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Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “Is Tate with you?” he asked, rubbing his temples. He felt the stirrings of a headache begin.

  “She’s in the other bedroom. They all fucking screamed. I had to turn the lights off and shut the blinds. I don’t want to draw attention to the apartment. Snitch doesn’t look like a man you want to get in a dispute with.”

  “No, he’s not. I need you to promise me you’ll keep Tate safe. If you can convince her to leave then do it. I want her out of harm’s way.”

  “What about Murphy?” Killer asked.

  “Still no word. Keep her safe for me. I’m sorry to put you in this position.” Tiny looked up at the red headed doctor as she walked in.

  “Boss, no worries. I’ve got a reason to stick around if you know what I mean.” Tiny knew the answer, Kelsey.

  “Good. Keep the women safe, and I’ll keep you updated.”

  “If you want my advice, boss, hurry. This guy is unstable, and he’s going to start hunting in the morning. I’ve told Kelsey she can’t go out to work. Something tells me these men are not going to care about the women who refuse them.”

  Tiny agreed with him. “Stay close to the phone, and do not let my daughter out of your sight. If anything happens I’ll end you, understand?”

  “Boss, if anything happens to these women, I’ll end myself.”

  The call was disconnected as the red head went to her knees before him. She pushed his robe out of the way to assess the bandages. “How is the pain?”

  “Not bad for those special pills you gave me,” he said.

  She sported a wedding ring, and he felt even more comfortable in her company. “You’re married?”

  “Five years now. Marrying him was the best thing I ever did. I love him so damn much.” She was smiling as she talked.

  “Where did you go for your honeymoon?” he asked.

  “The Caribbean. It was beautiful. The heat, the food, the setting, it was perfect. Are you thinking of getting married?” She gently removed the bandage. “You were incredibly lucky.”

  “I was wearing my gear. I’m a lot of things, Red, but I’m not a fucking idiot.”

  She chuckled.

  “I’m engaged. I’ve been married before, and it didn’t end well.”


  “No, she died of cancer. Left me with a kid and a hatred of marriage. We married quickly when we didn’t even really know each other. I thought we were good together, and at times we were, but we weren’t always compatible, which made for some really hard times. Shit, I shouldn’t be telling you this shit.”

  “I’m a doctor. It’s my job to be told things.”

  “Still, marriage is a gamble no matter what. I just didn’t get the big bonus in the end.”

  “I’m sorry,” Red said.

  “Don’t be. I finally found the woman for me.” He waited for her to finish with his bandages.

  “You’re healing nicely. Your protective clothing kept most of the damage at bay. If you hadn’t been wearing them you could have lost a leg by now.” Red got up, taking her rubber gloves off. She snapped her case closed and turned to him. “Keep changing the bandages, press on the ointment, and in a week try to keep the wound clear to give it time to heal. I don’t see any other problem with your condition.”

  “Thanks, Red. I appreciate you coming here to look after me.”

  “Take care, Tiny. I’ll give Alex my bill.”

  For several minutes he sat on the sofa trying to relax. His woman was upstairs, probably asleep and waiting for his attention.

  “If she wasn’t married she’d be in my bed so fucking fast. I bet she has a nice tight pussy to drown yourself in,” Alex said, walking back into the room.

  “We square for the bill?” Tiny asked.

  “Yeah. After I sent you into a fucking trap, it’s the least I can do. “

  “I’m going back to Eva.” Tiny stood ready to leave.

  “I am sorry,” Alex said, following him out to the door.

  “What about?” Tiny asked, holding onto the door handle then turning back to look at the other man.

  “I would never have gotten you involved or put you and The Skulls in danger. You’re my brother, Tiny. We’re not related by blood or by relation, but to me, you’re my brother.”

  “I know, man, I know. I suggest you get fucking Ned Walker and that punk Gavin. See if they had anything to do with my set up.”

  “What if no one had anything to do with it?” Alex asked.

