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Every Rogue's Heart

Page 25

by Dawn Brower

  The nanny dipped into a curtsy. “She is in the kitchen with Miss Baxter, Your Grace.”

  He offered a nod then made his way toward the kitchen. Sophia had never been in that particular room before and he could not imagine why she was now—not that it bothered him. He was merely curious.

  Sophia’s sweet chatter greeted his ears before she came into view. He stopped to watch her and Miss Emma as they stood behind a counter, both wearing aprons, their faces marked with streaks of white flour.

  “Now add three eggs,” Emma instructed.

  Sophia reached for one large brown egg before tapping it against the metal bowl and dropping its slimy contents into the bowls depth. “One.” She reached for another, repeating the process. “Two.” Then again. “Three.” She looked at Emma, her nose wrinkled in consternation. “I still see a solid.”

  “Patients, Princess. Add a cup of water to the mix.”

  Sophia did as instructed before turning her gaze back on Emma. “The liquid is mostly sitting on top of the solid now.”

  “Indeed it is. Give it a stir.” Emma handed Sophia a whisk.

  Sophia stuck the mettle mixing instrument into the bowl and gave a stir splashing liquid over the sides. She bit her lower lip, turning to Emma.

  “Worry not.” Emma stepped behind Sophia covering her hand with her own and guiding Sophia’s movements. “Mixing is a tricky science. I often splash the contents around myself. There now, you are doing wonderfully.”

  Aaron observed as Sophia’s eyes rounded, her smile magnifying. “I did it, Miss Baxter! The whole thing is a liquid.”

  “Indeed you did. You’re a marvelous kitchen scientist.” Emma removed her hand from Sophia’s and stepped back beside her. “Are you ready to observe what happens when we heat the batter?”

  Aaron stared in wonderment at Emma’s teaching techniques. He’d never seen a governess or tutor of any kind utilize such methods. And what fun Sophia appeared to be having. It was no wonder she picked up on Emma’s lessons so easily when the woman made learning fun and interesting.

  “Yes. And I have a theory. A hypothesis that is.” Sophia sat the whisk on the counter. “It will become a solid.”

  “What a smart little lady you are.” Emma slid a baking dish closer to the bowl.

  Pride spread through him at his daughter’s wit and accomplishment. At the same time his heart warmed further in regard to Emma. Every time he witnessed her with his daughter more of the thick veneer surrounding his heart chipped away.

  Sophia grinned, mischief glinting in her eyes. “No, I have merely eaten lots of cake.”

  Emma laughed. “And you shall eat more soon.”

  Fighting his own laughter, Aaron cleared his throat as he walked further into the kitchen. “What is this I hear about cake?”

  “Daddy!” Sophia wiped her flour covered hands on her apron. “The cake was supposed to be a surprise.”

  “Then I will remove myself and pretend as though I never came upon you.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead before offering Emma a grin.

  “Go now. Hurry, for if you stay too long you may not be able to forget.” Sophia waved toward the door.

  With a chuckle, Aaron did he bidding leaving them to their lesson. His conversation with Emma would have to wait for later. There was nothing for it.

  Chapter 6

  Emma stepped into the foyer, started at the sight of the men standing just inside, then froze. Uncle Silas and Lord Windham stared back at her. How had they found her? What would they do? Good God, she’d not told Aaron the whole truth, yet. Her heart somersaulted. Now there would be no time.

  Before she could determine what to do, Uncle Silas stepped forward and took hold of her arm and yanked her toward the door. “You have had your fun. Now it is time you do your duty.”

  Emma pulled her arm back, attempting to gain her freedom. “Release me.” She turned defiant eyes on him. “Let go, or I’ll scream. I swear I will.”

  “I could not care less if you do. I am your guardian and you are betrothed to Windham. You belong to us.” He said, his tone low, dangerous.

