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Wild Heat (Wilding Pack Wolves 3) - New Adult Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Alisa Woods

  But with humans… what did all of this mean?

  She cuddled into his chest as those thoughts rumbled through the post-climax bliss that was still buzzing her body. She couldn’t even begin to know how to talk about this with him.

  Kaden was quiet for a minute, just stroking her hair and breathing it in. Then he said, “Terra, I need to tell you now before this goes much further.”

  Her heart seized up, but she forced herself to pull back and meet his gaze.

  It was so tender, it almost broke her heart.

  He ran a thumb along her cheek. “God, you are so beautiful.”

  She smiled. “Is that really what you wanted to tell me?”

  He frowned. “No.” Then he struggled for a moment, and said, “I have a secret. No one knows. Like, literally no one. But I have to tell you because… because of this.” He let his gaze drop to her bare breasts pressing against his chest.

  She just nodded, afraid to speak.

  He swallowed. “Everyone thinks I’m human… but I’m not.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You’re a wolf.”

  He gave a small nod.

  A smile burst across her face. “I knew it!” She pushed him back on the bed and climbed on top of him. His eyes went wide as she straddled him and slapped both hands down on his chest. “I knew you were an alpha! My wolf has been singing it from the moment I saw you!” The joy was practically bursting out of her.

  Kaden caught her wrists before she could playfully beat on him again. There was no smile on his face. “No one can know, Terra. No one.”

  Her smile dimmed. “Why not?” But her brain was already ticking through the implications. He worked for the Seattle Police Department—a human police force. “Would the SPD fire you?” She scowled. Dammit, that was so wrong, it just twisted her up inside.

  He frowned. “Probably. Even if they didn’t… I’d have to watch my back every minute. You know how they are.”

  She leaned back, shoulders slumping. “You can’t come out because they hate wolves.”

  He winced. “Let’s just say there’s a reason I tried so hard to get this assignment.”

  Her eyes narrowed. He did? She could have sworn he hated it from the moment she saw him… her eyes went wide again, and she leaned forward, her hands resting on his chest. “You were trying to protect me. From them.”

  He nodded.

  Her heart had that swelling feeling again. She slid her hands up around his neck, moving skin-on-skin against him and purring when that wrenched a small groan out of him. Her wolf strutted, validated in her assessment of Kaden. From the beginning, he was drawn to help her. Protect her. Before he even knew her. Before he knew anything other than what the public could see. And that was exactly how it was supposed to happen with mates—they were drawn to each other, the forces of the universe conspiring to bring them together at the perfect moment, when they needed each other most.

  When death was about to catch up to her, finally, her true mate had appeared.

  His hands were roaming his body. “Jesus, Terra.” His voice was hoarse again. “All you have to do is touch me, and my wolf comes alive, wanting to claim you again and again.”

  She pulled back, unable to restrain the smirk of satisfaction. “That can very much be arranged.” Holy shit… normal sex with Kaden was amazing—how much better would mating sex be?

  But he was back to scowling again. “I’m not a good match for you, Terra.”

  What? The smile died on her face. She smacked his chest with her open palm. “What the hell are you talking about, Kaden Grant?”

  He raised his arms in defense, and a small smile quirked on his face, then quickly fled. “I’m in hiding, Terra. What are you going to do, mate with someone who’s supposedly human? That’s not even mating, and you know it. Everyone will know it. There’s no way anyone would believe someone like you would choose to be with someone like me.”

  She scowled and climbed off him, drawing her knees up and locking her arms around them. “I don’t know what you mean.” But she did. Even worse, she knew it could never be kept secret. She was too high-profile. The gossip pages would be all over her. The rumors alone would basically out Kaden as a wolf, even if he never admitted it.

  Mating with her could ruin him.

