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Rush: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 10

by Lane Hart

  “No, but it certainly doesn’t hurt,” Ty responds with a smirk.

  “This is so messed up,” I tell them. “We can’t possibly…especially not right now, under the influence.”

  “We can’t?” Charlie asks.

  “Why not?” Ty demands with his hands braced on his hips.

  “Because we’re drunk!” I remind them.

  “So, if we hadn’t been drinking, you would want us?” Charlie asks, motioning with his finger between him and Ty.

  “I-I didn’t say that,” I answer. “But I would take you much more seriously if you kissed me and told me all of this when you’re completely sober.”

  “We’re never completely sober, are we?” Ty turns to ask Charlie.

  “No, we’re not.”

  “Fine, then between the hours of seven a.m. and noon, when you’ve mostly sobered up,” I declare.

  “Seven to noon?” Ty repeats. “Write that shit down,” he tells Charlie.

  “I could find my phone and set the alarm,” Charlie offers.

  “Good idea,” Ty agrees.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes before I start heading toward the pool house door, ready to escape the embarrassment of the night. Graham can have the night off from studying. I plan to hide under my covers until lunchtime tomorrow.

  Over my shoulder, I tell the guys, “Goodnight, you drunk bastards.”

  Upstairs, I change into my pajamas, take out my contacts, and climb into bed, angry. And sad. But mostly, I’m mad at Graham for what he said. Also, I’m angry that he wasn’t in his room studying alone.

  Still, the first tear doesn’t fall down my cheek until two a.m. when Graham still hasn’t come to bed, and I realize that he’s not going to sleep with me tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I wake up way too early, thanks to the smell of bacon. There’s bacon in my room? I really love bacon but since I’ve been here, we always have cereal for breakfast.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Charlie says before I feel the cool air on my backside when the covers behind me lift, and then the mattress shifts as he climbs into my bed.

  “Morning,” Ty echoes, right before his face appears in front of mine.

  “What are you guys doing? It’s way too early…” I start, reaching up to rub my temple that’s throbbing. Alcohol sucks. I may never drink again. Why does anyone do this regularly?

  “It’s ten a.m.,” Ty tells me with a grin.

  “So?” I ask.

  “So, you said we should kiss you when we’re sober,” Ty responds before he gives me a peck on the cheek.

  “Nuh-uh. You must still be drunk or high,” I grumble before pulling the covers up over my head.

  My escape only causes the two men to burrow deeper with me. The front of Charlie’s body presses harder against my backside and Ty’s minty fresh breath is way too close.

  Is this some sort of horrible birthday joke? No, these guys are sweet. They wouldn’t do anything to make fun of me or hurt my feelings. They’re my friends. Right?

  But then, it suddenly becomes clear that these two may actually be serious about wanting to kiss me, and…oh, my God, possibly more.

  “Charlie?” I ask on a gasp.

  “Yeah?” he replies from behind me.

  “Is that your…against my ass?” I can’t even say the word for the body part.

  Ty laughs, so I barely hear Charlie’s unapologetic response. “Uh-huh.”

  “My dick is hard for you too,” Ty says with emphasis on the name of the anatomy before he grabs my palm and then—holy shit—slaps it right over the hard bulge in the front of his boxers. I may not have ever felt one before, but Ty’s seems very substantial, much bigger than my hand. I can’t believe I’m actually touching my friend’s penis!

  “Oh, my God, guys!” I exclaim, batting the sheets away from my face to get some much-needed air.

  “What’s wrong, Sky?” Ty asks when his head pops out of the tangle of sheets.

  “She doesn’t want us,” Charlie answers for me, sounding disappointed.

  Do I want them? Like this? It’s too much for my naïve little mind to process this early in the morning with a slight hangover.

  “She doesn’t want you, maybe,” Ty tells him. “But I think she wants me. Her hand is still on my dick.”

  Crap. I quickly jerk my hand away to slap it over my face.

  “You should both get out of my bed and go back to your own,” I tell them, unable to look at either of them.

  “Why?” Charlie asks.

