Book Read Free

Indian Moon

Page 5

by Carolyn McCray

  Natalie smiled brightly. “Where do you think?”

  “I have no idea. You tell me.”

  “The Wagon Wheel, of course!”

  “What? Why?” Regina was confused. What was Natalie thinking? The younger woman never ate there. It was too far beneath her station.

  “I figure they are new to town, and if they liked the food, they might go back. C’mon. Don’t you want to see the guy again?”

  Natalie had no idea how much.


  Quinton rubbed his eyes yet again. Poring over Blue Mountain’s reports had been as tedious and painful as he had suspected, but they needed to get through the reams if they ever hoped to into the field. Not that Quinton was in such a hellfire rush to get out of town anymore, but he would like to see more of the countryside. Well, not exactly. Really he was hoping to run into Regina again.

  “Hurricane, get down!” Quinton shouted as the dog tried to jump onto the bed. Ralph only smirked. His assistant had taken the small table and chair to do his research, leaving Quinton with the bed. Unfortunately, Hurricane felt that this was his territory and kept trying to sneak up onto the mattress.

  “You ready for a break?” Ralph asked.

  Pushing Hurricane back again, Quinton could think of nothing nicer. “Yes.”

  “I say we do dinner out.”

  “Sounds good to me.” The Dairy Delight lunch had not exactly set well on his stomach. Quinton swore that the restaurant had dipped the fries in some kind of nefarious oil before frying them. The food had sat in his abdomen all day like a lump. “Can I pick the restaurant this time?”

  “Well, there’s only one place you’ll want to go.”


  “Where else? The infamous Wagon Wheel BBQ Pit. Come on, she might be there.”

  Quinton was going to argue but remembered that Ralph did have a certain flare for these things. Smiling, he agreed. “Let’s get changed.”

  That sounded easy enough, but once his assistant was gone, it turned out to be quite the ordeal. He could not wear what he wore last night, nor what he had on this morning. If Quinton had known that he was going to be so social, he would have brought a better selection than flannel and more flannel. Not that the BBQ Pit warranted much else, but still he did not want Regina to think him a one-shirt wonder.

  Plus what was he supposed to do with his hair? Taking another shower to give it that slicked down look would be way too obvious, and Ralph would certainly tease him unmercifully about it. Quinton tousled his loose curls one way, then the other. Nothing looked quite right. He was striving for a casual sexy look and only ended up with something akin to messy. It was Ralph’s insistent knock that finally pried Quinton away from the mirror.

  “Coming,” he said as he unhooked the second button on his shirt. Feeling that was too much, he had it buttoned again before he opened the door.

  “What were you doing in there?” the younger man asked but waved Quinton off before he could come up with an excuse. “Never mind. I can imagine.” Hurricane tried to nose through the doorway as Ralph scowled. “We are not taking him. Period.”

  Quinton nudged the dog back. “Hurricane, go to bed.”

  The Labrador looked none too happy about it but finally jumped up onto the bed. Just to make his point, Hurricane pawed at the covers and brought the pillows into the middle of the bed and flopped down upon them. Satisfied that Hurricane was going to behave, Quinton shut the door. The dog probably would not get off the bed even when Quinton returned let alone any sooner than that.

  Tonight’s walk was so much different than the night before. Had they traveled the same streets? Quinton had not noticed the little antique store with the roll top desk. He had wanted one of those, but it seemed like a lifetime ago. Had the needlepoint store displayed the same intricate stitchery the night before? Quinton wondered if Regina liked roses or pansies better. Which would he buy her if he were able?

  “Those reports don’t make much sense to me,” Ralph said, intruding on Quinton’s daydream. When Quinton did not respond, the younger man asked a direct question. “What exactly are we looking for anyway?”

  What they had been looking for was just a brief sampling of the company’s previous logging practices, but now that Quinton had incentive to stay in town, they were looking for something all together different.

  “We need to analyze the data to get a wild guess at the bio-mass capacity of the surrounding forests. From that information we’ll determine where best to get our biological samples from.”

