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Indian Moon

Page 8

by Carolyn McCray

  Quinton smiled sadly and patted her shoulder. “That’s just it. Even you call it ‘growing lumber’. Really you’re growing a living forest that is home to hundreds of inhabitants.”

  Regina squirmed under his touch. She was just using the vocabulary she had always known. It was a little embarrassing to think that Quinton might think her a local yokel, but wasn’t that exactly what she was?

  “But you were right, Regina. It would be far better to harvest those younger trees with their immature eco-system than these old-growth big daddies.”

  “Then why aren’t we?”

  “Simple economics. These trees produce a higher yield of superior quality wood. They get more money per board foot. It’s that simple.”

  As Quinton’s hand slipped away, Regina answered. “Then obviously you’re going to veto cutting this section down.” Regina went on when Quinton did not reply. “Right?”

  “It’s a little bit more complicated than that.”

  Regina could hear a hedge when she heard one. Wayne did it all the time. She never expected to get one from Quinton, though. The stranger seemed so forthright and direct. Perhaps he was not as perfect as she had fantasized him to be. Now would probably be a good time to figure that out, before she got anymore of a crush on him.

  “Do you know much about the ecosystem of evergreen forests?” Quinton asked, obviously re-routing the conversation back into science.

  “No, not really. But I was more interested in what makes you so complicated.” Regina could not quite believe she had said that, but the words were out in the open. Even Quinton seemed stunned.

  Clearing his throat, the man ended up coughing before replying. “I’m not even sure that I know the answer to that... Is there something more specific you would like to know?”

  Regina knew he was stalling, but she did not blame him. She had put Quinton on the spot, but Regina liked having him be the one squirming under her attention rather than the other way around. Now, though, Regina needed to figure out what she really needed to know about him.

  “How about why you are working in the environmental field?”

  Quinton looked like he nearly winced and did not answer for a few moments. “It’s kind of a long story. Anything else you want to know that might not take so long?”

  Scanning his face, Regina did not let him off the hook. Somehow she knew this would be an important tale for him to tell. His face looked contorted and pained, but Regina sensed he needed release rather than avoidance to end the discomfort. “I’ve got all afternoon. How about that long story?”

  Quinton had briefly stopped walking, but Regina kept going. Painful memories were best dealt with on the move. She knew this from first-hand experience.

  “Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.” The man started, but Regina caught his hand and gave it a squeeze. She loved the humorous side of him but knew that she would never get to see the real Quinton if he tried to make a joke out of it. The man’s fake smile fell from his face. Regina released his hand as they walked on.

  Quinton’s voice took on a tone that she had not heard before. “Growing up in the country, I thought the whole world was like this. Pristine and balanced. Once I got old enough and started going into the big cities, I was appalled at the waste and abuse of nature. I went to school to become an ecologist, joined the green movement, and the rest is history.”

  By his facial expression, Regina could tell they were not even close to the whole story. “But you said it was more complicated than that.”


  Quinton cringed internally. Would this woman not drop the subject? Regina was getting to be as bad as Ralph. To his assistant, Quinton could be cold and detached. He did not have that option with Regina. But what could he say? Granted, the last few days he had felt fifteen years younger, and his old idealism was back in full force, but that was not who and what he was anymore. Quinton had sold out -- he just forgot to tell Regina that.

  He had been strutting around like some kind of environmental guru the last few days. All touchy-feely about nature’s beauty, yet his job was to sign off on the destruction of this majestic forest.

  How could he tell this woman that her husband had picked Quinton’s company for a reason? Partners for the Environment had quite the reputation for going lenient on logging companies. Pretty much, for the right price, you could get the EPA report to go your way. Quinton not only knew this about the company he worked for, but he had helped explore and exploit loopholes in the laws to make it easy to sign off.

  Quinton had never felt so ashamed in his whole life than he did in this moment. Regina looked at him with such respect and admiration that he flinched from her gaze. She did not yet know that Quinton was as bad as her husband. Quinton knew he had to say something; Regina was beginning to look impatient.

  “Complicated is the key word here. I learned a long time ago nothing is ever black and white. This forest holds its own value just by being here, but the world needs paper and wood for construction. It’s a difficult call.”

  Regina’s tone was quiet and soothing, but it was equally clear that she was not satisfied with his explanation. “But you said they could just harvest the young trees. Why do you care if they make less money at it? I thought your role was to consider the environment over financial concerns?”

  Oh, this was getting way too awkward. And not in the way Quinton would like. He had never imagined that this afternoon would take this horrible side-turn into the mess that he called his personal ethics. His morals had been dormant for over a decade, and now this woman wanted him to summarize them in a few well articulated sentences? Hell, Quinton could not even begin to think through the tangle of emotions that were rising up within him, let alone speak them aloud.

  Quinton slowed as they reached a crest. The sun was setting and creating the most beautiful spectrum of colors along the horizon. If he thought this gorgeous sight was going to distract Regina for long, he was mistaken.

  “Well?” she prompted.

  “In some ways I feel like I’ve already given at the office. Know what I mean?”

  Regina shook her head. “No, not really.”

