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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

Page 36

by Jolynn Raymond

  “You’re insane. Enid, you can’t allow this. You know she is speaking nonsense.”

  Enid looked up from where she still held Thalia by the hair. The servant was cowering on the floor, terrified. “I can and I will. I too saw the tray full of food. You have defied me for the last time and have become far too uppity and insolent while Mikhal has been gone, before that in fact. He has gone too easy on you, but tonight all that will stop. He isn’t here now, and Marishka is the Mistress of the castle. I agree that you need to be punished. I have been forced to tolerate far too much from you, but Marishka is under no such oath.”

  “Lucian is in charge, and beating me may hurt the very child you both claim to be punishing me for! As for Thalia, she did nothing but follow Lucian’s orders. He said the tray could be taken away. I know Mikhal would not want her beaten for this.”

  “You know no such thing. Mikhal never said she couldn’t be beaten. Either way it won’t matter when he hears of her crime.”

  Enid yanked Thalia to her feet and delivered a vicious slap to the woman's face.

  "Stupid human! It is very possible that Mikhal will turn you over to his entire clan when he hears of your incompetence, and I can assure both of you that he will hear every word of this. He shall know Lucian has shirked his duties as well. The man is a traitor. I’m taking her away, Marishka. I’m sure one of the minions will have fun toying with her until you are ready for her correction. Mikhal will not care what kind of shape she is in when he hears of her crimes."

  "No, wait! Thalia was only doing as she was ordered by Lucian and me."

  Marishka licked her lips, eyes glittering with anticipation for all the pain and games the night was to bring. "Lucian is nothing but a traitor, and you are a Gypsy whore. Take the servant away, Enid. I need to see to my brother’s dear wife."

  Enid paused for a moment, suddenly debating the wisdom of her next actions, but then decided that allowing Marishka a bit of fun was best. If she left now, Mikhal’s uppity wife would get what was coming to her. She had become increasingly rude and brazen during her daily exams, refusing to move when told, ignoring questions, lying there as if she couldn’t hear a word said to her, acting as if Enid weren’t even in the room. Her behavior peeved the midwife to no end. Enid felt she should be shown reverence by the lowly Gypsy and given full cooperation, not ignored like some servant. That type of behavior from a human could not be tolerated regardless of who she was. A few lashings from Marishka would give her a taste of what would happen again if she didn’t become more respectful. All she would need do was to be sure to return in a few minutes, so Marishka could do no real harm.

  “I said, take her away. Let me have my fun and teach Mikhal’s whore a lesson. It will be such a joy.” A pout suddenly appeared on her lips and Marishka looked at Enid, eyes big, begging. “I haven’t had fun in such a long time, dear Enid. You keep me cooped up in my rooms. Shouldn’t I have some fun now?”

  Marishka held her hand out to Enid, her head cocked to the side, a small smile on her lips. Enid looked at her once again, debating the wisdom of what she was about to do, then let her own anger at Alliana’s behavior win out. She removed the thick leather belt that cinched her waist and handed the leather strap to Marishka, giving a quick nod.

  Thalia gasped in horror at the sight of it and began to cry as Enid pulled and dragged her away. Alliana cringed, shocked and horrified by the turn of events, and tried to slide to the other side of the bed, but Marishka quickly brought the strap down across her arms and chest eliciting a shriek of pain. At the sound of Alliana’s agony, Marishka’s laughter rang out in delight, and her eyes lit up with satisfaction.

  "I’ve wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you strutting so smugly into my castle. A few blows about your legs and chest will not hurt the baby, and my Mikhal will be so pleased with me when he returns and finds out that I dealt with your deceit. He wouldn’t do this himself because he would be too worried about his son, but I know that if I’m careful I can have you groveling at my feet in pain without harming the little brat.”

  “Marishka, no, please.” Alliana hated to beg but she couldn’t help herself. She was terrified, and the one welt that Marishka had already inflicted blazed with an unbearable scorching heat.

