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Rozalyn 5

Page 14

by Shan

  I hadn't cheated on that muthafucka since the last time I stepped out on him with Brandon and that had been forever ago. I had been a good faithful wife to him, but after seeing this shit, he had me wishing that I would've cheated. It was all good though cause he can have that shit. If he was done, then so was I.

  Chapter 19


  I don't wanna eva end

  We don't wanna

  We don' wanna neva end

  We don't wanna neva end


  "Good morning, baby," Keysha said. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on my lips. She ran her fingers through the waves in my head and then slowly slid her manicured finger down my chest. I reached around her and gripped her ass into my hand and slid my tongue into her mouth.

  Life had been good down here in Atlanta. I thought that getting involved with Keysha would turn out to be a bad move, but it actually ended up being a good thing. My relationship with her was fresh, fun, and it made me feel something I hadn't felt in a long time-happiness. She was young, but yet mature. She didn't hound me like most women when I wasn't around them, and she was secure with herself. I loved that shit. The chemistry we had between the two of us was undeniably great, but there was still that one thing that was bothering me—Rozalyn. The love I had for her, I truly believed that no one could top it, and I mean no one.

  "So, what did they say?" Keysha asked referring to the phone call I just had with my lawyer Larry. Taron had gotten locked back up a few weeks ago for failure to appear in court, and his bond had been revoked along with it. They were trying to keep him there until his trial, but Larry was able to argue that it was the bonds bailsmen fault for not getting any personal contact information on Taron when they first met with him upon his release. They were able to get him out this morning and was also granted permission for him to stay at a condo that I purchased for him here in an Atlanta a couple of days ago. I needed him out here with me anyway. I had started working on setting things up for Keysha and needed him and Black to come out and assist me and also watch my back.

  "Everything looking good. His flight will be booked in the morning, and he should be here later tomorrow evening," I told her. I walked out onto the balcony of Keysha's condo and lit up a blunt. She followed behind me and took a seat in one of her lounge chairs.

  "And, what about the murder charges you are facing? What did he say about those?"

  "He didn't say anything, but that they were still pending," I lied. Larry had said a lot about the murder charges I was facing concerning that nigga Ray-Ray I had killed years back. He told me that he had a file that he would have delivered to me in a couple of hours that should help the case out a great deal. Whatever it was that was in it, I couldn't wait to see it so that I could get this shit off of my back. I hit the blunt and blew smoke in the air when the doorbell rang.

  "Who is that? I'll be back."


  Keysha got up and went to answer the door. I removed my cell phone from my pocket and went to call home to talk to the kids when Keysha walked back out onto the balcony. I hurriedly slid the phone back into my pocket. I had yet to tell her that I had children and that I had a fuckin' wife. I knew that she would take it hard when she found out. I wasn't gonna continue to keep it for her much longer because I knew the shit wasn't right, I just had to find the right time to let her know what was up.

  Keysha had admitted to me a couple of days ago that she tried her hardest not to fall for me, but she had. She told me that she loved me, and I knew that news about my life would hurt her. It wasn't what I wanted, but she wasn't the only one hurting. I'm sure Rozalyn was going crazy, probably crying all the time for the shit I was putting her through.

  I knew eventually I would have to choose between the two of them. The only problem was I didn't know which way I wanted to go. Rozalyn was my everything; she was what I was familiar with; she was who I truly loved, who I would always love. But Rozalyn was a poison, like a bad drug that if I kept running back to it; eventually it would bring me down for good.

  Keysha was intelligent, street savvy, sexy as hell, and muthafuckin' go getta out the ass. She had cake for days. She made me happy, and she was fun to be around. Two of some of the baddest bitches in the world and I had them both at my disposal. Damn, it would be nice if I could wife the both of their asses; I thought to myself when I finally spotted some white guy standing behind Keysha. I reached for my pistol when Keysha quickly shook her head no.

  "What the fuck is this?" I asked.

  "He came here and asked for you. He's a process server and said he had some papers for you," Keysha told me.

