Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 5

by Valerie Twombly

  “Then let’s go.” Lyzander opened his own portal, and the three of them stepped in. Moments later, they stood on a craggy terrain looking down over the long silent Machu Picchu. A trail of fog snaked through the ancient village and rain misted from the sky, dampening their wings. Tourists were nowhere in sight, which was a plus.

  An eerie quiet blanketed the land.

  “Wow. I can feel the power,” Raze piped up.

  “Yeah. This place feels like death, but I don’t see anything.” Lyzander shifted into a squat, squinting his eyes.

  “Well, no sense knocking. I’ll see if I can get closer.” Cade gave his wings a flap and lifted off the ground. He took flight in a wide arc around the entire area, searching for the source of the power that nipped darkly at his skin. Called to the weakness in his soul.

  He shoved back the urge to welcome it with open arms, allowed only a portion of it to filter through. A little darkness was necessary, and might be needed to battle whatever was down there.

  Movement out of the corner of his eye. A quick flash of bright color ducking behind a rock wall.

  Cade moved closer, the evil stronger, calling him, and this time he followed.

  What’s going on? Lyzander slammed into his head.

  I thought I saw movement. I’m going to see if I can get closer and find the source of the barrier that is protecting this place.

  Keep your link open. A command.

  As Cade drifted closer, the air grew thick, suffocating, and he took a deep breath. He was within feet of the barrier that surrounded the ruins keeping everyone––including angels––out. He hovered closer. Reached out and laid his hand on the invisible shield. Immediately something or someone touched his mind. Visions of war, fire, and death, but he was unable to see faces or species. Something powerful, yet soft and feminine was awakening beneath the ruins of the ancient city below. When he tried to focus on her, reach her through whatever this link was that held him, he was overcome by the oily slick of evil. It sank its clawed fingers into his skin. The darkness seeped into him. It tried to connect with the stain he held on the inside from being a fallen. Deep down he knew if that happened he would be lost forever, but he was helpless to break away.

  Cade! Fucking let go! Lyzander sent the mental command, but Cade’s body refused to obey. He was tethered to it.

  The harder he tried, the stronger the evil grew until he felt something wet run from his nose and he knew by the coppery taste on his lips it was blood. A force grabbed the back of his arms and tugged.

  A war waged and he was in the middle of it. He knew both Lyzander and Raze were behind him trying to break him free. The next vision that flashed in his mind was that of Abagail. He saw her standing in a meadow. Staring upward, the sun kissed her joyful face. As the picture widened, he saw she was looking up at Cassiel and then suddenly...

  Blood flowed down her white dress, and her look of joy turned to disbelief as she stared down at the dagger embedded in her heart. She crumpled to the ground. Her beautiful hazel eyes lifeless. Who had done that to her? Cade no longer saw Cassiel in the vision. Who could have taken down the elite archangel and killed Abby?

  Cade clenched his jaw, finding the strength to help his brethren release him. Using every ounce of power and resolve he had, he broke free. The three men went flying backward. Before Cade had been thrown too far, his gaze focused on a man next to the ruins, staring up at him and looking as if he’d just stepped out of the past. His colorful headdress and turquoise jewels indicating his rank among the Inca tribe. The king’s gaze was that of death.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Lyzander righted himself, his massive wings of black with crimson threads flapping with ease. “What the hell was that?”

  Cade shook the fog from his head, feeling as if he had been in a coma for months. “I have no idea. You saw all of it?”

  Lyzander flew closer. “Every wicked-ass thing.” He scraped his fingers through his blond hair. “We need to tell someone. Pronto.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cassiel led Abby through a garden filled with lush greenery and flowers of brilliant purple, creamy white, and butter yellow. The scent that wafted through the air was intoxicating and left heated desire between her thighs. She looked up at the elite angel walking beside her. His jet-black hair fell seductively over his forehead, and when he looked at her, his eyes were pools of azure.

  He smiled. “You are a beautiful woman, Abagail.”