  Marishka merely looked at her, savoring her pleas, relishing in the beating she was about to deliver. “Being Mikhal's whelping bitch won't protect you tonight."

  Marishka again brought the belt down with glee and shouted out triumphantly when Alliana screamed from the pain while Enid reached the doorway with the struggling Thalia. The servant was horrified by what was being done to Alliana and terrified by what was in store for her own self, and her terror gave her the will to fight back. Kicking and scratching wildly she pulled loose from Enid, knowing that to strike the witch hag would most likely mean certain death, but she didn’t care; Thalia had to save herself and try to save her Mistress as well, she simply had to.

  Enid cried out in shocked pain at the assault, and Thalia took off running. She knew her only hope was to find Lucian and beg for mercy. He had been basically kind, and it was his orders she and Alliana had been following.

  "You fool!" Marishka howled when she heard Enid’s cry of agony and saw Thalia escaping down the stairs. “Go get her! If she finds Lucian, the others will obey his commands and I will not be able to enjoy my games."

  Marishka’s expression was part pout and part fury, and Enid had seen that look far too many times in the past. She hobbled after the fleeing maid, knowing she couldn’t catch her but trying nevertheless, hoping to find a servant along the way who would assist her in the chase.

  Dismissing Enid without another glance, Marishka turned back to Alliana who was cowering on the far side of the bed with the furs pulled up to her chin. Part of her mind screamed at her to get up and run from her husband’s insane sister, but another part was so filled with terror at the sight of Marishka hovering over her with the hideous belt that she couldn’t move. Surely, she reasoned, Marishka would only administer a few blows because of her condition. As mad as she was, Marishka still knew that Mikhal was the Master of the castle and he would kill anyone who hurt his son.

  She turned frightened eyes towards the psychotic vampiress and watched in frozen terror as Marishka raised the strap over her head once more, knowing all was lost as Marishka’s eyes stared back at her full of hate and fury. In that instant it became crystal clear. This would be no few lashes, oh no, Mikhal the Merciless’s sister had completely lost her mind, and she wouldn’t be able to stop herself once she began her act of bloody revenge. She hissed at Alliana, her demon emerging, fangs glistening in the firelight, and Alliana’s blood turned cold.

  "Your days of pampering are over, Gypsy whore. It’s time you got your due."

  Marishka ripped the protective furs off Alliana, her razor sharp nails leaving a gash in the woolen nightgown as she did, until Alliana sat shivering before her, hands over her face, beyond terror, knowing the thin fabric of her gown would serve little barrier between her skin and the belt. Marishka then began to bring the wicked tool of punishment down again and again, raining blows on Alliana’s legs and tender breasts.

  When Alliana moved her arms to shield her chest, Marishka delivered a blow to her face. The pain was excruciating, blinding Alliana’s brain screamed for her to flee from the relentless strap, over riding the part of her that had been frozen from fear, knowing nothing but an urgent need to stop the agonizing pain.

  Alliana rolled to her side and fell heavily onto the floor as she dodged the burning blows, a pain of a different kind shooting through her back as she landed. Marishka screeched with glee, loving the chase, the scent of Alliana’s fear filling her nostrils, and raced around the bed as Alliana tried to crawl away, knowing her prey was trapped.

  Marishka advanced on her and continued the whipping, laughing ranting, howling with delight. Alliana crouched on the floor in a show of submission, but still the crazed woman wouldn’t stop, couldn
’t stop. She was manic in her rage, dancing and twirling with the belt, spinning and bringing it down over and over. All of her anger towards Alliana and the resentment she felt because of the attention Mikhal showed the despised Gypsy bitch kept her beating the hapless woman without thought or mercy.

  Alliana curled into a ball with her hands over her head, trying to protect herself, and yes, trying to save the child that grew inside her. He was of her hated husband, but now he mattered, just like the life she had so recently all but given up on. She didn’t want to die, not like this, not at the hands of Marishka.

