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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Taken

Page 46

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Have you something to say, you vile creature?” Pain, terror, hatred, rolled off of her in waves along with desperation; Mikhal released his hold ever so slightly so she could speak.

  “You need me. You need me to tend to your wife.” She wanted to say, tend to your bitch, but didn’t dare. No matter how close they had been, no matter that their treasured friendship was being destroyed in these moments, no matter that the love she had felt for him was being squeezed out of her as surely as her air, she knew there was a limit to her boldness. He had loved her dearly, but all that was gone because of the human in his bed. “You need me for your son.”

  Mikhal gave a cold chilling laugh and looked her in the eyes, eyes that had gone red and filled with tears of pain. “Don’t be so certain of your position here. There is another.”

  Enid eyebrows rose at his words? Another? Who? There were no other women in the village that had skills even close to hers. True there was a midwife, but none with magickal abilities as extensive as her own. “Who?”

  “Her name is Natalya. She is a friend of my wife’s.”

  Enid turned her head and spat upon the ground, then looked at Mikhal defiantly. “Another filthy Gypsy. You bring another into our ranks? You are not the man you were, Mikhal, and you are a fool to think this Gypsy can bring you a healthy son. She will be as devious and disrespectful as your wife and will certainly try to harm the babe.”

  “You forget the ability Marishka’s spell empowered me with. I can sense all, even you Enid, and I will know who has my wife and son’s best interest at heart. As for Natalya, she has skills and is quite magickal, so I would be quite wary of her if I were you. She is not one to trifle with and she has my protection.”

  “Perhaps Andor was right to question your ability to rule. You are becoming enamored with the humans and forsaking your kind.”

  Mikhal once again began to squeeze Enid’s throat, this time not stopping as she gasped and sputtered for air, he watched as her face went from red to purple, squeezing with mad intent, shaking her, his eyes glowing with rage, his beast screaming with satisfaction, finally, when the sound of her heartbeat was so faint it was barely perceptible, he released her. She fell into a heap on the floor and his feet unmoving and he simply stood there and waited.

  Finally, Enid began to cough and whimper. She clutched at her throat and looked up at him with wounded eyes, shaking her head, her heart full of pain, her head full of thoughts of revenge.

  Mikhal raised his eyebrows at her feelings of anger; still the old bitch had the nerve to fight back. Well she wouldn’t for long. “You are to be taken to the dungeon and placed in a tiny cage, I imagine the dampness and tight space will pain your old bones, but that is what you deserve. Everyday you will be allowed out for only two things. One will be to examine my wife. I shall be there of course, and if I feel even a hint of deceit in your soul or have reason to suspect any of your actions, your life will be over at that very moment. The other reason you will be taken from your cage is to be given as many lashes as my wife received at Marishka’s hands. Tell me, how many times did my sister manage to bring the strap down upon her?”

  “It was but a few.”

  “Liar!” Mikhal kicked her hard and he heard a rib snap. She howled in pain, gripping her side with her gnarled fingers.

  “Dozens, maybe forty or fifty.” A new spark of fury ignited deep in Mikhal’s belly but he pushed it away. He was done with the woman before him. If he allowed himself to continue their conversation she would be nothing but a bloody heap at his feet when he was done with her.

  “Then you shall receive fifty each morn. You mean nothing to me anymore, Enid. My heart has grown cold for you. I thought you were my trusted friend but you proved me wrong and so you shall pay the price. Your usefulness now depends solely on Natalya’s skills and how well you take care of my wife. Don’t disappoint me. I won’t be able to restrain myself as I have done today if you betray me again.”

  That said, without a glance back at the woman who had been such a dear friend, Mikhal walked from the room, issuing orders to the guards to take Enid away, and headed back to see Alliana. They had some things to discuss, some things to get settled, and Natalya was one of them. He wouldn’t have her nagging him about Natalya’s arrival and they might as well get their argument over with now. Besides, he longed to gaze at her once more and to feel the movement of their growing child in her belly. He had missed her desperately, and it felt so very good to be home.

  To be continued…

  Turn the page for an expert from


  Book Two of the Beneath the Shadows of Evil Series.

  Coming May 1st, 2013


  Mikhal walked down the corridor with his usual stealth, not seeking to intrude or listen upon the conversation between his wife and her friend, but at the same time, unable to keep from eavesdropping because of his enhanced hearing. As he got ever closer, he heard them clearly, they were whispering, but he could still make out the words. He paused outside the door, unable to help himself as his curiosity got the better of him. What would this woman, this stubborn, fiery thing with the blazing red locks say to his wife? How would she describe the night she had been taken, and their journey to the castle? Would she tell Alliana that he had confessed to having feelings in his heart?