  Kaden rolled up to sitting next to her. He gently swept her sex-tossed hair behind her shoulder. “I would give my life to protect you. I would give up the force, my job, anything… just to have the honor of being with you and keeping you safe. But I would have to come out as a wolf and… well, my wolf isn’t the kind you’re going to want as a mate.”

  She frowned again. He wasn’t concerned about himself… he was concerned about her? “I don’t understand.”

  He sucked in a breath. “I’m just a halfling, Terra. My mother was human. And my father was the kind of wolf who got off with a human and then split. He was an asshole who didn’t care where he spread his seed or what halflings he left behind.” Kaden raked his gaze over her still-naked body. “Didn’t you wonder why I didn’t bother with protection? Or even ask?”

  Her eyes went wide. She was so used to being with wolves, it didn’t even occur to her. But of course, a human wouldn’t know…

  Kaden nodded. “I learned early on how to scent women—human and shifter. Although you’re the first shifter I’ve… well, the first one I’ve made love to. But I would never have if you were in your fertile time. I don’t want to be an asshole like my father.”

  She unlocked her arms and placed her hands on his shoulders. “You are the extreme opposite of whoever that guy was.”

  He scowled. “I don’t know about that. I have his DNA. And it’s fucking strong. I may only be a halfling, but I can shift. And, well, there’s something unusual about my wolf form.” He gritted his teeth. “Let’s just say I’m sure there are full-blooded alphas out there who would be much better mates for you.” Then he pressed his lips shut, and it looked like he was ready to kill something.

  Which is exactly how she felt about mating with anyone else.

  Her wolf was growling at the thought and demanding that she do something about it. And Terra wholeheartedly agreed. She slowly slid her hands down Kaden’s well-muscled chest. He gave her a look that was both chastising and thick with lust. She reached his cock, which was spent from their lovemaking, and grasped it hard, giving it a good stroke.

  Kaden squirmed. “Jesus, Terra—” But his cock came unmistakably alive in her hand.

  She grinned and stroked him some more, bringing him erect in no time flat. Then she sidled her body up to his, her breasts in his face, enticing him. She stopped tormenting him with her hand and wrapped her arms around his neck, taking a moment to stare into his eyes, her smile fading into seriousness.

  “You are my alpha,” she said with all the reverent joy in her heart. “You will always respond to my touch more than any other woman on this planet. I am meant for you, and you are meant for me. And I don’t want to hear you talking about any other mates because that’s not how it’s going to be.”

  His hands were suddenly in her hair, bringing her down for a kiss that devoured her and made her heart fly again.

  When he released her, his voice was rough. “Is this how it always is?” he asked, breathless. “Is this how it is with mates? I’ve heard the stories, but… I’m losing my mind around you, Terra.”

  “Damn right, you are.” She kissed him again, long and deep. When she broke it, she gave him another solemn look before saying, “I need you, Kaden Grant.”

  His expression softened. “You have no idea what that does to me.”

  If it was anything like it was doing to her… “I need more than just your body. I need your magic. I need to submit to you. To my alpha.”

  He blinked. “I’ve never…” He swallowed. “I stayed away from the gangs, Terra. They don’t even know I’m a… I haven’t shifted in years. I’ve never submitted to anyone. I’m not even sure how…”

  She grinned wide. �
��Shift for me, you big baby.”

  He growled a warning at her, looked uncertain for a moment, then released her to move back on the bed. Another uncertain look, then he shifted…

  Into a white wolf.

  Terra’s hands flew to her mouth, covering it while it gaped open. No fucking way. “You’re… I can’t believe it. You’re a white wolf.”

  He shifted back, naked and scowling on the bed. “I told you there was—”

  She scrambled across the tangled sheets to him. “No, no, no. Don’t misunderstand. It’s… glorious.” She smiled as she cupped his cheeks. The scowl disappeared from his face. “It’s just… there are some things you should know about that.”

  He frowned. “Like what?”

