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Every Rogue's Heart

Page 18

by Dawn Brower

  “I’ve never known you to be slow.” One of her blonde eyebrows arched. “I want another kiss, and since you refused me, citing morals, I have decided to take one due to curiosity.”

  Damnation. Her boldness enhanced his growing arousal. Where had she learned that, for he’d wager she’d never lain with a man. That supposition made him bite back a groan. I can be the one who introduces her to coitus. He adored that she wasn’t a meek and mild miss, but the longer she pressed herself against him, the bigger the possibility that she’d notice the evidence of his desire. And then what? Would her newfound courage desert her when presented with raw facts?

  In the end, just as he’d said, he wasn’t strong enough to deny her. “I suppose I cannot refuse a lady’s request.”

  For he wanted that kiss as much as she.

  Evangeline’s grin could light up the night sky. “How very gentlemanly of you.” She leaned closer and brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. Her light touch coupled with her warm curves nestled in his hands and lap worked to separate him from his honorable intentions.

  “Let us both hope I remain such ten minutes from now.” It took little effort to cover her lips with his. When she uttered a sound of surrender at the back of her throat, he was lost.

  Why had he not taken the chance when they’d courted? Even now they could have enjoyed five years of marriage, perhaps had a child or two. Reality intruded and took the edge off his ardor. Those thoughts meant nothing, for she’d run from him and had taken all of his dreams with her.

  Now he had new ones. That revelation left him reeling and he pulled slightly away, breaking their embrace. Marriage, starting a family, having a traditional existence were what he’d envisioned for his life back then. Never had he asked what she’d wanted out of hers. He’d merely assumed she’d wished for the same.

  Dash it all! That would change starting from this moment.

  “I would think you could at least attend me while I’m kissing you,” she said, frustration and amusement mixing in her throaty whisper.

  Jasper stared into her face and he grinned. “My apologies. It won’t happen again.” This time, he settled her more comfortably in his arms and applied himself to a second kiss with gusto. Her lips, soft and plush, were heaven. Her fingers threaded in his hair kept him focused on the embrace. And her curves. Dear God, Evangeline’s voluptuous swells of breast and hip called to him, tempted his fingers until he could no longer resist.

  If they had limited time together, then he’d do his level best to imprint these memories on her so she couldn’t so easily forget him. Once more he broke the kiss, but trailed his lips along the underside of her jaw while he slid his hands down her back and cupped her rounded buttocks. The heat of her warmed his palms; the satin glide of her skin beneath his lips drove all common sense from him.

  When he encountered the hollow at her collarbones, he teased the spot with his tongue. She sighed, arched her back, thrusting her breasts closer. The pink tips of her hardened nipples peeked through the thin cotton of the camisole, and he couldn’t resist. “Oh Evie, you are splendid.” He lowered his head and took one of those tempting buds between his lips.

  Evangeline drew in a shuddering breath and let it go on a sigh. “Mmm.” She straightened her spine, which gave him greater access. “I had no idea how good—oh!” Her eyes widened as he rubbed the flat of his tongue over her cotton-covered nub.

  “This is just a taste of the wonders that await you once you find a man you might give your heart to, and marry.” He transferred his attention to the other breast and plied it with the same attention until she was nearly whimpering with need.

  “No.” She placed her hands on either side of his head and guided his lips to hers once more. After a few heated seconds of tongues tangling and her squirming, which made his burgeoning situation more immediate, she wrenched away. “Why must love muck it all up? Why must I wed when I can experience intercourse without that lauded state?” She punctuated the questions with another quick kiss. “I know my own mind. I am fully cognizant of the implications that will follow.”

  “That might be true, but if you fall into bed with every man who interests you, you will quickly be labeled a dirty puzzle.” At the moment, he didn’t much care if she were called a promiscuous woman as he palmed her generous breasts. The plump flesh filled his hands and fired his imagination. What he wouldn’t do to slide them both to the floor, separate her from her lace-edged drawers and find her honeyed heat with his fingers.

