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Spectrum: Breaking Light

Page 18

by Darren Sloan

  When the morning came, he sat up and saw Panther doing some kind of stretching poses in front of the window.

  "Did you sleep at all last night?" He asked.

  "I was able to manage a couple of hours. How was your rest?"

  "Not great. I went out and I discovered someone calling himself Atrocity. He seems to be controlling a large group of people and he's infecting the whole city with some kind of hate vibe."

  "Is it like a small buzzing in your ear?"

  "Yes! I was feeling it ever since we got back and the more I hear it, the more violent my thoughts become. If I don't keep a hold of it, I think it would rot out my mind."

  "I thought it was some kind of subliminal signal." She then reached down to her little arm computer and punched a few buttons. Her Comm-Sphere began to glow blue and it expressed a pulse wave outward. Jason felt the buzzing fade away and his head cleared up.

  "Wow. What was that?"

  "A feedback wave. It cancels out all frequencies within a mile radius. The effect will only last for a few hours, but it should keep our thoughts clear."

  "That's fine. Look, could you just hang back here for the day and just do whatever it is you do? I'm going to see if I can get any more information about what's been going on since I've been gone."

  Jason was about to undergo his usual morning ritual before he recalled that he had no power or water. He just went to his closet and pulled some clothes. He then realized how much he missed wearing regular clothes. He slipped on his jeans and the sensation of the denim sliding against his legs was like Heaven to him.

  Once he was dressed, he stepped out of his apartment and just as he did, Heather emerged from her place.

  "Hi." He said with caution.

  "Hey," She said. "Sorry about being so short with you last night. I've just been in a real bad mood lately. I feel kind of good this morning though. It's good to see you."

  "Yeah. You too. Don't you want to know what happened to me?"

  "Sure, sure. We should get coffee later. Fill me in then. I just have some stuff to do." She said as she rushed off. Jason reasoned that the effects of Panther's feedback wave only lessened the effects of Atrocity's signal and Heather still wasn't herself yet. He then hurried out to the street and discovered his bike was gone. He muttered a little curse under his breath. He knew it would take at least an hour and a half to walk to the cafe. The Comm-Sphere suddenly flew out of his apartment as if he had called for it and with barely a thought, it accessed a Wurmhole right in front of him. Jason looked around to make sure there were no witnesses and found the coast was clear. He then leapt through the portal and came out in the alley behind the cafe.

  As the portal closed, he ran over to the back door, but thought better of coming in from the rear. He had been gone for months and he realized a lot of things had changed. He then went around to the front of the cafe and walked through the front door. Business had dropped off since the last time he was there, but it was still better than it used to be. Jason walked right up to the counter and found Tristan Lauvre slumped over on his elbows scanning the paper laid out before him. He then peered up and as soon as he saw Jason he perked up.

  "Hey, Tristan."

  "Well, well, well," Tristan bellowed. His demeanor was awkward and different. "Look who just blows back in after months with no word! I certainly hope you're not here looking for your job because that ship has sailed my friend!"

  "Look, I'm sorry about going missing for the last six months," Jason began.

  "I don't care! I trusted you! I thought I could depend on you!"

  "Fine. I'm sorry and I accept the fact you don't want me working here anymore. I just came here for some information."

  "What kind of information?"

  "I want to know what's been going on around here. Ever since I got here, everyone has been almost rabid. Why is everyone so angry?"

  "I don't know! Life! Why does anyone ever get angry? I guess it's easy to miss how people feel when you just go off the grid whenever you damn well feel like it."

  "What about this Legion of Smiles?"

  "New gang in town. Nothing much to them. I hear they just intimidate people and local businesses. Set a few churches on fire and painted swastikas in some synagogues."

  "That's horrible!"

  "Who cares? They tried to break my windows and I shot one right in his kneecap. Haven't heard from them since. Now they're someone else's problem."

  "I can't believe you're talking like this. Where's Bethany?"

  "Don't know. Don't care. I'm making enough money now I don't have to suck up to that platinum bimbo. Now, either buy something or get the Hell out!"

  Jason turned from Tristan and headed toward the door, but as he grasped the handle on the door, it swung away from him. Jason looked up and he was face to face with someone he was anxious, and at the same time most afraid, to meet.


  Chapter 31

  Inquiring Minds

  Jason's eyes locked with Tyler's and it was as though they were frozen in the moment. Tyler was wearing a smart looking gray suit but his tie was a bit loose around his neck. Jason opened his mouth, but he had trouble finding his voice.

  "Jason. You're back." Tyler said. His voice was even and unemotional.

  "Uh, yeah. I got back last night. I was going to call you."

  "I'm sure you were."

  "May we talk?"

  "I'm kind of busy."

  "Are you working?"


  "But you're not in uniform."

  "That's because I was promoted to detective two months ago."

  "Oh, wow. Congratulations."


  "I really need to talk to you. Just for a few minutes. Please." Tyler rolled his eyes a bit and rocked back and forth on his feet.