  “First things first.” Her smile beamed. No way would she let him out of this room before she flushed him full of the magic that a submission would bring. And submitting to a white wolf… if he were really part-witch like her cousin, Noah, the submission would be a little bit dangerous and wild and… she was getting hot just thinking about it. “Shift back into that gorgeous wolf form. My wolf is dying to meet you.”

  This time, there was no hesitation. He shifted right in front of her. She smiled and shifted as well. They both were standing on the bed now on all fours. She immediately went for the submission pose—furry paws stretching out in front, rump in the air, head dipping down, tail tucked. Kaden may not know much about submission, but his wolf did. Her pose drew out the alpha in him, and he quickly stood tall, ears forward, tail held high. As soon as they both were in the pose that induced the magic, it washed over her like an electrical storm, enlivening her, building her up even as it bound her to him. Until at least the next full moon, he was her alpha in fact, in magic, not just in destiny. The bond had to be bolstering him, flushing him full of magical energy as well. Her submission would literally make him stronger. And he would protect her with his life, just as he promised. She was now pack with him. She would serve him, and soon enough, she would seal it with a mating bond.

  But not just yet.

  Kaden needed to understand more about his wolf. And she knew just what to do about that, too. The thrill of being able to introduce him to it, to guide him in his assumption of his true alpha form, had her wriggling in her submission pose, eager to make love to that gorgeous human body again.

  After a moment, she realized he probably wasn’t used to communicating via thoughts. Or knew the proper protocol to release her from the submission pose.

  My love, she sent a thought to him.

  Holy shit. His thoughts were a rambling mess, uncontrolled. Oh, right. This is a pack thing, right? This thought thing? Holy shit.

  Her wolf was chuckling in little wolfy yips.

  Are you fucking laughing at me, Terra Wilding? He was actually a little steamed.

  She still had her head ducked in the submission position, so she couldn’t quite see his expression, but she could sense his emotions in his thoughts. No, my love. But I’m yours now. You have to give the command for me to rise and shift, or I’ll be stuck with my rump in the air all day.

  Oh. Um. Uh…

  There must be some secret alpha handshake that passed these things on. And her alpha had never received his training.

  Just tell me to ‘rise,’ my love. She restrained her laughter because her alpha deserved more compassion than that.

  Rise, my love.

  She popped up instantly and nuzzled him. Did he really just call her ‘my love?’ It wasn’t necessary to release her, but maybe he thought it was? She didn’t care—she just loved hearing it.

  This feeling… His thoughts were still full of wonder. Did the submission hurt you? I feel energized, like I must have stolen something from you, maybe some of your magic…

  No, my love, she thought, licking his face. And seriously wanting to lick other parts, but in her human form. The bond lifts us both. And this is just submission… Mating would be a hundred times more wondrous and intense. But she didn’t want to talk about that yet.

  You have to tell me to shift, she sent the thought to him.

  Shift, my love, he sent the thought quickly.

  She did, and a moment later, she was skin-on-skin with him, enveloped in his arms as he covered her body with his. His erection was back, as she suspected it might be—submission energized more than just a man’s magic—and her deliciously sore nether parts were already quivering in anticipation.

  “That was amazing,” he breathed, gazing into her eyes.

  Her hands roamed his face. “I can’t believe I’ve found you.” Then she had to stop because she was choking up a bit. “I didn’t know if I ever would.”

  His eyes took on a fierce look. “This bond between us… it’s making my wolf stronger.”

  “That’s the magic of the submission.” She bit her lip. “It enhances… everything.”

  “Everything?” he asked, eyes roaming down to her chest.

  She could feel his hunger like a hot stroke on her skin. “Oh yes,” she breathed.

  He dove in, nipping and tasting her, touching her everywhere. Her wolf leaped for joy.

  There was so much he needed to know—about mating, about his white wolf, about her.

  But it could wait just a little longer.

  Kaden wasn’t at all sure this was a good idea.