  The white guy looked up at me. "Tamar Andrews?" he asked, and I only nodded as I looked at the huge yellow envelope in his hand.

  "Yea," I stated hesitantly when he handed the package over to me.

  "You have been served," he said and turned to leave just as quickly as he had come.

  I turned my back towards Keysha and pulled the envelope open. Sliding the papers out, the first line immediately stuck out like a sore thumb. It was divorce papers from Rozalyn. I instantly saw nothing but red. My body heated up intensely as I turned around and tossed the papers across the balcony. I took a huge toke of the weed and pulled my cell phone from my pocket. Rozalyn's number was the first one in my call log seeing as how I was just about to call her phone moments earlier.

  "Hold on, let me get them," she said the moment she answered the phone.

  "The fuck is this shit Rozalyn?" I asked heatedly.

  "What?" she asked feigning dumb. Behind me, I could hear light gasp coming from Keysha and when I turned around her eyes caught with mine. She had tiny tears falling from her eyes and all I could do was throw her ass that Kanye shrug. I told her that I wasn't that nigga.

  "Stop fuckin' playing with me! You filed for a fuckin' divorce?" I said into the phone.

  "I just thought I would make it easy on little Ms. Keysha. Don’t mind me, I'm just staying out your way. Ain't that what you told me before you left here a couple of months ago."

  "Don't fuck with me a'ight! I swear to God; I will hop on a plane right now and fuck your ass up for all this slick ass talking you doing."

  "Nah, I'm just speaking honestly. I don't care anymore. You took that fool Rico's word over mine and then you leave me and your kids here after we sat here and suffered and stressed behind you for five fucking months! You laid up—"

  "Hell yea I took that nigga's word over yours! You a fuckin' hoe and a liar and everybody knows it!"

  "Well you don't have to worry about this hoe anymore. Hurry up and sign the shit and send it back so we can be done. Good bye!"

  I suddenly heard dead air in my ear followed by a rapid beeping noise that indicated that the bitch hung up on me. I went to call her back and got nothing but the voicemail.

  "Aye, answer the muthafuckin' phone bitch!" I roared into the voicemail. I hung up and quickly went to the text message conversation between Rozalyn and me. Typing fast as hell, I sent her a message.

  Me: I'm on my way. Let me hear you talk that shit when I get there. Send.

  Rozalyn: I'm not at home. So good luck finding me.

  Me: I'll find you. Send.

  I slid the phone back into my pocket and stormed into Keysha's house. I rushed into the closet and grabbed a huge gym bag that I brought over a couple of weeks ago when I decided I would be spending a lot more time with Keysha.

  "Tamar, what the fuck is going on?" Keysha asked as she stood in the doorway of the closet.

  "What it look like? You got the papers in your hand?" I told her.

  "You're married and got fucking kids? How the fuck could you do this to me?"

  "Do what to you? Shit, I told your ass when you jumped on my dick that I wasn’t that nigga, but nah, you just had to have me. I told you!"

  "You didn’t tell me that you were married!"

  "And you didn't ask. You was so worried about having me that you ain't ask shit abou
t me! Not my fuckin' problem."

  "Wow, I can't believe you right now. You straight played me. Had me thinking that what we had was real, but you got a fucking wife and kids at home all this time."

  "Blah, blah, blah. I ain't trying to hear that shit right now. It is what it is. I got a wife and kids at home, so what? You mad? What you gonna do? Let me know now so I can end that shit before it even starts."

  "Really? Nigga, I told your ass I wasn't that bitch! I'm not the one to chase behind your ass. I ain't been shit but real with you and I thought that you was a real ass nigga, but I can say that you far from it."

  I stood up from the floor and faced her. This bitch had her nerve. Just because I didn't tell her that I had a family at home, didn't mean shit. I told Keysha before we even got into all this that I wasn't the one she wanted to fuck with. Her dumb ass didn't ask no questions, didn't even need the reason as to why I said what I said. She was so eager to prove to me that she was the bitch for me that she ignored everything I said. I wasn't taking the blame for that shit.

