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Spectrum: Breaking Light

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by Darren Sloan


  Breaking Light


  Darren Sloan

  Also From Darren Sloan

  Jason Of The Valley

  Jason Of The Valley

  Something’s Always Wrong

  No Good Without You

  This Is Your Past

  Beautiful Days

  Demon Hunters

  Demon Hunters

  Demon Hunters: Second Coming

  Demon Hunters: Love & Fire

  The Dark Books

  The Book Of Morgan: Blood Is The New Black

  The Book Of Jackal

  The Book Of Jericho: Eye Of The Storm (Coming Soon!)



  House Of Stolen Light

  Copyright© 2015 Darren Sloan

  All Rights Reserved


  Jason Randwulf struck out on his own and left the idyllic hamlet of Blue Haven for the Megalopolis Towers City in order to make his life and pursue his dreams.

  Reality set in quickly when he ran into his ex-boyfriend, Tyler Zane, who had become an officer on the Towers City Police Department and learned that he was involved with a new boyfriend, Dave Silber; also an officer on the TCPD.

  Tyler and Dave attempted to offer friendship to Jason, but it was too bitter a pill for Jason to swallow and he decided to focus on his own life. His first challenge was to find a career. He had no training outside of being a waiter in Blue Haven, so he was able to get a job at the Lauvre Cafe, but it turned out the pay wasn't so great and that meant Jason needed to find another source of income.

  One fateful day, he found an ad asking for subjects for what was described as a science experiment in exchange for a seemingly unbelievable amount of money. Jason was skeptical, but he was also desperate and couldn't say no.

  Jason arrived for the experiment but was drugged and after waking up from a strange dream, he found himself trapped in a body bag. He freed himself and discovered that he wasn't the first to answer the ad and all of the people who had answered were dead and being fed to a large incinerator deep in the bowels of the building.

  Jason managed to escape and return to his home, but as he made his way through the nearby dark alley, he stumbled upon two young men attacking another young man because he was gay. Something happened in that moment and whatever had been injected into Jason reacted. He was covered in a black liquid that turned into what could only be described as a costume. The costume also imbued Jason with incredible, energy based powers. Jason stepped in and saved the young man from his attackers but when they left, Jason lost consciousness.

  Jason was haunted by strange dreams after that night and he realized that it hadn't been a dream and he really did have some kind of costume inside of his body.

  Jason felt the need to use his newfound abilities to help his fellow man. He set out on a campaign to fight crime and stop evil where ever it may be, under the guise of Spectrum.

  While Jason was coming into his powers, another being was dealing with the loss of his own. Sur Reel was the fallen God of Chaos and had been sentenced to an existence on Earth in order to pay a debt for crimes against The Design. When Spectrum emerged, Sur Reel saw his chance to regain his powers and have his revenge on those who had condemned him to his hated post.

  Jason's secret identity had finally been uncovered by Manicore Industries and the city was after him. When he was confronted by Dave and Tyler, there was a fight and sadly, Tyler was killed. In a fit of rage, Jason murdered Dave and in that single moment of anger, he became a true fugitive of the law.

  With everything slipping away and the love of his life dead, Jason didn't know where to turn. It was then that he ran into Sur Reel again. Sur Reel offered to take Spectrum away so that they both would go and take over The Design and create a new world to their own liking, but Sur Reel betrayed Spectrum, stabbing him and stealing enough of his power to revive his own.

  Sur Reel then went back to The Unworld, intent on destroying The Design, the blueprint of the very universe from beginning to end. Spectrum was able to regain some of his strength and followed Sur Reel.

  Once Spectrum arrive on The Unworld, Hither, another divine being, informed Spectrum about Sur Reel and his desires. Spectrum vowed to stop him and save the universe.

  Spectrum tracked Sur Reel to The Design and they faced off. Sur Reel was strong, but Spectrum proved more clever and was able to turn the tables and wipe Sur Reel out from The Design. Unfortunately, it was too late. The Design, and the universe was dying, but with Hither's guidance, Spectrum was able to revive The Design and give new life to the universe.

  Spectrum was returned to Earth and with one simple wish, he was able to save Tyler's life and set things right.

  Jason has now accepted his role as a hero and seeks out his destiny, knowing that around any corner there will be a new challenge to his powers and his very sanity.

  Part 1 Chapter 1

  Six Months Later

  Jason Randwulf was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was very early and his mind was adrift in many thoughts. The foremost of which was that it had been six months since he had escaped the clutches of the Towers City Police Department and there was something else, but his memories grew dim when he tried to recall. He remembered Sur Reel; his lanky build and strange clothing, but that was about it. The covers of the bed then shifted and an arm slipped around Jason's chest.

  "Hey," Tyler said through his fatigue. "You up?"

  "Just thinking."

  "Well, stop. I have two more hours of sleep to enjoy."

  "You don't need me for that." Jason said. Tyler then pulled Jason closer and pressed his head to his chest.

  "Uh, actually, yeah, I do." He said. Jason curled his arm around Tyler and they pressed against each other, almost as if they were trying to meld into one body. Jason let out a contented sigh as they both fell back to sleep in a blissful ease.