  “Because, well, for lots of reasons. Last night was really shitty. Graham didn’t come to bed, so h-he may have been with some girl. Which is fine, that’s his business, but he probably didn’t study, so he wasn’t prepared today and it’s all my fault. I guess. I don’t know. And I’m not sure I understand what’s going on here…”

  “We want you,” Ty explains. “Forget Graham. Remember, we told you all of this last night? Were you drunker than us?”

  No, I think to myself because I do remember Graham’s insult and the entire conversation with the guys, even if it was too bizarre to be real.

  “She remembers,” Charlie says to Ty. “She just thought that we were drunk and that we wouldn’t remember our conversation.”

  “Do you want one of us to leave? Is that the problem? There are too many of us at one time?” Ty asks. “Charlie, get lost.”

  “You get lost, jackass. Breakfast in bed was my idea. If anyone should get to stay, it’s me,” he declares.

  So, there is bacon in my bedroom? Nice! Wait. No, there are more important issues I need to concentrate on right now.

  “Don’t you want to give me a chance, Sky?” Charlie asks, pressing his erection into me even harder and giving my hipbone a squeeze. The unexpected physical contact from my friend is oddly…arousing, making my heart race and my pulse pound. I’ve never thought about Charlie in such a way before, but it didn’t take much for my thoughts to make the jump from friends to…more.

  “Or would you prefer if I try to take your mind off of Graham cracker?” Ty asks, as his fingertips tease back and forth along the hem of my pajama shirt before slipping underneath and caressing the skin of my stomach. Little jolts of what I’m starting to think are desire spread all through me from that one simple touch.

  It’s not like Charlie and Ty haven’t ever laid a finger on me before, but this is definitely…different. And I do want to take my mind off of Graham, God help me. I’d give anything to stop wanting a man who doesn’t want me. I’m just not sure this is the best way.

  “I-I don’t know, guys,” I say in a rush, since my breathing is coming way too fast, like I’ve been out for a jog. “You’re my friends.” My only friends. “Won’t this be weird? I don’t want to ruin what we have.”

  “We’re good friends who just want to have a little fun together, that’s all,” Ty explains, as his hand continues to move upward until his thumb is brushing over my hard, pointy nipple. “Nothing changes, except we get naked together once in a while.”

  “A-all of us?” I ask on a gasp. “Like together? The three of us?”

  “Yeah,” Charlie answers from behind me. “It’s okay if you haven’t done this before. We haven’t either, so it’ll be our first time too.”

  Sure, it may be their first time with this type of thing, whatever it is, but it’s my first, first time! What will they say when they find out that no other man has wanted me?

  “I’m a virgin,” I blurt out, since it seems like an important piece of information to share before this goes any further.

  Both men freeze, and maybe even stop breathing.

  “Are you messing with us?” Ty asks.

  “No. Ugh, it’s so embarrassing.”

  “Why are you still a virgin?” Charlie asks.

  “I was waiting for the right guy to come along but he, um, never did. Or he did, but he doesn’t want me,” I ramble. “So now, I think I just want to get rid of my s
tupid virginity, so that I can move on and have sex like everyone else.”

  When neither man responds, I worry that I’ve scared them both away. “Unless you don’t want to…”

  “I’ll do it!” they both shout at the same time.

  “No, I really think I should do it,” Charlie says. “I mean, if Sky’s sure this is what she wants. No pressure.”

  Tyson scoffs. “Why you?”

  “Because I’ve never been with a virgin before. It’s on my bucket list,” Charlie explains.

  “I haven’t been with one either!” Ty declares. “You should let me have Sky’s.”

  “Are you two serious?” I ask them, surprised that neither of them went running when they found out no man has ever touched me. “We’re…we’re gonna do this? One of you is gonna finally…pop my cherry?”

  “Hell yes,” Ty agrees.

  “Yeah, Sky. We’ve got you,” Charlie says before his damp lips make contact with my neck, causing goose bumps to race up and down my arms.

  “If you’re sure, then I better go brush my teeth,” I tell them when a small case of nervousness hits. Okay, it’s a pretty big case, but I want to do this. “And I need to shower and put in contacts so that you’re not blurry blobs. Shaving my legs and…other parts is probably a good idea too, right?”