  "I'm as real as they get ma'. You wanna know the truth. I have a wife, Rozalyn, three little boys, and a little girl by a chick that's locked up for trying to kill my wife. I've been with her since she was fifteen years old. That's my world, but we ain't on good terms. I honestly was just sitting here thinking whether or not I wanted to give her up for you. I was thinking that it might have been time to just let it all go—but then she hit me with this shit. Now, I don't know."

  Keysha shook her head as she stared into my eyes. I took my hand and swiped away the lone tear that was under her left eye. When I lean in to kiss her, she turned her head away and stepped back away from me.

  "I'll see you later. I need to go handle this, but I'll be back soon," I told her and exited the closet. She walked over to her bed and sat on the edge of it. Her silence told me that she was hurting, but I didn't know what to say to her. I had more important things to handle and would have to deal with her later.

  Chapter 20


  Can't Raise A Man

  He got older, but never grew,

  For his life he can't tell the truth

  How to love he ain't got a clue,

  Playing games like he'll never lose you

  ~K. Michelle~

  When Brian told me that shit a couple of days ago about Tamar and this new chick Keysha, I was too through. I had immediately gone down to a lawyer's office, paid them double to quickly file the papers, and then flew down to Atlanta this morning to have a process server serve him. Today was just the start of another beginning for me. That nigga had life about fucked up if he thought he was gonna keep playing these games with me. As much as I loved his ass, I would gladly let him go instead of going through the bullshit with him.

  All that shit about me being a gold digger was far from true. My shop was done. My clothing store would be done in the next couple of weeks, and I would be ready for my grand opening that was set for next month. I was living just fine without his ass when he was with Kari and best believe I was gonna do so this time around. He could keep that twenty thousand dollars a month too. I didn't want anything from Tamar, not what he was trying to give me anyway.

  "Okay, thank you," I said to the customer service agent with the airport out of Atlanta. I had to catch my flight back home tomorrow morning at eight. I had left the kids with the nanny that I hired a while back and couldn’t wait to get back to my babies. Tamarion had been asking a lot of questions about his father and I and I haven't quite thought about what to tell him. I knew that he was smart enough to see that things wasn’t right which is why I had to tell him something. I'm sure he didn't know what a divorce was, but I would do my best to explain it to him in a way that wouldn't make him sad.

  He was a mama's boy, but he loved the hell out of his father. It was going to break his little heart to know that we were no longer together, but I hoped that Tamar wouldn't keep up with this shit he was on now. Being away from them all this time wasn't healthy especially after he had been gone for five whole damn months.

  I grabbed my purse from the bed and tossed my phone inside. I was on my way to meet with my dad for lunch and see this little surprise that he had for me. He sounded so happy when he found out I was out here and had immediately took off of work so that we could spend a little time together before I went home.

  I turned the lamp off on the nightstand and walked over to the door to leave. Once I opened it, my mouth dropped open in shock and my heart damn near leapt from my chest. This muthafucka'; I thought as I backed away from him. I shook my head, rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms over my chest. The fuck is he doing here and how the hell did he know that I was in the area? Shit!

  "What the fuck was you saying over the phone?" Tamar asked me as he strolled into my room and purposely slammed the door behind him.

  "I gotta go meet my daddy so I ain't got time to talk to you—"


  I jumped back and reached for my face just knowing that I had been punched, knocked out, or even dead, but no there was a huge ass hole in the wall beside me. Tamar had fucking steam shooting from his ears as he stepped into my space. His tall frame seem to tower over me more than ever causing me to cower before him. This nigga here was a fucking joke. He no longer wanted me. I mean what was it he was saying before, wait-- I'm a make you see how it fuckin' feel to be my enemy. Wasn't that the shit he was hollering? Oh and then the last time talking about how I was like poison and how things couldn't be fixed when I begged him to work it out. Nah, I was over this shit for real, for real.

