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Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes Book 2)

Page 12

by Jen Andrews

  “Adorable,” he said again as I shook my head and grinned up at him. We made our way to the front of the store to pay for our hats and glasses.

  I searched in my purse for my wallet. “I’m buying, wifey. Put your money away,” he joked.

  “No way. Between my sunglasses and the hats, my portion is about two hundred dollars. I can’t let you pay for everything.”

  He whispered in my ear while the cashier rang up our purchases, “Love, will you let me spend a little bit of my money on you, please? You can pay me back later with another dance.” He let out a deep, quiet laugh, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  The cashier eyed us curiously. “You’re newlyweds, aren’t you?” she asked. I had forgotten we were still wearing the wedding bands.

  “Yes, we are,” Andy answered with a grin before I could even open my mouth. He glanced over and gave me a wink. God, I loved that man.

  He paid for our hats and glasses and we strolled hand in hand to the beach wearing them. As soon as we stepped on the beach, he kicked off his shoes and carried them to walk barefoot in the sand.

  We found a spot we liked and spread our towels out on the sand. I stripped down to my bikini and tied my hair back in a loose, twisted bun under the back of my new hat. Andy stripped off his shirt, then lay down on his stomach on his beach towel, propping himself up on his elbows.

  After I situated myself on my towel, I noticed several women around us doing double takes of him as he absentmindedly picked up and sifted sand through his fingers. With his gorgeous face and body, sexy tattoos, his new sunglasses and hat…I couldn’t blame them really.

  He was completely oblivious to them.

  I didn’t want him to sunburn, so I found my sunscreen and dropped myself down to sit on his butt. I squeezed some on my hands and rubbed it onto his back, neck, and shoulders.

  “Flip over. Let me do your front,” I said when his back was done.

  He started laughing. “I’m afraid you’ve already done something to my front, Zoey. If I turn over now, I’ll be arrested for indecent exposure. Besides, I think there was a sign somewhere saying tents aren’t allowed on the beach.”

  Did he really just tell me he pitched a tent in his shorts? Oh my God. I laughed heartily, slipped off him, and back to my own towel. As I moved away, I smacked him on the butt. “Well, when your front has subsided, let me know. I can put sunscreen on your sexy chest and abs. Then you can do me too,” I whispered, with a double meaning he definitely understood by the look on his face.

  After a few minutes, I could still feel eyes on us from people nearby. “You seem to be attracting quite a bit of attention from the ladies, Andy,” I said quietly so they didn’t hear me.

  He turned over and sat up with his muscular legs stretched out in front of him, “Come here,” he said to me.

  I picked up the sunscreen and crawled over to him on my hands and knees. “Sit.” He patted his thighs with his hands, motioning for me to sit on his lap. I did and immediately had the best seat on the beach. I squeezed sunscreen on my hands and began rubbing it over his tattooed chest.

  He pulled my face close, kissing the tip of my nose. “You are the one attracting all the attention, not me. Besides, the only attention I want is yours.”

  Yeah, I could live with that. I grasped his face in both hands and planted the most sensual kiss I could muster up on his parted lips. I broke the kiss when I realized we were still on the busy beach with lots of people around.

  I held the sunscreen out to him. “Do me?” I smiled deviously, pulling my sunglasses down a tad to look over the top of them at him.

  “You are so bad,” he said with a smirk. I sat right where I was while he rubbed sunscreen on my shoulders for me. When he was done, I hopped back over on my own towel.

  We lounged on the beach for a while and just enjoyed the day. The people sitting closest to us started packing up and leaving for the day or went down to the water.

  “Zoey, did you bring your iPod?”

  I put down my book and checked my bag. “Nope, I left it in the room,” I said. “Sorry, my love.”

  “I’m feeling a little left out, with you over there reading.” He tipped his chin, indicating toward the book I held in my hand.

