Book Read Free

Every Rogue's Heart

Page 62

by Dawn Brower

  “I don’t accept that,” he said. “If we love each other we can get through anything. Please don’t walk away from me. I might not survive it if you do.”

  He was destroying her with his words. Her love didn’t get it. This had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her. She wasn’t sure she should stay in this time. What if she made another misstep? Would he blame her again and push her away? “I love you,” she told him. “I’ve never loved anyone more than I do you.”

  “Then what is the problem?” he asked. “Tell me so I can fix it. I want to be better for you.”

  She crossed the room and cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. He was so dear to her, and it would kill her to leave him. “You don’t have to do anything. You’re perfect the way you are. It’s me that doesn’t deserve you. I should go back and be with my family.”

  “No,” he shouted. “Please don’t do that. We don’t have to get married. It’s enough for you to be here with me.”

  She didn’t really want to leave him, but she also realized it might be the best thing for them both. If she stayed, he might ask things of her she was unable to give him. Serenity loved him more than she’d thought possible. It tore her heart to shreds at the idea of never seeing him again.

  “I don’t want to be someone who can walk away easily,” she said. “But there is more at stake then you or me. What happens when another crisis pops up I could’ve prevented. Can you continue to look at me as if I hung the stars in the sky? Will our love survive that pressure?”

  Brandon dropped to his knees and let his head fall onto her belly. He wrapped his arms around her legs, holding on tight. Silence filled the room, and she feared he’d started to agree with her. She was almost mad at him but let that spark of anger dissipate. As much as she wanted him to fight for her, she couldn’t hold it against him if he agreed with her messed up logic.

  “I promise to never ask anything of you that you can’t handle. Our love not only will survive it will thrive.” Brandon glanced up and smiled. “Do you want to know why?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Because you and I are not people who give up,” he said. “I’m not promising that life will be easy, but I can guarantee one thing. Any love worth having is worth fighting for and I will fight for ours until I breathe my last breath. Can that be enough for you?”

  She nodded a tear falling down her cheek. “Of course.” Serenity wiped the tear away with a quick brush of her hand.

  He leaned his head back and met her gaze. His face was wracked with emotion. “Serenity Drake,” he said quietly. “The love of my life and the one woman guaranteed to drive me mad by breathing. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? Promise to wake up beside me each day and kiss me every night before we go to bed. Be the mother of my son and future children, and argue with me when I’m being an arse?”

  She stared down at him, stunned into silence. Was he serious? “But…”

  “No,” he said. “I realize I gave you permission to argue with me, but that’s only after you’ve agreed to be mine forever. Until then, you will not do anything of the kind. We’re meant to be together, and nothing you have to say will convince me otherwise.”

  A tear fell down her cheek. She dropped to her knees to hug him. He held on to her tightly and kissed the top of her head. How had she been so lucky to find him. “Yes,” she said. “I will marry you.”

  “Good,” he said. “I already started planning the wedding. I asked your stepsister wait for us in the garden, but I’m not sure if she will. I intend to ask her to stay for the wedding so let’s hope she’s still there.” He grinned. “I’d hate to show up alone to our special day. She’ll be awfully surprised to be a guest at our wedding. You wouldn’t want to miss her reaction, would you?”

  Serenity laughed and kissed him quickly. “You’re that sure of yourself?”

  “I started planning as soon as we arrived at the Stallion and Snapdragon. Did you really think I’d leave this place without you permanently attached to me?”

  It was wonderful to finally be with someone she could be herself with. Life would never be perfect, but with Brandon, she found the one person who made her happy. There was nothing else she could possibly want, and she planned on treasuring each moment.

