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Her Desert Panther PrincesHowls Romance

Page 2

by Celia Kyle

  As she checked Nabila’s vitals with practiced ease, Amy spoke gently. “I understand your previous miscarriages were in the beginning of your third trimester. Is that right?”

  Nabila nodded, a soul-shattering sadness in her warm brown eyes. “I thought since I’d made it to the eighth month this time, I would be in the clear. But then the cramping started the other day—” Her voice caught, and she dropped her eyes to her protruding belly.

  Amy set about her examination, allowing the woman time to collect herself and her thoughts. Finally, Nabila spoke again.

  “Dr. Sullivan, I really only have one request.”

  “What’s that?” Amy pulled her stethoscope from her bag and warmed the cold metal diaphragm against her hand before placing it on Nabila’s chest.

  “Whatever happens… Should you have to make a choice…” The queen swiped the tears from her cheek. “Just make sure this baby survives. That’s all I want.”

  Amy held her reaction in check and finished listening to Nabila’s strong, if elevated, heartbeat. Pulling the tips of her stethoscope from her ears, she smiled and squeezed the queen’s hand. “Nabila, I have no intention of losing either one of you. You’re both going to be just fine.”

  The worry in Nabila’s eyes softened but didn’t disappear completely. Understandable, considering her history, and that tore at Amy’s heart.

  Amy donned her stethoscope once more and focused on continuing her exam. She opened Nabila’s robe enough to expose her taut tummy and placed the stethoscope on it. She had to move it a few times before she finally heard the telltale whoosh-whoosh-whoosh of a baby’s heartbeat. But instead of the fast, steady rhythm she’d hoped for, what reached her ears was barely a flicker. As if the baby barely clung to life.

  Smiling to cover her unease, Amy cleared her throat and replaced the queen’s robe across her expansive stomach. “Now tell me the truth, Nabila. Has King Zafar been keeping you from sleeping with all his fretting?”

  Nabila smiled sheepishly but didn’t say the words aloud.

  “Thought so. Our first order of business is sleep. In the morning we’ll run the tests we need to get things sorted out. Just relax, Nabila. I’m here and I’m not going to let anything bad happen.”

  Nabila nodded and snuggled deeply into the silk sheets, falling into a deep slumber almost instantly. Amy turned back toward the door before allowing her forced smile to fall away.

  Chapter 2

  Shon rubbed his aching jaw and reminded himself not to clench his teeth so tightly. Not that he could help it. It’d been twenty minutes since Tahvo and Zafar rushed away, determined to burn off their anger and frustration. They were determined to sprint across the dunes in panther form, which left Shon to deal with the good doctor.

  Or not so good doctor, as Zafar seemed to think. Tahvo had insisted they’d chosen wisely, but Shon decided to reserve judgment. True, most of the kingdom’s subjects would never dare speak to any member of the royal family so bluntly, but if Dr. Sullivan could save the baby and Nabila, all would be forgiven.

  Growling with impatience, Shon retraced the figure-eight path he paced in front of Nabila’s chambers yet again. If Dr. Sullivan took much longer, he might wear a groove in the tiles.

  Almost as if she’d read his thoughts, the doctor stepped out and then carefully closed the door behind her with barely a sound. She turned to face him, her features drawn and pale. Her exhaustion was evident, but Shon barely paused before launching into the speech he’d prepared.

  “Do you have any idea how close you came to death in that room?”

  Amy narrowed her blue eyes and gave her head a quick shake, setting free a few golden curls from her hair clip. She peered up at Shon through wide eyes. “What are you talking about?”

  Shon’s fingers itched to brush the stray locks from her cheeks. Instead, he buried his hands in his pockets to stop himself. He was trying to scold her, not seduce her!

  “You’re in the Kingdom of Adikar. The Kalids have ruled here for generations, and we will do so for generations to come. You cannot speak to any member of the royal family so rudely. You certainly aren’t allowed to order the king around as if he were your subordinate!”

  Amy snorted and shook her head, those curls bouncing. “He’s not my king. I was hired by the Kalid family for one purpose—to care for Nabila and her unborn child. I will do as I see fit, no matter whose poor fee-fees I hurt.”

