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Twins’ Slave

Page 10

by M. Garnet

  She reached a point where she heard no voices, but at last, she heard the noise of something man-made moving in the skies overhead. She stayed under the big trees, not making the mistake of being nosy trying to see what was in the sky. She melted against the trunk of a large tree, making sure it was between her and the overhead noise in case they were using heat-sensing equipment. When the noise passed, she moved on. This happened several times, but she noticed that each time, they were moving to her left further away. She believed they were doing sweeps to cover the ground systematically to catch sight of her.

  She knew she had been walking for hours, but she pulled on the mantra she used in her Yoga movements to tell her body that it had plenty of reserve that she could move on. Suddenly a strong gust of wind almost knocked her down. She stepped back against the base of one of the giant trees to look off in the distance at the dark waves. She had found the edge she was looking for.

  She knew she had started out on her left side, so she turned to her left staying under the forest cover. She slowed, but kept on walking as it got darker. Night was falling with the heavy clouds. The trees were really going to add to the dark, but she knew she had to keep going.

  * * * *

  Leant met the flyer as his brother came in on his personal transport. He was dressed in hunting leathers. He had his brother’s leathers in his hands. The two turned as one going to a mover and exited at the new garden to be met by the head of their security guards.

  “Report.” The command was without inflection, but the Captain knew exactly what the two men demanded.

  “She asked to be taken topside. Her maid asked for two gardeners to help guard her to show her around. She just walked away from them. They caught no sight of her. They were not one hundred percent sure where she went in. My guards caught scent at her entry, but the wind and mist is blowing away the smell. We can’t follow it beyond a short distance.”

  “Her bracelet?” No one was sure which twin spoke.

  There was a strange look on the Captain’s face. “A short time after she disappeared, the gardeners called the guards, who brought up the tracer. But they had the trace for only a time when it stopped.”

  “How is that possible? What did she take with her?” All the men with the Captain stepped back, but the Captain had served these special twin Dissnue. He was going to stay in place and tell them what they needed.

  “She took nothing. She had on panties, shorts, basic shoes, a loose top and a ribbon in her braid. She also had a rain cover, the standard one for a child based on her size. It is like the one that Tet has on.” He pointed at Tet who was shivering and crying, being held by one of the guards.

  Leant went over to her and motioned to the guard to turn her loose. “Hey, little one, don’t cry. You did nothing wrong.”

  “Oh, Rie Leant, she is in the forest, and there are really bad things in the forest. She could be hurt. I picked out the prettiest clothes for her and, and…” she broke down and dropped to her knees.

  He picked her up to cuddle her against his shoulder. “Well, we can hardly wait to see the clothes you picked out. Why don’t you go down to the dining area and get some dessert. You can wait there and we will let you know when we find her. It will probably not be until tomorrow, because when we find her, we will want to spend some time with her, but we don’t want you to worry. Later this week, we have a special party here. Even after that, we must go to the Council meeting. We want you to determine which of the pretty clothes you think would be good for her to wear to these events.”

  She leaned back, wiping tears on her cheeks. “You want me to pick out what she should wear to these important events?”

  Bleak stepped up. “Of course, little one. Didn’t we ask you to serve her? We wouldn’t let such an important decision go to anyone else. Now, go get some dessert.”

  Leant set the girl down and they watched her run past the guards and head for the mover. They looked again at the Captain. He finished his report.

  “We had flyers in the air the rest of the day, but got no sighting. We got several heat registrations, but too many to be able to separate or identify. We registered nothing dangerous, nothing that said female. What would you like us to do next?”

  The two brothers looked at each other.

  Well, Space Commander, how long has it been since you have hunted as we did when we escaped the eyes of our teachers and trainers? Have you gotten soft in that fancy ship of yours?

  Are you suggesting I’m not able to hunt on my own world? You must have a wish to sustain bruises.

  There is something else. I am feeling the draw of the twinned twin pulling us together.

  Yes, it would seem that fate is taking a hand. We will need to examine this later.

  Bleak spoke to the Captain, knowing that the word of the Federated Commander would have more weight. “Captain, you have done well, but there is no need to waste any more of your men’s time on this. We have a way of finding the female. We will handle the tracking and retrieval. Consider this as a good training project that is now completed.”

  There was no more conversation as the brothers looked at each other. With a nod they went into the garden. It was night and there were low lights on around the exit point and in the hands of the guards in the gardens. They knew the Captain was tearing into the men under his command and these men, including the poor gardeners, wouldn’t be getting much rest for the next few days.

  The brothers walked around the garden until they found the area where she had gone into the forest. They stepped into the same area waiting until they were out of sight of the guards. Finally, they stopped and stripped down.

