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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

Page 14

by Jolynn Raymond

  He dipped his finger under the fabric and it skimmed the rosy circles of her areolas. Alliana had to bite her lips to keep still; she wanted to bolt from his touch. The garment barely covered her breasts, coming to just above her nipples. She felt as if they would spill out if she bent forward. Alliana imagined he would be delighted and laugh with glee if they actually did in front of his minions. She had never worn something so revealing in her life and felt almost naked. The turquoise satin of the gown clung to every curve of her bodice and waist, and her corset thrust her breasts up in an obscene way. She’d never had to wear one of the vile contraptions before setting foot in the castle, and found them most constrictive. It forced her body into a most unnatural shape that was extremely unappealing and uncomfortable.

  When his touch received no response from her, Mikhal stepped back and held out his arm. “Come, Alliana, I know my minions are anxious to meet their new Lady. They will be quite charmed with your beauty and grace, my Love, and quite inflamed by your form.”

  Alliana stared at him with dull eyes, seeking to retreat behind the walls she’d built around her heart, and shut out the evening that was to come. She was certain that his evil army would speak to her with words of reverence, but it was clear she was no true Lady. What type of Lady was displayed like a prized possession to be lusted over? He would speak the words and his minions would go through the motions, but behind her back everyone would talk. Her people would brand her a traitor and Mikhal's would brand her a Gypsy whore. Besides, all who resided in the castle knew that Marishka was the true Lady in residence. Alliana’s only hope was that as her body swelled with his child, she would be allowed to remain in her chambers. She knew she would be expected to take her daily walks, but she prayed she could hide the remainder of the time.

  "So quiet my Sweet, I will not tolerate sulking. Do not think you can sit there, deaf and mute and act as if you aren’t a part of the celebration. That would make me most unhappy. You will sit by my side and smile at my men throughout the night. No tears or pouting will be permitted. You will be ever so charming with one and all. I'm sure my minions will want to come and kiss your hand, and I will allow them to do so. When I do, you will accept their attentions graciously. Do you understand Pet?"

  "I understand, My Lord. "

  “Very good, Alliana.”

  “My Lord...”

  “Yes Alliana?”

  “I don’t sulk and pout.” She held her chin high and looked him in the eyes, daring him to say differently. Her pride had its limits and Alliana knew she had done well in maintaining her dignity the majority of her time in the castle. She wouldn’t let him accuse her of pouting. That activity was reserved for Marishka. From what she had observed, Mikhal the Merciless’s sister, was a master at that particular game.

  "No my sweet, you don’t, do you? It’s one of the qualities I find endearing. Let us be off. Your kingdom waits." That said, Mikhal took a very reluctant Alliana by the elbow and walked her down to meet the masses.

  Alliana took a deep breath as they prepared to descend the stairs to the main hall. Her knees were weak and her heart was pounding, but she stood tall. Nothing on Earth could make her lean on Mikhal for support. She would do this under her own power, having as little contact with him as possible. Halfway down the long stone staircase Mikhal paused so that he was certain of making a grand entrance. Alliana drew in her breath once more and steeled herself for what was to come. If she were lucky, she would be able to keep her emotions tucked away and let blissful numbness create a buffer between her and reality.

  "That’s right Pet, head up, my men are waiting. And smile my Dear, you wouldn’t want anyone to think you were unhappy now would you? You are my bride, and should be glowing with pride." He chuckled and squeezed her arm until she winced and forced a smile onto her face.

  "Much better Alliana. Do not disappoint me tonight.”

  Mikhal placed an arm around Alliana’s waist and pulled her close as they continued their descent. The crowd fell silent as they watched their Lord come down the stairs with his Gypsy bride. Even though she kept her gaze above them all, Alliana could feel their eyes upon her. A murmur began to sweep through those gathered and whispered bits of conversation reached her ears.

  "New Lady ... Gypsy thief ... carries ... heir ... lovely... take her too... "

  "Look at your adoring minions, my dear. Do you hear their whispers? They are admiring your charms and wishing they had been able to bed you themselves. Why I believe I see lust shining in the eyes of many of my men, perhaps I was correct in my assumption that they will need to find a human of their own to torment tonight after seeing my prize. Your people can be such fun playthings."