  She stuck her lower lip out in an exaggerated pout to add to her sarcastic “little girl” tone. If she’d spoken to Zafar in such a way… He shuddered and took a deep breath to calm his inner beast. Although, the animal seemed more interested in fucking the snark out of Amy than teaching her a lesson.

  “This is no joking matter, Dr. Sullivan. Tahvo and I spent twenty minutes convincing our brother not to kill you. You simply cannot disrespect him like that again or you risk inciting his wrath.”

  “Wow…” She drew out the word. “I can’t believe he has so little regard for the life of his wife and baby.” She took a step closer. “I will do whatever it takes to protect my patients, and if that means yelling at three panicked little boys pretending to be royalty, so be it. I refuse to prostrate myself to his high-and-mighty-ness when Nabila and her baby are in distress. If he can’t control himself in her presence, he will not be allowed in her chambers again.”

  Shon could scarcely believe his ears. No woman in their kingdom—young or old—would have dared speak about their king in such a manner, especially to one of the princes. They’d have been begging for mercy at the first hint of Zafar’s anger.

  Clearly Amy wasn’t just any woman.

  He did his best to control his frustration with this bull-headed American human, but her defiant glare made it hard. With a start, he realized her attitude made something else hard as well. A smile twitched at his lips, which only served to further agitate her. Obviously, she hadn’t discovered the source of his amusement. If she had, Shon suspected she might have slapped him.

  “Look,” she released a weary sigh as she rubbed the worry lines from her forehead. “I’m wrecked. I’ve been awake going on two days now, and I might be a little crabby. As nice as my welcome has been here in good ol’ Adikar, I really need some sleep. Can you please save the etiquette lesson for another time and show me to my room?”

  Shon considered her for another moment. Even the dark circles under her eyes did nothing to diminish her beauty, but she needed her rest if she was to properly care for Nabila. Nodding curtly, he pulled the bag from her hand and guided her back into the breezeway that led past the pool. Solar-powered floating orbs flashed brilliant colors as they drifted across the placid water, creating a dazzling display that drew Amy’s attention.

  “I do apologize,” Shon said quietly, bringing her piercing blue gaze back to him. “You received a far from hospitable welcome.”

  One blonde eyebrow shot up. “Ya think?”

  “Everyone’s worried.”

  Her expression softened, and they walked in silence for a moment before he summoned the courage to ask what he really wanted to know. “How is she?”

  From the corner of his eye, he watched the doctor purse her lips. A curtain fell over her expression, veiling her true feelings—never a good sign.

  “You’re worried,” he said.

  She didn’t bother denying his words. “You were right to hire me. All I can tell you right now is exactly what I’ve said before. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure mama delivers a healthy baby.”

  This was somewhat comforting, but Shon needed to make sure the situation was very clear to the good doctor. “Thank you. But if worse comes to worst, the only thing you need to remember is that Nabila’s life comes first.”

  Amy shot him a wan smile. “I’m not sure Nabila feels the same way.”

  “That doesn’t matter,” he snapped and she winced. Quickly backtracking at the coldness of his tone, he explained. “What I mean to say is that our kingdom didn’t have a q
ueen for a very long time, since our mother died giving birth to us. Nabila is very important to our people.”

  Shon could see her jaw clench, even in the dim light of the hallway. She thinks we’re cold-hearted nobility with no concept of what familial love really means.

  “It’s so much more than that, of course. Zafar has loved Nabila since they were children. He’s never been with another woman, never even looked at one. She is his entire world. He would shatter into a million pieces if she were to die.”

  Shon took a split second to envy his brother for the love he shared with his wife. Shon had spent years bedding any female who caught his eye, but none had ever caught his heart and his panther’s soul. He quite literally couldn’t comprehend the pain Zafar would suffer if he lost Nabila. That was why it was so important for Amy to focus on saving the queen over the baby.