  “Then Snitch is a sneaky bastard to get past your defenses, and you better make sure it doesn’t happen again. People dying is bad for fucking business.”

  Closing the door behind him, Tiny made his way upstairs to his woman. The guard nodded at him. Tiny nodded back and entered his room. The sound of the television playing echoed throughout the whole room. Going to the bedroom, he saw Eva passed out across the base of the bed. She wore her robe, which had opened up to her waist. He got a tempting view of her mound. His mouth watered, remembering the taste of her. Going to the bedside drawer, he pulled out a tube of lube and a condom.

  Tiny needed inside her, and if he got a chance to sample her tight ass then he was happy about that.

  In the morning he’d deal with Ned and Gavin. After that he was getting his men together, and he needed to come up with a plan to take on Fort Wills. Snitch had done his work on all of the men. There was no way Tiny could just drive back into town shooting the place up. He would never risk the lives of innocent people, and with Snitch involved, innocent people always ended up dead. Removing his robe, he climbed in behind her. Untying her belt, he opened her gown, giving him enough room to caress her breast before going down to her stomach. She moaned, rubbing against him.

  “Come on, baby, wake up for me.”

  He slipped his fingers down to stroke her pussy. She was slick to the touch. He moaned as he slid two fingers easily inside her.

  “So fucking juicy, wake up, baby. I want to fuck you.”

  She moaned. “Tiny, I was sleeping.”

  “And now you’re not.” Tugging the robe out of his way, he lifted her leg in the air and pressed his hard cock to her entrance. Her pussy wanted him, swallowing him up as he slid deep inside her.

  Turning her head to claim her lips, he kissed her muffling her cries of pleasure.

  “Where were you?” she asked.

  Releasing her lips, he sucked onto her neck.

  “Business. We’ll talk after. First I have to fuck you.”

  He slammed inside her loving the feel of her cunt rippling around him. Tiny would die a happy man with her heat surrounding him.

  “Tiny,” she said, chanting his name over and over again.

  “Yeah, baby, say my name. Beg for it, and I’ll give you everything you fucking need.” Pounding her pussy, he sucked at her neck, marking her as his own. When he met that fucking asshole who wanted her, Tiny wanted him to know who Eva belonged to.

  The sounds of moaning drew his attention to the screen. “Were you watching porn?”

  “I didn’t know you were going to be so long,” Eva said. “I got bored with waiting for you.”

  “Did you play with my pussy?” he asked, getting turned on at the thought of what he missed.


  Pulling out of her tight heat, he turned on the light and swiftly moved her into the center of the bed. “You’re going to make me beg for it now, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “No, I’m going to take that ass, and I’m going to watch you play with your cunt while I do.” Grabbing the condom where he left it, he ripped into the foil packet and slid the latex over his erection. Leaning over her, he grabbed some pillows and placed them under her hips making it possible for him to claim her ass as she played with herself. Her curvy body looked ready for a nice hard fucking.

  With the tube of lube, he opened the cap and squirted some lube onto his fingers before sliding his coated fingers to her puckered ass. “I’m going to get you nice and wet.” He slapped her
hand away as she went to play with her clit.

  “No, you wait for me to tell you when to play.”

  She smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

  He glared at her, but she simply smiled wider at him. Shaking his head, he coated her anus with plenty of lube before coating his fingers again to stroke inside her tight ass.

  “Relax as I push this into you. This is going to make it easy for me to claim your fucking ass,” he said.

  Pushing against her tight ring of muscles, Tiny kept up the pressure determined to get inside her. She relaxed giving him the ease to slide his fingers into her ass.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he asked.

  “It’s easy for you to say. You don’t have a finger up your ass.” He tutted at her anger then chuckled.

  “I’ll be making it worth your while. You’ll be begging for my cock in your ass,” he said.

  She growled in frustration. He worked her ass open making sure there was plenty of lube to slicken her for his entry. When he was satisfied he rubbed more lube around his latex-covered cock.

