Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel) Page 10

by Valerie Twombly

  Ashley quickly moved to his side, her hand on his arm, and he visibly relaxed. “It was bound to happen at some point. People have claimed for centuries they’ve seen angels. I don’t understand why we hide anyway.”

  “To protect them and us,” Eli stated.

  Ashley simply rolled her eyes. “It’s time we stepped out of the dark ages. Besides, I don’t think there is going to be any way we can hide this.”

  Eli pulled her to his side. “You’re right as always.”

  “It will make it easier to quarantine the area,” Cade pointed out.

  “I will speak to my father and make him the spokesman.” Ashley smiled, knowing full well that Tegan would not be thrilled at the prospect, but for his daughter, he would do anything. “In the meantime, we need to pull in all those available to figure this out.”

  “Agreed,” Cade and Eli voiced out loud.

  “I think perhaps under the circumstances, Abby should go home to her family until we understand what’s going on. Hell is not a safe place.” Cade would miss the nephilim, but her safety was more important, and he had a job to do.

  “Agreed.” Ashley looked in the direction of the ruins. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Yeah, so did Cade. The darkness brewing in the distance tugged on his soul.

  Abby learned a lot from Kelana in the short time the two sparred in the courtyard. She’d even taken on one of the guards––who of course went easy on her––but it was good practice, and being an ancient demon, he had excellent advice for her. She was starting to think this place wasn’t half bad. As she was wiping the sweat from her face, Abby knew the second Cade appeared. She turned to watch him stride toward her, his movement that of a lethal predator. A powerhouse of muscle and darkness, the scowl on his face said things hadn’t gone well up top.

  “What happened?” Kelana asked first.

  Cade went into what happened and how he had to rescue a female reporter from certain death. Things didn’t sound good, and Abby could only hope that Cassiel was too busy to worry about her and her family. Cade stared at her.

  “Your family is well. As a matter of fact, I will be taking you back home. It’s the safest place for you right now until we figure out what’s going on.” He hesitated before continuing, “I’m sure Cassiel will be pleased with the choice.”

  Abby swallowed and tried not to show her fear. She was pleased to be close to her family but couldn’t help worry what would happen to her. “What about my training?”

  “You should continue to practice. Perhaps there will be a younger angel who can stop by and work with you.”

  “I’ll come see you,” Kelana chimed in.

  Abby could only nod. Perhaps this would buy her some time.

  “We should go now.” Cade held out his hand, but before she slipped hers into his, she knelt to pet Riot on the head.

  “I have to go.” The pup whined as if knowing what she was saying.

  “Don’t worry, he can stay with me,” Kelana offered.

  “Thanks.” She stood and took Cade’s hand. For the first time, she noticed his firm grip. His fingers were slightly rough, likely from holding the handle of a blade. He led her to the other side of the courtyard then opened a portal.


  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He pulled her inside the spinning vortex, knowing that when they came out the other side she would be home. It would be nice to see her family again.

  “Something’s wrong,” Cade said and suddenly there were voices whispering all around them, but she couldn’t make out what there were saying.


  There was no answer, but Abby’s body was slammed against something hard. A grunt came from underneath her, and she realized it was Cade’s chest she had landed on. Her mind a fog, she blinked against the bright light. Shadows moved across her vision, and the voices became louder, but she didn’t understand what they were saying.

  She blinked hard, things coming into focus, and that’s when she saw them.

  “Where the hell are we?”

  Cade pushed to his feet, pulling Abby with him, and shoved her behind him. He called for his blade but it never came. He tried for his sword, but it too refused to obey him.

  The four men descended on them. Dressed in tunics of white and spun gold, with headdresses of brightly colored feathers, they pointed spears at Cade.

  “The king wishes to see you.” One of them spoke in an ancient language. The tone indicated this wasn’t a friendly invitation. Lucky for Cade, there wasn’t a language in the world an angel didn’t understand or speak.

  “Lead the way,” he replied, pulling Abby to his side. “We are being taken to their king,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Where are we?” she whispered back, biting her lip.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “How did we get here?” She gripped his arm.

  “I don’t have an answer to that either.” He’d felt something enter the portal but had been unable to do anything about it. Now, they followed four men who spoke an ancient Inca language across stone floors. The walls were covered in a thin layer of gold, indicating this was a royal home. Cade studied every crevice of the place as they were led into a chamber. At the far end was the throne and in it sat the king. His headdress was an elaborate display of vibrant feathers, gold, and jewels. They were shoved forward, and Cade pulled Abby down with him onto their knees.

  “Bow your head,” he uttered under his breath. “Keep your eyes to the floor.”

  She quickly obeyed, her hand trembling in his; he gave it a squeeze.

  “You came through the hole in the air,” the king stated.

  “Yes,” Cade replied as he pushed at the man’s mind. It was easy for him to slip inside, but what he discovered alarmed him. The Inca king was ancient. His memories from a time past, and though the king didn’t understand them, he was aware of portals. Someone had showed him.

  “You will wake my daughter.” There was no mistaking it was a command and not a question.

