Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  He tried not to let her honey scent distract him.

  “I am not a human, and now that I have you pinned you only have one escape.”


  “A blade in my gut, chest, or better yet, heart. It will not kill most immortals but can give you an edge. They won’t be expecting you to wield such a weapon. A dagger is easy to carry and conceal,” he continued. “Best is to try and not get into this position. Immortals are strong. You might be able to discourage me by clawing my eyes out, but don’t count on it.”

  She gave a nod. “I get it.”

  Cade moved off her and offered his hand to help her up. She accepted, jumping to her feet.

  “And rule number three, sometimes running away is your best escape. You may prove quicker and even smarter. Now, go clean up.”

  Abby practically fell into the tub. Her arms were so sore she could no longer lift them. Cade had been relentless in his training, but she had learned some useful things. The spot between her thighs still throbbed with desire from when he’d pinned her to the ground. Close contact with that angel was dangerous. He had to be manipulating her in some way. Otherwise, she would never be attracted to a fallen angel. Would she?

  Grinding her teeth, she glanced over at the pile of pretty––or what once had been––clothes on the bathroom floor. Her dress was torn, sweat soaked and simply trashed. So, she had learned her lesson. Don’t fight in a dress.

  She slipped further into the hot water, topped with lavender scented bubbles up to her chin. She sighed, closed her eyes, and rested her head on the back of the tub.

  “I swear I’ll never move from this spot.”

  “You’ll turn into a prune, eventually.”

  That sinful voice caused her to squeal and cup her breasts, even though they were under water covered with a thick foam of bubbles.

  “What the hell?” she yelled at Cade. “Get out of my bathroom!”

  He ignored her and instead set down a wooden tray that spanned from one edge of the tub to the other, so it was right in front of her. It consisted of cheese, crackers, prosciutto, and strawberries. A tall, blue glass filled with water sparkled from the candles she'd lit. She stared at the offerings, utterly speechless.

  “You need to keep up your strength. A snack before dinner.” Then he turned and walked out of the room. Abby dared not move until she heard the soft click of her bedroom door.

  Her mouth watered, so she picked up a chunk of the Parmesan, wrapped a slice of meat around it, and popped it into her mouth. Leaning back, she savored the rich, salty flavors as she chewed and contemplated the man who had just invaded her space. He had given no thought to her privacy. What if she had been getting out of the tub? Her body heated again at the thought of him seeing her naked.

  She reached for the glass of water and took a sip of its coolness then moved her attention to Cassiel. Imagined him staring at her naked, wet body with his ice blue eyes, and a shiver ran up her spine. Why did her body react differently to the two men? She tossed thoughts of them aside and finished the food on her plate. Putting her mind into a determined state of learning, she could leave this place and get back to the handsome elite angel waiting for her to return.

  An hour later, she was dressed in yoga pants and a formfitting pink workout halter. Her hair dried and left to fall around her shoulders, she exited her room. Walking down the hall, she forced her tired body to move and walk past the statue that had caused her distress earlier. This time she stopped and took a closer look. As she scrutinized it, she realized the woman had pleasure etched on her face. She looked human, but what did Abby know? She’d learned many demons could take a human form, and others were actually born looking that way. Not all of them appeared like the ones who had stopped them on their way to the palace.

  The man, his lids half covering his eyes, apparently also enjoyed the act. Abby found herself wondering if these two had loved each other. So enthralled, she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her.

  “For one who seemed so offended earlier, you certainly are fascinated by it now.” Cade’s voice was a rumble of sensuality behind her.

  Abby startled. Tried to find words but when she spun to face the fallen angel, the English language was lost to her. He stared at her with rich brown eyes filled with humor. Evidence that he had showered still clung to him. A stray droplet of water made a trail over the firm muscles of his bare chest. The scent of leather and amber filled the air, nearly intoxicating her. When she finally lifted her eyes to gaze at his face, she found him grinning. The smallest of dimples on either side of his perfect mouth.