  Chapter 10

  The carriage rolled across the road, bouncing with each turn of the wheel. Brandon glanced across the carriage at his wife. He still wasn’t used to thinking of Serenity as his, but everything about it was right. This wasn’t his first marriage, but it was the one that equally scared and thrilled him. When he’d married Catherine, it had been about duty. Serenity was the love of his life. Taking a step toward her instead of away had been a profound one for him to make. His first instinct was to push people out of his life. Meeting Serenity was the best thing that had ever happened to him, besides the birth of his son. Loving her opened him up in a way he’d never believed possible.

  “Must you sit so far away?” he asked.

  Serenity giggled. “Yes,” she replied. “I’d prefer to not arrive looking like a rumpled waif. If I go anywhere near you, my dress will be ruined.”

  She did make a solid argument, but he had one better. “The pleasure will be worth it.” He winked. “I promise.”

  He was finding it more and more difficult to keep his hands off of her. Once he started to touch her he’d become addicted. Brandon didn’t recognize the person he’d turned into.

  Her lips tilted upward. “I’m sure it would be, but I’m afraid I must decline your enticing offer.”

  Brandon studied her and made a snap decision. He reached across the carriage and pulled her over to him, then lifted her up so her skirts fell over his lap and she sat over him. Images of her riding him filled his mind. He wanted that again. That shouldn’t mess up her dress too much…

  “Darling,” she said. “This is rather wicked of you.”

  “But you like it,” he replied. “Admit it.”

  “I do,” she conceded, then nibbled on her bottom lip.

  He stared at her enthralled with every aspect of her. He brought his lips to hers and captured them in a searing kiss. Brandon slid his tongue inside her mouth and deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together in a tangle of need. Perhaps she’d been right to try to dissuade him from doing this. He didn’t want to settle for a quick tumble in the carriage. What he really wanted was to undress her and lay her across his bed so he could savor her for hours.

  The carriage came to a halt suddenly, making Serenity tumble backward. He caught her before she fell off his lap and held her in place.

  “What the bloody hell…”

  He pulled the curtain back on the window of the carriage and peeked outside. How had he not known they were so close to Branterberry? It was a good thing he hadn’t removed any of Serenity’s clothing. They’d been caught in flagrante delico…

  “It appears we’re home,” Serenity said. “I think perhaps you should release me so we can go inside.”

  He hated the idea of letting her go, but realized she was right. There would be time later for him to make love to her. It would be much better where he could take his time. Besides, he hated the idea of anyone, even the servants, being a witness to their passion. Brandon didn’t want to share that part of their relationship with anyone.

  “If you insist,” he said. “Let’s go give everyone the good news.”

  Brandon stepped out of the carriage and reached inside to help her out. He’d made sure she had a new dress for their wedding. This one fit her properly and she didn’t trip over the skirts. The sapphire blue matched her eyes and made them sparkle like the jewel the color represented. Silver embroidered roses swirled at the edge of the sleeves, hem, and bodice. Her mahogany red hair was twisted in an elaborate coiffeur with tiny seed pearls pinned like a crown at the top of her head. She was breathtaking and all his…

  “Your Grace,” Brandon said. “Are you ready?”

  She brought her h
ands up to her lap and fidgeted. “I’m not sure I can do this? What will they think of me?”

  He laughed. Brandon couldn’t help it. Since when did she worry about what others thought of her? This wasn’t the woman he married. The Serenity Drake he’d fallen in love with was bold, daring, and unafraid of anything the world threw at her. Now that she was the Duchess of Branterberry, she had the power to back that up. What had her running scared?

  “My darling,” he said softly. “They loved you before, so why would they hate you now?”

  That was true. His staff had adored her from the moment he’d brought her to Branterberry from his London townhouse. No one would be disappointed she was now mistress of the house. They would probably all sigh in relief that he’d finally married again. Sebastian needed a mother, and there was no one better suited to the position than Serenity.

  “I was a governess before,” she said. All the color drained from her face. “What if they think I trapped you or something. Duke’s don’t marry beneath them.”

  He blew out a breath. How had he not anticipated this? Serenity was the strongest female he knew. Brandon would never have believed she’d care for something he deemed trivial, but he’d do his best to ease her concerns.