  “Ah, yeah,” Charlie responds. “We can wait.”

  “Great,” I say as I quickly scramble out of bed, glad to have a few minutes to get myself together. “I’ll go do all of that, and you two decide who’s gonna take my virginity.”



  “How do we decide?” I ask Ty when Skyler runs into the bathroom and shuts the door, leaving the two of us face-to-face. She’s nervous, I know, but if she says she’s ready to do this, then we will.

  “Rock, paper, scissors?” he suggests with a shrug of his bare shoulders.

  “Works for me,” I tell him. “Best out of three?”

  “Deal,” he says with a grin.

  Both of us sit up in bed and get our hands in position to go on three. I easily win the first two rounds with my rock.

  “Yes!” I shout, pumping my fists in the air in celebration.

  “Fine,” Ty huffs before his head falls back on the pillow. “You get to pop her cherry, but I get to go down on her first, get her good and ready for you, you know?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I agree, since that will make things easier for Skyler. “After that, are you gonna stick around and you know, just watch?” I ask curiously.

  “Hell yes,” he replies. “Why? You getting stage fright? Because I don’t mind if you want to watch me with Sky.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I tell him. More than fine. “We’ve heard each other fuck women through our bedroom walls. Not much left to the imagination, is there?”

  “Right,” Ty answers with a nod.

  Then the two of us stay silent and listen to the sound of the shower running.

  “You think she’s really ready?” I eventually ask him.

  “You getting cold feet or should I say, a cold dick?” he teases with a chuckle.

  “No. My dick is always hot and ready, like Little Caesars,” I respond, making him laugh even harder.

  I roll to my back and look up at the ceiling while we wait. And wait. And wait some more. Finally, the shower turns off. But then a moment later, the hairdryer starts up.

  “She’s gonna change her mind,” I mutter. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. I mean, she’s our friend, our roommate for the summer. What if it does change things?”

  “It won’t change anything,” Ty assures me. “This is Sky. She’s not like other girls, who get all clingy and shit. She’s cool. We’re just helping her out, taking her mind off fuckface so that she can move on. I’m tired of seeing her so sad, especially after last night…”

  “Yeah, me too,” I agree. “Graham has no damn clue how much she cares about him. He just uses her and strings her along.”

  “Not anymore. We’ll put a stop to that, help her spread her wings and fly out of the virginity nest, so that she can find a guy who really sees her. Sure, she’s cute and sexy, but she’s also ridiculously smart and sweet.”

  “And pretty funny,” I add.

  “Yeah. I’ve never had a woman make me laugh so hard.”

  Great, and now after waiting for so long, I’m starting to get nervous. What if I suck being with a virgin and the sex isn’t any good for Sky? Or I hurt her. I don’t want to hurt her.

  I’m about two seconds away from bolting when the bathroom door opens. Sky steps out wearing a white, fluffy robe, her brown hair soft and flowing over her covered shoulders, glasses still off, hazel eyes wary.

  “Have you, um, made a decision?” she asks, standing next to the bed.

  “Charlie’s gonna do the honors,” Ty says. “His dick is smaller, so we thought it would be the least uncomfortable for you.”

  “Fuck you, Ty. That’s bullshit,” I huff indignantly. “My dick is very long and incredibly thick, thank you very much.”

  “Oh, so maybe I should be Sky’s first if you’re so damn big,” Ty challenges.

  “No, it’s fine,” Skyler says. “Charlie can, you know, deflower me.”

  Without further deliberation, she climbs up on the bed and lays down between the two of us again flat on her back.

  When Ty reaches over to start parting her robe, she grabs his hand to stop him and says, “What are you doing?”

  “Oh, well I get to prepare you,” he replies with a grin.

  “Prepare me?” she asks, her wide eyes flitting between the two of us in concern.

  “Uh-huh. Have you ever been fingered, Sky?” Tyson asks.


  “Tongue fucked?” he questions.