  “We would mourn our niece or nephew, Dr. Sullivan, just as we have the previous two. Each loss has broken our hearts, and I know how hard they’ve been on our sister. But the thing you must know is that losing Nabila will not just break our hearts—it will break all of us. She can have more children, but there’s only one Nabila. She must be saved at all costs. Do you understand?”

  Shon didn’t care that he sounded desperate and frightened. He was, and Amy needed to see that. She needed to know the correct choice to make, should the time come.

  Amy slowed and then stopped, turning to face him. Instead of the defiance he’d already grown accustomed to, her eyes shone with moisture, and every feature of her heart-shaped face softened.

  “Thank you,” she said simply.

  “For what?”

  She reached out and let her fingers graze across the top of his left hand, setting his skin on fire. “For sharing that with me. I know how difficult it must be for someone of your stature to open up like that. And honestly, it helps me to know that a patient’s family cares. That means they will do as I instruct to better help.”

  Amy spun on her heel and continued walking, leaving Shon to catch up as he tried to figure out what had just happened. She’d somehow taken his vulnerability and flipped it into obedience to her wishes.

  Clever girl!

  Instead of irritation, warmth flooded his body in appreciation for the subtle manipulation. He couldn’t stop his gaze from roving along her curves, watching her ass sway in her plain khakis. But that was the only plain thing about Amy. He longed to reach out and pull the clip from her hair, to watch the golden waves cascade over her shoulders.

  Catching up with her, he stared at her profile as they walked. Her eyes shot sideways, catching him staring, but he didn’t care. Finally, she stopped in her tracks and faced him again.


  He feigned innocence and shrugged. “What?”

  “You’re staring at me.”

  Shon let a slow seductive smile tilt his lips upward while his gaze drifted down her lush, cherry red lips. He only needed to take a single step forward to reach out and cup the creamy curve of her cheek and bring those irresistible lips to his. In fact, he couldn’t stop imagining it—until he thought about those bossy lips wrapped around his cock.

  Amy glanced down to the evidence of his arousal and blushed a deep scarlet, but her gaze never wavered. Satisfied with the victory, Shon cleared his throat and started walking again. His trousers chafed now, but it was a small price to pay.

  “Let’s get you to your quarters so you can rest. I have a feeling we’re going to keep you very busy, Dr. Sullivan.”

  Chapter 3

  As they twisted down yet another corridor, a yawn rose up in Amy’s throat. Despite the day’s excitement, the hours of travel and pressure were wearing her down fast.

  “Are we there yet?” she whined, as if she were six and in the back seat of her father’s old minivan. “I’m just about ready to curl up right here in the hallway, if need be.”

  Shon let out a deep, throaty laugh that sent tingles throughout Amy’s body. That certainly woke her up a little.

  “Actually, we’re almost there.”

  They turned one more corner and then he pointed toward the end of the hall, where two massive panthers prowled in front of an ornately carved, golden door. Amy frowned, not particularly pleased at the thought of being guarded as if she were a prisoner, but she was far too tired to pick a fight about it. Tomorrow, however…

  As they approached, the panthers lowered to sit on their haunches on either side of the door. Sort of a feline salute, she supposed. They stopped in front of the most exquisite door she’d ever seen. Lotus flowers and panthers, with an oasis thrown in here and there for good measure.

  “Here we are,” Shon said, pulling on a stupidly large hoop embedded in the center of the decorated door panel.

  “Well, I think I can take it from here,” Amy grabbed her bag and darted past him. She didn’t want to risk what might happen if he actually entered her bedroom. He was too tempting, too alluring, and she felt her control gradually slipping. One moment she craved a bed and the very next, she craved the sexy panther shifter who’d stuck to her side.

  Bed. I’m going to bed. Without the prince. Though thinking of one prince had her thinking about both, which led to thinking about both of them in bed with her and… yeah. She needed to sleep. Alone.

  Only those ornately carved doors didn’t lead to a bedroom at all. At least, not the kind she’d expected.

  In the middle of the massive room stood dozens of luxurious couches and plush throw pillows, all in varying shapes and colors. Gauzy, colorful fabric drifted into the space from the windows. More of that delicate cloth hung from the impossibly high ceiling, blocking off sections of the room from view. Crystal chandeliers cast glittery sparkles over the walls, painting the room in shimmering sparks of light.

