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Twins’ Slave

Page 14

by M. Garnet

  Several heads swiveled, but she saw the two pairs of eyes at the end of the room that she was interested in. She ignored the others and looked directly at the twins.

  “We need to talk.” She used a voice that would reach them over the noise of the movement of the soldiers in the room.

  By this time, several guards had burst through the door behind her, but none of them made the mistake of touching her.

  “Sires, we are sorry.” This came from a guard who was probably in charge as he held up his hand so no more men entered the room.

  Two sets of colored-glass eyes took in the unusual site at the doors and then one of them raised a hand.

  “Gentleman, we need to take a break. Would you all retire for now and we can resume in a short while. We will send word when we are ready, but perhaps in the meantime you can implement some of the plans we have already discussed.”

  She came into the room and only looked at the twins as the people moved out. She heard the door close behind her, but she could only stare at the two men. They had not come to the apartment for the last couple of days or nights so she hadn’t seen them, but it hadn’t been that long. Still, she did see the change. They were merging.

  “My God, you are almost as one. What is happening to you two?” Her voice was almost a whisper as she took in their appearance. At this distance, she was not sure she could tell them apart.

  “It is the twinned Dissnue. The joining.” One voice.

  She actually took a step back.

  “Don’t be afraid, we would never hurt you. In some way, which has never happened in the twinning, you have been a catalyst that has added even more. We are sorry that we have been away from you, but there has been so much to do.”

  She saw the two hands that were held out to her, as they wanted her to approach them. She wasn’t sure she was brave enough and then knew that she could not refuse them. She was between them, facing the window that looked at the storm over the black ocean, feeling the warmth of their bodies, one of each side.

  A large hand was placed on her stomach. “Are you sick? The child is so small in you at this time.” She placed her hand over the larger one and shook her head.

  “No, in fact I feel great. The extra fruit you have found for me is perfect. I need to know something. Who is the Assassin Misrot?”

  She felt the whole room change. The temperature dropped and the men were stiff. She knew they were talking, but she also knew they were unhappy. She wasn’t sure if anyone else could feel this, but she felt their emotion of dislike at the mention of that name.

  “Where did you hear that name, and these are things the Mistress must not be involved in.”

  First, she realized she was getting used to the fact that they spoke together, finishing the sentences. She began to get mad. She stepped away from them, putting a table between the two beings and herself.

  “Enough is enough. I realize I am a slave and billions of light years away from my home. I know I have no way to get any freedom that I am at your whims. But, guess what, guys? I am something more than just a couple of holes you can fuck whenever you get in the mood. You dragged me out here, and you two have become some type of super something. Well, I seem to be stuck in the middle and I want to be active in it. I am not a trinket that you obtained and can set on a table to show off to your friends or brag to your enemies.”

  “I have a brain, and I can use it. Now, I want to be a part of this or I will raise this child to hate its fathers like no monster child who has ever been brought into a world ever before. So you guys better start treating me like a married partner. You better start listening to me before your friend Dee ends up dead and you end up with the monster child of the century.”

  By this time, she was yelling, probably spitting a bit with her hands on her hips and her eyes blazing. She couldn’t help it. Everything that had happened to her over the last couple of months, the complete turnaround in her life, the feeling of helplessness had just boiled up. She had to let it all out. Right now, she wasn’t afraid of these two men because she was carrying their heir and they weren’t going to do anything to damage that precious bundle.

  She finally ran out of words, so taking a deep breath she waited.

  “Still the spitfire I found in a warehouse.”

  She looked, but didn’t know which one spoke. This was frustrating and she had to know. She moved back up and went to one. She began by pulling his head down with her hands on each side of his face. She kissed him, and opened her mouth to him. When finally she lifted her head, she smiled. “Hello Leant.”

  He smiled down at her. “We are pleased that you can tell the difference. It will please us that no matter how much we merge, and even though the rest of the universe won’t know the difference, you will be able to see something that is unique to us.”

  She felt herself being turned and another pair of lips slowly lowering onto hers. She welcomed the heat from the kiss of the second twin.

  When he finally set her back, they spoke together.

  “So you have heard the name of one of the most dangerous men in our sector, or perhaps in any sector. You are right you are more than a toy. We should have learned from our ancestor Lady KeViem. She took an active part of the family and the business. You need to do that also.”

  Suddenly, three chairs were pulled together at the end of the table. She didn’t see them move and looked at the two men, but all she saw was a couple of raised eyebrows. She went ahead and sat down with a man on each side.

  “Where did you hear the name?”

  She smiled. “I’m not going to share all my secrets. But I was a trained officer of the law, so I can be of help if you will let me. For example, the woman you have under arrest. I think I can get more information from her than you can, because she will not be afraid of me and she will think she can out smart me.”

  “So you want to help question the prisoners.” They were both touching her now and she wondered why.