  Alliana made herself as small as possible and screamed out in her head for someone to save her. Someone, anyone, be it Lucian or even Mikhal the Merciless himself. She didn’t want to die and she didn’t want to lose her baby, but she was helpless to save herself. Her whole body was on fire and bright red flashes of pain were exploding behind her eyelids. Alliana felt herself growing dizzy and she let the blackness overtake her while Marishka’s shrieks rang in her ears. She simply couldn’t hang on any longer, so with the only cry she allowed to slip from her lips, Alliana let herself slip into the welcoming darkness. There was after all, no one who would listen to her, no one would save her, not here; not in the prison she was forced to call home.

  Little did Alliana know though, there was someone who heard. Mikhal heard his wife across the miles, heard her loud and clear. As he was about to urge his horse into the Gypsy camp to steal Natalya away, the cry for help came to him from Alliana soul, and he froze for a moment in shock. Her pain burned inside him, her terror cried out to him. Every ounce of her agony filled Mikhal even though he was so very far away.

  Jerking back into action, Alliana’s terror knifing through him, he sawed back on the reins of his horse’s bridle and dug his heels into its sides. The beast rose up, startled by his Master’s sudden viciousness and neighed loudly, causing the camp dogs to begin a chorus of yelping and snarling that quickly turned into whines of terror when they sensed the essence of the man who trespassed into their domain.

  Mikhal charged into the camp at full gallop, a mad cry upon his lips. He would rouse these people and take this Natalya at once. There was no time to bargain, no time to explain, and certainly no time for niceties. He had to get home. Once again his mate was in danger and he wasn’t there. He would get back to the castle at once and so help Lucian and everyone there if one hair on Alliana’s glorious head had been harmed, his realm would see a wave of terror like they had never experienced before.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Mikhal raced through the camp, crisscrossing it back and forth, snarling, yelling for its occupants to wake up, then leapt from his mount and grabbed a thick branch from a stack of gathered wood. He then went from wagon to wagon, banging upon the sides of each, calling out for the woman named Natalya to appear before him.

  One by one the doors at the back of the small homes opened to emit angry and terrified men of all ages. They were then quickly slammed shut, stifling the cries of the women and children who remained within. When the Gypsy men had formed a makeshift circle around the inner camp, Mikhal shoved one man aside and strode to the center to face them, full game face on.

  “I’ve come for the one named Natalya. Give her to me at once, and there will be no bloodshed.”

  A man with dark eyes and wild, long locks of hair stepped forward, a grim expression upon his face. His clothes were threadbare and his cheeks a bit gaunt, but his body was well muscled from endless days of labor. Mikhal could see fear within the black depths of his stare, but he could also see a firm resolve. He knew the man would be trouble if not dealt with immediately. As his adversary opened his mouth to speak, Mikhal held up a hand to silence him, snarling, eyes flashing with unholy light, baring his fangs.

  “Save your speeches. I am here for the woman named Natalya, and I care not if she is your sister or your wife. She is coming with me at once, and I don’t have time to argue. Here is enough silver to fill your pockets for the rest of your days. Take it and be happy I left you with something other than memories. Refuse, and I shall slaughter every child in this clan.”

  The man who had boldly stepped forward spat on the ground, then looked back at Mikhal. His nostrils flared as he tried in vain to control his temper. His hands shook where they lay at his sides, balled into fists that were ready to do battle. He knew confronting Mikhal the Merciless was a foolish thing to do, but the man was demanding he give over his wife.

  “You took our Golden Child from us and now you would take my wife too? What happened to her? Is she dead? Do you look to replace her? Haven’t you received enough blood from this clan? My wife is not for sale. Leave us and return to the pits of hell from whence you came.”

  “Whomever this Natalya is could never replace my wife, and my reasons are not of your concern. I am here, and she will come with me. My demand is simple and straightforward. Are you too dense to comprehend it? Must I begin to make good on my threat? Once I begin, not one of the children here will survive.”