  Cade pushed further into the being’s mind. There he saw a young, beautiful female. Her rich black hair flowed in a silky mass to the middle of her back, and her smile seemed to brighten the sky. But what really stood out were her denim blue eyes. They were nothing like the hard, cold, black ones of her father and were rather unusual for her people. Her mother must have bore the same eyes and passed them to her daughter.

  “How do you still live?” Cade posed the question because the man sitting before him would currently be well over a thousand years of age. Yet, he looked no more than today’s human years of forty.

  “We recently woke from a long sleep.” The king leaned forward. “You will wake my daughter. It is her time to rule and I will sleep again.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  Abby gave him a glance, no doubt wondering what was going on. Both he and the king spoke in the ancient language of the Inca. Cade slipped into her mind and gave her a quick summary of the conversation so far before he returned to the king.

  “Why did your daughter not wake with you?”

  “She can only be pulled from her slumber by the one with dark power.”

  “What woke you?” Cade now had to wonder if this was tied to the happenings in Machu Picchu.

  “A great snake burrowed through the earth, telling us it was time.”

  What the fuck? That made no sense at all, but he had to remember he was dealing with an ancient culture. The snake likely represented something other than an actual snake. “I need to know more before I can understand how to wake your daughter.”

  The king shifted his gaze from Cade then to Abby. “This is your woman?”


  The king gestured for them to rise. “You will be shown to a room. Rest then join us for feasting later, and I will tell you the story of my daughter, Arsenia.”

  Cade helped Abby to her feet, and one of the guards who had brought them to the throne now
led them away and through a maze of corridors lit with torches. Cade’s instinct said they were underground. There was no light that filtered through. It all came from torches and lanterns. After several minutes, they were led to an ornate door, and their escort pushed it open. Inside was a large stuffed mattress on the floor and several colorful cushions scattered around a small table. A woman currently filled a copper basin big enough for one to bathe in. She smiled then approached Abby and started to pull at her clothes.

  “What is she doing?” Abby tried to push her away.

  “She is trying to help you undress for your bath.”

  “Well tell her to stop.”

  Cade smiled and turned to the woman, spoke something Abby didn’t understand, but it must have worked because the woman left with a big grin on her face.

  “What did you say to her?”

  “I simply told her that we were newly wed, and I wished to assist my bride with her bath.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Why did you tell her that?” Abby chewed her lip and glanced around the room then back at Cade, who ran his fingers through his hair, tousling the dark mass.

  “Look. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but we need to play along until I can figure this out. Telling them we’re together should keep you safe so go with it.” He looked at the tub of water. “You can start by bathing and changing into the clothes they left. When you’re done, I will do the same.”

  She hadn’t even noticed the clothing laid out on the mattress. Rubbing her arms, she stated, “I’m not getting into that bath with you in this room.”

  He crossed his arms. “Well, it will look odd if I leave my new bride alone. They expect us to bathe together.” He held up his hand to keep the words from spilling from her mouth. “I’m not suggesting we do. I’ll turn my back.”

  She fought to slow her breathing. Shove the panic that raced through her blood aside. “We need to get out of here. I need to go home.”

  He glared at her for a moment then turned his back to her. “Undress and bathe and I will think on how to get you back to your archangel.” His tone was Arctic frost.

  Abby looked back at the steaming water and decided it probably was best to play along. She quickly stripped and sank into the bath, her muscles relaxing slightly. She picked up the sponge. “So, what do we do now? Won’t the others be looking for us?” She glanced in his direction and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, a frown on his face.

  “I’m not sure how long it will take before anyone realizes we’re missing.” He scratched the shadow on his jaw, and Abby wanted to run her fingers over the dark patch. Instead, she dug her nails into her thigh. That should help curb her desires.

  She hurried her bath in silence, looking back at him. “I’m getting out.”

  He turned his back, and she grabbed one of the towels left for her and dried at record speed then eyed the clothes. Now, the challenge was to get dressed. She walked to the bed where both he and her clothes sat. “Your turn. I’ll change while you disrobe to get into the bath. Our backs to each other.”

  He rose from the bed, not even giving her a glance and pulled his tee over his head. She’d seen him many times without a shirt, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate each and every ripped muscle on his naked chest. He began to unbutton his jeans as he walked away from her. “I don’t care if you see my naked body. I’ve been alive long enough to no longer be modest.” On the last word, his jeans hit the floor, and she stared at his well-sculpted ass. Round, hard muscle flexed as he stepped free of the jeans, kicking them aside. She bit her lip. Hard. Forced her gaze to focus on the dress on the bed. She glanced back and saw Cade paid no attention to her so dropped her towel. Grabbing the dress, she pulled it over her hair.

  “Nice ass.”

  Abby gasped and rushed to pull the material the rest of the way on. Once the dress had settled against her skin and dropped to her ankles, she spun and glared. Cade stared back.

  “You were supposed to keep your eyes off.”

  His expression went from amusement to pure wickedness. “If you can look at my ass, then it’s only fair I be given the same privilege.”

  “I-I didn’t look.”