  No clothes to hinder them, both feeling the rich loam under their feet, the moist night air moving around their bodies, their eyes adjusting to the lack of light. They saw what most would not see—heat from animals and bugs, movement of nutrients in plants, the wind moving limbs and leaves. They waited for their bodies to adjust, then they caught the smells. There was the rich smell of animals and where they had defecated, along with the rotting of plants. There were dead bugs with live ones eating on the dead animals. The left-over smell of something different. Something that didn’t belong in the forest had moved through here. They looked at each other and smiled.

  This was what had trained their bodies. More importantly, it had trained their minds as they grew up together. This was the knowledge and additional talents that others were afraid that twinned Dissnue might develop but not tell the outside world that they had generated. The people closest to these two who had encouraged that they train themselves beyond the knowledge of the Government watchdogs knew that running in the wild of the forest as young boys had locked in and expanded the minds. Their protectors knew that the boys’ senses for interacting with each other and with the world around them had expanded.

  It was this unusual formation of their own talents by the edge of nature that made them a force to be reckoned with. As many had learned over the years, you couldn’t outfight either one. You couldn’t approach either one without their knowledge. Their ability to make quick decisions accompanied by correct movements made them excellent and unbeatable opponents in any game or combat.

  Over the many thousands of years, when a pair of these men, and they had always been male, survived, they became a force that no one could explain. Sometimes they were killed off as children. Sometimes, history said that the existing Governments that tried to use them took them as prisoners, but this was rumored to have failed. It was said that some tried to train or at least control, but it never worked. Eventually, they would become a joined force that couldn’t be used or controlled or explained. Fortunately, for these two, they had been born to a very rich and strong household that was able to protect them. Their family was able to fight off the many attempts to enfold them so they allowed them to grow as they trained themselves.

  It felt good to both of them to return to the place that had honed their abilities and jo
ined them without the watchful eyes of others. Whenever they did get together at the crokteam, they found some time to slip away to the forest. This was the first time since they were teens that they were actually hunting. They needed the cool mist to take the heat from their excited bodies as they separated to stalk into the darkness. To be part of the wild, not constricted to rules and uniforms or civilization, they laughed to each other as they ran, leaping over logs and around brush. The black night of this forest was not a hindrance to their inborn senses as they passed animals, sending the information back to each other quietly, mind to mind.

  * * * *

  She was getting tired, but she was not sure if she wanted to rest yet. She was also afraid that in this blackness, she would trip over something and maybe hurt herself. She was afraid to leave the tree line, not wanting to fall off the damn cliff. She had made that mistake only once, feeling the ground crumbling away under her before she realized she was at the edge.

  She crawled back until she knew she was within the line of the large trees. She went back within them to move carefully, keeping the wind on her right side as she walked slowly. She almost moved into the animal. She knew the wind was what saved her. The wind covered up any noise she made and the wind took her scent away from the animal as it sat up looking back and forth.

  She couldn’t see much, but she could tell it was large, three or four times the size of any of the men from this planet. She didn’t know if it ate vegetables or meat, but she froze and waited, not wanting to find out the hard way. It seemed like hours, but she knew it was only minutes until the large beast moved on. It just merged with the dark shadows until it was gone.

  Okay, maybe she could afford to rest. A couple of hours to nap, then she could move on. Surely, she was far enough away to make sure it would take a lot to find her. The wrapping around the bracelet was chaffing her skin, but she only checked it to make sure the bracelet stayed completely covered.

  She moved a little deeper into the forest to find one of the giant trees to lean against, moving around to get the protection of the wide base that would shelter her from some of the wind. Just as she started to try to get comfortable on the ground, she froze as she saw a movement. The darkness with the shadows made it hard to be sure, but it was something upright moving fast, then it was gone.

  She got up so she could carefully edge around the tree into the wind. She moved slowly over to the next large trunk. With her back to it, she tried to see into the darkness for any movement. The wind made everything move, the underbrush was always whipping back and forth. If there were small animals, they were hiding for the night. Crouching low she slowly moved from one tree truck to another.

  Finally, deciding that whatever had slipped by was gone, she stood up to move on for another few steps. She then decided she might try another trunk to rest so she moved behind it to get out of the wind. Just as she was settling down she saw the movement again. This time it was on the same side, but a little more behind her. It did look like a body, like a man. It looked like it was naked. It moved amazingly fast. She was pasted against the trunk. What kind of animals was in this forest? Were there any natives that hadn’t been civilized, or any wild animals that walked on two legs? How dangerous were they?

  She waited, breathing slowly, working on keeping her heart rate low using her Yoga training. Finally, when she saw no more movement, she pushed off her support. She moved quietly away from the figure. She walked for a few steps when she had a thought that someone was either stalking her or herding her. Was it possible? From the corner of her eye, she saw a figure move. But it was only a second before it was gone. But she now felt for sure that she was being pushed in a direction.

  She watched, counted to twenty, then turned in the direction she had come from and ran as hard as she could. She felt the scrapes of branches, but did not slow down. She tripped once, but rolled. She was on her feet immediately and ran until she was out of breath. She forced herself to run more. She allowed herself to slow down again, finding a trunk to hide behind out of the wind.