  Alliana clenched her teeth and hissed at him “Stop it.”

  His hand tightened on her elbow, turning his tight hold into a bruising grip. “You would be wise to hold your tongue from here on out, Pet. I will allow no breech of discipline in front of my men. As it is, your pride will pay for your insolence.”

  He lewdly reached over and stroked her belly with a supremely satisfied smirk on his face causing the men to yell wildly. Mikhal reveled in their excitement for what seemed like an eternity, and then raised his hand for silence.

  "My loyal followers, your cheers are very gratifying. We have waited far too long for an occasion such as this, and I want everyone here to celebrate." A loud roar of shouts again rose from the minions gathered below. Mikhal beamed in their delight. This was his shining moment. His reign of glory had begun. He was Master of everything and everyone around him.

  Alliana stood stiffly beside him, a false smile frozen on her face, her eyes focused on a shuttered window, high in the castle wall. She was trying to let her mind recede to a place far away. Somewhere she could be if she were able to soar through the open portal and escape her hell.

  "Alliana Dear, my men will think you don’t care for them if you refuse to look at them." He hissed in her ear, bringing her back from her fantasy. "Do not take my threats lightly, Pet. If I am not satisfied with your behavior tonight, there will be consequences. Do I need to name a few?"

  Alliana gave a slight shake of her head and looked down upon the cheering men. They were beastly. Most of them looked like the murdering vampires that they were, not bothering with their human form. Unkempt hair and beards, torn and bloody clothing, filthy hands and faces, canine teeth protruding from their mouths, eyes blazing with an unholy light. They were horrid and barbaric. How was she supposed to move among them and smile? How on earth did he expect her to do such a thing? She gave an involuntary shiver and Mikhal chuckled.

  "Not exactly to your liking, my Sweet? Perhaps you will gain a new appreciation for me. Remember that once my son is born I can easily turn you over to them.” The fact that she was his mate made Mikhal’s statement somewhat of a lie, but Alliana was ignorant of the fact. In truth, Mikhal didn’t think he would have much trouble abandoning his troublesome female if she proved too disappointing. It could and would be done. He didn’t plan to be caught in the tangled, troublesome web that mating could bring. He was above all that, far too strong and full of power.

  “Which do you think would be preferable, being my wife, or being a whore for the entire lot of them? You will learn to be grateful in time. Until then you will simply be my obedient little bride." He reached out and held her chin in his hand. Tilting her head back, Mikhal gave her a long deep kiss. Her stomach revolted at the feel and taste of his tongue in her mouth, but she submitted meekly to his display of dominance. The men’s cheers rose to an ear splitting level, and then finally quieted when Mikhal broke the kiss and again raised his hand for silence.

  "My faithful minions, it gives me great pleasure to present my new bride. Men, this is your new Mistress, and the mother of my heir. I give you Alliana, Lady of Arcos Castle." This time the cheers were deafening. Mikhal and Alliana proceeded down the steps towards the mass of vampires in the great hall to a chorus of shouts and whistles, while Mikhal beamed with satisfact
ion and pride.

  As they came to the bottom of the steps, a young handsome vampire emerged from the crowd and approached them. Unlike the others he was clean and well dressed. No hint of his demonic self was evident. He walked with an almost regal bearing and Alliana instantly noticed the difference between him and the other minions in the hall. He piqued her curiosity.

  "Ah, Lucian, isn’t she lovely? This is your new Mistress. Alliana, this is Lucian, my highest minion in command."

  The vampire stared at Alliana. His eyes glowing amber, as he took in her face and form. He didn’t care much for humans, and this new ‘Lady’ was no exception. A smile appeared on his face as he reached out and took her hand, but it didn’t reach his evil eyes. Looking at her serenely, he brought it to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss, but his finger furtively stroked her palm for an instant, just as Mikhal’s had done during the wedding, before he let it go. The act appeared very gentlemanly but Alliana knew it wasn't meant to be; his touch made her skin crawl, and sent the message that he held no respect for her, and the look he gave her made it clear he knew she detested his touch. His smirk also let her know that he found the fact, very amusing. Alliana feared she had made yet another enemy among the castle inhabitants.

