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Bittersweet Catastrophe (Second Chances #2.5)

Page 14

by Maureen Mayer

  “Don’t be.” I bent down and kissed her sweet lips. “Today you’re giving me the greatest gift I could ever ask for.”

  The doctor got situated at the end of the operating table and wiped down her belly, while a nurse came over with a tray full of metal instruments. “All right, Daddy, I’m going to have you stay up there by Mommy’s head until it’s time to cut the umbilical cords.”

  I gazed down at Liberty, tears trickling down her cheeks, but her smile never faltered. I continued to kiss every inch of her beautiful face, until the doctor finally announced, “It’s a girl!” My eyes shot up when I heard the sweetest sound to ever hit my ears…and boy was she a screamer! For the second time in my life, I wondered how it was possible to love someone so much, but here I had living proof. This precious little angel instantly stole a piece of my heart, and I never wanted it back.

  The nurse brought me over to cut the umbilical cord, and while they cleaned Lillian up, I waited patiently for my little boy to come into the world. Liam was bigger than his sister by a good six ounces, but still so small in comparison to the babies I was used to seeing. Once I separated him from Liberty, the doctor finished sewing her up, and I was back at her side, kissing away her tears of joy. “I love you so fucking much, baby, and I’m so proud of you. You brought two beautiful babies into this world and made me the happiest man alive. I can never thank you enough for the gift you’ve given me.”

  The nurses carried them over to me, wrapped up snug in their blankets, and I swore I could’ve held them both in one arm. They were just so tiny! As I gazed down at them, I couldn’t even begin to express how surreal it was to be meeting them together for the first time and finally, after so many months, getting to hold them in my arms. I was instantly filled with this immeasurable amount of love for the two of them, and that love continued to grow by the second. “Hello, my little angels.” I bent down and kissed each of their foreheads, breathing in that sweet newborn scent. “Daddy loves you so very much.”

  The moment they heard me say daddy, they both looked up at me, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity, and I couldn’t help the tearful laugh that escaped me. Well, I’ll be damned…they already know I’m their daddy.

  I sat myself beside Liberty, carefully positioning them into her arms, and as if on cue, she burst into tears. “They’re so b-beautiful, Shayne.” At the sound of his mother’s voice, Liam immediately stuck his tongue out at her, and she giggled while I brushed away her tears. “I think this one takes after his daddy. Silly boy.” Lillian, on the other hand, had quieted down and lay there softly cooing until she fell asleep in her mommy’s arms. My sweet little girl. There was no denying she already had me wrapped around her little finger.

  I smiled at the three of them, watching my family grow before my very eyes, and never in my life had my heart felt so full. All of the pieces that had led us up to this very moment had come together, and the result was more beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined.

  Our puzzle was finally complete.

  Liberty and I spent the next few days getting to know the newest additions to our family, and I cherished every bittersweet second of it. We were lucky that Liam and Lillian’s lungs were fully developed for having been delivered so early, but they still had to gain another pound or so each before they could leave the hospital. Luckily, they had appetites like their daddy, and they were growing bigger every day. I could already tell Liam was going to be a handsome chunky monkey, and his sister was quickly catching up to him.

  “Handsome chunky monkey,” I laughed as I sat next to my son and held his tiny hand through the incubator. Never in a million years did I think I’d ever hear those words come out of my mouth.

  “How’s our little man doing today?” Liberty’s mom stepped up beside me, placing her hand on my shoulder. Her and Mr. Davis had flown in from Buffalo on the red-eye, and since the moment they stepped through those hospital doors, they hadn’t left our sides. To be honest, it was nice to have another shoulder to lean on and someone to visit with the babies in the NICU while Liberty and I tried to catch some shuteye. My own father had been there three times today, and I had to force him to go home and get some sleep.

  “He’s looking a little bigger today, don’t you think?” I grinned down at Liam, who was busy watching everything going on around him. “He’s been squirming around a lot more, too. I’m pretty sure I overheard him and his sister planning their escape just a little while ago.” I looked over at Lillian, who had fallen fast asleep after I’d gotten a chance to hold her. My sweet baby girl.

  “That wouldn’t surprise me. I used to catch Liberty and AJ plotting to run away all the time. They’d pack their suitcases and march outside, making a big to do about it. Then I’d hop in the car and slowly trail behind them while they walked around the block and came straight back home.” She chuckled softly to herself and turned to me, smiling. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, hon.”

  “I wish I could’ve gotten to know her brother. He sounds like someone I would’ve gotten into trouble with as a kid.”

  “He was definitely a troublemaker, all right.” She tilted her head to the side, as though she were studying me. “You know, I see a lot of him in you.”

  “Are you trying to insinuate that I’m a troublemaker, Mrs. Davis?” I smirked, goading her.