  Amy had never seen such opulence before, but it wasn’t the overwhelming wealth that gave her pause. She barely noticed the furnishings and over-the-top decor. Instead, her attention focused in on the dozens and dozens of women lounging on every convenient—and not-so-convenient—surface. Some were tall, some short, many thin, and more than a handful were voluptuous. They were beautiful, an elegant sampling of every race represented in a single space. And all wore next to nothing. Oh, their naughty bits were covered, but the sheer fabric left little to the imagination. Like, very little. The dusky hint of nipples and carefully trimmed thatches abounded.

  Shon had delivered her to the harem!

  Son of a bitch!

  Amy fought to think of words to express her surprise and outrage. Not just that he expected her to sleep there during her stay, but also that harems still existed at all. What kind of backward society surrounded her?

  A harem? In this day and age? She shook her head. No way.

  Of course, as she scanned the room, surprise still thrumming through her body, she realized it made perfect sense. Shon and Tahvo were two handsome princes with the power to have any woman they desired. Why not just keep a couple dozen on retainer? No fuss, no muss.

  And based on the excited expression of quite a few of the women, the brothers had no doubt bedded every woman in the room. Often. These ladies looked pretty damned eager to revel in the experience again.

  The thought sent a bolt of jealousy burning through Amy. She tried to shake away the rage, but the harder she fought, the more she envisioned these gorgeous women running their hands all over the princes’ bodies. Touching. Arousing. Exploring. Tasting. Another bolt of jealousy speared her and she gritted her teeth, refusing to let need control her.

  When the door thudded shut behind her and Shon, the women turned as one to see who’d entered their domain. A girl with thick, dark hair that just brushed the curve of her ass squealed with delight. “Shon!”

  That was when all hell broke loose.

  The previous relaxed and sensual vibe in the room transformed into utter madness. Hormones filled the air as each and every harem girl scurried over to them, vying for Shon’s attention. With each new arrival, Amy found
herself pushed farther and farther back in the crowd until she stood on the outer edge of an undulating circle of almost-bare flesh.

  A woman with bountiful tatas jockeyed herself closer to Shon, her back arched and breasts pushed forward. “Shon, over here!”

  “No, over here!” A different woman tried to be heard over the others, this one a slender ginger sporting a ruby choker and nothing else.

  The ginger elbowed the long-haired brunette out of her way and clutched at Shon’s tight black t-shirt. Jealousy pricked her once again, something inside her bristling at the others touching Shon, but the brunette felt even more strongly about the intrusion. She buried her hand the redhead’s tangle of curls and yanked her aside.

  Back in the US, two naked women scuffling on the floor would have attracted everyone’s attention. Here they were completely ignored.

  “Shon, we missed you so much!”

  “Where’s Tahvo?”

  “We love you, Shon!”

  “Please say you’re staying tonight. We’ve been so lonely without you.”

  A chorus of agreement echoed off the tiled walls, and the girls closed in even more. They were like a group of sharks in the clutches of a feeding frenzy. More than one woman shot glares Amy’s way and she found herself returning the fierce stares.

  Shon, on the other hand, returned every greeting with a tempting smile that threatened to drive Amy insane.

  What the hell is wrong with me? She’d spent all of ten minutes with the man. She had no right or reason to feel jealous. Yet she couldn’t deny the ugly fury coursing through her veins. The growing anger throbbing in time with her rising heartbeat.

  Maybe she was in need of a doctor.

  A pert blonde bumped into Amy and the bitch’s smile told her the shove wasn’t an accident. But she was too busy stumbling backward to do anything about it. “Oh!”

  With her low gasp and shout, Shon’s attention swung to Amy, his eyes narrowing as he stared. The prince pushed his way through the throng—gentle with the women though determined—until he reached her side. Wrapping his arm around Amy’s waist, he pulled her tightly against him, the hand on her hip giving a gentle squeeze. She tried to tell herself it was a simply protective move. Except, it felt like so much more to her. Like… heaven.


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