  "Fine. Two minutes. That's it." He said. Jason led Tyler outside and took him around the corner and back toward the alley. When they were out of sight, Jason clasped his arms around Tyler but he didn't seem responsive. Jason tried to kiss him, but Tyler turned his head away, as if to avoid Jason's lips.

  "What is going on?"

  "You disappear for six months and then drop out of the sky and expect everything to go back to the way they were? Just like that?"

  "I thought you missed me."

  "I did, but after having to pull long hours to make enough money to pay off your rent and mine takes its toll. And I don't recall hearing a 'thank you' from you."

  "I am thankful. Thank you, but it's not like I had a choice."

  "Yes, Jason. You did. You gave yourself up to those aliens."

  "It was either that or have them destroy the city and kill everyone. What was I supposed to do?"

  "A real hero would have fought. You took the easy way out and got a six month vacation in the bargain."

  "Vacation? Are you kidding me? After I tell you the things I had to go through, You'll," Tyler then threw up his hand, halting Jason's words.

  "I'm sure it's all very fascinating, but I don't have time for these crazy stories. At least now I know you're back so I can stop paying your rent. That's good enough for me."

  "Actually, I may need some more help. Tristan doesn't seem very open to giving me back my job."

  "No way. Forget it. You're here now. If you can't make your own rent, that's on you."

  "What is going on with you? Don't you love me anymore?"

  "Jason. Life moved on when you weren't here. Deal with it, all right. Have a nice day." Tyler then pushed past Jason and disappeared around the corner. Jason bolted after him and grabbed him at the end of the block.

  "Fine! You don't care about me anymore. Got it. Right now I need to know about Atrocity and the Legion of Smiles."

  "I don't know anything about anyone called Atrocity, but as for those Smilers, they're a new gang that moved in not too long ago. We don't know much about them, except their numbers are growing exponentially. They've even swallowed up the few small gangs that were already in town. W
e've been getting missing persons reports like crazy for months. I think there's some connection, but I haven't found any evidence yet."

  "So you have no leads?"

  "Not as such. There is one small lead I was going to follow up on today."

  "What would that be?"

  "Last night a young woman was admitted into the hospital. She claims she broke free of the Legion. She's in critical right now, but I'm hoping I can get in today and ask her some questions."



  "Don't what?"

  "This is an ongoing police investigation. Don't go poking your nose in it."

  "I think this could have something to do with Atrocity."

  "Who, or what, is Atrocity?"

  "You know that guy who was in that car pile up? Tucker Marsden? It's him. I don't know how, but he has gotten power. It's like he can broadcasts hate. I ran into him last night after he killed an entire night club full of people. He's controlling the Legion of Smiles and I think he's infecting the whole city with this hate signal. People are just so angry and hostile. I think he's the reason."

  "That sounds ridiculous. Just stay out of my way or I won't think twice about arresting you. I mean it." Tyler then turned and marched off.

  "Tyler! Wait!" Jason called out. Tyler spun around and glared at Jason as he approached.


  "Can we talk? About us?"

  "Not now."

  "I know not now. Tonight? Just come over and we can sort this out. Please." Tyler seemed pained as he thought over Jason's offer. He squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth as if a wave of discomfort was rolling through him.

  "Fine. I can stop by around eight."

  "Perfect. Thank you."


  That night, Jason set out candles, both to create a romantic atmosphere and also due to the fact that he hadn't been able to get his power back on. He made sure Panther was out, ordering her to patrol the city and learn the lay of the land, but not before he had her set her Comm-sphere to continually release more feedback waves in hopes of blocking any more signals from Atrocity.

  Jason looked at his watch and saw that it was ten after eight. He was getting nervous that Tyler wasn't going to come at all. He flopped down on the couch and was preparing to blow out the candles, but then he heard a soft knock at the door. Jason ran over and pulled it open.

  "Tyler." Jason said with a smile.


  "Come in." Tyler nodded and walked in past Jason.

  "Before we start, I just want to apologize for earlier today. I was in a bad mood. I've been in a bad mood for a while and I didn't mean to take it out on you."

  "Thank you."

  "It's great that you're back. I've missed you." Tyler said. Jason found Tyler's demeanor quite different from earlier. He attributed it to the feedback wave. It seemed to cancel out all negative energy. He seemed more like the Tyler Jason knew and loved. Jason came up to him and they embraced. Jason finally felt like he had come home as he savored the warmth of Tyler's arms. It had seemed like a lifetime since he had felt so safe and whole.

  "This is what I was talking about with Atrocity. Whatever he's doing is what is making people so angry. You never would have been so dismissive of me and Tristan would never have barked at me like he did."

  "But I feel fine now. Explain that."

  "I can." Jason then snapped his fingers and the Comm-Sphere hovered down into sight.

  "What is that?"

  "This is a little trinket I came back with. It's called a Comm-Sphere. It's basically a flying super computer. It generated a feedback wave and that makes this whole building immune to whatever Atrocity is doing to the city. You're not being bombarded with hate and dark thoughts anymore and you're a little more clear now. Aren't you?" Tyler thought for a moment and it began to dawn on him.