  Ralph nodded. “Then we’ll determine how much the ecosystem will be damaged by the logging.”

  “Right. And if any endangered or threatened species will be affected.”

  “Sounds like we are going to be here over the weekend then?”

  The younger man’s voice had a strange quality to it, and Quinton turned to answer his assistant. “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  “Naw. I just needed to know how much time I had to work on that hostess. Don’t want to rush things if I don’t have to.”

  Quinton shook his head at Ralph’s confidence. If only he had a pinch of the younger man’s faith. Of course, Quinton was stupidly going after an unattainable woman. He never did learn to take the easy path.

  In what seemed like only a few minutes, they had walked across town and were at the front door of the painfully tacky Wagon Wheel. Shockingly, the place was packed. Every table was filled, and it looked like there was a line. Taking a scan around the place, Quinton was disappointed that Regina was no where to be found.

  “Maybe we should just eat somewhere else,” Quinton said, not able to hide his chagrin.

  Ralph shrugged his boss’s mood off. “By yourself, Quinton. I’m staying. The longer we wait, the more time with the hostess. I’ll sign us in.”

  Quinton did not argue as the younger man made his moves on the young lady at the podium. It was still early. He could only hope that Regina was a late diner.


  Natalie took the last corner a bit too quickly and had to jerk the wheel to keep on the road. With the slick street, they were lucky to avoid the telephone pole. But Natalie’s impatience was partially Regina’s fault. She had insisted they go by the Wal-Mart outside of town and get a new lipstick pencil. Hers had somehow wandered off, and she was not about to meet Quinton in the same tired shades he saw her in this morning.

  Slowing down, Natalie did a drive-by of the Wagon Wheel. Regina felt like they were a couple of teens, even though she had never done anything remotely like this when she was younger. By the time most girls were just starting to get interesting in boys, Regina was already married and pregnant with Michael.

  “Look, isn’t that them?” Natalie asked in an excited voice.

  Regina looked past her friend into the restaurant. And right where they were seated the night before were the two strangers. Quinton turned and nearly caught Regina gawking at him. Throwing herself back against the seat, she began to giggle. This was too much fun.

  “Yes. Both of them.”

  “Great,” Natalie said as she parked crosswise in three parking spaces. Regina guessed it would not do for the young woman’s new Cadillac to get a scratch. Sullivan would probably kill her if the car was damaged in anyway. The old man liked his cars as pristine as his women.

  As they got out of the car, it hit Regina what they were doing. What had she been thinking? The drive-by was fun, but now they were actually going in there. And look how crowded it was. Did every person in Crow’s Landing decide to eat here tonight?

  “Look at that line. This is going to be perfect!” Natalie exclaimed as they neared the front door.

  There was nothing perfect about this anymore. Regina’s stomach began to churn, and she was quite certain that at any moment she might have to vomit. This was the singular most stupid, idiotic, ridiculous, moronic thing she had ever done. Did she understand the word futile? More like pathetic. To get all gussied up and stalk a stranger -- that was
what her life had descended to.

  Natalie had no qualms, though, and marched right through the front door of the place and bypassed the hostess’s station. Regina mumbled her apologies and followed her friend. To not follow Natalie would have been even more conspicuous. Plus she knew that Natalie was making a bee’s line for Quinton’s table. One more innocent encounter would not hurt anything. Would it?

  “Hi… Ralph and Quinton?” Natalie asked as they neared the men’s table. The men looked up, and the young woman extended her hand. “Welcome to Crow’s Landing. We’re kind of the welcome wagon here in town.”

  The younger man took Natalie’s hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you...”

  “Oh, I’m Natalie, and this is Regina.”

  Ralph was nice enough and shook Regina’s hand politely. Quinton, though, gave her hand a little squeeze at the end of the shake. “Always a pleasure, Regina.”

  She almost came unglued and was certain that everyone in the restaurant could hear her heart pounding in her chest. Luckily, Natalie was a chatterbox.