  Right then, I felt like an ass. He had worked so hard to get a day off to come and spend the weekend with me, and there I was reading. That was not one of my brighter moments in life. Duh, Zoey, spend time with your gorgeous boyfriend on the beach before you have to go home. I dog-eared my page and shut the book, tossing it in the direction of my beach bag. I rolled over onto my stomach so my body was partially on his towel.

  “What can I do to make it up to you?” I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder.

  “Sing me a song?”

  “Here? Are you serious?” I asked and sat up cross-legged. I was surprised he asked me to sing to him.

  “Yeah, would you? You’ve never sang anything for me before, you know?”

  Crap, I hadn’t. Sure, I sang while he was with me, but I hadn’t sung for him.

  “Sing anything, whatever you feel like,” he said. “Don’t laugh, but hearing you sing along to any song that’s playing when we’re at home is one of the things I’ve missed most since you’ve been gone.

  Right then, I wanted to do anything to please him. “I would never laugh at the words that come out of your mouth, Andy. That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “It’s because I could listen to you sing all day long, Beautiful,” he admitted. “What are you going to sing?”

  Of course, I started out with something easy and chose to sing, “I’m Too Sexy,” by Right Said Fred, just to see him smile. He laughed and grinned the entire time I sang to him, and it brought back so many memories from the weekend I met him. When I finished the song, he gripped my face in his hands and planted a noisy kiss to my lips.

  “That was hilarious and I fucking love you for it,” he said with a chuckle. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  As he let go of me and we stood up, a little girl ran up to us. She looked up at me with her big brown doe-eyes. “Hi! You sing real pretty!” she squealed.

  Holding back a laugh because of my song choice, I knelt down to meet her at eye level. “Aww, thank you,” I said, smiling at her. “Do you sing too?”

  She nodded and started singing, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” It was the cutest thing I had ever heard. When she finished, we clapped for her. “That was very pretty,” I voiced, just as her mom came up to collect her.

  “Sorry, she heard you singing to your husband and wanted to sing too,” she laughed.

  “It’s okay. She’s adorable,” I said. “Keep practicing, sweetie, and someday you’ll be famous.”

  “Bye, bye!” she yelled as her mom packed her off.

  I looked over at Andy, who was grinning from ear to ear. “What?” I asked.

  “Oh, nothing. I think I’ve just been replaced as your number one fan. It’s cute.”

  “No way,” I said. “You’ll always be number one to me.” The grin that took over his face when I said that would forever be embedded in my memory. Andy truly looked happier than I’d ever seen him and it made my heart flutter knowing I was the cause.

  After dusting the sand off my legs and pulling on my cover-up, we headed to the edge of the water to cool off. We walked down the beach, splashing around in the water a little bit when it got too hot. We relaxed, took our time walking, and hung out together.

  After arriving at a secluded area of the beach, Andy glanced over at me, took my hat and cover-up off me, and dropped them onto the sand. He took my hand in his and we waded out into the ocean until the water reached my chest.

  “Sing me another song, but this time, I want you to sing a serious one…Please?” He gave me a little pout for teasing him with my previous song choice.

  Being me, I needed to pick the perfect song for him, so I thought long and hard about it before I made my decision.

sp; My song choice was “Break In” by Halestorm. The lyrics were perfect for the entire situation, singing the song to him would show him how much everything he’d done meant to me.

  Andy came all the way from California to bring me home. He’d broken down every single wall I’d put up to keep him and everyone else out. He let me fall apart when I needed to and gave me the reason to put myself back together. If it weren’t for him, I would still be a miserable, lonely person. Because of Andy, I wasn’t. In the time I had been gone, I healed, both mentally and physically.

  Of course, I would always face challenges because life always had its way of knocking us back a bit, but I knew if it did, I would have the strength and courage to knock it back without falling.

  Andy knew me like nobody else and I was completely at ease with him. He would always be there for me, as I would be for him. He made me whole.