  All during their ride home Natalya had bombarded him with endless questions, trolling for answers he wasn’t prepared to give. Did he truly love Alliana? If so, how? Wasn’t his kind supposed to have a heart as dead as the rest of their bodies and be twice as evil? Had something happened to him to make him care? On and on she went, digging into the place where his soul had resided, searching for answers, trying to get at the truth of the matter, even as low growls rumbled in her ears. She truly had no fear of him and that was something he couldn’t fathom. Where did this little bit of a thing, this woman, get the audacity to toss her terror to the wind and be so comfortable around him?

  He didn’t know, but he didn’t care for it one bit. He had held his tongue for the most part, growling his displeasure softly, but one time she had pushed him too far. He had changed into his beast, turning her to face him and snarled at her to be silent, but it hadn’t truly helped. The sight of him had sparked a brief moment of startled fear, but it had come from shock at seeing him transform, not from any true terror for her well-being.

  Was she a witch? Did she have some gypsy magicks to read his mind? If that were true, she wouldn’t need all the questions. No, it was something else. He’d questioned her about her talents, her magick skills and knowledge of potions and herbs, and she’d told him that she was no healer but had been taught to tend the sick. She’d also made it clear that she was quite capable of seeing to Alliana throughout her pregnancy, but he had rebuffed that notion at once. Now, he wasn’t so sure.

  He would have to watch and see what skills she had. Perhaps take her to the village when some serf’s wife was about to deliver and watch her to see if she was fit to tend to Alliana, and then perhaps he could pass judgment accordingly. The health and safety of his wife and son were of utmost importance to him, and he wouldn’t dream of letting them be tended by someone not fit. At the time he had thought that though Alliana despised Enid, the midwife was the best one to see to her care, now that notion had been turned upside down and he knew he may very well have to depend on the skills of the woman who was sharing secrets with his wife.

  Natalya had also continuously regaled him with unsolicited advice on how to convince Alliana that he did truly care for her. She’d told him he would have to woo her. Stop being so harsh and domineering and show her his tender side. How Natalya knew he had one was beyond him. He certainly hadn’t made it apparent during their ride. Natalya had told him to be patient, to court her like a lover and give her time to see that he had no intentions of hurting her. Let her know in subtle ways that he did indeed want Alliana and their child to be happy in their new home.

  He’d openly scoffed a
t her and told her to be silent. His demon raging that this woman should have the nerve to tell him what to do in regards to his wife, but he listened all the same. The man in him knew he would do anything, give anything, to have Alliana feel the lack of fear Natalya did, let alone express an ounce of love. So many things the new human in their midst had given him to think about, and now, with the nasty business of punishments having been taken care of, he was ready to see how well Alliana would accept him.

  As he was about to enter, he heard Natalya say something that shocked him. She’d just told Alliana that perhaps he, Mikhal the Merciless, wasn’t as evil as Alliana thought he was, and that perhaps Alliana should try and give him a chance.

  Alliana’s shout of outrage was immediate and Mikhal cringed. “Have you gone mad? Haven’t you heard anything I’ve told you? And what about what he did to you? You said he hurt Danior, he threatened the children, he...”

  “Alliana please, I know he is an evil being and you have every right to feel as you do. The things you have gone through here are horrifying. All I’m saying is that I sense something else in him and he... Alliana he told me he cares for you.”

  “He is a demon, Natalya. Demons are evil and vile and have no hearts. They cannot love or have compassion. What he said, he said to fool you. His heart is cold and his tongue knows nothing but lies.” Alliana’s hands shook as she said these things to her friend. She curled them into fists at her sides, furious over her own reaction but angrier still that Natalya may have believed her husband. It was unthinkable that she might think of him as anything but the despicable thing he was.

  “It’s all right sweetie, I’m sorry I upset you. I just, well you know I can read people and I feel something in him. Something good.”

  “You are wrong. You are wrong, and you should be terrified of him.”

  “But I’m not, Alliana. I know he won’t hurt me and he would never hurt you. Not anymore.”

  “No, Natalya. He chose to put on a show, chose to be a gentleman when he took you, because he needed you, but don’t be fooled. If you displease him or he feels you have outlived your usefulness, then he will cut you down in an instant. You haven’t seen him change. Not like I have. The handsome man can turn into a vicious beast in a mere second. He has done it to me over and over and I won’t ever let my guard down again. I have to protect myself and my child from him. I’ll never trust him, never!”