  With that Mikhal began to walk to the edge of the circle of men, ready to push through them, and make way to the nearest wagon. He knew he couldn’t carry through with his threat. Alliana would never forgive him if he slaughtered a child, especially for her sake, but he also was betting his bluff would work before harm came to any of the little ones who were hovering beneath their mother’s skirts in terror.

  Natalya’s husband grabbed his arm from behind, meaning to whirl Mikhal around and deliver a blow, but the vampire was too quick for him. Mikhal turned on him, and wrapped him in arms of steel in a split second, jerking Danior’s head back and baring his throat, stopping just before his razor sharp fangs pierced the tender flesh.

  “If you value your life and the lives of all who reside here, you will stop this folly. You are a foolish man to try and deny me what I came here for. Now you can either force me to make an example out of you by tearing your throat out, or you can do as you are told and fetch the one I seek. Which shall it be?”

  Mikhal truly didn’t want there to be any bloodshed in the camp Alliana had once called home, but the man in his grasp was truly trying his patience, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he resorted to violence to get his point across. The man needed to respond to Mikhal’s demands, and he needed to do it quickly, or he would soon feel the searing pain of his neck being ripped open. Luckily, before Danior could deny Mikhal yet again, a woman’s voice came from just outside the circled men. She pushed through them to face Mikhal, head held high, and repeated her command.

  “Turn him loose.”

  Mikhal looked up to see a red haired woman making her way towards him. He held her gaze with his amber eyes and snarled at her, expecting her to look away in fear, but Natalya didn’t even blink. He bit down ever so gently on Danior’s throat, producing twin drops of blood, which he quickly whisked away with his tongue, and still the woman didn’t flinch. Her stare remained bold, fixed, determined.

  Grinning, intrigued by the newcomer, Mikhal smirked at her, and backed off from Danior’s neck. “And who might you be, woman? I have no time for games. This is no business of yours, unless you are the one I seek.”

  “I assure you, my husband’s life is not a game to me. I am Natalya. Why have you come for me?” Her words were calm, collected, said in a strong voice, but she was shaking inside with terror, and Mikhal sensed it at once. Still, he admired her resolve. No one else who looked at her would have guessed her true feelings. She was brave like his Alliana. He had guessed that this Natalya would have fire during his musings, and knew it would be why she and Alliana were friends.

  “The why of it doesn’t matter; what matters is that I do. You belong to me now. I’m taking you back to my castle. Say your goodbyes quickly, so we can be off.” Mikhal was doing his best to be pleasant to the woman. She was Alliana’s friend after all, and he had no doubt she would inform Alliana of all that happened on this night. He would do well to act the gentleman if at all possible,
but either way, she was coming with him.

  “I have a right to know why I am being taken from my family.”

  Mikhal snarled; he had no time for this. He’d told the wench she was to come, and that should be sufficient. Respectfulness and reasoning were out of his element. Violence or riches were his norm in getting what he wanted, but Mikhal knew he had to use caution. Still, the silver had been paid and he’d issued his command. It was a simple matter in his mind’s eye. “You may come with me before or after I kill your husband and half the people here. It is your choice. I was hoping this wouldn’t have to become unpleasant.”

  Mikhal could feel the rage and fear sweep over Natalya at his words, but her eyes flashed at him nonetheless, maintaining only their show of anger. “Unpleasant? Unpleasant! Stealing me from my family in the middle of the night without explanation is unpleasant? Threatening to kill my husband, is merely unpleasant? You are a monster. What have you done to Alliana that requires me to go to her side?”

  “Enough!” Mikhal flung Danior away from him and stormed across the clearing to where Natalya stood. To her credit she didn’t flinch or try to run, instead she faced him boldly, her eyes demanding answers even though her blood was turning to ice in her veins and her heart was beating so hard she thought it might burst through her breast.

  Mikhal grabbed her arms and shook her hard, until her senses were jumbled and her knees became weak. “I have no time for insolence, especially from a woman. Your clan has been paid, your husband will buy a new bride.”


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