  “Thank you. This is a nice place you have here. I can’t get over how vivid the colors are.” She touched the petals of an orchid and was astonished at its silkiness.

  “I am glad you are enjoying it.” He waved his hand. “This will all be yours when we become mated.”

  Her heart raced at the thought. Her mother would be proud that Abby had found someone fitting her station in life. “Will we be mated after my training?”

  Cassiel walked her to a small clearing where a round, oak table and chairs sat on stone pavers. He pulled out a chair and she sat. From some magical place, he produced a crystal goblet. “Yes. Here, you will find this delightful.”

  She accepted the glass and inhaled the sweetest smell. It was a mixture of strawberries with a hint of apple. She tasted.

  “This is delicious. What is it?” She’d never had anything like it before.

  He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “My own special blend.”

  “Aren’t you going to have any?” A sudden flash of heat raced over her skin, and her vision slanted for a second.

  “No. You enjoy it.”

  She took another sip at his encouragement, and again her skin flushed. Before she understood what was happening, she was lifted from her chair and cradled in Cassiel’s strong arms. Moments later, he laid her on the softest grass. His mouth on hers. His tongue invading. Heavy hands pushed up her top to cup her breast through the fabric of her bra. Through the haze in her mind, a thought that this was wrong filtered in.

  He broke the kiss, pushed the material out of his way, and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  Abby’s body responded, but still her foggy mind was confused. She had wanted this yet... Something wasn’t right. Her mind wandered to Cade. Why was she thinking of him when she was with Cassiel? Their mating already spoken and planned.

  His mouth moved to the marking on the swell of her breast and he bit it, and she cried out as sharp pain tore through her, and her mind cleared. She went to push him away, but he was too strong. Suddenly, her mind raced to her previous training. She had no weapon and her muscles felt like rubber, refusing to obey her.

  Hands jerked her pants to her ankles before Cassiel rose, unzipped his jeans, and pulled his thick erection free.

  Panic slammed into her. Yes, she had wanted to mate with the angel, but this wasn’t the romantic courting she had expected. Again she tried to move, but her body remained pinned to the ground by the power that blasted into her.

  The drink. She realized there had also been something in her drink. She fought to remain alert, looking for any way to escape.

  He flattened his body over her, the tip of his cock pressed against her entrance.

  Abby found the strength to struggle, tried to push at him, but he was an immovable force. She tried to reason, but her voice was only a slur of words she didn’t even understand.

  “This is what you wanted, Abagail. You will become mine, and then I will own you. You will do my bidding on the Tribunal council and through you I will take over.” His eyes darkened to obsidian. “My slave in every way.”

  Bile burned her throat as she clawed at him. Managed to rake a nail down his cheek where blood beaded. He wrapped a large hand around her neck and began to cut off her air.

  “I like a female who fights, gives me a chance to fuck it out of them. When you become mine, I will keep you chained to my bed until you learn obedience.”

  Suddenly she felt the truth of his words and stilled, refusing to give him the fight he apparently wanted. How had she been
so wrong about him?

  His lip curled. “What are you doing? I’m about to rape you, Abagail. Fight me.”

  Though she wanted to kick, bite, and scream, she remained still and felt his erection soften against her. He moved away, a growl escaping his mouth, and then he was zipping his pants. He jerked her to her feet, her own jeans still around her ankles. His hand snaked around her neck again and squeezed just enough to make her struggle for air. Yet she knew he would leave no mark for others to witness.

  “I’ve been summoned to duty, but we are not finished.” He let his power flow over her skin. “You speak of this to anyone, and I will gut you. Slowly. But before I do, I will bound your sister and have my way with her. I might even share her with the other males, and you can watch all of us take her over and over until there is nothing left of her but an empty shell. Then... I will force you to kill her. When I am done with her, I will move on to your mother and show her the same attention.” Something tightened around her heart. At first, she thought it was fear but soon realized Cassiel had sent power inside her. It traveled down her chest and across her nipples until they were so hard the pain nearly blinded her. When she thought she could take no more, it moved across her belly and straight to her clit. He continued his grip around her neck as his power worked against her will. Brought her to the cusp of orgasm with invisible fingers, and then left her there. He shoved her to the ground where she landed with a hard thud.