  “Why are you both touching me like this?” She knew they were talking through their minds.

  “We can feel each other through you.” Two male voices.

  “Oh, okay, so if in public, if you both hang onto me, it wouldn’t look as strange as if you were touching each other. Good, you could use me for the contact if it helps, right?”

  There was the silence and then deep male chuckles on both sides.

  “You are right, we do need your sharp brain because you see things in a different way than we do.” Two voices saying the same thing at the same time was starting to seem normal. “What else can you tell us?”

  “A man called Duty Quardal Mai is one of your traitors. He has a friend who is also a Quardal. I do not know who he is, but he is new and he is the assassin. Assassin Misrot has sent him here. He is going to kill Dee first and then separate the two of you in order to kill you. That is his plan or his boss’s plan. They think they can use me in the workout room to separate you.”

  Only a short silence between the men before someone spoke. “Just to keep you properly informed, so that you know the right term when you meet him, the full name is Prime Assassin Misrot.”

  She looked at the men, but Bleak on her right had been the one to speak. “You mean he actually admits to being an assassin?”

  Leant was the one to answer. “It is an honorable trade and they are hired out for duty in times of war or disturbances in small areas. This killing behind someone’s back is below their trade. It is not something they are hired to do. It would take a great deal or something to convince him to take on such a contract.”

  She sniffed. “Yea, like killing a couple of twins who might be a threat to him.”

  They looked at her.

  “Oh, come on guys, wake up. You are a threat to everyone, why wouldn’t he think that you might be a threat to him. You might be able to stop a war without needing the assassin crew to be called in to take a side. You might just talk to a couple of Heads of St
ate and suggest it might be a good idea to sit down at a table and talk things over instead of having a large moon dropped down on top of them by a couple of guys with crazy eyes. You would put him out of business. Think guys, think.”

  They didn’t let go of her, but their eyes were into each other. She knew they were thinking while talking in their minds.

  “You are right, we need you.” One started and the other finished.

  “Boy, talking to you two takes getting use to. So what are you going to do to protect your stubborn friend Dee?” She still needed to prod them for information.

  Again silence.

  “You have an idea?” Which man asked that?

  “Sure, I need you two to go through that side door into the next room.” They started to get up. She was surprised how fast they did what she wanted, “No, wait until I get everything set up.”

  She went to the door. She instructed the guard that the twin Dissnue needed Dee along with four guards from the ward below, and to please make sure one of them was Duty Quardal Mai.

  The guard saluted the twins and left.

  The two men looked at her. “We will have to make sure that they know you have authority. We didn’t realize we had left an impression that you were our, what did you call it, our toy. We need to impress on them that you are as important as we are.”

  “No, I need to convince them, and you just need to back me.” She felt so much better as she spoke to the men and the walls.

  “So what do we do?”

  “When everyone comes in, go and greet your friend. Excuse yourselves, explaining that I am in charge and go in the next room. Leave the door open, but no matter what happens don’t come back in the room.” She spread her hands. “Oh, one other thing, I need a weapon.”

  Four green crystal eyes went to the ceiling.

  “What, I don’t have magic powers and everyone on this damn world outweighs me.” She held her hands out further.

  Bleak went to a wall and pressed his hand on a panel to make it slide back. The whole wall was full of weapons.

  “Wow.” That was about all she could say about the choice of weapons. She then looked at a small silver weapon that was about the size of her hand. “What is this and how do I use it?”

  Bleak laughed. Instead he picked up a small black weapon. “This is safer. That one is able to take out half the wall. This one can take out one man at a time. It has unlimited shots. Just point and touch this with your finger. It will feel like the weapon you used at your old job back home.”

  She worked with it several times before sliding it into a pocket. The difference from it and the pistol that went with her old uniform was that it was light in weight. Her old weapon would have dragged down the pocket, this one slid in nicely.

  The guard was back with Dee, who entered. Dee took a moment to look around. The twins indicated for Dee to take a chair that would place his back to the door they would leave by. They nodded at the rest of the guards as they entered. She came around and sat next to Dee.

  She spoke slowly but with purpose. “Dee, I don’t know the proper title to show honor to you, but I wish to discuss some items on security. I hope you will make allowances for my lack of protocol—that doesn’t mean any lack of esteem.”

  Dee slid back and looked at her. Finally, he answered. “Mistress Lorelei, I could never be offended by anything from you.”

  She smiled, then it was amazing, she felt the men behind her leave the room. There was a void for her as they left. She watched the faces of the guards before her as they stood at ease but in the correct posture. She knew they saw the twins go through the door.

  “Dee, we have found out about an unusual and clear direct threat on your life.”

  The older man shifted to where he could look at her, but she preferred to watch the guards. “I have talked this over already with the twins. We expected threats on every one of the family and those close to them. I am not surprised.”