  “Seems like you’ve found the hot spot to eat tonight. Do you know how long the wait is?”

  Ralph answered while Quinton studied the Formica tabletop, “We waited over a half an hour, but the line looks even longer now. Hey, we could certainly fit two more in here. Do you want to join us?”

  Regina could not believe it when Natalie answered, “I never thought you’d ask!”

  The younger man was out of his seat in a second and graciously tilted the table away so that Natalie could scoot in. Regina had to focus all her attention on her feet so that she stopped being dizzy. This could not really be happening. How in the world was she going to explain to Wayne having dinner with two men? Not only men but people that her husband felt were the enemy?

  It was too late to back out as Quinton rose and made room for Regina. She tried to say thanks, but it only came out as a stammered mumble. Sliding in past the handsome stranger was bad enough, but then Quinton had to go and slide in next to her. For the briefest moment, their legs brushed against one another. Regina’s felt her cheeks redden. Why was this man affecting her so? It was downright silly. But a type of silly that Regina hoped would last all evening long.

  Before she could catch her breath and adjust to having a strange man so close, the waitress came over.

  “Finally snagged some company, Ralph?” the waitress asked. “Do you know what you want?”

  “Ladies first.” The younger man nodded towards Regina, but she froze. She had no idea what to order. Wayne always did that for her. As flustered as she was, Regina could not even remember what her husband had ordered for her last night. All Regina did know was that she had not liked it one bit. The waitress coughed under her breath, making Regina even more uncomfortable.

  “Give us a few minutes, would you?” Quinton asked.

  “I’ll swing by with some water and pretzels.”

  Natalie and Ralph did not miss a beat and began chatting before the waitress even walked off. Embarrassed, Regina opened the menu, but Quinton caught her eye first. “Take your time. We’ve got all evening.”

  All the tension that had built up magically evaporated under the man’s radiant smile. Regina let herself grin in response. “Thanks.”

  After the rocky start, Regina felt herself relax into the evening. Luckily, Natalie and Ralph kept the conversation flowing. The younger woman kept trying to draw Quinton out a bit, but he seemed reluctant to discuss himself and would always deflect the discussion back to the younger crowd. Which, once again, Regina was not used to. Wayne could spout off for hours about himself and not even notice that everyone else had fallen asleep.

  Dinner came and went so fast that Regina could not believe the meal was over. She hated to admit it but Ralph was quite the entertainer and had kept them all chuckling through the evening. But what had held her attention almost completely was the quiet stranger next to her. Any word that he said sounded so very deep and meaningful. Was it just his sparcity, or was he truly that profound? Sitting this close to him, smelling his after-shave, and feeling his body heat through his sleeve, Regina could not be sure. She only knew that she liked it, immensely.

  “Um, I have to take a little powder break. Want to join me Regina?”

  She really did not care to, but Quinton was already out of the booth. Reluctantly, Regina exited and followed the younger woman. The entire distance she was certain that all eyes were upon her, calling her a harlot or worse. Why had she not just stayed seated? Back in the booth with its high backs, Regina could almost imagine that they were alone.

  Once in the bathroom, Natalie broke out her make-up bag and began a full-scale renovation of her face. Regina did not even know what half the products were used for.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what a cut-up Ralph was? He’s great.” Natalie rubbed her lipstick in. “And how are you enjoying Quinton? A little too quiet for me, but damn is he fine.”

  Regina tried to be as non-committal as possible. “He seems nice enough.”

  “Yeah, but nice enough to do it with him? Hmmm?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Natalie brushed on some more mascara. “You know what I mean. Do it. Have sex. Roll in the hay. Get it on.”

  “No.” Regina recoiled from the younger woman’s suggestion. What type of wife did Natalie think she was?

  “Oh please. You’ve been married for what? Seventeen years. Don’t tell me that you’ve never cheated on Wayne.”

  “No. Of course, I haven’t!” Regina’s horror faded. “Have you? Cheated on Gus?”

  Natalie leveled her gaze at Regina in the mirror. “Duh. Have you seen the King of Used Cars lately? Please.”