  “A duke does what he damn well pleases,” he stated. “I love you and I’m not going to apologize for that. If anyone has a problem with my choice I’ll gladly give them a letter of recommendation and send them on their way.”

  It angered him anyone would dare to question him. He wouldn’t stand it from a servant, and he’d not do it with her either. She’d married him and there was no backing out of that now. They had to move forward and do their best to live their out their lives. He certainly hoped most of their days would be full of happiness, but wasn’t stupid. There would be some moments of sadness from time to time.

  “No,” she said. “Everyone will stay.” Serenity stood straight and lifted her chin. “You’re right. It was a momentarily bit of foolishness. Let’s go inside.”

  He wanted to sigh in relief but held it in. This was the woman he’d married, and he wouldn’t let her realize he’d been questioning her sanity. Brandon held out his hand to her and escorted her inside. The butler opened the door and bowed.

  “Welcome home, Your Graces,” he said formally.

  Brandon had sent word home that he’d married Serenity and ordered the duchess’s chambers prepared for her. The entire staff waited inside to greet them. Each one had a huge smile on their face. The men bowed and the women curtsied as they walked past. At the end of the long line, Sebastian waited by the staircase. He sat on the end step with his elbows resting on his knees. When they reached him, he glanced up and stared at Serenity.

  “Is it true?” he asked.

  “What, poppet?” Serenity replied, concern hitching through her voice.

  “Are you my mother now?” His bottom lip wobbled a little bit as if he was fighting tears. He lost the battle and a small droplet fell down his cheek.

  Serenity kneeled down to his level and wiped the tear away. “Do you want me to be?”

  He nodded. “More than anything in the world.”

  “Sometimes wishes come true,” Serenity said. “If you close your eyes and think hard and long enough it happens. The trick is to never give up.” She pulled Sebastian into her arms and held him against her. “My wish has always been to have a family, and now I have one.” She stroked the top of his head. “I promise I’ll do my best to be a good mother to you.”

  “I love you,” Sebastian said. “Don’t ever leave.”

  Brandon’s heart clenched at the sight. He hadn’t fully realized how much his son had needed a mother until that moment. Sure, he’d wanted to marry so he’d have one, but it hadn’t been a priority. Serenity would be good for both of them. Brandon loved her more than anything, and apparently so did his son.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said firmly. “This is my home now. You can count on it, but we’ll have to find you a new governess. I don’t think its proper for me to continue in that role.”

  “I’m already ahead of you in that regard,” Brandon said. “Mrs. Simms should have a list of potential governesses for me to look over. When the time is right you can help me choose one.”

  Serenity smiled. “Only the best for you,” she said to Sebastian, then glanced up at Brandon. “I’m going to be quite picky.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Brandon said in agreement.

  She tickled Sebastian and he laughed. “Does that meet with your approval?” she asked the boy.

  He nodded happily. “Yes, mama.” Brandon’s heart warmed hearing his son refer to Serenity as his mother. He’d made the right choice for both him and his son by marrying her.

  Serenity kissed the top of Sebastian’s head. “Now do me a favor and go with Mrs. Simms. Your father and I had a long day and need some time to rest. I’ll come see you later.”

  “Promise?” Sebastian asked.

  “Of course,” she said with a laugh. “Go play.”

  Sebastian ran to the housekeeper and held his hand out to her. His son skipped beside Mrs. Simms as they headed down the hall to the back of the estate. Brandon helped Serenity to her feet and pulled her into his arms. He lifted a brow. “Rest?”

  She smiled wickedly. “You promised me pleasure, Your Grace. I’m holding you to it.”