  "I agree, Sire, she is lovely. It is a pleasure to meet you My Lady. Let me be the first to congratulate you on the news of your son. I am thrilled that we will soon have an heir in our midst. Please follow me, your kingdom awaits."

  “Lucian, has Marishka arrived?”

  “No, My Lord. Not yet.” That said he turned back to Alliana. “This way, My Lady.”

  Alliana allowed herself to briefly look upon Lucian with the contempt she felt, and then she quickly put a delighted smile back upon her face hoping that Mikhal had not noticed her breech of manners. To her relief he hadn't. He had been looking at Lucian.

  Lucian had met her look of disdain steadily and increased his own smile when she glowered at him. He even had the audacity to wink once Mikhal set his eyes about the great hall in search of his sister. Anger boiled up inside her, but Alliana held her tongue. She had a feeling that she and this vampire were going to cross paths many times in the future and it would be best if he did not have even more reasons to dislike her. If Lucian held the highest rank in Mikhal's army, he would be a dangerous man to provoke. Mikhal would hold the worst of the evil minions in the castle in high regard; therefore Lucian must be horrid despite his appearance.

  Before responding to Lucian, Alliana let her eyes wander around the grand hall. She was well aware that everyone there already hated her, but there was certainly no reason to incite them further. It wasn't the vampire's scorn that hurt her. They didn't matter at all. She felt the same way about them. It was the rejection by her own people that wounded her the worst. None of the servants or the serfs from the village below would meet her eyes. Alliana knew they all thought she was a traitor or a Gypsy whore, and it cut into her heart. She had no place left in this world where she could find compassion or friendship. She was truly alone at the worst time of her life. Well there was nothing to be done about it now. Mikhal wanted her to be sweet so she would be. To do otherwise would be foolhardy. She smiled at Lucian and gave him an innocent look.

  "Thank you for your warm welcome, and your offer of assistance Lucian. You are very kind. Please lead the way."

  Mikhal held her close as Lucian turned to lead them to their seats. He leaned in and whispered in her ear as they walked through the crowd.

  "You are doing very well Alliana. See that you continue to please me this evening. Many of my men will be coming up to be introduced to you and I expect that charming smile to stay on your face. Do you understand, Pet?"

  "Yes My Lord."

  "Very good my Dear. Here we are. Have a seat and we will begin. I'm sure my men are dying to meet their new Mistress. You are to extend your hand to every one of them. No one is to be slighted no matter how repulsive you may find them."

  "Yes My Lord." Alliana muttered. The smile was plastered on her face and she was trying to steel herself for the ordeal to come. She had no idea how she was going to get through the entire night in the company of the evil creatures she saw before her. They all looked as though they would love to either sink their fangs into her throat or defile her right there in front of everyone.

  She sat unmoving, as the receiving line formed before her, trying to prepare herself for the disgusting task of greeting the vampires. Gathering her inner strength, Alliana extended her hand to the first man in line as he took a knee, and took a gulp of air to force the bile back into her stomach. She found that she could keep the smile upon her face if she balled her other hand into a fist and dug her fingernails into her palm. No one seemed to know or care that her smile was in truth a grimace of pain as she gave the first man a polite nod of recognition and murmured a quiet "Thank you," to his greeting and congratulations concerning Mikhal's evil son.

  Alliana sat stiffly in the massive chair at Mikhal’s side, as the endless procession of demons came forward to be presented to her. Each one took her hand and brought it to their lips. The feel of their wet mouths and smell of their fetid breath nauseated her. Every one of them raked their eyes over her face and body, lingering on her breasts and admiring the way the silky material of her gown clung to her every curve. A few of the demons even went so far as to grin lewdly at her and compliment Mikhal on his good taste. Some of them actually dripped spittle from their mouths as their piercing eyes undressed her. Through it all Mikhal sat with a smirk on his face enjoying her discomfort and feeling immensely pleased with himself. Finally the hideous introductions came to an end and Alliana was left to simply sit in her chair and watch what was happening before her.

