

  Saskia swallowed. With trembling fingers she pulled the pins out of her hair. One by one her long black curls came undone, spilling in vast profusion to her waist.

  Griffin reached out and captured a curl in between his fingers. He ran the soft tendril around, taking in its texture and warmth. He brought it up to his nose and breathed in its sweet scent.

  His eyes were bright. “You smell like flowers…”

  “Gard … gard … gardenias…” Sass murmured. “I use gardenia essence in my hair.”

  Griffin wrapped one arm around Sass’s waist and drew her flush against his body. He pushed the thick mass of her hair away from her neck, bent and placed a kiss on her heated flesh.

  Sass shivered.

  Griffin growled. It wasn’t enough. He had to know. He had to know; was she in his dreams … or was she the dream?

  Griffin unsnapped the buttons on the back of her dress and gently pushed the fabric past her shoulders. The top of the dress fell, and pooled about her waist. Griffin ran his hand gently around the side of Sass’s full breast, testing its weight, learning its silky smoothness.

  “You are so beautiful,” Griffin murmured. He cupped both of her breasts in his large hands and began to gently message the firm globes.

  Sass moaned softly.

  Griffin pressed Sass down to the grass and for a moment was content just to take in her serene beauty. With her jet-black hair haloing her head and her milky white face flushed and open, she melded seamlessly with the beauty of the garden.

  Griffin stretched out beside her and ran a finger down her flawless cheek. “Saskia … you take my breath away.” And because he could no longer resist the temptation she presented, he leaned over and captured one hard, taut, nipple in his mouth.

  Sass gasped and arched toward him.

  Griffin wrapped his arms solidly about her back and brought her ripe flesh firmly against his mouth. He ran his tongue over the pebbled beauty of her and reached down to pull her dress up. Shifting, he moved his long, hard, length against her, and dipped his fingers between her thighs.

  “Griffin…” Sass opened her legs, thrust against him, and begged him with her actions to take more.

  He did.

  Sliding his fingers beneath the silk of her panties, he teased her soft flesh. He gently parted the folds of her delicate pussy and inserted the tip of his thick finger into her welcoming channel. When she widened her legs, he thrust further.

  “So wet … you’re so wet, Saskia…” Griffin slid one finger, to the hilt, into her pussy and stilled. He waited until she squirmed and begged him with her questing hands to continue. He added a second and then a third finger and began a slow, tortuous dance. He located her hard nub, shielded by her cushy, slick fold and began to tweak it, pull at it, rub it unmercifully. He groaned when he felt hot liquid pool even thicker down his hand. She was soaking him.

  “Griff … oh … Griff…” Sass ground herself against his talented fingers and grabbed at his back. “Please … please…”

  Griffin quickened his movements. And when her breath came out in shallow pants he dropped his head to her breast to suck and tease. He rolled her nipples around in his hot mouth, never stopping the frantic movement of his fingers.

  Sass dropped her hands to the grass and dug them as deep as they would go into the fertile soil.

  Griffin began to scissor his fingers back and forth within her weeping flesh and when he felt the soft inner muscles of her pussy plump and throb he scraped his teeth across her sensitive nipples.

  Sass’s moans turned into screams. She locked her legs around Griffin’s fingers, and with a final thrust … came.

  Sass lay, panting heavily, in the grass. She knew her hair was beyond repair, as it stuck in sweaty clumps about her face. Looking down, she could see stains marring her dress. And the cool air massaging her heated flesh was a welcome relief.

  Sass knew she was blushing furiously. Her face felt as if it were on fire. “Well, some first date,” she said, trying to be glib.

  Griffin’s mouth turned up at the corners. “You make it sound like it’s come to the end.”

  Sass shook her head so quickly she heard a crack. Ouch. “No … I mean … we just…”

  “Started?” Griffin smiled wider when Sass blushed harder. “I hope so. I really hope so, Saskia.”

  Sass sat up and began to right her dress. Her eyes popped open and she shifted to the side. “My panties are torn.”

  Griffin laughed. “I should hope so.”

  Sass swallowed. “What am I going to do? I’m not really the … uh … commando sort of girl.”

  Griffin leaned forward until his breath tickled Sass’s ear and said, “Live a little.”

  She bit her lip, but her eyes twinkled mischievously. “Only if you will.”

  He laughed, got to his feet and deftly unbuttoned his pants—letting them fall to his ankles.

  Sass’s eyes widened. “Aren’t you full of surprises?”

  “Not as uptight as you would think, am I?” Griffin said with a smirk.

  Sass got to her knees and scooted toward him. She saw his eyes light and widen with sudden knowledge just before she reached up and enveloped his hard cock within her soft, warm hand.

  She quickly cast a moisture spell and smiled gratefully when her hand became slick. She ran her fingers down the hard, pulsing length of him and then swept her palm over his straining head.

  Griffin clenched his teeth. “Saskia…”

  Sass began to pump steadily with her hand, her fingers teasing his balls every time they came in contact.

  “Saskia … that feels…” Griffin’s head dropped back and he couldn’t suppress a moan.

  Sass quickened her pumps, adding gentle squeezes and the slight scrape of nails to the foray.

  She looked up at
Griffin and smiled. “Hand or mouth?”

  Griffin moaned and gasped out, “What?”

  Never breaking her smooth, expert pumps Sass said, “My hand or my mouth … how would you like to finish it?”

  Griffin’s laugh was strained.

  Sass had her answer. With firm hands she pushed him back. When Griffin was lying on his back, she straddled his legs and swooped down to take his hard flesh into her hot, wet mouth.

  Griffin’s breath came out in shallow pants.

  She ran her tongue down the prominent vein on the side of his cock and traced the delicate path to his balls. She cupped his heavy sac and then returned her mouth to his head. She sucked the head vigorously and then opened her mouth wide to take him in fully. Relaxing her throat muscles, she allowed his hard flesh to slide all the way to the back of her throat. She stilled—settling him there. And then, with hands massaging his balls, she began to press her lips together and contract her throat.

  The friction drove Griffin over the edge. Tensing wildly, he thrust himself forward, tangling his hands within her thick hair.

  “God … Saskia … Saskia … I’m … oh baby…” Griffin tightened his grip on her hair.

  Sass slowly drew her mouth up, curling her lips to drag roughly over his straining flesh. Just when she heard him let out a deep breath she resumed her feverish sucking.

  She heard Griffin’s ragged pants and felt the strain of his body. When his hips bucked and his thighs clenched tightly, she wrapped her lips firmly around his cock and gave one slow, wet, drag up his length.

  With a shout and a curse, he came.

  Sass swallowed once, twice, three times and then lay her head weakly against his quivering belly.

  She smiled. And on a whisper, asked, “Want to live again?”

  Chapter Four

  Sass tried not to be nervous as she and Griffin approached Henrietta’s home. But it was hard, really hard.

  The moment she and Griffin had left the gardens he seemed to draw into himself. The smile that had graced his face was gone, replaced by lines of worry and strain. His eyes had dulled and his posture had stiffened. There was no trace of the passionate, tender, eager man she had just touched.


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