  The vehemence in her voice cut Mikhal to the core. How could she believe for one second that she had to protect their son from his wrath? If he ever hoped to win Alliana’s heart, it was going to be a long arduous task, one that would require patience and gentleness to make her see that he truly had changed. No more would he batter her emotionally or take her against her will. He would have to fight his demon tooth and nail to keep it at bay no matter what his wife did to infuriate him if he wanted to win her heart.

  Knocking softly, not wanting to intrude or to have the women know he’d overheard them, Mikhal waited a moment then went in, and the sight before him went straight to his heart, causing the long dead vessel to swell with love. His wife was standing before the blazing hearth, having risen from the bed in her anger. Her feet were bare, her hair flowing down her back in a cascade of gold, her cheeks glowing from the heat of the flames and from her anger. The light cast from the blaze made her nightgown somewhat transparent, and he could see the swell of her belly, their son, and the roundness of her breast. She was stunning, a picture of celestial beauty, a goddess, and the sight made him draw in an unneeded breath.

  He stared, mesmerized for a moment, and then came back to his senses, protection for her flaring up inside him. Yes the stones before the hearth were warm from the fire, but still, she shouldn’t be bare foot in this cold, shouldn’t even be out of bed for that matter. He had yet to find out how well she truly was. Looks could be very deceiving. Just because she’d regained some of her spirit, didn’t mean her body was strong.

  He moved to her side quickly, scooping her up into his arms despite the anger that flashed in her eyes and radiated from her soul. “You should be in bed, wife. It is where I put you, and where I expected you to remain.” The old domination had come rushing to the surface, and Mikhal was unable and unwilling to tame it. Not where her health was concerned. She stiffened in his arms, bristling at his reprimand, at his tone. She was not a child.

  “Am I not allowed to walk about my own quarters? Not allowed to get just a bit of exercise for my stiff limbs? Enid never said I must remain bedridden day and night.”

  Mikhal growled as he looked down at her, the mention of the old midwife causing his demon to scream in fury. “Enid is not to be fully trusted. You shall wait until I am here as she examines you to hear for myself if you are fit to move about.”

  “So she lives?” The venom in Alliana’s voice dripped from each word as she questioned him and stared at him in disbelief. He had said those who harmed her would be punished, but still his old friend, the hag who had allowed her beating, would tend to her.

  “Yes, for the time being. But only as a means to protect you and our son.”

  Alliana pushed at his chest, furious, struggling to free herself from his arms, then pounding her fists upon him when he refused to let her go.” Protect me! You can’t be serious. Why? How could you? Did you not question Lucian? Did you not make Enid tell you the truth? She allowed your insane sister to beat me! Where is my justice, Mikhal?”

  He held his tongue as he placed her squirming body back upon the bed and covered her with the furs, the pain she felt at what she considered his betrayal hurt him deeply. He hadn’t betrayed her at all. What he’d done, he’d done for her. Mikhal would have liked nothing better than to have choked the life out of Enid ever so slowly as she thrashed and struggled, her eyes pleading for mercy that would never come, but he needed her still.

  Once Alliana was properly tucked in, safe and warm, he looked at her, pleading for understanding, but she turned away, not willing to even consider his request. There was nothing good in the man before her, and he had just shown that fact once again by choosing his dear old friend over his wife. Defeated, knowing it was useless to argue the point, Mikhal turned to Natalya who had stood silent while witnessing their battle.

  “Leave us.” Natalya’s eyebrows rose at his curt order, but then nodded slightly, it was best to leave them alone. It was going to take many battles of wills for them to find the road to love.

  “NO! You shan’t order her about. I won’t allow it. Natalya is my friend, not a servant, and if you insist upon forcing her to live within these walls, then she shall be shown the respect that is her due.”

  “Silence woman!” The words came out in a thunderous roar, and Mikhal immediately regretted them as a wave of terror washed over his wife. She paled as she stared at him, her fear clearly evident. After all she had suffered; all it took were a few harsh words or a small sign that he was going to turn from man to beast to send her into a flurry of terror. Mikhal groaned and clenched his teeth in frustration. This is not what he had wanted to happen at all. Why must she be so impertinent? Why must she push his demon over the edge? Women weren’t supposed to behave in this manner. They simply were not.

  Everything in the room turned silent as Mikhal struggled for control. He closed his eyes and ran his hand back through his long curls, damning the beast inside him that would not let him be. He took deep unneeded breaths to calm himself, and then finally looked at his wife with eyes full of regret.

  Soon to be released

  Torn… Book Two in the Beneath the Shadows of Evil Series

  Coming May 1, 2013

  Treasured… Book Three in the Beneath the Shadows of Evil Series

  Coming July 1, 2013

  I welcome your comments and feedback.



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