  “I’m going to take you slow. You’ll do as you’re told, and only when I say will you start to play with yourself.”

  “You’re bossy,” she said, sticking her tongue out.

  “Baby, I’m the fucking boss, so you’ll do as I say.”

  He aligned the head of his cock against her ass. She stopped speaking as he pressed the tip against her puckered entrance. “If I knew taking your ass would shut you up I’d have taken you there months ago.”

  Eva didn’t say anything. Her hands were fisted in the blanket on either side of her.

  “Got nothing to say? No wisecrack or insult?”

  “Stop it, Tiny,” she said, blowing out a breath.

  The teasing left him as he pushed the tip inside her ass. Her tight muscles eased as he forged his way inside.

  She reached out, ordering him to stop. Her hands covered his where he held her legs.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “It … feels … strange.”

  “Good or bad?” If she didn’t like it he wasn’t going to force her the rest of the way. He had hoped she would start to like what he was doing to her.


  Eva gasped as an explosion of pleasure consumed her taking control of her senses. She never thought it was possible to love a man inside her ass. Tiny had stopped when she asked him to, and she stared up into his eyes to see the love shining down on her.

  She remembered that he asked her question. “Good, it’s good.”

  “Can I move?”

  “Yes,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief. He slid inside her another inch, teasing her with the promise of more.

  “I’m going to fill your ass. Do you feel me?”

  “Yes.” She wanted him to fill her ass. To take whatever he wanted from her body. The pleasure and her body were his for the taking.

  His hands moved to her hips, gripping her flesh. Another inch was inside her, and she couldn’t handle it anymore. She had to feel all of him inside her.

  “Please, Tiny, fuck me.”

  “I told you, you’d be begging me to fuck you.”

  She didn’t like the satisfaction on his face, but there was nothing for her to do. Tiny was right. The pain and pleasure mixed from his taking her ass were indescribable. Her pussy felt on fire, and her arousal was slick.

  “I can see how turned on you’re getting, baby. You’re loving me in your ass just like I love being there.”

  She didn’t say another word as he took full possession of her body, thrusting into her ass until the hilt. There was nowhere else for him to go. She screamed as he tensed, sending the next inch in deep.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve got me all.”

  Letting out a breath, Eva stared up at him. His cock pulsed inside her ass, and she felt every jerk of his shaft.

  “Touch yourself now.” She moved her hand between her thighs. “Don’t close your thighs. I want to watch. Your cunt is leaking our cum, Eva. I can see us together.”

  “You’ve never worn a condom with me before,” she said.

  “I’m taking your ass, and I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  Eva wasn’t questioning him. They could be pregnant, and she wouldn’t even know. Her body was aflame with all that he was.

  “Slide your fingers inside.”

  She pressed a finger into her cunt, feeling the penetration combined with the cock up her ass. Eva had never been so turned on. When she thought sex couldn’t get any better, Tiny had a way of making it even more explosive than she could ever imagine.

  “Add another finger. That juicy pussy can take so much more.” She wished it was his fingers pressing inside her, instead of her own. His fingers were rougher and larger. Eva knew she would never get the satisfaction with her hands.

  “Another,” he said, ordering her. His voice was hard and firm. She felt herself getting turned on by his rough commands. He was the man in charge, and she loved him for it.

  She added a third finger to her pussy, sliding her digits inside. Eva felt stretched from her hands. Licking her lips, she couldn’t look away as Tiny watched her hands.

  He moved her hand away. Tiny hadn’t moved, and his cock was like a rock hard brand inside her ass. Eva gasped as three of his fingers fucked inside her. Crying out, she tightened around his cock and fingers as he fucked her.

  “So wet and tight.”

  Tiny turned his fingers, stroking inside her over her G-spot. She splintered apart, screaming her orgasm as he continued to caress the spot inside her that took away every sense of control.

  “Now, touch your clit. I want to see you stroke your pussy and bring yourself to orgasm.”

  “I can’t orgasm again.”