  She shrank back like a cornered animal, digging her heals in as he pulled her toward the door. “No. You can’t—”

  “Shut your stupid mouth before we shut it for you.” Lord Windham took her other arm, helping Uncle Silas to propel her toward the door while Aaron’s butler watched with wide eyes.

  Knowing not what else to do, Emma released a blood curtailing scream. Perhaps Aaron would not save her, maybe he would not, but she had to try. She could not allow Uncle Silas to take her and marry her to Windham without a fight. Now mere feet from the door, she screamed again, so loud that it made her ears ring.

  Uncle Silas slapped his hand over her mouth, tugging her harder.

  Her heart beat so hard she feared it might explode causing her to perish on the spot. A fate she’d prefer over becoming Lord Windham’s wife. “Do not let them take me,” she yelled at the butler, desperation plain in her voice.

  The butler found his courage and slammed the door shut, stepping in front of it. “I am afraid you will have to speak with His Grace before you are allowed to remove Miss Baxter.”

  Lord Windham let go of her only to grab the butler by his lapels, pushing him against the door. “You do not give me orders.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Aaron stepped into view.

  She moved her gaze to the floor boards when he moved to stand in front of them, his face all hard lines and anger, though she recognized a flicker of betrayal glinting in his eyes.

  He ripped Uncle Silas’s hands from her, turning the man to face him. “Explain yourself.”

  Uncle Silas squared his shoulders, notched his chin. “Miss Baxter is my niece and I am her guardian. Further, she is betrothed to Lord Windham. I have every right to take her back and enforce the contract we signed.”

  Aaron met Emma’s gaze causing her heart to tumble.

  She stared back, her lower lip quivering, hands shaking. “Please.” It was all she could do to speak the word to him and she desperately hopped it was enough to persuade him.

  He turned back to Uncle Silas. “I am afraid you have it all wrong. Emma belongs to me now.”

  Lord Windham came forward, his face flaming red. “That is impossible.”

  Aaron strolled over to her with long confident strides then put a secure arm around her. “We are wed.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Lord Windham sputtered, looking to Uncle Silas. “He is lying.”

  “Afraid not old chap. We were married under special license from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury himself.”

  Lord Windham pulled back his fist. “You lying son of a bitch.”

  Aaron released Emma catching Lord Windham’s fist in his hand. He squeezed it as he walked the man toward the door. “You have over stayed your welcome.”

  The butler opened the large oak door and Aaron propelled Lord Windham through it before turning to Uncle Silas. “Will you be kind enough to remove yourself, or shall I do it for you?”

  Uncle Silas hastily took his exit. The butler slamming the door in his wake.

  “Thank you.” Emma raced to Aaron’s side. “You have done me a great service.”

  He turned to her, his eyes still clouded with anger and betrayal.

  Her heart hitched at the knowledge she had caused his upset. “I will leave at once.” She fought the tears rising in her eyes as she started toward the stairs.


  Emma glanced back at Aaron, her pulse pounding.

  “It is not my wish for you to leave.” He closed his eyes. “Leastwise not yet.”

  She nodded, a tiny flicker of hope sparking within her.

  He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her through a nearby door into the public receiving room.

  She lowered herself onto a settee and turned her attention to him. Waiting with bated breath. Desperately hoping for something she could not herself imagine.

sp; He paced back and forth several times before coming to a stop in front of her. Staring down at her, he said, “I want to hear the whole story.”

  Emma released a breath before starting. Her words coming out in a rush, recounting everything from the day she went to live with her aunt and uncle until the day she’d hidden in his carriage. “I had nowhere to go and no money for which to care for myself. It was a hasty decision to stow away in your coach, but I did not have any other option. Uncle Silas was searching for me. I could hear him calling and his footfalls approaching. I did not think, just reacted.” She held his gaze praying he would understand. “Please forgive me for not telling you sooner, and for bringing trouble to your threshold. I never meant to cause any harm.”

  Aaron rubbed the back of his neck n the way she’d come to know meant he was thinking, then shook his head.