  “Make no mistake about my power. You can choose to be obedient, and perhaps I will look upon you favorably. Defy me and I will have no qualms about your torture or that of your family.”

  “I’m not a member of the Tribunal,” she coughed out.

  “Oh, you will be sure to pass their test. Train well, nephilim. You are nothing but a way to the Tribunal. A receptacle to fulfill my urges and bear me a son. Never think your station is otherwise.” Then he vanished and she was left sobbing, trying frantically to pull her jeans up and cover herself. Her half-sister was only sixteen, and the thought of Cassiel or any of the others hurting her family numbed her with fear. It also shamed her. She was responsible for the danger they now faced. For the first time in Abby’s life, she was alone. There was no one to help her. No amount of money, designer clothes, or staff at her beck and call would aid her now.

  She was helpless in a foreign world.

  Everything in her gut raced up her throat and expelled in a violent rush onto the ground.

  Cade paced the floor of Ashley’s dining room while Lyzander sat at one end of the table tapping his fingers on the wooden surface. Raze flipped his blade into the air, catching the handle over and over. They were all a little edgy after what had just happened. Finally, Ashley and Tegan entered the room.

  “What did you guys find?” Tegan questioned.

  Cade stopped his pacing before he wore the polish off the marble floor. “No fucking idea. See for yourself.” He opened his mind so Ashley could witness what had just occurred at Machu Picchu, and then relayed it to her father. Moments later, Ashley gasped but Tegan gave no indication to his thoughts.

  “What in ever-loving hell is going on there?” Ashley made her way to sit next to her mate, Eli.

  “Do you think it’s Lucifer or Logan?” Raze directed his question at Tegan.

  “I don’t have an answer to that, but I must go and relay this information to the Maker. In the mean time, Raze and Zander, keep an eye out from a safe distance.” He cast his gaze to Cade. “Continue your duties, training your charge. It is important to the Tribunal.” Then he vanished.

  Cade would have rather gone with the others and staked out the ancient site, but he still held the image of Abby falling to the ground, blood soaking her dress, and it unsettled him. Someone powerful would have to take down Cassiel to get to Abby. Even though Cade thought little of the elite archangel’s leadership abilities, Cassiel was still an older angel and held great power. The man would have had to been taken out before he would allow a female to be harmed. Cade turned to Ashley.

  “Can you see that Abby is returned to her training?” Since he was no longer able to enter the clouds, someone would have to bring the nephilim to the human realm or directly to Hell. Ashley could do both. He needed to see Abby with his own eyes. Make sure she was safe.

  “I’ll bring her directly to you,” Ashley replied then frowned. “Are you okay? I mean something had hold of you.” She slanted her head. “You seem...different.”

  “Darker?” He did feel something stir inside him, but was still unsure what it was.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Yes and no. Does that make sense?”

  Unfortunately it did. “Yes, but I feel fine.”

  “Okay. Be sure to reach out to me if anything changes. I’ll go fetch Abby.”

  Cade bowed his head then exited the room with Raze right behind him.

  “That was some freaky ass shit.” Raze caught up. “What did she mean you’re different?”

  “I’ve never encountered anything so dark and evil.” Cade still felt the oil slick from it pumping through his veins. “I don’t know how to explain it, but it did something to me. I just don’t know what.”

  Raze wrinkled a brow. “Are you gonna go all bad-ass on us?”

  Cade knew his friend was asking if he was going to slip totally to the other side. Embrace the darkness and go rogue. “I hope not, but if you see me slipping kill me first.”

  “You got it, dude.”

  “I need to fly and think. I’ll see you back at the palace.” Cade lifted into the air and left Raze to take the portals back home.