  “Yes sir, but this one is a little closer to home. It is in this room.” I allowed my voice to be loud enough to be heard by everyone.

  Now, there was a shuffle among the men. They slowly came up from the ease to a ready position. They started looking around, not at each other but at the walls the ceiling and even over their shoulders. Lorelei found this interesting. Mai was so entrenched the men around him didn’t even doubt him. Mai was not looking around—he was looking at her and the elder man sitting beside her.

  She had the gun out under the table waiting for him to feel that he was trapped. She was waiting for him to make a move. He would, he knew his time was up. He would hope to die for a cause. She hoped to wound him before the others killed him or before he killed one of them. But first she needed him to make a try so that she could prove two things.

  One was that she needed Dee to know that he was really in trouble, in a dire situation that needed to let him accept protection. The second was that she was able to handle a situation like this without the twins, because she knew the twins could do amazing things but they didn’t understand people. They needed her to be an active part of the crew that ran whatever it was they were putting together.

  Dee was looking at her as if she were out of her mind. He looked like he was about to have the men put her in restraints. Fortunately she was the only one looking at Mai when he pulled his side weapon and made a dive across the room toward Dee.

  She fired at the same time as he did but her hit was better than his. She took off his kneecap a fraction of a second before he could fire. The blaze of his weapon was a foot above Dee’s head and burned into the wall behind them. She had fired from below the table, so she pushed back and had the weapon on him in a normal bent knee stance before the rest of the men in the room could act.

  Dee had done a normal reaction by ducking. But she knew he had seen all that had happened. It took longer for the three guards to understand and react. They had stood frozen for several important seconds, as both her and Mai’s guns had resounded in the small room. Suddenly one guard made a complete body move in front of her and dove to protect them with his body as he yelled instructions to the others.

  Mai was on the floor in pain but finally the other two guards were beginning to understand what had happened. Although his weapon was out of his hand someone kicked it away. The two guards were putting restraints on him as well as going through his uniform to remove all additional weapons. These were placed on the table in front of the man standing in front of them, even though he was not of the highest rank.

  Finally, she could stand down. She looked at Dee with a smile. She didn’t take a seat. She looked at the guard who was willing to place his life to save her and especially Dee.

  “What is your name and rank?” She addressed this man directly.

  He did not take his eyes off the man on the floor as he answered. This was a fact that she could appreciate as a trained Earth officer.

  “Mistress, I am Under Mark Tal.” His voice sounded strong as he answered.

  “Well, Under Mark Tal, you have just been promoted. First, have these men take this slime on the floor to a medical holding cell. The twin Dissnue will want to talk to him when he is well enough to talk. There will be anger against him, so see that you tell the men that he is not to be harmed more than possible in transport.”

  She turned to Dee and touched his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, Mistress Lorelei.” He looked around at the burn mark on the wall behind him. He smiled. “Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me what is going on?”

  “Bleak and Leant have decided to find some duties for me that I am suited for due to my training on my home world. It begins with helping to get protection for very special people who are too proud to understand how important they are to the twins and that they need to have guards around them they can trust. Now, I think we have just proven a point.”

  She waited until the struggling prisoner was through the door when
she spoke loudly. “Under Mark Tal, stay here and close the door.”

  She realized that the adrenalin was taking a toll on her body, so she finally sat down and faced the man that she knew she was going to like over time.

  “This guard was willing to die to protect you. Of the three that we could trust in this room, he immediately placed himself between the danger and you. We need to give him a rank that will suit his new position as head of your personal security. I don’t know the correct ranks, so I will leave that to you.”

  She turned to Tal. “Guard, until such time as you personally have chosen a staff that you trust beyond any doubt, you will not let this man out of your sight. Once you have a staff you trust, then and only then you may sleep and eat. Do you understand?”

  The young guard looked at her and at Dee. “Yes, Mistress. It will be my honor. I do have a friend that I would choose first because I know him and trust him.”

  “Good, I will clear all of this with the Masters of the Crokteam, but it is their wish that this man they love be safe at all times.” She made her statement a command.

  She turned in her seat to face Dee. “Okay, lets save all the arguments. I heard most of what you said to the twins, so you don’t have to repeat them. Let’s just go through what happened here today. A man who was a traitor, but who had been cleared by not only the Guard and the medical staff, but by your own team’s instructions, got within ten feet of you in order to kill you. He is not the only one. We know for sure there is a true member of the Assassins who is also in the guards.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tal bristle with that information, but Dee only looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes but no other emotion.

  “You are the wisest of men and have done much for the twins. They need you for what will happen next. If you don’t worry about your own life, you must worry what it will mean for them. It would send a very interesting message, not only to their enemies, but also to their so-called friends if you can be killed, right here in their own crokteam. So you must get over your pride and accept protection, starting with a young man who was willing to die right now for you.”


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