  Just as she settled back, thinking the worst was over; a hush came over the great hall. All eyes rose to the top of the grand staircase and fixed upon the lovely Marishka who was poised there to make her grand entrance. She stood above the masses, beaming, dressed in a gown of gold, Andor on her arm, and slowly began her descent.

  Mikhal rose to his feet, smiling, not at all perturbed that she was late for his party, and took a step towards the staircase. Alliana looked around her at the hideous mass of creatures and reached for Mikhal’s arm. It was clear he intended to go and greet his sister, and it terrified Alliana to think of being left alone. She knew no one would hurt her, but the thought of any of the vampires even being close enough to touch her frightened her beyond reason.

  Feeling her hand on his arm, Mikhal turned, curious. He’d forgotten all about his new bride for the moment. “What is it, Alliana?”

  “Don’t leave me here, My Lord. Please.”

  “Do my minions frighten you so much?”

  Though she was loathed to admit it, Alliana chose to confess. “Only in this quantity, my husband.”

  “Very well, Sweet. Come along.” She rose and he slipped an arm about her waist, easily moving her through the crowd, which parted before them. They reached the stairs just as Marishka and Andor came to the bottom, and the other pair paused one step above, holding the advantage of their position.

  Mikhal released her and reached for Marishka, holding her elbows as he kissed each cheek, then lifting her so was standing on the floor before him. Andor had no choice but to follow suit and step down. “You look lovely, sister Dear. I was afraid you weren’t coming.”

  “Such a silly boy. Of course I was coming. I wouldn’t miss your party, Mikhal. I was simply occupied until very late.” She turned, a smirk on her face, ready to taunt Alliana with details about her time spent with the child, and froze, when her eyes spotted the mating mark on Alliana’s neck.

  Marishka reached out as if to touch Alliana, wanting to lay her fingers on the bite mark, but Mikhal brought up his arm and pulled Alliana from her reach, even as he stepped forward between the two women.

  “What did you do?” Marishka’s voice was a piercing shriek that could be heard above the voices in the great hall.

  “We shall discuss
it later Marishka. Calm down. It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing! Nothing? Did you mate her? Did you make this Gypsy whore your mate? How could you?”

  “Calm down at once, Marishka. I insist. This isn’t the place for this discussion.” Alliana had recoiled from her words and stood half hiding behind Mikhal. She had never seen Marishka in such a rage. Again Alliana wondered at the meaning of the word mating. Mikhal’s action seemed to be causing quite a stir among all who saw the mark.

  “How could you Mikhal? She was to be but a whelping bitch. You said she was a toy. You said you just wanted a son from her body, and nothing more. You promised things weren’t going to change.” The pout had come out and great tears welled in Marishka’s eyes. Her temper hadn’t gotten her the desired effect, now it was time for theatrics.

  “I said we will speak of it later, Love. Come and enjoy the party, nothing has changed. You are still my sweet sister. You know how much I love you Darling. I don’t want you to be upset.”

  Alliana couldn’t believe how easily Marishka manipulated Mikhal. Either that or he truly wanted to pacify her here at the party. Whichever it was, the display was sickening. She looked up from her musing to find Andor’ eyes upon her and the cold look of hatred in them made her shiver. Alliana realized that once again she was being blamed for his Mistresses’ woes.

  The other vampire tightened his arm around his Lady. “Come Mistress Marishka. Allow me to lead you to the banquet table where a servant can fetch you some delectable sweets. I shall tend to you myself until the music starts and then I shall dance the night away with you in my arms.” He stroked her side as he said the soft words, his fawning making Alliana ill. Both he and Mikhal were so eager to please Marishka it was nauseating.

  “Thank you Andor. You are so good to me.” Marishka gave a pointed look at Mikhal, one that stated loud and clear that he certainly wasn’t being good to her, and allowed Andor to lead her across the hall to the great table. Alliana watched her go as Mikhal’s arm tight about her waist. He led her back to their prominent chairs, a stormy look of rage upon his face. She could feel all eyes upon her as she went, and knew most there hated her for upsetting the ‘real’ Lady Arcos.


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