  “What does it matter?” she countered, and one of her hands wandered down his chest to linger dangerously close to his waistband. “I have read enough novels and have had scandalous talks with my friends to know what happens during the act. Why shouldn’t I want to experience it? I do not need marriage for that, neither do I wish for mediocre.”

  Hellfire and brimstone.

  Why did they need to have this conversation now? “You may believe you are independent enough to skirt tradition and society’s dictates, but on this, I am adamant and do not want to see you used and defiled.” He teased her nipples with the pads of his thumbs, and when she moaned in approval he grinned but quickly came to his senses. Wasn’t that what he was doing now? His stilled his fingers but didn’t remove his hands from her person. “Men will bed you readily enough, but will leave you when they tire of you.” That thought sobered him and sent spikes of cold jealousy spearing through his chest. “I couldn’t bear to know that’s what had become of your life.” The jealousy fled in the face of the fierce protection that raged now. He would do everything in his power to shield her from those men. “You are meant for better things than an easy mark for some man’s prick.”

  That was the truth, and speaking it aloud was as effective as throwing a bucket of cold water on the seduction he’d wanted and planned for.

  “Better things as in being little more than a man’s breeder or a glorified housekeeper?”

  “No! Men who would care for you—love you—won’t treat you like an object. They’ll help you, support your dreams.” Why couldn’t she see this? “Men like… me.”

  “I don’t wish to risk it.” She shook her head without acknowledging his suggestion. “Please, Jasper.” The whispered plea almost had him resuming his activity. When she brushed her fingers over his rampant length pressed against the front of his trousers, two pitiful layers of fabric separating them, he sucked in a breath. “I want this, and why shouldn’t I do such an act with you, a man I already know and have history with, instead of someone I do not?”

  Her reasoning held more logic than it should, but even still, this wasn’t part of his plan. He’d assumed he would bed her after she’d promised to be his wife. “No.” Jasper gathered her hands and held them behind her back. Not smart, that, for her breasts thrust tight into the thin camisole, tempting, oh so tempting. He glued his gaze to hers. “I cannot indulge your request for the simple fact that once the storm outside passes, you will leave. I refuse to have my world upended again. I barely survived the last time.”

  Damn it. He hadn’t meant to admit such a thing, but there it was.

  Her eyes rounded with shock and she struggled against his hold. “Let me go.”

  “Of course.” Immediately, he released her hands. His passion cooled and the intensity of his arousal lessened. “Evangeline, I—”

  “Stop.” She slithered from his lap and when he assumed she’d march into his bedroom and slam the door, she surprised him again by pacing the length of the opposite sofa, the table between them. “What you say makes sense. Except…”

  “Except what?” He hadn’t the heart to tell her that her delicate unmentionables were rendered almost transparent each time she passed before the lamp resting on a side table.

  “Except once again what I want is only given at the discretion of a man’s whim.” She curled her hands into fists and whirled to face him. “Do you know how aggravating it is to have an idea blocked, argued, derided just because it was put forth by a wo
man?” Her lower lip trembled. “Everything in this society—this world—is controlled by men, even down to the needs of my body—mine—which is under my control, yet upon marriage, this body—” She grabbed her breasts in her hands. “—becomes the property and possession of a man.” With a cry of frustration, she threw her hands up in the air and her breasts swayed with the sudden movement. “None of this is fair.”

  “I agree, but do understand that while what you said is true, not all men will treat women like chattel. Not every man will demand a woman tie herself to a domestic life if that is not what she wishes.” He shoved his hands through his hair and then held his head in his hands. “If you do not wish to be measured by ‘all women,’ you mustn’t measure all men by the same stick.”

  For several long moments, Evangeline glared at him with the expression of a thundercloud, her chin notched up in defiance. She was the proud embodiment of nature’s fury raging outside. Then she sighed and the fight left her shoulders. She slumped onto the sofa as if her bones would no longer support her. “You are correct. I do you a disservice as much as I have had done to me.”