  So I sang…I sang my fucking heart out to him as I stood chest deep in the Pacific Ocean with my gorgeous man in front of me. I would remember that moment for the rest of my life. Andy ran his fingers through my hair, caressing my arms and shoulders while I sang the song.

  “Thank you, Zoey,” he whispered when I finished. He took his hat and glasses off and kissed me with so much passion and love, my body ached. “Let’s go for a walk along the beach so we can talk.”

  He put his hat and glasses back on, took my hand in his, and we walked back out of the water. When we reached the beach, he pulled me into his strong arms and just held me without saying a word.

  I knew I made the right decision to go on my vacation. We needed the time apart to get ourselves right. And we did it…we fucking did it, and it was time to move forward.

  We walked along the beach, away from the crowds of people. After walking a while, I could tell there was definitely something heavy on his mind, but I felt more love from him than ever before, so I wasn’t worried that it was something bad.

  “Zoey, can I ask you a question?” His voice sounded serious, yet thoughtful at the same time, as we made our way down the beach.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Um, don’t read anything in to this, please.”

  I stopped walking and turned to face him. I took my sunglasses off and looked up at him, waiting to see where the conversation was going.

  “You told me before that you had a miscarriage,” he started a little nervously.

  I eyed him inquisitively, wondering what he was asking.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I won’t pry. Never mind.” Andy seemed a little uncomfortable and started to walk again.

  Reaching out, I caught his wrist. “Oh, no you don’t. You cannot start a conversation like that and then tell me never mind. What do you want to know?” To prepare myself for his question, I sucked in a breath then let it out and said, “I’ll tell you anything.”

  His brows furrowed just before he spoke. It was almost as if he was scared to ask me the question, which of course, made me worry more.

  “Can you still have kids?”

  Whoa, I did not see that one coming. The air left my lungs as I exhaled and closed my eyes for a few seconds to absorb his question. Not because he upset me, but because he caught me completely off guard.

  “I know for some women they have issues—”

  I reached out and squeezed his arm for reassurance. “It’s okay, and it was most likely a one-time thing. It’s very common actually. The doctors checked me out and everything is in proper working order. Is there something I need to know?” I grinned up at him, eagerly awaiting what was coming next.

  He sighed uncomfortably. “I don’t know, Zoey. It’s probably just me thinking crazy thoughts because I’ve been wearing this wedding band since last night, we’ve both been married before, and I just love you so much. Ugh, fuck. I have no idea what I’m even saying.” He laughed, clearly exasperated, and maybe a little embarrassed by his own rambling.

  “So, are you saying someday you’re really going to marry me and make babies with me?” I laughed to let him off the hook and ease his mind.

  He smiled, and I swore his eyes lit up. Yes, there is the grin I need to see. I wrapped my arm around his waist and we went back to our towels.

  “Let’s go eat. I’m hungry,” he stated, instead of answering the question I’d asked him.

  I shook my head and smirked as I picked up my beach towel and began folding it. “You eat more than any person I know.”

  Andy packed up our belongings and we headed back to our room for lunch. We decided to take a shower to wash off the sunscreen, sand, and salt water. After our shower, we fell into bed to take a nap after being out in the hot sun all morning.

  After a few hours of napping, I woke up before Andy. He was lying on his stomach facing me, both arms down at his sides, like he had just fallen face first onto the bed. He was completely naked and I couldn’t help myself.

  Propping myself up on my elbow, I laid next to him while running my fingertips lightly up and down his back. He didn’t stir. He must really be tired if that didn’t wake him up.

  I decided to let him nap a while longer, but not for too much longer. I rolled over and closed my eyes to relax and enjoy my time with him, even if he was asleep. I wanted him, but I would wait until he woke up.

  Later on, I woke to Andy’s hand gliding from my naked hip to my belly, his erection pressed against the back of my thigh. I reached behind me and grasped his hip pulling him harder to me. His hand slid down between my legs.