  “I did not mean to hurt anyone. I swear it.” She pressed her lips together to stop herself from speaking further. She owed him her silence and the chance to process all that had happened.

  He released a deep breath, dropping his hand from his neck. “I believe you and I do not assign any blame on you. What your uncle has done is unconscionable.” He began to pace again. “But what are we to do about it now?”

  She had no answer. Emma counted his steps in an effort to distract herself. One, two, three…eleven, twelve… Oh, what would become of her?

  He pinned her beneath his stare. “You know they will return. And soon, I’ll wager.” He resumed his pacing.

  “That is precisely why I must leave right away.” Emma stood prepared to go at once.

  “No. That is why we must wed.”

  Her eyes rounded. What? How? Did it even matter? Her mind spun. She placed her hand on his chest, stopping his pacing to stare into his eyes. “You wish to marry me?”

  “Yes, right away. It is the only way to rescue you from their clutches.”

  She dropped her hand from his chest, instantly missing the warmth that had passed between them. “I cannot allow you to sacrifice yourself on my behalf.”

  “It is not a sacrifice. I am fond of you. Attracted to you even. And so is Sophia...that is, fond of you, Emma. She needs a mother. I can think of no-one better suited to the role than you.”

  Emma turned the words over in her head. She did experience an undeniable pull toward him every time they found themselves together, and would never try to deny her love for Sophia, but was that enough? If she allowed him to wed her, would he be happy? Or would he soon grow to resent her?

  Would a husband who detested her be any better than one who abused her? One who only wished to posses her so he could indulge his lust?

  “I will go to the Arch Bishop at once.” He strolled toward the door.

  She watched, her head spinning. He could be her salvation. The answer to her prayers. “No. Stop.”

  He turned to her. “It is the only way.”

  “That is not true. I can go elsewhere. Someplace Uncle Silas will not be able to find me.”

  “And what of Sophia? My daughter loves you. I can see it in her eyes, hear it in the things she says.” He took hold of Emma’s shoulders, studying her. “You heard her tell me that she wished for you to be her mother.”

  A rogue tear left Emma’s eye, gliding down her cheek.

  “Can you deny that you love her as well?”

  Emma shook her head.

  He wiped the tear from her cheek. “Can you deny the attraction between us? The passion in our kisses?”

  “No.” Emma answered, her voice raspy.

  “Nor can I.” He brought his lips to her in demonstration, kissing her until her knees threatened to give out. “Marry me, Emma. Say you will.”

  The fight had left her the minute he brought his mouth to hers reducing her to a puddle of desire. All she had left to do was accept her fate. She nodded. “I will.”

  Chapter 7

  Aaron led his bride from the family chapel. He’d hastily gone to London and secured the special license the very moment she consented to the union. He wasted no time upon his return taking Emma, Sophia, the nanny, and his butler to the chapel without even changing from his traveling clothes.

  He had all he needed: his bride, daughter, and two witnesses along with the minister. There was no reason to delay the wedding and every reason to be hasty about it. It was not until the minister pronounced them husband and wife that he was able to relax. And now, his steps were light, his heart filled with joy, as he led Emma and Sophia from the chaple.

  “Are you truly my mama?” Sophia beamed up at Emma.

  Emma’s own smile rivaled the sun as she kneeled down to met Sophia’s gaze. “I am.”

  Aaron’s heart nearly burst when Emma took Sophia into her embrace. His daughter would never again ache for a mother’s love. For that reason alone, he believe that he and Emma would come to love each other and they would all have a happy rest of their lives, together as a family.

  “And I always will be, Princess.” She dropped a kiss on Sophia’s head. “Now let us return to the house so that we might celebrate this most joyous of days.” She kissed Sophia then released her from the embrace. “As I recall you have a surprise for your daddy.”

  Sophia took Emma’s hand and they all continued to the carriage. A newfound pride swelled inside of Aaron as he watched the spring in Sophia’s step and the glow on his wife’s face. He did not quite understand how he’d come to be here, but he did know he wouldn’t wish it any other way.