  Brandon laughed and followed her up to their room. He always kept his promises, and he wouldn’t balk at this particular one. Could life possibly get any better? Happiness had eluded him for too long. He planned on enjoying every moment of his life and wouldn’t take anything for granted again. Loving Serenity was what he’d been born for, and he’d make sure he loved her well…

  Excerpt: Secluded with My Hellion

  ***READ ON for an excerpt from Linked Across Time Book Ten:

  Secluded with My Hellion***


  Snowflakes fluttered to the ground swirling together to make a white wall in the wind. Lady Odessa Lynwood stared out the window, watching as the lawn around Kingsbridge Castle was blanketed underneath of them. She wanted to go out and play, but her mother had forbid her from doing so. Killian and his friend, Gavin were still out there somewhere. Worry furrowed inside of her. It wasn’t fair that she couldn’t enjoy the snowfall but her brother could. Why did things have to be different for boys?

  “Mama,” Odessa called across the room. “Why can’t I go outside?” None of the answers the countess had given her made any sense. If it was safe for the boys, it should be for her too. “I want to run in the snow.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” her mother chastised. “Girls do not frolic in the snow.”

  Odessa rolled her eyes at her pronouncement. That made things rather clear when her previous answers had not. It wasn’t about her safety at all. Her society-driven mother was concerned about propriety. Well, Odessa was almost ten and six. That, in her opinion, was old enough to take a walk in the cold snowy climate. Killian and Gavin were four years older than her. She didn’t see any reason not to take advantage of it. The hard part was distracting her mother long enough to escape.

  “May I be excused?” Odessa asked.

  “No,” her mother replied. “If I let you out of my sight, you’ll sneak out and try to find your brother.”

  Odessa narrowed her eyes and glared at her mother. She was the most unreasonable person in all of England. That, and she must be able to read Odessa’s mind. Of course she was going to go outside at the first opportunity. Finding Killian was also at the top of her list, but mostly she wanted to see Gavin. He didn’t know it yet, but one day she planned on marrying him.

  “I’d never disobey you,” she said and crossed her fingers behind her back. “I intend to retrieve a book from the library. It will help me keep my mind off of the snowfall.”

  Books—ugh. Not one of them in the library’s collection was worth reading more than once. She should know as she’d already been through most
of them. Was it too much to ask for a book with adventure, excitement, and a happy ending? She’d do almost anything to find a tome that displayed all three of those elements. Unfortunately, her mother didn’t see the need to expand their current selection. Killian was the earl now. Perhaps she could sweet talk him into buying her some new reading material.

  Her mother sighed. “Very well,” she agreed. “But don’t tarry long. If you force me to come looking for you, I promise you’ll regret it.”

  No doubt she would, but it would be worth it. She nearly skipped out of the room, heading toward her bedchamber. Reading could wait until later when she was locked in her room without her dinner. She was well versed in her mother’s forms of punishment. Which was why she kept a book in her room at all times. Her stubborn streak ran wild, and she often found herself in the midst of some sort of reprimand. It paid to always be prepared…

  She slid into her room and opened her armoire, then snatched her winter cloak. It was in pristine condition because her mother rarely allowed her outside in inclement weather, but Odessa loved the wrap’s dark blue velvet softness. It was dark green velvet with white fur trimmed around the hood and in the front. She slid it over her arm and grabbed a warm pair of gloves. Once she was outside, she’d slip both on. If she traipsed through the house wearing them, it would give her away much faster.

  Odessa opened her door and peered out into the hallway. She took a deep breath and headed for the servant’s stairs. If she was lucky, no one would see her, but getting by a servant was easier than encountering her mother. The stairs creaked as she slowly made her way down them. So far so good… At the bottom of the steps, she went to the back of the house and slipped out the garden entrance. No one came to this side of the house in winter, and she was not free and clear to enjoy the snow.

  She shivered and realized she still had to put on her winter garments. After donning them, she ran across the back lawn, grinning each step of the way. The cold wind burned her skin, but she loved every moment of it. What should she do now that she’d disobeyed her mother and went outside? What would Killian and Gavin do?


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