  Quinton so badly wanted to think of some deflection or full out lie to get out of this mess, but looking at Regina, he knew that he could not. The twilight only enhanced her natural glow. She barely wore any make-up, but the little bit that she did brought out the blue of her eyes. He could not lie to her. Not if he wanted to be around her. Anything less than honesty would make this relationship nothing more than a tryst like Ralph and Natalie’s.

  “I was a pretty hard-core environmentalist for a long time. That’s back when I was in college and with Greenpeace, but...” Quinton choked on his next sentence. It had been a long time since he had thought about that era of his life. It was not easy, and he had to struggle to find the words. “I lost a lot back then. More than I thought I could lose again, so I bailed from the movement and went into private industry. Once you start making compromises, it’s hard to know when to stop.”

  Looking up, he expected to see reproach in the woman’s eyes. Instead, Regina gently touched his sleeve and gave a sad smile. “Say no more. I have some experience with that.”

  For the longest moment they looked into one another’s eyes. A light breeze drifted through the evergreens, stirring Regina’s hair. A strand of rich brown hair clung to her lips. Quinton ever so carefully reached over and freed the piece of hair. Growing bold, he went to caress her cheek, but the dogs took the inopportune moment to come crashing over the hillside. Quinton and Regina were able to scramble out of the way, but the mood was shattered.

  “We’d better get back before it gets dark.” Regina flashed him a smile as she turned to go back to the cars.

  Quinton reluctantly followed. He did not care if it was light or pitch black; he just wanted to spend more time with this woman.


  Regina floated on air. She could not have been happier as they walked back to the car. The
dogs had already run off, dashing between the huge trunks. They were running so fast that you could only make out flashes of brown and black through the trees.

  It felt strange to be so very elated to find out that Quinton had some serious issues. Maybe even dark secrets. Somehow this news made her feel more secure. Before they had this conversation, Regina had felt seriously out-classed. When she had thought Quinton perfect in his morals and temperament, Regina was almost embarrassed for herself. How could a man as glorious as Quinton want a miserable failure like herself? She was in a doomed, loveless marriage with a juvenile delinquent son. Not the most impressive resume. But now that he had his own underbelly, Regina felt more comfortable. Perhaps there was a future, granted it would be brief, but a future nonetheless with this man.

  Quinton’s awkwardness and truthfulness endeared him to her even more. There was some grit under that gorgeous exterior of his. It made her want to be with him even more. Just to hear the stories that had brought him to this point in his life would be enough. But if she was truly honest with herself, Regina knew that she wanted more. Just a single fingertip across her cheek had thrilled her like she had not been thrilled in a very long time. For just a second, Regina had feared and hoped that Quinton would kiss her. The dogs, of course, had taken care of that possibility, but still the woman felt buoyed.

  The air was thick with moisture, and the fog was beginning to settle into the forest. The sun’s rays were kissing the sky for the last time today. This afternoon could not become any more perfect.

  A shout came from behind the cars. “You there!”

  Regina was so startled that she almost gave off a cry. Quinton strode ahead of her, almost protectively. She liked the feeling of a man shielding her but was worried what the commotion was about.

  They found Sheriff Dooley yelling at Ralph who had his headphones on and could not hear the overweight peace officer.

  “Can I help you?” Quinton asked.

  It was the Sheriff’s turn to look startled. Soon though, his gruff manner took over again. “You’ve got some questions to answer.”

  Quinton looked to Regina, but she shrugged. She had no more idea what this was about than he did. Quinton did not back down from the huge man. “Ask away.”

  “We’ve had some vandalism and high jinx over in the southern sector. Care to tell me what you know?”

  “Nothing, officer. We’ve been surveying out here all day.”

  By now, Ralph had noticed the disturbance and walked over. The Sheriff looked none too convinced about Quinton’s alibi. “Any proof of that?”

  The younger man stepped forward. “We’ve been here all day. Want to look at all our samples?” Ralph opened the lid on a carton to reveal dozens of fecal samples. The smell was nearly overwhelming.

  The Sheriff was still unimpressed. “Two tree-huggers bailing each other out isn’t going to cut it around these parts.”

  Before Quinton could answer, Regina cut in. “Dooley, I’ve been out here most of the day. They’re telling the truth.”

  Regina shrunk back as the large man turned on her. His voice was none too kind. “And what in the hell are you doing out here?”

  Quinton moved forward as to challenge the Sheriff, but Regina straightened her back and gave Dooley a scolding. “Since when is that any of your business? How dare you question me! Wayne will hear about this.”

  Regina was certain that her husband would hear all about it and more than likely side with Dooley, but that was a concern for later. Right now, all she wanted was for the Sheriff to go away and let her slip back into her fantasy life.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Togglehorn. I didn’t realize you had business out this way.” When Dooley turned to Quinton and Ralph, his tone was not so subservient. “I’ll let you two go based on Mrs. Togglehorn’s word, but don’t leave town. I might need to question you some more.”

  Ralph looked ready to say something, but Quinton rushed in first. “Thank you, Sheriff. You know where to find us.”

  The large man waddled off to his patrol car as Ralph turned on his boss. “What was that about? This is bullshit!”