  Jasper lifted his head, and when he met her gaze, tears sparkled there. “I understand why you wish to further your independence in this manner. It should be your right as a human being. All I ask is that you make your decisions wisely—discreetly—and don’t let others devalue you simply because you are female.”

  “I will.” She nodded, her gaze darting away. “I suppose in this regard I have failed as well.” A tiny sob escaped her. “I have disappointed my mother, my aunt, you.”

  “No.” She looked so forlorn that his heart ached for her. “My dear Evie, where you and I are concerned, there is no disappointment.” He clambered to his feet, crossed the floor and resettled on the sofa beside her. “I have never met a woman with more fortitude or determination.” Jasper took one of her hands in his. “Your courage and kindness set you apart. Your bravery alone could quell the hearts of the most hardened military generals.” Those things and more had made him fall for her to begin with.

  “More pretty words.” A tear leaked from the corner of one eye and splashed upon the back of his hand. “Pardon me. The past few days have been trying. My mind is consumed with confliction and confusion.”

  “You are entitled to your feelings.” He entwined their fingers, but when she pulled her hand away, he didn’t protest. If she still wished to cling to finding her independence through her business, he would assist her, even if it sent her away from him. He wanted her happiness above all things. “I am going to help you sell your garments.”

  “How?” She stared at him, her lashes spiked with moisture. And she was even more enticing than she was before.

  “Set up a shop here in London. There is more foot traffic and younger clientele. You wouldn’t need to travel all over England.” Which would put her closer to him and maybe then he could continue to woo her. At the very least he could watch over her.

  Fear roiled in her expressive eyes. Evangeline shook her head. “It’s… too overwhelming to think about right now.”

  Rain beat against the window, the only sound heard in the room for long minutes.

  This time he refused to allow her to retreat from life or a possible future with him. “It would be easier with a partner. Together, you and I will locate shop space.”

  “My aunt wouldn’t come to London, not now that Grandmother lives in Brighton.” She shook her head, her expression growing closed. No doubt she’d already told herself all the reasons why the idea wouldn’t work. Obviously, she’d missed his point entirely. “I would have to handle the business alone, and I’m not certain I have the knowledge or the credibility.”

  Jasper wanted to scream with frustration at her inability to see her worth or her potential or his willingness to help launch her. “You are never alone when I’m here.”

  She took a quick gulp of breath and then another. Finally, she shot to her feet, panic lining her face, her eyes wide and hunted. “I cannot make such a decision at the moment, but I promise to think on what you’ve said.”

  And then she fled the parlor. Her bare feet pounded against the hardwood as she crossed the hall to his bedroom. The door slammed behind her.

  Muttering a curse, Jasper flopped backward against the sofa. God save him from high-spirited women, even if this one owned his heart.

  For the first time in his career as a chocolatier, Jasper came downstairs to the shop an hour after opening. He’d overslept, his mind apparently drained from the events of the prior evening.

  He manipulated his cravat as he made his way down the stairs, but when he would have stepped into the shop itself, the sound of Evangeline’s voice brought him to a halt and he lingered just inside the door. Positioning himself so he could comfortably observe, shock plowed into him when he caught sight of her behind the counter assisting Theodore with customers, a Parisian-style apron tied about her slim waist, protecting a gown he’d not seen before. The shade of peacock blue and green, combined with the low bodice, enhanced her natural beauty and made her eyes pop with color.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Alrad,” Theodore greeted. “Yes, Mr. Winslow is out of pocket this morning—I think—but Miss Bradenwilde can help you with your selections. She has quite the discerning eye. I have tea to make for another customer.”

  Still concealed, Jasper rolled his eyes. Young Theodore had lessons on tact to learn yet, and with one of their more prominent clients no less. Also, it was disturbing how willing the other man was to incorporate Evangeline into sharing his tasks. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned a shoulder against the wall and continued to observe.