  “Like hell. I know when a woman stares at me.” His lids lowered and he cast a look of pure seduction. “I also know when a female wants me and you... You want me, but for some damn reason, you think Cassiel is the one you want.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cade had become bolder, and he wasn’t sure why exactly. Other than the woman glaring at him undid him. She caused him to drop all barriers, and for once in his life, he thought about settling down. He already knew her curves fit him perfectly, and her kiss––once she relaxed––would be made of fire. Then there was the one thing he’d tried to ignore. He had been able to connect to her mind. That should not have been possible until she had begun a bond, even then communication would only be with her mate. It wouldn’t be until she was fully mated that Abby would have a mental link to the rest of angel kind. But never to him. Cade was fallen and no longer had that link except to his dark brethren.

  Damn it.

  He’d better stop thinking of her and his desire, or she would get a real eye-full of his erection when he stepped from the tub. Perhaps he should and let her see what she did to him. Instead, he dunked his head under the water and finished up washing. “I’m getting out.” He stood and Abby squealed, turning her back to him.

  He laughed.

  “Why have you suddenly become more of an ass than usual?”

  He toweled off, ignoring her question then strode to the bed, grabbed the tunic left for him, and pulled it over his head. He then reached for the sash. “This is how you wear this.” He tied the white sash around his waist then picked up the turquoise one still lying on the bed and held it out. “Come here and turn around.”

  Abby hesitated a moment but then did as he asked. Giving her back to him, he circled his arms around her waist, bringing the fabric from one side to the other. Before he moved to tie it, he brought his nose to her neck and inhaled. Her honey scent mingled with lemon. Something he had not noticed before, and it made him more bold.

  “W-what are you doing?”

  “Enjoying your scent. I have the urge to kiss your neck. Militiae species amor est.” Instead, he ran his closed lips along her skin before he pulled back and tied her sash.

  “What did you just say?”

  “Love is a kind of warfare.”

  She turned and studied him. “I don’t understand.”

  “I just declared war on your affections. Cassiel is not here, and until we are free from this place, it is you and me. I am more than just a fallen angel and intend to make you see that. There is something between us, Abagail.” Before he could say more, a knock came at their door, and the young female who had drawn the bath stuck her head in and indicated it was time for dinner.

  “We will be right out,” he spoke in her native tongue. She gave a nod then closed the door and Cade brought his attention back to the female staring at him.

  “That dress suits you.” Abby looked like a princess dressed in the white material covered with hues of blue, aqua, red, and gold, woven into a traditional Inca design at both the hem and neckline. “The only thing missing are gold cuffs on your arms.”

  He ran a finger down her cheek and a mixture of need and fear skittered across her eyes.

  “Do you fear me?”

  She swallowed. “I sense a darkness in you.”

  “I will admit it’s there, yet you seem to calm it. My greatest desire right now is to kiss you. Will you give me permission?”

  Her tongue flicked out and wet her lips. Dilated pupils contrasted against flecks of molten gold and copper. She leaned closer. “Yes.” Barely a whisper.

  Cade didn’t wait for her to change her mind. His mouth found hers. First, it was a gentle touching of lips while his arms pulled her closer, but then... Then the flame burned hotter. Her lips parted, giving his ton
gue entry and he took it. Caressed across her own in a sensual, lazy fashion. He pulled back, teased her until she shoved her tongue into his mouth. Her fingers dug into his hair, reaching his scalp. Cade let loose a feral growl before consuming her. His kiss becoming more passionate until they were both breathing heavy. Finally, he broke it off with a tug on her lower lip.

  “I knew you were made of fire,” he whispered.

  She backed away. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  Oh, hell no. He was not letting her stick her head back in the sand again. “Tell me truthfully, you don’t regret it and do not lie. Your body language speaks volumes.”

  Her cheeks turned a rosy pink. “I don’t regret it.”

  He gave a nod and figured it was time to back off a bit. She was like a feral cat, and any wrong move might spook her. “We should go. It’s rude to keep our host waiting.” He started for the door then stopped and looked at her until their gazes met. “I know you have demons. Trust me to slay them for you.”

  Abby walked beside Cade as they followed the woman in a dress not much different from the one she wore. Her lips were still swollen from the kiss, and his words still ringing in her ears. What had caused her to lose control and kiss him like that?

  Because you wanted to, idiot!

  She had, too. It was the reason she’d agreed. He had taken her by surprise at his openness and the fact he’d asked permission. That had blown away her reserve. The man striding beside her with such dark power and strength thought enough of her to seek her permission rather than force his will. In that moment, Abby decided Cade was more man than Cassiel would ever be. It didn’t mean she wasn’t frightened. Pulled into some crazy world she knew little about. But she was willing to admit he was right. There was something between them, and others apparently saw it too.

  The woman they followed led them into a starry night. A large bonfire burned and several people, including the one who called himself king, sat around it.

  “We’re outside,” she whispered next to Cade.

  “It would seem. I sense the same power surrounding us that covered the ruins in Peru.” He glanced around. “It would seem we are inside the shield at Machu Picchu.”


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