  "You're right. I mean, for months I've been hearing this tiny buzz in the back of my head, but now it's gone. I can think a little more clearly now."

  "I just need to figure out what Atrocity is planning to do with this Legion of Smiles. Can you help me with that?"

  "Yes. I wasn't able to get in to the hospital to talk to that girl, but I know where she is and I think Spectrum might be able to sneak in."


  "Yes. I'll have to stay pretty hands off, but I think you can handle it."

  "Thanks. In that case," Jason said as he released the suit. "What are we waiting for?"

  Chapter 32

  Feels Like Home

  Jason and Tyler arrived at First General on the other side of town. It was dark and the hospital seemed rather quiet. The parking lot only had a few cars parked in it and the only people outside were a few employees sneaking a cigarette between shifts.

  Tyler parked as far from the hospital as he could, cornering his car in a dark spot far from the entrance.

  "Are you sure about this?" Jason asked.

  "Yes. Don't worry. I was only restricted from her because she's still under heavy sedation."

  "Will she be able to answer my questions?"

  "I don't know, but it's the best I can do for you."

  "Okay. Thanks. So, she's on the second floor room two twenty eight?"

  "Exactly. Here." Tyler said as he reached into the back seat and produced a set of scrubs.

  "What's this?"

  "The only way you can get in without getting questioned. Don't worry. Security has been kind of lax, especially at night. As long as you're wearing scrubs and look like you belong there, you can go anywhere you want." Jason pulled off his shirt and began putting the scrubs on when he looked over and saw Tyler staring at him and smiling.

  "See anything you like?" Jason asked.

  "Yeah, as a matter of fact."

  "Later, babe. Work first."

  "Ugh. Fine."

  After Jason finished putting on his scrubs, he ordered Tyler to go back to his apartment where the feedback wave was still active. He assured him he would signal him once the deed was done.

  Jason walked toward the hospital with his scrubs on and he saw a few nurses by the entrance enjoying a smoking break. He walked by them with barely a glance and none of them seemed to notice him at all. His heart was pounding, but he felt some relief that the disguise was working.

  He went on into the hospital and it looked like it was nearly abandoned. There was one security guard at the front desk and a few doctors hanging around in the lobby playing on their phones. The few people who were in the waiting area were asleep in their chairs and the only thing that could be heard above the hushed whispers of the remaining hospital staff was the buzzing of the televisions anchored to the walls as they broadcast mindless late night television.

  Jason breezed past the security desk and went over to the elevators. He pressed the call button and waited for the doors to open. He kept looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was looking at him. He felt his face growing red and sweat building over his forehead. He was trying to act like he belonged, as Tyler instructed, but his resolve was weakening and he started to play out all the scenarios in which he was discovered. His anxieties were growing. He pressed the call button again, in hopes it would speed the elevator up. He turned and it looked like the staff members were talking more to each other and it just felt like something was going on. Jason's heart began to race and he decided he needed to get going. He noticed a sign nearby indicating that the stairs were right around the corner, so he hurried away and found the stairs in an isolated hall. He slipped through the door and hurried up the stairs to the second floor.

  He stepped out and he could see the second floor was just as quiet as the first. He wandered down the halls, trying to regain his composure. It seemed as though the only people there were patients, and they were all asleep. The halls were unending and dark, but at last Jason came to room two twenty eight.

  Jason slipped in and he saw the young woman asleep in her bed. He approached her and he could see that she had si
gnificant bruising all along her face, particularly by the eyes and the edges of her face were bloodied. It looked like deep stitches had been ripped out in a most barbaric fashion. He leaned in closer and her eyes opened. He leapt back as she looked up at him.

  "Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked.

  "I just need to ask you some questions."

  "What am I doing here? Where am I?" Her eyes grew and it was clear she was becoming hysterical.

  "Easy. Just calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."

  "What am I doing here?"

  "You don't remember?"

  "I don't know what I remember. I can't think."

  "You came here. You escaped the Legion of Smiles and you came here for help." Her face began to ease and her breathing slowed down. Jason was confident that she was remembering.

  "Right. Them."

  "Yes. Would you be able to answer some questions about them?"

  "I think so."

  "Good. First, how did you get away?"

  "I'm not sure. I just was lost for so long, and then I had this one clear moment and I knew the things I was doing were bad and I didn't want to do them anymore. I tried to take off the mask, but then," She said, but as she trailed off, her eyes widened again and she let out a blood curdling scream. Jason ran to the door and shut it as fast as he could and waited. He didn't hear anything happening and finally decided that the coast was still clear. He went back to the young woman's bed.

  "You tore the mask off?"

  "Yes. It was cut into me. It was cut in so deeply."

  "But why?"

  "That's how he wants it."


  "Atrocity. He sends them out and they find unsuspecting victims and once they capture them, they sew the mask onto their heads and through their flesh. That's how he controls them all."

  "Atrocity controls the Legion through their masks?"


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