  “Oh, please, call me mom.” Her arm came around my shoulder, and for the first time in years, I remembered what it felt like to have a motherly figure around. “What I meant was that I see how you are with my daughter, and it reminds me so much of my AJ. That boy was the center of her universe, and he was fiercely protective of his little sister. He would have moved mountains just to put a smile on her face, and I know you would, too. That’s just the kind of man you are. You have a good heart, Shayne, and I’m glad my daughter was lucky enough to have found you. She’s been through so much already, and I know she still has a long road ahead of her, but,” she paused, throat clogged with emotion. “But I’m happy that she has you there to be her rock. It takes a strong man to stand by and watch the woman he loves go through something like this, especially when there’s nothing else you can do but be there for her.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Dav–” She cocked her eyebrow, and I quickly corrected myself, grinning as I tested out her new title. “Mom.”

  “You’re welcome, hon. You know we’re always here for you. You’re not alone in this.” She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in for a hug, and I did the same back. “Now, why don’t we go check on that daughter of mine? Last I heard, she was complaining about the hospital food and threatening to break out of here and sneak off to Taco Bell.”

  I shook my head, snorting out a laugh, but was I surprised to hear that? Not even a little bit. The food really did suck here. I was contemplating sneaking out to get some real grub myself.

  “Told you they got it from their mother.”

  And apparently their father, too.

  When we got back to the maternity ward, I could hear Liberty’s laughter filtering down the hallway, and when we stepped into the room, her father, Maddie, Brett, and even the nurse on duty, were doubled over with tears in their eyes.

  “Did we miss something?”

  Liberty scooted over, patting the bed beside her. “We were just joking around about implants. Do you think the doctor would be cool with giving me double D’s?”

  Brett slapped his knee, chuckling boisterously.

  “You think that’s funny? ‘Cause I’m about two seconds away from laying into you, man. I don’t appreciate you gawking at my wife’s tits.”

  “Hey, I’m only going to have them for a few more hours, so gawk away, Brett!” She waved her arms in the air, as though celebrating her last night with natural breasts. The way she acted so nonchalant about it really unnerved me. I wondered if that was just her way of coping with her impending surgery, or if the gravity of what was to come hadn’t hit her yet.

  “Would you guys mind stepping out for a few minut
es?” All eyes flew to me, and I nodded toward the door.

  “Is everything okay? Are the babies all right?” “Liberty sat up quickly and hissed in pain, still tender from her incision.

  “They’re fine, sweetheart.” I cupped her cheek, kissing away the furrowed look on her face. “Relax. I just want a moment alone with you.”

  Everyone quickly filed out of the room, and Liberty’s father patted me on the back as he passed me by. “I don’t think she’s handling this very well. Go easy on my daughter,” he lowered his voice so only I could hear.

  “That’s what I figured.” I nodded in agreement. “I’ll see if I can get her to open up to me. I don’t want her going through this with an unclear mind.”

  “Good luck, son.”

  I leaned my head against the door after shutting it behind him and released a heavy sigh. I had no idea what I was going to say to her, but I couldn’t just let it go. She was far too happy for someone about to go under the knife and lose a part of her she could never get back.

  Glancing back at her laying on the bed, with her head turned and gazing out the window, I caught the split second when her smile fell. She didn’t notice me watching her, but I caught it. That fear I’d been looking for was buried somewhere deep within her. As I put one foot in front of the other and sank down on the bed beside her, she turned back to me, and the mask had been put back in place. She isn’t fooling me.

  “How are you feeling, babe?” I weaved my fingers though her hair, and she smiled up at me complacently.

  “Surprisingly good. My incision is still a little sore, and it itches like hell, but I’m just ready to get this show on the road. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get home and be with my babies.” She reached up and traced her fingers along my cheek and down my jaw, enjoying the fresh layer of stubble. “I can’t wait to bring them home, Shayne.”

  “I know, sweetheart. Doctors said it should only be another three weeks for them. They’ve gotten so big over the last week. I’m thinking it might be sooner. I’m telling ya, that Liam is a tank!”

  Liberty giggled into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. “Considering the amount you eat, I think we’re going to need a second fridge just for him alone.” She looked up at me with nothing but pure, unadulterated love in her eyes. “He’s gonna grow up to be big and strong like his daddy.”

  I swept the hair out of her eyes and bent down to capture her lips. Even lying in this bed, wearing a hospital gown and no makeup, she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. “Think you’re up for a shower?”

  “Hmm, that sounds heavenly. Will you help me up?”

  I climbed out of the bed and held my hands out for her. She winced as she swung her legs over the side, and then let out a deep, victorious breath when she finally managed to get to her feet. “For not having squeezed two babies out of my vagina, I really didn’t think I’d be this sore.”

  “Babe, they literally had to slice you open to get them out. I can’t imagine that would feel good.”

  “Ugh, well I can only imagine how I’ll feel after tomorrow,” she groaned.

  I led her into the bathroom and got the temperature of the water just right before helping her remove her hospital gown. She grabbed hold of the metal bar along the tiled wall of the shower and turned back to me, “I think I’ve got it from… What are you doing?”

  I lifted my shirt up over my head and slid my jeans down, kicking them aside. “What does it look like I’m doing?” I stepped in behind her and reached for the shampoo. “I’m helping the gorgeous…” Brushing her hair over to one side, I rained kisses across her shoulder. “…sexy…” My lips trailed up her neck, tracing my tongue behind her ear. “…mother of my children take a shower. Got a problem with that?”