  “Baby, if you can’t have multiple orgasms then I’m doing something wrong.”

  His confidence made her tense. This man was a fucking sex machine. There was no denying him.

  He eased out of her ass slowly before sliding back inside. She stroked her clit, feeling the hard nub swell against her fingers.

  “I’m fucking your ass, Eva,” he said.

  She felt him. His hard cock, slick with lube, fucked her ass.

  “You’re dripping wet.” One of his hands moved from her hip to slide through her cunt. He slid inside her in time with the thrusts of his cock. “I’ll buy you a dildo, and I’ll be inside your ass as I fuck your cunt with the fake cock.”

  She glided her fingers down to mix with his inside her. Together they worked inside her cunt, her arousal slick enough for both of them. Easing out, she stroked her clit feeling the first building of arousal. She didn’t think it was possible to experience another orgasm so soon after her last one. Her body was on fire once again begging for release.

  “Yeah, baby, I feel the difference inside you. You’re going to come over my fingers, and I’ll feel your tight ass getting ready to take my cum.”

  Eva increased her strokes over her clit. She felt sensitive all over. The rough pads of Tiny’s fingers at her hips made her already sensitive flesh feeling like it was burning. She loved his rough hands and wouldn’t change the way he made her feel for the world.

  “Come for me, Eva.”

  As if her body was commanded by his words alone, Eva found her release. Crying out, she stroked her clit through her orgasm. Closing her eyes, she felt taken over by love and lust.

  He rode her ass through the orgasm. His fingers moved away from her as she came out of her orgasm. “That’s it, baby. Now it’s my turn.”

  Hands on her hips, Tiny showed her what it really meant to be owned by a Skull. He fucked her hard, yet gently, each thrust designed to purposefully bring her greater pleasure. “So fucking tight and hot. Never letting you go. You’re all mine.”

  “Yes, Tiny. I’m yours,” she said, thrusting back against him. She gripped his thighs wanting to feel his release inside her.

  “Love you so fucking much. My woman, my pussy, my fu
cking ass.”

  Eva wasn’t going to argue with him. She’d been his for a long time now. It was only him and his actions that had kept them apart.

  “I love you,” she said.

  He fucked her hard for five more thrusts. Tiny growled as his cock jerked in her ass. She felt his shaft pump with seed into the latex. Within seconds his cock started to ease, going flaccid within her. He collapsed on top of her still in her ass.

  “I’ve died and gone to fucking heaven,” he said, muttering the words against her neck.

  Chuckling, she caressed his back, loving the weight of him. “If you’re in heaven then you better watch your language.”

  “Then I’m in hell that feels like heaven.”

  Smiling, she ran her hands all over his body, touching what she now owned herself.

  “I love you, Tiny,” she said, kissing his cheek.

  He moved over her, resting his hands either side of her head. “I love you, too, baby.” Looking down their bodies, he grunted before returning to look at her. “Now I’ve got to get you cleaned up.”

  “I don’t want to be cleaned up. I want to stay here.”

  “I wouldn’t be a very good husband if I didn’t clean up my mess.” He climbed off her, withdrawing from her ass, taking great care as he did.

  Eva cried out as he picked her up, carrying her back into the bathroom. She felt so tired and sluggish, not that she needed to worry about doing anything. Tiny took care of her in the only way he knew how, by doing everything himself.

  He ran her a bath then eased her back inside.

  “Are you coming in with me?” she asked.

  “I can’t. I’ve got my leg,” he said, pointing at the bandages down one side.

  She moaned, sitting back against the tub.

  “I’ll clean you, and we’ll have more time for each other.”

  Eva didn’t argue. She watched him clean himself up by the sink before he turned back to her. He was frowning, and she knew he was worrying.

  “What did Alex have to say?” she asked, knowing in her heart only club problems could put that expression on his face.

  “There’s still no word from Murphy or Lash and Nash.”

  He ran a hand down his face.

  “You don’t think they’re dead, do you?” she asked, concerned for the other men.


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