  Two hours later, Tyler and Jason were crawling out of the bed and working up the energy to face the day ahead. As Tyler padded to the bathroom to wash up, Jason went to the kitchen and started the coffee. As he did, he looked out the window and saw the Towers City skyline off in the distance. The whole city felt different to him for some reason. He couldn't identify it, but something had changed. He then felt something under his skin. It seemed the life form he was fused to enjoyed making its presence known every now and then.

  "As if I'd ever forget you." Jason said with a smile.

  "Forget who?" Tyler asked as he returned. Jason turned and shot him a smile as his arms clamped around him.

  "No one," Jason said. He then noticed Tyler's hair was still wet, as was his entire body. "You had to see me mid-shower?"

  "No, the hot water is off. I don't do cold showers."

  "Hold on." Jason went to get on his robe and slippers and headed across the hall to Heather Rhett's apartment. He knocked only once and her door flew open. She was dressed up in an old lab coat her eyes were wild.

  "Hot water is out, I know," She said. "Just tinkering with a few projects right now and I had to kind of pipe into the water heater. I'll go and get it back on right now." She then stepped out and headed to the stairs that led to the basement, where the water heater was located.

  "What are you doing in there?"

  "Honestly, at this point, I'm not sure. I've been up all night."


  "Well, after my Dad won his wrongful termination suit against Manicore, he's been spoiling me with all this state of the art tech. I may have to take a second place just for the gear."

  "He got that much?"

  "I think it's mostly hush money, but I'm not complaining. If I can perfect cold fusion i
n my living room, I will be happy." Heather said as she dashed away.

  Jason walked back into the apartment and threw off the robe and kicked off his slippers as he made his way back to the kitchen, he was about to inform Tyler about the water issue, but he froze as he saw Tyler leaning up against the counter, wearing only his towel, and sipping a cup of coffee as the water on his well-toned body trickled slowly down to the floor. He looked over to Jason and smiled.

  "See anything you like?"

  "All of that. Yes. Sometimes I forget you're actually my boyfriend." Jason said. Tyler set the cup down and ran over to Jason and pressed his lips to his with great enthusiasm.

  "Believe it!"

  "Oh, and the hot water should be back in a few minutes."

  "I hope so."

  "Don't they have showers at the station?"

  "Yes, but I don't want to run into Dave."

  "Are you still avoiding him?"

  "Trust me. It's easier to just steer clear of him. Fortunately we're on different shifts, but a few times a day, we actually cross paths. I remember the last time I saw him. He gave me this look that just freaked me out. He hates me."

  "I'm sure not as much as he hates me, though." Jason added.


  "Why doesn't he just leave town or something? I mean, if I were him, that's what I would do."

  "If you had lost me, you would have left Towers?"

  "Maybe. Not until a few more failed attempts to win you back."

  "I'm going to check on the water. Why don't you fix us some breakfast?"

  "Yes, master." Jason went back into the kitchen, found a couple of plates and opened up a box of blueberry muffins he had gotten at the store. He put one muffin on each plate and stood back to admire his work.

  "Done." He said to himself. Jason could hear Tyler in the shower, so he assumed the hot water was back. He looked over at the breakfast he had made and considered his options. He then smiled and ran toward the bathroom.

  He stood in the doorway and he could see Tyler's naked form behind the glass door. He then slipped out of his boxers and carefully approached, but a sharp pain shot through his body. It was much stronger than he was used to and he fell down to the floor. The pain came back quickly and it soon felt as though his blood was on fire. Tyler poked his head out and once he saw Jason on the floor, he leapt out and ran to his side.

  "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "I don't know! The suit! It's going crazy!" Tyler hoisted Jason up and carried him to the bed.

  "What can I do?"

  "I don't know!" Jason felt the pain grow more intense and then, just like that, it stopped and his body relaxed.

  "What? Is it over?"

  "I think so."

  "What the Hell was that?"

  "I don't know. It was like a cramp all over my body. Like every muscle in my body was twisting around."

  "Do you want me to get Heather?"

  "No. No. It's fine. I think it just needs to come out and play for a bit. I think Spectrum will run a quick patrol before I get over to the cafe."

  "You sure?"

  "I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm fine." Jason said as he sat up.

  "How fine?" Tyler asked.

  "I'll show you." Jason then grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the shower.

  After finally getting ready, Jason and Tyler left the brownstone and went to start their respective days. Tyler drove off to the police station while Jason found cover nearby and transformed into Spectrum. With just a thought, the dark liquid bled through his pores and enveloped his body. It seeped over his clothes and pressed tight against his flesh. Jason didn't fully understand the process but he didn't really care either. He knew it all worked and that was all that mattered. He lifted up off the ground and then shot up like a bullet. It felt new to him everytime he did it. The feeling of the force pushing back and the energy coursing through his body. He soared up and it felt as though he were cocooned in an egg of pure energy and it was his to command. He swooped and dove through the city streets with ease and grace. He usually preferred to patrol at night since it was easier to avoid the Drone Droids, but when he felt the itch, it had to be scratched.