  “N-no. You’re…you’re gonna do that? Right now?” she asks with concern.

  “No better way to get you wet and ready to take your first cock,” he tells her. “Trust me?”

  “Yeah. Yes. Okay,” she agrees with a nod before she swallows deeply.

  “Just relax. Nothing I do will hurt you, unlike Charlie…” Ty starts.

  “Hey!” I exclaim, but my protest dies on my lips when he peels her robe back from her left breast and places a kiss on it.

  “That tickles,” Sky says as she squirms.

  He places a few more kisses before he wraps his lips around her nipple and sucks on it, making her gasp.

  Unable to keep watching without doing, I uncover Sky’s right breast and flick my tongue over her nipple before sucking on it too. When I pull back, I look up at her face and ask, “This okay?”

  “Ah, yeah. Yeah, s-sure. No com-complaints from me,” she stammers.

  While my mouth stays teasing her nipple, Ty’s starts to move lower to her flat stomach, and lower still until he’s kissing her…

  “Oh, wow!” Sky exclaims.

  “You like that?” Ty glances up to ask before getting back to work.

  “Shh-yeas-ohh.” Skyler tries to answer with words, but it turns into a moan instead. Her hips buck, and her hand flies out, grabbing a chunk of my hair to hold on to because I’m apparently closer.

  “Ow. Jesus, Sky,” I groan. “Here, squeeze this instead.” I pry her fingers from the strands of my hair and then shove them down into my boxer briefs. She fists my hard cock so tightly, I shout.

  “Ohhh! Oh God!” Sky moans and squeezes me harder.

  “Damn, what are you doing to her down there?” I ask Ty as I roll to my back while Sky jerks me off or jerks my cock off, I’m not sure which.

  “Just added a finger,” Ty murmurs against her clit. “And another. Get ready. Any second…”

  “Yes! Yes! Yessss!” Sky screams and her back arches. Her fist is jerking me so hard, I nearly come. Once again, I pry her fingers open to remove them before I lose control and miss out on being the first man to fuck her.

  “She’s good and ready for you,” Ty says when he pops up from between her spread thighs. He wipes his mouth bef
ore he flops onto the mattress on the other side of Skyler.

  That took less time than I expected. I guess she must be okay with this if she was able to relax and roll with the pleasure enough to come that damn fast.

  “You ready to do this, Sky?” I ask her just to make sure.

  “Uh-huh,” she replies, her eyes glazed over and lips still parted as she sucks in gulps of air.

  Hearing her confirmation, I shove my boxer briefs down and off, then reach over to the breakfast tray to grab one of the condoms we added to it. Sure, we were hopeful but wanted to be prepared.

  Before I can sheath the rubber all the way down my aching cock, Skyler reaches for Ty’s face and kisses him frantically.

  “Thank you! Thank you so, so much. You’re a really great friend,” she tells him before she tries to suck his face off.

  I move over and kneel between her legs just as she starts to roll toward Ty. Grabbing her thighs to hold them down and apart, I give her a tug to drag her body toward me a few inches to break their kiss and get Sky’s attention.

  “Whoa. Okay, let’s…let’s do this,” she says, looking up at me, all flushed and heavy-lidded from her orgasm.

  “I’ll try not to hurt you,” I promise before I line myself up and slowly push the head of my shaft inside of her tight, wet heat.

  Sky gasps and holds her breath for so long, Ty grips her jaw and asks, “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Breathe, Sky. Just try and relax,” I tell her.

  Finally, she begins to let out her breath, so I take the opportunity to squeeze a few more inches inside of her. If I thought her fist was squeezing me hard, it was nothing compared to her virginal pussy. How had I missed out on this as a teenager? Probably for the best. I wouldn’t have lasted more than ten seconds…

  “Just close your eyes and remember how good my tongue felt licking you,” Ty encourages Skyler, and she follows his direction. He then leans down and kisses her lips, distracting her so that her body melts a little more into the mattress, making it easier for my cock to start sawing in and out, in and out, until finally…

  “Ouch,” Sky mutters against Ty’s lips when I bottom out inside of her and officially take her virginity.


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