  Cade floated on an air current, searching the ground for something. He wasn’t sure what, except that he was in the mood to shed blood. That was probably not a good sign, but at this point, he didn’t care. However, as he scoured the grounds, everything was exceptionally quiet. Not a normal thing for this realm. Something was off. Way off and he couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with what was happening in the mortal realm. Deciding to head back to Lulerain, he swooped downward and landed near one of the gates that would take him back to the palace. As he entered, he made a critical decision. He needed to step up Abby’s training. Maybe what he saw was only a possible end to her life. If she was skilled in defense, she might alter the course of her path. He found he didn’t like the thought of her demise. Tried to tell himself it was simply out of duty, but his inner voice heckled him.

  You want her for yourself.

  Yes. Yes, I do. Cade wasn’t one to lie to anyone and especially himself. Problem was, he didn’t know why he wanted her. Oh sure, she was sex walking on two, long legs, but that wasn’t it. It was more than a simple tumble between the sheets. There was a deep-seated desire to claim her. Who was he kidding though? He was a fallen, and all he had to offer was a life of hell in Hell.

  Cade appeared outside the palace, headed up the path, and through the front door. Instantly, the sweet smell of honey reached him, and he knew Abby was already back. He followed the voices into the library where Raze and Abby were talking. Her gaze met his, and he immediately sensed something different about her. He maneuvered himself to the chair closest to her. The stench of Cassiel wafted off her, and he examined her closer.

  “Did you and Cassiel begin your bond?” The words tumbled out in a growl before he could stop them. He fought to relax his body. He had no claim on her and no right to question.

  She cast him a glance then looked at her hands in her lap before answering. “None of your business.”

  Her words did not match her body language. Her posture was hunched over and she fidgeted. Yet, Cassiel had clearly left his scent. She stank of him but she acted demure. His instinct didn’t like what he observed.

  Leave us. Cade ordered to Raze, who pushed from his chair without question.

  “I need to go scouting. See ya later, Abby.” Raze vanished before any protest passed her lips.

  “I’m going upstairs.” She got up to leave.

  “I don’t think so.
” Cade never made an attempt to move from his seat. The sheer tone of his voice stopped her in her tracks. However, the fire that turned her hazel eyes into molten copper said she wasn’t amused.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I’m used to giving orders not taking them.” She lifted her chin and crossed her arms over her ample breasts, and he found himself wondering if Cassiel had seen her naked. Had he caressed her silky skin? Power crackled in the air and filled the room. It took him a minute to realize it came from him. This was something new. An aftereffect from his encounter in Machu? He pushed it down.

  “Well, angel. You had best get used to taking orders. You are nephilim, and even once you become a full-fledged angel, you will be out-ranked.” Not the words he had meant to say. This damn female undid him.

  Chapter Eight

  Abby wanted to flee. Run until she was out of breath, but where was she going to run? Cade’s words struck a nerve. She would be forced to bow to them all and especially Cassiel. She swallowed bile and took her seat, despising the man across from her for making her feel even more inferior than she had before. Hating Cassiel for what he intended to do to her. Cade flashed her a self-satisfied grin, and she wanted to wipe it from his face.

  “Better. Now, I intend to speed up your training. There are things going on in the world that are... Well, fucked up isn’t even close to describing it.”

  She remained silent. Listening. Training, that was good. Yes, she would learn everything he had to teach her. Maybe she could defend herself against Cassiel, even though she realized he would likely kill her or worse. Torture her for eternity.

  “Fine,” she responded. “I’m willing to try, but I’m not sure how good I’ll be at it.” For the first time in her life, she was unsure of herself. The sudden realization that being pampered her entire childhood was of no benefit to her now. As a matter of fact, it left her weak and vulnerable. She had been raised with the etiquette of the rich. Had even met royalty. Their hierarchy reminded her much of the angels. Perhaps she could somehow use that knowledge to her advantage. How? She’d figure that out later.


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