  Regina’s revolution turned to fascination. “You’ve actually had an affair?”

  “An affair? More like how many.”

  “And Gus doesn’t care?”

  “We have a 'don’t ask, don’t tell policy',” the younger woman said as she shrugged. “Besides, Gus was awfully keen on me going out this evening. I’m sure he’s not alone tonight.”

  “That’s awful!” Regina exclaimed.

  Natalie stared at the older woman in the mirror. “Do you really think Wayne is sitting around his motel room in Bend, pining for you? Regina, please don’t tell me you’re that naive.”

  Regina’s cheeks grew hot under the younger woman’s frank stare. She was not about to admit that, in fact, she had thought Wayne was faithful. Could Natalie be right? Was Wayne cheating on her? Regina was not about to admit that she and her husband had not had sex in over a year. That would only confirm the younger woman’s accusations. Turning away from the mirror, Regina waited for Natalie to finish primping. The older woman had considered trying some of Natalie’s rouge, but at this point her cheeks were flushed enough. She could barely wait to leave this restaurant and get home. Too much had happened too quickly. Regina needed time to process.

  “How do I look?” Natalie asked but did not wait for the answer before heading out the door.

  Dutifully, Regina followed, trying to figure out a way to pry them out of this situation. Both men rose from the booth, but before they could sit down again Natalie exclaimed, “Did you hear that?”

  How could they not? Music was blaring from the banquet hall in the back of the restaurant. It seemed that the Wagon Wheel had line dancing on Thursday nights.

  “Are you thinking what I am?” Ralph asked.

  “Oh, yes!” Natalie replied. “You guys coming?”

  Both Quinton and Regina answered simultaneously, “No thanks.”

  The younger couple did not even bat an eye; they were over to the dance floor within seconds. Regina felt horribly awkward. She had not meant to be so abrupt about refusing and hoped that Quinton did not think her rude. Before she could think of some excuse, he was already trying to make his apology.

  “It’s not that I did not want to dance with you... It’s just not here. Not now. Not like this. Does that make any sense?” />
  It made too much sense to Regina. She could not just let loose like Natalie. Reckless abandon was not her strongest suit. “I understand.”

  “Do you mind?” Quinton asked as he rose and sat down opposite of Regina.

  Relieved of the man’s close proximity she relaxed a bit but was a little sad that he no longer wanted to sit next to her. She did not need to worry long though.

  Quinton refused to release her from his stare. “It’s just that I want to see your whole face. Your expressions are so subtle that I had hard time reading you through the evening. You don’t mind do you?”

  Flustered by the attention, Regina mumbled, “No, not at all.”

  Silence stretched again, making her uncomfortable. She tried to think of anything at all to say, but each subject either sounded too lame or far too intimate. Finally, Regina just blurt out, “I feel like we should be talking or something.”

  Quinton shrugged. “Fine by me, but I would be content to just watch you all evening.”

  Each heartbeat pounded in Regina’s ear as the stranger held her gaze. Was he sincere? His tone sounded it, but she could not be sure. No one ever talked to her like this. How was she to respond?

  Luckily, Quinton started the conversation. “Have you always lived in Crow’s Landing?”

  Even though the intensity of his gaze had diminished, the stranger still held her eyes as he took a sip of his drink. Regina did not know taking a drink of Diet Coke could be so profoundly sexy.

  Loosing her tongue, she answered, “No, but I might as well have. It’s just thirty miles to the north. We had a Dairy Deluxe instead of a Delight and a UNOCAL 76 instead of an Exxon.” As the man laughed, Regina became self-conscious and babbled on. “That must seem so stupid to you.”

  Quinton shook his head and kept laughing. “Hardly. I grew up just east of here. Ours was a Hamburger Haven, and our gas station was Fast Freedy’s Speedy Petrol.”

  The woman could not help but laugh with the stranger. Small towns were pretty much the same anywhere you went. “But it sounds like you’ve traveled a lot since then.”


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