  “If you continue to look at me like that, I might think you wish to devour me,” he said.

  “I...” Words still escaped her.

  He tilted his head. “Abagail.” He gave a quick glance at the statue of the couple in sexual bliss before his focus came back to her. “Are you a virgin?”

  Her face was now surface of the sun hot. She finally found words. “No. I’m no stranger to sex.” She shrugged. “I’m simply not used to it being so openly displayed.”


  “Good to hear since I’ve no doubt your future mate would much prefer an experienced lover.”

  Abby had sudden visions of Cade naked and sweaty. Her gut told her this fallen would be sinful in bed, and the idea should have cooled her desire. However, it only tempted her wild, free spirit. What would it be like to be totally at the mercy of the man in front of her?

  She shuddered.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No.” Her gaze went back to the lovers. “Who are they?”

  “From what we have been told, he was Lucifer’s trusted general and she one of his harem. They fell in love and held secret trysts but were eventually caught. As punishment, Lucifer slaughtered her and erected this statue, so that his general would see it every night and every morning.”

  “That’s sad. Where is he now?” Abby’s heart broke for the lovers who had been slighted. Didn’t matter if they were demons.

  “Don’t know. Could be dead or hiding now that Lucifer is no longer in charge.”

  Abby stared at the lovers until a delicious aroma wafted upward. “Something smells absolutely awesome.”

  “That would be Raze grilling,” he replied behind her.

  When she reached the bottom of the stairs, he slipped in beside her. “Raze makes a phenomenal burger.”

  “Really?” For some reason she didn’t picture the other fallen as a cook. He looked as if he belonged riding the waves on a surfboard. As they entered the large, dining area, where she expected the table to be set for dinner, she was led past the long table. Instead, she followed Cade to the kitchen that was big enough to prepare meals for an army and probably had. While she had no real idea the size of the palace, she had seen enough of it to know it was enormous and would require a large staff to keep it running smoothly. She found herself wondering what kind of home Cassiel had in the clouds. Being an elite, surely he would have something worthy his station.

  “Do you know Cassiel?” she found herself asking Cade as he held open a door for her to step outside.

  “That pansy ass? I know him. Why?”

  “He was the one who escorted me. I’m to see him again when I return.” Not sure why she felt the need to stick that barb into his skin.

  Chapter Six

  Cade growled under his breath at the mention of Cassiel as he led Abby through the door and to the small slice of paradise he and Raze had found when scouting out the palace. “Is he your chosen?” Why did he even care?

  Because you desire her.

  But that’s all it was, desire. He wanted something he couldn’t have, and now that he knew Cassiel was interested? His dark side wanted her even more.

  Abby flashed a brilliant smile. “I liked him and he is an elite.”

  Figures she would go for a high-ranking male. “Cassiel leads with words not with actions.”

  She frowned. “What does that mean?”

nbsp; Raze interrupted when he rounded the corner with a plate full of burgers and set them on the table.

  “Those smell sooo good.” Abby’s eyes widened as she took a seat at the round glass table.

  Raze’s smile went from ear to ear. “My special recipe.” He sat across from Abby and grabbed a burger.

  “Dare I ask what your special recipe is?” Abby dumped some chips from the bag onto her plate, and Raze lifted his gaze, pretending to be offended.

  “It’s still beef. Only the seasoning is a secret.” He shoved the burger into his mouth and took a big bite.

  “I assure you, it’s fine to eat. We bought it at a human grocery,” Cade said, helping himself to a burger and chips. His words must have helped because she finally grabbed a burger and removed the top bun, slathering mayo and ketchup on it before taking a bite.

  “Oh, wow. This is really good,” she said, bobbing her head up and down as she chewed. “I think this might be the best burger ever, and I’ve eaten at some top-notch places.”

  Raze beamed and Cade had to jump on it. “Don’t stroke his ego so much. He already has issues getting his fat head through the door.”