  I laughed, "Really Tae? You come up in here acting like this for what? Wasn’t I just begging you to not leave me? Let's work on our marriage? Be a family? But no, you were so dead set on what that nigga Rico told you that you wasn't trying to hear shit I had to say. Fuck this shit. I'm over it! I did what I had to do to protect our muthafuckin' kids and to keep you from being stressed the fuck out whenever you did return home, but no I got shitted on! I'm tired of talking about this and having this same damn argument. It's over!"

  "I got a lot going on right now. You making moves too muthafuckin' fast, and you need to sit your ass down somewhere for real."

  "How am I making moves too fast? I didn't go jump in some nigga bed! But yet you out here booed up with some bitch!"

  "That's on some business shit! That bitch don't mean shit to me!"

  "Yea, isn't that always the reason, Tae? It's just business. She don't mean shit to me. She was there when you wasn't! What the fuck ever. Well you go back to her and handle your business, 'cause I promise you I'm done. You ain't gonna ever grow up. Yes, I made mistakes, but I learned from them, and I haven't made any since."

  "Watch your slick ass mouth for real. You need to call whatever lawyer you had send me them fuck ass papers and tell them to cancel that shit."

  "No," I protested. Was he sick?

  "No? Fuck you mean no? Do it sound like I'm playing with you?"

  "Yes it does. It sounds like you done lost your damn mind. You sound crazy—"

  I gagged when Tamar wrapped his hands around my throat and backed me up towards the bed. I reached for his hands and tried to remove them from my throat, but his strength was just too much for me. Looking up at him, nothing but coldness stared back at me.

  "I think you like this shit. Yea, I think you love it when I put my hands on you. When I used to beat the fuck out of you, I didn't have no problems. It was always 'yes daddy' and 'no daddy'. Now all I get is muthafuckin' tongue action. Did you forget that I run this shit? Huh?"

  I shook my head no, and my eyes pleaded with him to let me go. I was getting weak by the second. The air in my lungs was slowly leaving me. My body was quickly constricting trying to find oxygen to keep me alive.

  "What you gonna do, is take your ass to the fuckin' lawyer like I said and cancel that fuckin' case. And then you gonna sit your ungrateful ass the fuck down until I come home. Understand?"

  I nodded my he
ad yes, and Tamar released me and pushed me back on the bed. I jumped up and took my fist and started hitting him. Tears ran from my eyes as I swung at him connecting with his body in whatever way I could. When I went to punch him in the face, he caught my hand midair and pinned me down on the bed. He stared down at me while I huffed and puffed.

  "I didn't fuck Rico nor did I try to fuck him! I know you found out I was here by tracking my phone. Do the same shit and pull up my text messages, and you will see that I'm not lying to you! I'm sorry about fucking up your money! I'm sorry that Rico gave your connect away! It ain't shit I can do about that, but understand I was only trying to help you. I'm not gonna cancel no case, Tamar. I'm done. You hurt me for the final fucking time, and I'm not gonna keep doing this with you," I cried. I didn't care what Tamar tried to do to me. I was standing by my decision.

  Tamar didn't say anything. He reached under my dress and ripped my panties off. I crossed my legs to keep him from doing what I knew he was about to do. He was trying to get in my head again, but I wasn't having it this time. He released my hands in order to pull my legs open, and I slapped him in the face. All I saw was a big ass smirk cross his lips like this was a fucking joke to him.

  I went to slap him again, when he grabbed my arm and pinned it down, using his other hand; he pulled me down to the edge of the bed. Before I could make my next move, his tongue was already on my clit and my pussy was dripping wet.

  "Shit!" I cursed. I shook my head and closed my eyes. No matter how good this shit was feeling to me right now, I couldn't let him get in my head. Tamar quickly dropped his pants to the floor and climbed between my legs. I wrestled with him for a few minutes, not wanting him to stick his nasty ass dick inside of me. I didn't know when the last time he had been with her, if he had used protection, or any of that. I wanted him to get off of me. "Tae, get up."

  "Babe, you know I love you," Tamar said as he slid inside of me.

  "I want you to get up. I'm serious," I said as I pushed at his chest.


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