  She had only enough time to get her respiration down to normal when she saw the shadow standing there. She couldn’t see any details, but she felt it was a man. Even in this darkness, she knew that he was naked. She needed to move away, but she felt his sight was better than hers. She knew better than turn her back on him so she just took a couple of steps backward, then a couple more.

  She felt steel-like bands wrapped around her as she was lifted from the ground, her arms pinned at her side, her body drawn back against a chest wide and hard as the tree trunks she had rested on.

  “Where are you going, little one?”

  The shadow moved up until she could recognize Bleak in dark outline. His features were almost animal instead of human. A wicked grin was what now could be seen in the night. She didn’t fight, she didn’t resist, but just laid her head back against Leant’s muscles to let out a sigh of surrender. She didn’t say anything nor move her head as Bleak knelt in front of her and slowly lifted each foot as he began to remove her shoes.

  “We love the forest, Lorelei, we grew up in it, running with it, learning from it. But you have to feel it.”

  She tried to keep from showing any reaction as she felt Leant shifting her so that Bleak could pull her shorts and panties down off her legs. He stood to take hold of her waist in his wide hands as Leant let go of her. Leant pulled her shirt off over her head. She made up her mind that she wasn’t going to let them feel her anger or her fear or any emotion that they could use. But inside she was feeling some strange feeling that she couldn’t name.

  She stood there, naked in the wild wind, her feet sinking into the loam of the forest, barely being touched by the two large men, feeling the heat of their bodies even in the dark night.

  “You have to make a choice.” In the dark with the wind she wasn’t sure who had made the statement over her head. She just closed her eyes, refusing to play any games. She didn’t respond. Someone’s hands were pulling the wrapping from around her wrist. She heard a deep male chuckle as the rain cloth went with the wind.

  “You think we won’t hurt the child, but you see, we can hurt her, yet with our minds, we can wipe the memory and heal her. You will be the only one with the memory of her little body with the marks, your memory of the tears on her cheeks. So you have to choose.”

  She now knew she would play the game. “Choose what?” Her voice was a whisper that the wind took away, but she knew they heard her.

  She heard the deep breath of victory, because it came in unison from both at the same time.

  “Choose which of us fucks you from the front and which of us fucks you from the back.”

  Her knees buckled and she would have slid to the ground, but for the fact that she was leaning back against Leant and she felt Bleak’s hands dig in at her waist to hold her up.

  “I could not take both of you at the same time, please.” She was sorry that she added the last word. She hadn’t wanted to beg. There was a hand suddenly moving down her stomach. She kept her eyes closed, not sure which male it belonged to. She was not sure she wanted to know. The hand slid through her mound. It pushed her moist lips apart and rubbed roughly between the lips. To her disgust, she felt the moisture pushing from her female body coating the finger that used it to circle the nub that instantly plumped up with the attention.

  She moved her hips backward to get away from the intrusive hand, but she felt Leant’s large erection push against her. She did not suppress the moan.


  She still didn’t know which brother spoke as the wind brought in a storm off the ocean. She felt the first drops of real rain instead of the soft mist.

  She said “Bleak…” Meaning to beg him since he was in front of her, but his mouth was instantly over hers. He lifted her with his strong hands around her waist to bring her up to his height, still held against the immovable body of Leant. He suddenly raised his head and she saw him thr
ough half closed eyes as lightning began to blaze across the sky behind them. The flash of the bright white streaks of the storm was reflected in his eyes. She could see the wicked smile of his white teeth and then he had her turned so that she was facing Leant.

  Now, she did begin to resist as the rain poured over them in big drops, running her hair in strings down her face, dragging long curls over her shoulders. She saw the same smile, the same eyes, and was confused as to who she was looking at in the blazing light from the incoming storm. But she saw his longer hair, like hers plastered down his neck with water streaming down his chest, finding paths along the forms of his muscles. She had her hands on him to push him away as she needed to get a breath, but pulling into her at the same time. She felt the same strange connection with these men as if she was going inside them instead of them going inside her.

  She felt a hand sliding between her legs and her legs were being drawn up around his waist as someone now had access to her totally while she was spread apart over his thick waist and hips.

  She jerked, biting her lip to keep the sounds she wanted to make inside her mouth. She knew if she spoke it would be to beg them to make love to her, to hold her together and take her together. There was an electrical jolt in her brain as she realized how much she wanted this joining with these two.

  She felt fingers moving her hips apart, the hot fingers slipping down from the bottom of her spine, over the tight mouth of her anus, around the pucker of her hole that was seeping, then pushing her lips further apart. The fingers were wet with her own juices pushing the juices to tease her clit until blood pooled in it to make it beg for attention. She closed her eyes, laying her head back on the shoulder behind her. Raindrops washed down her upturned face from above. It felt so good compared to the heat building in her body as the fingers under her continued to work, first teasing then actually torturing her clit.


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