  “Thank you for the kindness, Mr. Anderson, but I am not the expert that you or Jasper are.” She met Mrs. Alrad’s gaze. “If I were you, I’d consider one of these mouth-watering fruit tarts today, or if chocolate is what you’re after, the soft caramels topped with flaked salt will change your life.” A smile sounded in her voice.

  While they conversed, Jasper’s gaze never left Evangeline’s face. Her eyes sparkled while she made suggestions; her hands animated as she gestured toward confections she tried to steer the customer toward. Once she’d made the sale and Theodore boxed the purchases, she was immediately approached by another customer, this time a male.

  Jasper frowned. A tall, blond man dressed to impress, his hair styled just so, whose face lit with a satisfied grin upon seeing Evangeline.

  “How may I assist you today?” she asked with cheer and genuine pleasure that grated on Jasper’s nerves.

  “Securing dinner with you along with a box of your finest chocolates would be a terrific start,” the man responded as he leaned over the counter to possess himself of her hand.

  Jasper’s body stiffened. The gall of the man!

  But he needn’t have worried. Evangeline extricated herself from his grip without losing her smile. “How about I fill your box with sweets and you can find a dinner companion elsewhere?”

  “Perhaps, but I won’t enjoy the confections quite as much without you on my arm,” came his response that set Jasper’s blood boiling.

  “Do try and learn a new skill, sir. It will serve you well in life.” She tempered the admonishment with a smile that had Jasper’s chest tightening. “Now, shall we discuss your chocolates?”

  Further conversation remained strictly on the candies, and Jasper’s respect for her went up several notches. She’d handled herself with aplomb and diplomacy, all the while remaining unruffled. By the time she sent the gentleman on his way, three other customers waited for her attention and insight.

  Through it all, Jasper watched with varying degrees of fascination and admiration. She was a natural in this setting. He stroked his chin as thoughtfulness fell upon him. Interesting, that. And perhaps it would open a whole new avenue he’d not previously considered, but would it be received with better reception by his reluctant lady?

  During a lull, Theodore returned to the counter. “You have a knack
, Miss Bradenwilde. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were born for this sort of work.”

  “Thank you.” She briefly touched his arm and Theodore’s face went as red as his hair. “I am merely showing my thanks to your employer for his hospitality.”

  “This rain has been unfortunate, but I heard talk it will end tomorrow. Finally have some clear weather.”

  “Is that right?” Was that panic in her voice? “I suppose one cannot have rain every day, though. We all must learn to live our lives in the sun as well.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I have liked having your assistance this morning.” Theodore grinned as if he had no sense. “It is certainly different with a woman about the place.”

  Evangeline’s smile was ethereal as she regarded the younger man. “May I ask you a question?”

  “Certainly.” His head bobbed as if he were an owl.

  “Do you enjoy working for Mr. Winslow?”

  Jasper’s insides twisted. This was why no good ever came of listening at keyholes or around corners. What would his assistant say?

  “I do, Miss Bradenwilde.” Another round of enthusiastic nodding ensued. “Mr. Winslow is a top-notch teacher with a wealth of knowledge. He listens to my ideas. Never says my views are wrong, even when they differ from his. We work together to create new confections and designs.” The man’s eyes grew round with excitement. “Every once in a while, he’ll put my creations in the case. That is a grand day indeed.”

  “I can imagine the thrill,” Evangeline agreed. “There is something so pleasant about seeing your hard work on display, knowing that your chocolates will bring happiness to others.”

  “Yes, miss. Exactly that.”

  “Mr. Winslow has always been one of a kind. He is a true treasure to this world, England especially.” Her voice trailed away, perhaps into thought.

  From his doorway shelter, Jasper lost his heart to her all over again. Her opinion only solidified his decision to propose, and he would do so tonight if at all possible.


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