  What a pleasurable way to wake up from an unplanned nap. I tried to turn over on my back, but he was too close, so I could only turn part of the way toward him. I raised my left leg and laid it over the top of his leg, which allowed me to turn a bit more. It worked out perfectly because he had better access to touch me.

  He pushed two fingers in, then pulled them out, seeing if I was ready for him, which I definitely was. He massaged my clit in slow circles until I was panting and close to orgasm, then he stopped, not letting me go over the edge.

  “Not yet,” he whispered from behind me. He scooted down some and lifted my leg, so it was back up over his hip. I was able to roll onto my back. He rubbed the head of his cock over me, wetting the tip of it and then pushed himself inside me. Oh my. He slid his leg between mine, so we were in what I could only explain as a side-by-side scissor type position.

  Once he began thrusting slowly into me, I felt sensations I’d never experienced before. It was a new position for me, but then again, everything was going to be new to me with him. I’d heard about the position before and always wanted to try it out, but never had the courage to with Rob since he was so selfish in bed.

  Andy started rubbing me again with his fingertips, intensifying the sensual feelings coursing through me. I wasn’t able to face him, so there was no kissing or touching him. It was all up to him to please me, and he did. Within minutes, I was moaning his name and clenching hard around him. I found if I spread my legs further apart, I could reach down and massage his balls lightly. He began thrusting harder as I touched him, and he groaned as he came inside me.

  We lay there for a while afterward, our legs entwined, his chest to my back, and his arm now draped over me. The simple fact that we were so in tune with each other, no words needed to be spoken. Just lying there together, so wrapped up in one another, was perfection.

  “I can’t believe I have to go home tomorrow. I was ready to go, but now that you’re here, I just want to stay here with you and forget about home.”

  He scooted up and laid his head on my pillow. “Zoey, we can be like this when we get back to Sacramento,” he said as he smoothed my hair down and kissed my neck. “There is no reason why we can’t.”

  Andy was correct, of course. We had worked out everything between us and were definitely great now. I rolled over to face him. “I love you. You’re right. I think we are both in a good place now. There’s no reason we can’t do this.”

  He leaned over and kissed me. “I love you, too.”

“Hey, can you go somewhere with me?” I asked. “I want you to meet Josie and Smoke.”

  He propped himself up on his elbow. “Of course. Do you want to go now?”

  I nodded.

  “You know, we were supposed to go at least two days with no clothes. I’m afraid you’re not holding up your end of the bargain.” He slowly dragged his hand down my body, gently massaging my arm, side, and leg. There was nothing sexual about it at all, just simply touching me in a loving way.

  Playfully, I pushed him over onto his back and moved to lay full length on top of him. “Sorry, but I want you to meet them before we go. Who knows if we’ll ever get back down here?” He ran his hands up and down my back as we talked.

  “Then we better go before you try and take advantage of me again.” He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I rose up to straddle him, my hands on his chest. Looking him in the eyes, with a devious grin on my lips, I bent down and kissed his chest, then trailed the tip of my tongue over to his nipple and sucked it into my mouth.

  Before he could do anything, I released his nipple and jumped off him. I giggled at the shocked expression on his face. I pulled my bikini, shorts, and cover-up back on in case we decided to go back down to the beach afterward.

  “That’s fucked up, Zoey,” he growled and gave me an adorable pout with his delicious lips.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you later. I promise.” I even traced a little X over my heart with my finger as my promise to him. While he pulled on his shorts and a T-shirt, I grabbed our hats and sunglasses and we drove to the stables.

  When we arrived, a tour was just getting back so there was a lot of chaos between the tourists snapping final pictures and people trying to leave.

  Fortunately, Josie had a full staff and spare time to talk with us.

  “Josie, this is Andy. He flew down yesterday to surprise me.”

  Josie’s eyes lit up as she held her hand out to greet him. “Andy, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s good to meet you.”


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