  It was morning, and he and Terra were driving back up to the River pack’s mountain estate, the one where he originally picked her up before he brought her into safekeeping. She wanted him to talk to her cousin, Noah, about being a white wolf, but all Kaden could think about was how unsecure the location was… and how little interest he had in talking to any wolves other than her.

  “Well, this is a nice scenic drive through to mountains,” he said to Terra in the passenger seat next to him. “How about we return to the safehouse now?”

  “Noah’s expecting us. We’re lucky he’s still there with his mate.” She scowled at him, but there was no heat in it… just the glow left over from an entire night of lovemaking. After literally hours of tearing up the sheets, he’d legit needed a rest and a shower—which they both got—but they were both still floating on the magical high of the submission bond and the sex.

  Good God, the sex. He would much rather have stayed in seclusion with nothing but Terra and a bed, than go on this road trip to awkward. He still was coming to grips with the fact that his wolf was fully resurgent after years of suppressing and denying and generally keeping that shit locked up. He was not thrilled about discussing the strange nature of his beast with anyone, much less a man he didn’t know.

  “Your cousin’s fancy mountain estate isn’t exactly safe, Terra,” Kaden complained, not giving up. They would be there in just a few minutes. “The Wolf Hunter knows that location. Hell, everyone with access to the internet does. I’ll pull over here, and we can call him.”

  “No.” The scowl was definitely darkening. “You need to shift for him… and him for you. You need to share things. I’m not even going to be in the room.”

  “What?” Kaden’s wolf surged up with that, and he had to grip the steering wheel to keep it under control. When Terra had submitted to him, it had truly brought out his inner alpha… and he was still having trouble keeping it contained. Now that it had been awakened, it was raging under his skin, which also brought out his primal protective side. Anything that smelled like a threat to Terra—including letting her out of his sight at the estate—surged up a huge helping of fuck no growling in his chest. “Where do you think you’re going to be?” he asked her.

  She threw out her hands like he was hopeless. “I’ll be upstairs in my old room.”

  “I don’t like it.” His head was buzzing with growls. He could barely think straight, but then his wolf was a fucking beast… not a man. Kaden sucked in a breath through his teeth. He needed to get this under control.

  Terra seemed to sense his need to calm down—she scooted over and leaned her thin frame over the console between them. One hand
gripped his bicep and squeezed while the other slid to the back of his neck and played with a short scruff of hair.

  It worked. Just having her close ramped down some of the tension.

  “I’ll be right upstairs,” she whispered in his ear. “Waiting for you to get done with your business. Then we can explore a few new positions I’ve been thinking about…”

  Jesus. His pants were tightening already. “Unless you want me sporting wood for Noah, you’d better keep those thoughts to yourself.”

  She grinned, and he nearly pulled over for a little relief by the side of the road. But they were almost there anyway.

  She scooted back to her side of the car. “Take your time with Noah. I’ve got a few things to pack up that got left behind before, and I’d like to call my family.”

  “All right,” Kaden said, finally giving up. “But the sooner we’re back at the safehouse, the happier I’ll be.”

  She beamed at him. “If there’s one thing I want, it’s to make you happy.”

  “Terra,” he warned. For the love of God. She was beautiful and amazing and perfect for him… but the constant need to have her, to be buried inside her, to be making wild love with her, just might kill him.

  She giggled, and that did not help matters.

  Thankfully, she got serious again. “Before you go in, there’s something else you should know.”

  “Something more than the fact that your cousin is a strange white wolf like me?” It was still unsettling to him that there was another white wolf out there. “Between Noah, me, and Grace Krepky, we could start a White Wolf Club.” Krepky was the first openly-shifter candidate for the House of Representatives. When she came out to the world, that’s what tipped off all this hate-group business. And it freaked him out a little, given he knew his wolf was white as well, even if he hadn’t seen it in years. Kaden knew plenty of wolves in the gangs. He’d grown up around them. He always thought white wolves were legends…

  Until he shifted and realized he was one.


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