  “That’s right. It is. And we both know that we didn’t do it. Short of framing us, they are just trying to fluster us. The more we argue, the more we let them win.”

  Regina watched the exchange between the two men closely. It was amazing to watch Quinton reel his younger partner in. Wayne would have cut Ralph’s head off and served it back to him on a platter. Quinton was getting the same job done, only with respect and integrity. Her husband might want to take some pointers, but she knew Wayne never would.

  “Ralph, can you gather up the gear?” Quinton finally asked.

  The younger man looked like he might argue, but he finally traipsed away, leaving Quinton and Regina alone again.

  “I’m sorry about that.” The handsome stranger took her hand. “Thanks for covering for us. I hope it doesn’t cause any problems... at home I mean.”

  Regina shrugged off his concern. Right now, she did not care if Wayne had one of his documented rage-fests over the incident. The only thing that mattered was the warmth of Quinton’s hand on hers. “No problem at all.”

  “Perhaps, but I owe you a dinner or something. How about I pay you back tonight? Take you out. You know, just as a thank you...”

  Regina felt like telling him that he did not need to justify them getting together. If anything, his invitation made her life easier. She had been racking her brain trying to orchestrate them getting together again. “Sounds very nice. Thank you.”

  “The Wagon Wheel?”

  Laughing, the woman shook her head. “I think I’ve had enough ribs for a lifetime. How about somewhere out of town. Where we can have some privacy?”

  A warm smile rapidly spread across Quinton’s face. “I couldn’t have put it better myself. Any suggestions?”

  Regina did not have to think long or hard to think of the place she wanted to go. “Chateau L’ Blanche over in Queens Court.”

  Quinton squeezed her hand. “Done. I’ll make reservations for eight?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Before the moment become any more intimate, Regina headed to her car. They would have plenty of time for that type of interaction later in the night.


  Quinton sat at Chateau L’Blanche’s bar and intently watched the front door. Each time it opened, he begged for it to be Regina, but each time it was someone else. There were a few other singles at the bar, but Quinton ignored them. He had eyes only for Regina. Checking his watch for the tenth time, Quinton smoothed the collar on his new shirt. He had left Crow’s Landing almost immediately and driven into Queen’s Court to buy some black jeans and a nice shirt. He even splurged on a thin leather tie.

  So really Quinton had not been waiting around for only thirty minutes; he had been haunting the restaurant for the last few hours. He knew it was fashionable for women to be late, but the waiting was driving him mad. The m’aitre de spotted Quinton and waved him over to the hostess’ podium.

  “Sir, if we do not seat you soon, you will loose your reservation.”

  What to do? Be seated and hope that she shows or run now with his tail between his legs? Finally, Quinton decided that these people did not give a wit about whether he ate alone or not; they just wanted to keep on schedule. “That’s fine. When the lady arrives, just bring her over.”

  The tuxedoed waiter nodded graciously. “Of course, sir.”

  Quinton felt mildly uncomfortable following the m’aitre de. Even though he had polished his cowboy boots, Quinton felt a little underdressed. The hostess had given him a critical eye when he first walked in, but Quinton had used some Ralph-charm and gotten approved. If Regina ever showed up, he would have to ask her why she had not bothered to inform him of the dress requirements. Not that Quinton would have dressed much differently, he realized.

  The booth was way in the back, out of the flow of the restaurant. Quinton could not have asked for a
more secluded and romantic spot. The lights were so dim that you could not make out the other patron’s faces. Small lamps illuminated the tables, casting just enough light to read the menus. Even the air had a fuzzy, warm, comfortable feel about it. Strains of classical music rose and fell gently over the restaurant. Even if Regina did not arrive, this promised to be a quite the culinary experience.

  Before he could even settle in, the m’aitre de was back. “The lady you have been awaiting for has arrived.”

  Quinton looked up to find the most radiant beauty standing before him. Regina had obviously known about the dress code, for she was draped in a shimmering evening gown. The honey tones of the dress reflected off her hair which was swept up into elaborate twist with only a few strands trailing down her neck. She looked so different that Quinton did not know what to say. Belatedly, he rose and offered her his hand in greeting.

  “I’m moved beyond words,” Quinton said, quite accurately.

  Regina blushed, making her face glow all the more. “Thank you.”

  “You look... You look stunning, Regina.”

  Again the woman’s cheeks darkened. With this beautiful sight before him, Quinton forgot all about the wait and his initial discomfort with the place. All that mattered now was keeping Regina smiling and blushing all night long.

  “I’m sorry I was so late. It took a little longer putting myself together tonight.”

  “It was well worth the wait. Again, I can’t tell you how gorgeous you look.”

  Regina would not meet his gaze. “You look handsome yourself.”

  Quinton could just stare at her all night, but he knew if they wanted to keep this perfect table, they had best get on with ordering. The m’aitre de would not take kindly to them loitering all evening. “Would you like some wine?”

  “I normally don’t drink,” Regina said. It seemed by reflex.

  “Perhaps just a glass?” Quinton suggested but had no intention of pushing it further. He had no desire to see her drunk. With her looking this stunning, Quinton wanted both of them to have their wits about them.


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