  Spectrum was gliding past what appeared to be a school from above. The kids were just arriving and a few saw him and soon a small mob was forming. He could see nearly all the kids pulling out their smartphones and taking pictures, but then his eyes caught something no one else saw. In a small corner of the school yard, hidden from the others, there was a small cluster of kids ganging up on one other kid. Spectrum dropped down a bit and soon he heard a word which hit his ear like a gunshot.

  "Faggot!" One of the bullies barked. Spectrum's fists tightened and he felt the bonds that held him in the sky give way and he dropped down like a boulder. The children turned and stood slack jawed as Spectrum emerged from the dust.

  "I was coming by and I heard the magic word. Who said it?" He looked back at the kids and they were clearly in a state of shock. He noticed the largest boy. He was tall and built like a linebacker. His friends were similarly developed. He then turned to their victim who appeared to be a lanky, timid boy. Spectrum approached the big guy. "I think I heard it from you."

  "What word?" The boy asked in a defiant tone. Almost as if he were daring Spectrum to say it himself.

  "Faggot." The boy's face grew pale.

  "I said it." He confessed.

  "What's your name?"


  "Chad. You said the word. To him?" Spectrum asked as he pointed to the victim.

  "Yeah." Chad's demeanor began to change. He was growing comfortable being in the presence of a superhero, it seemed. It was as if his hatred was more powerful than anything else he felt and focusing on the subject of his hate brought him comfort and confidence. Spectrum turned to the victim who was standing with his books on the ground and a look of total fear on his face.

  "That true? Did this guy call you a faggot?"

  "It's not like a real insult. The little fruit admitted it!" The big guy said. Spectrum looked to the timid boy.

  "Did you?"

  "Y-yes." The victim said. His voice quivered.

  "What's your name?"


  "How old are you, Trevor?"


  "You sure?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Are you sure you're gay? I mean, I wasn't sure until I was nineteen."

  "You weren't sure about what?"

  "About being gay." The bullies behind Spectrum seemed to explode by the revelation. He then turned and saw them jumping around like apes. They shouted out questions in an endless stream, not waiting for any official answer. They just found some humor in Spectrum's admission.

  "You're gay!?" The big guys asked. Spectrum threw out his arm and Chad froze. A magnetic field held him in place and then he flew forward, stopping directly in front of Spectrum.

  "Yeah. I am. And in case anyone drives up and asks, I'm human as well. Have a problem with that? "

  "No. No."

  "Thought not." Chad then flew back and fell down against his friends. They all got up and raced away.

  "You shouldn't have done that."

  "Why not?"

  "Chad and his friends are on Tweeter and Facepage."

  "So some snot-nosed jocks spreads some school yard gossip."

  "But something like this will go viral for sure."

  "Maybe so. Most of the people in this city hate or fear me as it is. Won't change the color of my sky. Besides, while they're so busy hating on me, they won't have time to bother you, now will they?"

  "I hope not."

  "And if they do, just let me know. Here," Spectrum then picked up one of Trevor's books and a pen nearby and scribbled his phone number on it. "You have any trouble with anyone, you call me and I'll be on it."

  "You're serious."

  "It's my job to protect those who need protection and help those who need help. I wish I had something cooler to give you th
an a phone number, but I'm still kind of new to all of this. I don't have all my gadgets in place yet."

  "It's fine. This is great. Thanks."

  "Don't mention it. Just doing the duty of your amicable, local superhero."

  Chapter 2

  Faster Than the Speed of Scandal

  Spectrum was back in the air and heading toward the cafe. His thoughts returned to the school and Trevor. He was feeling good about what he had done. He began to recall the years just before he realized about himself and the fear he felt when he finally saw the truth. He was terrified of losing not only his friends, but his family as well. Jason had spent nights agonizing over how to break the news to his parents and for so many years, when he thought he had finally found the courage, he would look in their faces and it all just disappeared.

  The guilt of lying, not only to them but to himself as well, ate at him day and night. Trevor seemed so sensitive and Jason could only imagine how much harder it was being exposed so early in life. He often had thought it would have all been easier if there had been at least one person there who understood, and it was not too long that he met Tyler and that's when everything changed. Jason found the courage to come out of hiding and that's when he discovered the people who truly loved him would never turn him away. Jason was glad that he could be that saving grace for someone else at last.

  Although Jason knew there would more than likely be deep repercussions to deal with later, he felt it fell to him to offer himself up as sacrifice in such situations. What would a hero be if they were not willing to bear the brunt of public scorn in order to spare others? He only wished he could do the same for everyone in the same situation, but he was only one man.

  His thoughts were intruded upon by a scream below. He looked down and saw some kind of altercation in front of a large jewelry store. It seemed some oddly dressed young man was harassing a woman. Spectrum shot down and landed, diverting all eyes to himself. The young man was even more odd up close, he thought. He was a gangly thing with a silver Mohawk on top of his head and torn clothes that made him look like some punk rock nightmare from the eighties.


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