  I lathered up the shampoo in my hands and massaged it into her long auburn hair. She fell back against my chest and moaned pleasantly as the corners of her mouth pulled up into a satisfied grin. “I could definitely get used to this.” She craned her neck to look back at me. “So, does this make me a milf now?”

  I chuckled under my breath and turned her around to rinse her hair. “Damn right it does.”

  She stretched up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around my neck, delivering a long, drawn out kiss that had the big man down below coming to attention. “Glad that even with all of the stretch marks, scars, and this hideous belly pooch, you still find me just as attractive.”

  “Sweetheart…none of that has changed who you are on the inside. You’re still the same woman I fell in love with that day you crashed into my arms on the beach, and you’re still just as beautiful, if not more. You’re physical beauty isn’t what defines you.” I cradled her cheek and pressed my lips to the corner of her mouth. “It’s your heart, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I know.”

  Spinning her back around so that she was facing away from me, I poured some of her vanilla body wash in my hands and caressed the suds into her soft skin. I massaged it into her shoulders and back, rubbing out her sore, aching muscles, before snaking my arms around her waist and cupping her full breasts. Her body reacted to my touch, as I knew it would, but it was only a matter of seconds before her chin dipped down, and a soft cry filled the tiny space around us.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” I tucked my finger beneath her chin, but she tried to turn away. “Talk to me.”

  “I’m scared, Shayne,” she finally admitted. “What if something happens during the surgery tomorrow? What if they find out that it has developed into cancer? What if it’s spread? What if–”

  I crashed my lips against hers, cutting her off before she could get another word out. She kissed me back just as hard and dug her fingers into my biceps, as though she were afraid to let me go. “Life is full of what ifs. If it turns out that it is cancer, we’ll fight it. Together.” I leaned my forehead against hers, and her grip on me tightened. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’ll be by your side through it all, the good and the bad. I won’t let this tear us apart.”

  “I love you, Shayne.” She pressed her lips against my chest, and her warm breath filled me with hope. “Promise…promise me that whatever happens…”

  “The only promise I’m going to make is to bring you and our babies home when this is all over and spend the rest of my days loving you and growing old with you.” Kissing the top of her head and tucking her beneath my chin, I made sure she couldn’t see the emotions warring within me, because I knew it wasn’t a promise I could keep.

  I held her in my arms until the water cascading around us grew cold, at which point we dried off and climbed back into bed together. There wasn’t much room for the two of us, but we made it work, even if it meant having my beautiful wife’s body pressed up against me and softly snoring in my ear. I closed my eyes, knowing sleep wouldn’t come to me tonight, but I prayed that I could spend a lifetime with her, however long that might be, doing exactly this.

  Liberty stirred next to me, her back to my chest, and her ass rubbing against my erection. God, there was nothing better in this world than waking up beside her and feeling her warm, naked body perfectly molded around me. I carefully reached across her waist, hoping not to wake her, but was hit with a sudden wave of nausea. She was so cold, so stiff…lying lifeless in my arms.


  “Shayne,” I heard her call out to me, but something sounded off in her voice, as though she were drowning and being pulled further under. I couldn’t even be sure it was really her.

  “Shayne, wake up.” Someone shoved my shoulder, nearly knocking me flat on my ass, and I bolted upright to find several pairs of eyes staring back at me. Fuck, I didn’t even remember falling asleep.

  “Jesus, man, it’s like trying to wake the dead,” Brett said jokingly, and I glared at him for his choice of words. “You all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, but they quickly shot back up to him. “How long have I b
een out?”

  “Luckily, just long enough. Looks like you slept through the whole surgery. The surgeon just came by looking for you a few minutes ago to let you know they’re taking Liberty up to recovery now.”

  “Why the hell did you wait until now to tell me?” I stood, pushing him out of my way.

  “Easy, man. Like I said, you sleep like the dead. I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last five minutes.”

  “Did he say what room they were taking her to?”

  “Three-oh-seven…” he rambled off as I ran to the elevators.

  Just as I was about to enter the elevator on the left, Dr. Ramesh was exiting the one on the right. “Ah, Mr. Thompson, glad to see you’re awake.” He walked up to me, extending his hand, and I gave it a firm shake.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Your wife is doing just fine.” He smiled warmly. “She’s still under anesthesia, but she should be waking up very soon. You can go up and wait with her now if you’d like. Sometimes it’s better for the patient to have someone familiar there when they wake up.”

  The tension in my shoulders dissipated, and I was flooded with a sense of relief. “Did…did you find anything…” God, please tell me he didn’t.

  He paused for a moment and nodded solemnly. “Your wife is very lucky. Not many women catch this so early on.” He gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze just as his pager went off. “I’ll be back to check up on her in an hour. If she’s in any pain when she wakes up, just buzz the nurse’s station, and they’ll give her something to help relieve it.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Ramesh.”

  I went up to the third floor, and as I quietly entered her room, there was a nurse taking her temperature. She smiled and pulled a chair up next to the bed. “Good timing. She’s just starting to wake up.”

  I took my time moving around to the other side of the bed, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She looked so small and fragile. I held my breath, afraid to even breathe near her. “ it okay if I hold her hand?”


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