  Sophia chatted excitedly on the short ride back to the house while Aaron sat beside Emma holding her hand. Once inside, they went to the dining room where he had ordered their wedding breakfast to be served. White and red flowers decorated the doorway, the corners of the room, and the table just as he’d instructed.

  Grinning, he glanced at Emma hopping she would be pleased and the joy in her expression did not disappoint him.

  “Do sit, Daddy.” Sophia quickly made her way around the grand mahogany table to find her chair.

  Aaron did his daughter’s bidding, moving to take his own seat. A large covered silver platter sat in the middle near the head of the table. He glanced between it and Sophia before reaching out his hand. It must be her surprise for an entire breakfast for three would not fit in it. He took hold of the platter cover’s handle then stilled. “May I.”

  “Please do.” Sophia beamed.

  He lifted the cover to reveal a grand three tired cake frosted white and decorated with ribbons and pink flowers—Sophia’s favorite color. Could it be? He looked to Sophia. “Is this the cake you made with Emma?”

  “The very one.” Sophia nodded her head, her eyes brimming with excitement. “Let us try it, Daddy.”

  Aaron motioned a servant forward but before he could cut the cake, another servant swept into the room.

  “Your Grace.”

  Aaron angled his head toward the footman who’d disturbed their celebration. “Yes.”

  “I am sorry to interrupt this most joyous of occasions, however, we have an issue in the foyer that requires your immediate attention.”

  Aaron nodded, then rose from his chair exchanging a knowing glance with Emma. Her Uncle and the baron had returned. It seemed they had wed just in time to prevent the men from taking Emma. He forced a worry free continence and turned to Sophia. “I shall return in a moment’s time, Poppet.”

  “As will I.” Emma stood, moving toward the door. “We won’t be long.”

  Sophia nodded, reached out swiping her finger into the frosting. “Do, hurry.”

  When Aaron stepped into the foyer with Emma on his heals he found exactly what he’d expected. The Baron and Emma’s uncle along with a constable.

  Her uncle glared at him, a stack of parchment in his hands before turning to the constable. “That is her.”

  The constable stepped forward and bowed. “Your Grace, I am afraid this woman belongs to these men.She will have to leave with them.”

  “But you are mistaken.” Aaron rea
ched into his jacket pocket and retrieved their marriage certificate. With a cocky grin, he handed it to the constable. “She is legally wed to me and therefore will not be going anywhere.”

  The constable drew his brows together, scrutinizing the document. His cheeks colored as he handed it back before turning to the other men. “It seems you have no claim on her.”

  “Bullock’s,” Lord Windham exclaimed. “I have a betrothal agreement.”

  “There is no crime in breaking a betrothal. Besides, it means nothing when the lady is already married.”

  “That license is a fraud. I demand you return her to me this instant.” Lord Windham’s face burned red. “Baxter do something this instant.”

  Emma’s uncle stared after them, his jaw a gape.

  The constable handed the license back to Aaron, then turned on Lord Windham. “I am afraid not, my lord. The document is legal and binding. They were wed this very morning by authority of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury.” He placed a guiding hand on Lord Windham’s arm. “You have no grounds to contest the union.”

  Aaron smirked in triumph. “If you will excuse us. My wife and I have much to celebrate.”

  The constable turned back to them and gave a bow. “Of course, Your Grace, Duchess. I am most sorry to have interrupted.”

  Aaron placed a protective hand on Emma’s back and began leading her away.

  “You will pay for this Silas! Arrest him at once.” Lord Windham’s shrill voice filled the space.

  Emma looked back, causing Aaron to stop. He saw the sorrow in her eyes and it tugged at his heart. How could she care what happened to her uncle after what he’d put her through? The man should rot in debtor’s prison for the rest of his miserable life.

  He swallowed back his objections determined to see her happy. After all it was her kindhearted nature that endeared him to her. Leaning in close, Aaron asked in a low voice, “Do you wish to help him?”


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