  “Hey. I can’t help it I’m well-liked.”

  Cade simply shook his head and went back to eating.

  “So Abby, I understand you grew up in Malibu?” Raze asked between bites.

  “Yes. My stepfather inherited several oil wells in the Middle East. Malibu was our main home, but we had houses around the world.”

  Raze nodded. “Did you have a favorite place?”

  “I’ve always loved the beach. Doesn’t really matter where.”

  Thoughts of Abby in a skimpy bikini flashed through Cade’s mind, and he immediately regretted it and went back to eating. Several minutes ticked by in silence before the three tossed down their napkins in defeat.

  “I am stuffed,” Abby groaned.

  “I cooked. Cade, you get the dishes.” Raze balled up his napkin and tossed it at Cade’s head.

  “Dipshit.” Cade stood, collected the paper plates, and tossed them in the trash. “Done. Now it’s time for a beer.”

  “Hey guys. Aww man, did I miss Raze’s famous burgers?” Ashley sauntered across the brick path leading to the small area where they had set up the table.

  “Sorry. Had I known you were coming, I would have saved you a couple,” Raze said patting his full stomach.

  “I ate already. Besides, I’m here to deliver a message to Abby.

  Abby got up from her seat. “A message?”

  “Yes. Seems Cassiel was quite taken with you and has asked for you to join him for dinner tomorrow night.” She gave a sideways nod at Cade. “I’m sure Cade wouldn’t mind dropping you off.” Ashley stepped closer and handed Abby a piece of paper. “Here is the time and place.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And what if I’m too busy to play taxi driver?” Cade asked, already knowing the answer.

  Ashley squinted at him. “Make the time.” Then she turned and left.

  Cade would take Abby to her date with the asshat Cassiel, but he would make sure she was too tired to enjoy it.

  Abby tried to hide her yawn, but it was impossible. It was... “What the hell time is it?”

  “Too fucking early,” Raze shot back, his brown hair sticking out in spikes as if he’d just crawled out of bed. There went Abby’s vision of angels always looking perfect.

  “Stop your whining, both of you. It’s not that damn early. Besides, always best to start training before Hell’s two suns get too high in the sky,” Cade said pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the ground.

  Why the hell did he have to do that? Those abs were better than coffee at getting her awake. Raze also pulled off his shirt and Abby bit her lip. How was she supposed to learn anything now? “What is the point of this?”

  Cade flashed his dark brown eyes at her. “For you to watch us. Granted, you don’t have wings, but one day you will, and you’ll need to learn how to use them to your advantage in a fight. As well as how to keep them from getting in the way.”

  Raze smiled. “Cade just wants to get his ass kicked today.”

  Cade summoned his wings. “You can try.”

  Before Abby realized what was happening, both men had weapons in hand and were a flurry of muscle and feathers. Raze lifted several feet off the ground and kicked out, aiming for Cade’s chest, but the other angel was faster. Cade grabbed Raze by the ankle, twisted, and nicked the other angel in the thigh before Raze managed to get away.

  Abby slapped her hand over her mouth as red seeped through Raze’s jeans. However, the injured angel wasn’t about to be outdone. He tossed his dagger into the air where it vanished, and a split second later, he had a sword in hand. Swinging it, he managed to make a slice across Cade’s chest. When the blood welled, Abby shoved her hands on her hips.

  “Are you guys trying to kill each other?” Was that even possible? She understood angels were hard to kill. Cade had told her that only a dagger, forged in the fires of Hell, through their heart could end their life. Or completely taking off their head. Even as the words passed her lips, Cade’s wound healed before her eyes.

  “Oh, we’re just getting warmed up,” Cade announced and produced his own sword. The swoosh of a blade, as it cut through the air, broke the silence before metal clashed and echoed into the distance. The two men were eerily quiet. If Abby wasn’t watching them with her own eyes, she wouldn’t believe they were even there. They both moved with the grace of a ballet dancer, yet their strength was undeniable. Each muscle flexed with the power of a predator.

  Jealousy came over her. They didn’t even break a sweat.

  Blood trickled to the ground, and Abby noticed it came from Raze. He had a decent-sized gash across his breastbone. When she looked at Cade, he had a cut on his right bicep that was already healing. Feathers from both men floated to the ground.

  “You guys at it again?”

  Abby spun to find Lyzander, Kelana’s mate, coming up behind them, his mouth in a grim line. The guys stopped and Cade folded his wings to his back.

  “We were just showing Abby some moves.” He frowned. “By the look on your face, I’d say you don’t come bearing good news.”

  “Something’s going on up top.”

  Abby looked between them. “Up top?”

  “That’s what we call the mortal realm from here, even though it’s really not above us,” Lyzander responded with a shrug. “Humans believe Hell is under them, so it’s kinda stuck.”

  “Oh. Then where are we exactly?” Abby asked.

  “Another realm. Same as the clouds.” Raze had put away his weapon and joined them.

  “Guys!” Lyzander said returning their focus to him. “There’s a problem in South America.”

  “Such as?” Cade questioned. Hard lines cut across his forehead, giving him a “don’t fuck with me” look.

  Lyzander’s lids dropped until his eyes were slits. “Some weird shit is happening in Machu Picchu.”

  “What kind of weird shit?” Raze asked.

  Abby was totally confused by the conversation yet fascinated. Instinct, and the other angel’s mood, told her something bad was going on.

  Lyzander shifted his stance. “There’s an aura of power surrounding the area. Nothing like we’ve ever seen before, and we fear the dead are rising.”

  “What the hell?” The shock in Cade’s voice was evident.

  Lyzander nodded. “No shit, and it seems no angel can get close enough to gather any reliable Intel. They only know what they can sense in the surrounding area. As far as they can tell, only a few have risen, but not even the oldest angels can get close enough to see what’s going on. When they try, they get knocked unconscious.” He shook his head. “Luckily, no one has been hurt. The angels have been going in groups, so when one gets knocked out they don’t fall to the ground in a heap of broken bones.”

  “Lucifer or his bastard child Logan?” Raze posed the question.

sp; “No one knows but a power shift was felt above. I guess that’s how they found out something was going on.” Lyzander put his focus on the two men. “The Maker sensed the rising of the dead and tasked the investigation to Ashley. So that means we have a job to do.”

  “Why us? Need I remind––”

  Lyzander cut Cade off. “I fucking well know we are the fallen, but the Maker is hoping that might work to our advantage. Whatever is going on there is born of dark magic.”

  Cade would be lying if he didn’t acknowledge the bit of excitement that ran through him. The Maker was looking to the fallen. The darker of her children to help her. This could be a good thing for them. Perhaps even lead to restoring his warrior status, and then maybe he could resume his past life. He looked at Abby and thought perhaps one day he could have a mate. However, a small part of him embraced the darkness, liked having it around. He would freely admit he liked it in Hell. There was always something to take care of. He was needed here as well. Still convinced his brethren were enslaved someplace in this pit. Lyzander felt it too. He’d been one of them.

  “So, she thinks because of our darkness we might be able to get closer?” Cade asked.

  “That is the plan. We move out now.” Lyzander jerked his head in Abby’s direction. “Kelana will be here any minute to take Abagail to the clouds until you return to resume her training.” On cue, Kelana appeared.

  “I so want to go with you guys, but my mate is being bossy again.” She gave Lyzander a burning glance then held out her hand to Abby. “Come on. Cassiel is waiting for you.”

  Cade swore Abby’s mouth turned into a gentle smile, which caused his darkness to surge to the surface. “I’m ready for a little adventure,” he said as he watched Kelana and Abby fade away into a portal. It would be a great way to force his attention elsewhere rather than on the female with the hair the color of caramel and eyes of spun gold.


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