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Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated Novel)

Page 15

by Valerie Twombly

  Her eyes widened. “What’s safe?”

  “Another continent perhaps.”

  Cassiel laughed. “Let the mortal watch as I mop up the ground with your broken body.”

  Cade narrowed his gaze. You underestimate me, asshole.

  Chapter Twenty

  Abby sat in an elegant backless chair back in the same room where she had first met the others of the Tribunal. She twisted her hands together and glanced from one woman to the other.

  “Abby, I understand your apprehension, but it’s much safer for you here right now,” Eva replied.

  “I call bullshit on that.” Kelana shifted in her seat.

  “Kelana, even before you became a warrior angel, you were still a strong and powerful woman. Abby has no idea what powers she has yet.” Ashley turned to her. “I totally get wanting to help Cade and being scared shitless. Been there, done that, and if you want I’ll back you up.”

  “Thanks. Do you think Cade can beat Cassiel? I mean, Cassiel is much older.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t doubt my mate, it’s just I can’t stand the thought of him hurt.”

  “We’ve all been there,” Eva said.

  Their discussion was interrupted when the doors swung open, and the most beautiful woman Abby had even seen entered the room. Her skin had a soft dewy glow, and her brunette hair was pinned up, adding to the elegance of the simple white gown she wore. The others stood so Abby followed their lead.

  “My Domina,” Ashley said, and there was no doubt in Abby’s mind this was the Maker.

  When the woman stopped in front of her, Abby could only bow her head. She didn’t dare make eye contact.

  “So, you are the one who chose to take a fallen as her mate?” her voice, a melody of soft notes.

  Abby lifted her head and fell back on her tutoring. Straightening, she summoned her courage while remaining gracious. “My Domina.” She gave a slight tip of her head. “Yes, I am the nephilim who mated with a fallen. If I have broken some rule, then I fully understand if you must remove me from the Tribunal.” She took in a breath. “But I do not regret my actions. Cade is a good man and more honorable than some of your angels.”

  The woman studied her, and Abby couldn’t read if the Maker was angry and ready to smite her or not. Finally, there was a twinkle in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled as she took a seat.

  “The fallen has done well for himself. You have come a long way in your thinking since your arrival.” Her features hardened. “As for Cassiel, I’m sorry for what he did to you. It was an unspeakable act that requires the swift punishment your mate intends for him. Eternity in Lulerain isn’t enough, but it’s all we have.”

  “Thank you.” Abby took her seat again, relieved at least this was over but worried sick about her mate. Cade had shut himself off from her. Something she intended to talk to him about when this whole nightmare was done, and they could at last begin their life together.

  “We have several things to discuss. One is Logan. I have heard the reports of my nephew and how my brother locked up his own son at birth.” A small smile creased her face. “He is Zuriel’s son. She was my closest friend. I tried to warn her that my brother Lucifer would only hurt her, but she was too blinded by love.” Ambriel tugged at something on her dress.

  “She would have never allowed her son to be treated in such a manner. I have to think my brother killed her.” She sighed. “He is truly lost to me.”

  Everyone remained quiet, feeling the sadness as it rolled off the Maker.

  “What do you make of Logan?” she finally asked.

  “He seems to want to make things right,” Ashley said. “He is angry with his father, though I’m not sure what will become of either of them once he locates Lucifer.”

  “He will kill him,” Abby stated with conviction. All eyes landed on her.

  “You believe this?” Ambriel asked.

  “I know truth and deceit when I hear it. Logan believes his words, therefore I think he will indeed kill his father.” She folded her hands into her lap. “Logan wants to be fair, and I believe he intends to run his domain in the same manner.”

  “Perhaps he can help us locate those we fear are still being held captive.” Eva held hope in her voice.

  Ambriel looked past them for several seconds. Could the goddess see into the future? Or was she communicating with someone? Abby could only wonder until finally the Maker brought her attention back to them. “The four of you are special. Not only because you are of the Tribunal, but because you are able to walk in both realms. This may prove useful. I wish to extend an invitation to Logan, and I fear I cannot reach him. I will ask that you do this for me. We shall meet in the human realm on neutral ground, and pray we can finally find some peace.” She rose from her seat.

  “Now.” Her gown floated at her feet in an invisible wind. “I, Ambriel the daughter of Deus the Almighty, decree that Archangel Cassiel be condemned for crimes against another of his kind.” The room crackled with power as her eyes met Abby’s. “Reaper, you have your first assignment.” And then she was gone. The room still once again.

  “What does that mean?” Abby looked to the others.

  “Only a reaper can escort an angel to Hell,” Eva replied. “Or a demon, but I think she just gave you the job.”

  Kelana jumped from her chair. “Woohoo! It’s ass kicking time.”

  Cade took to the air as did Cassiel. Swords summoned, steel clashed against steel and tempers flared. A rumble of thunder echoed in the distance as the sky began to darken to gray.

  “You will die this day, Fallen,” Cassiel shouted as he swung, barely missing Cade’s neck.

  “Then I’m taking you with me. The only realm you’ll live in is purgatory.” He smiled. “I know a few demons who’d love to torture you.”

  Cassiel launched a white ball of flame, but Cade was quick and managed to maneuver out of the way. The sphere of heat singed the hair on his arm as it passed by. Cade retaliated by sending two of his blue spheres on either side of the archangel, with the intention of having them smash together once they reached Cassiel. However, the angel’s power shorted them out until they fizzled.

  Cassiel laughed. “You’ll need to do better than that.”

  Suddenly, lightning scattered across the sky and managed to hit Cade in the shoulder. Burning pain caused his jaw to clench as he fought to keep himself righted in the air. As his vision cleared, he sensed Abby before he saw her along with the other females. He knew at least three males––not including himself––who were going to be pissed as hell that their mates dared enter so close to two fighting angels. He threw open the link between him and Abby.

  You do not belong here!

  I was given an order by the Maker herself. You wish me to disobey?

  He snarled as Cassiel summoned another bolt of electrical power. Cade countered with his own, creating a thunderous boom in the sky.

  What order? To distract me? It was hard to keep one eye on her and one on the fight.

  “I see Abagail has come to watch you die. Perhaps I’ll wound you enough so you can watch me fuck her before I finish you off.”

  The darkness in Cade’s soul grew. Turned into a swirling vortex of revenge he embraced. Flipping his sword into the air, he charged it with power, which sent a rain of fire from its tip that headed straight for Cassiel. Before the archangel could throw a shield around himself, he was scorched.

  Cade, the Maker wants me to take Cassiel to Lulerain. She has condemned him. The others are here to make sure you two don’t destroy the place.

  Are you up to the task? He hurt you. Cade’s anger grew even more. He didn’t want his mate anywhere near this bastard. Didn’t want her to face the memories it would stir.

  I’m stronger now, and I have you. I can do anything as long as I know I have you.

  You are ma moitié, for now and always. I will subdue him so you may do what is commanded of you.

  Cassiel ripped open the sky and sent flaming arrows in Cade’s
direction. All Cade could think of was Abby and the other females behind him. He threw up a barrier that blocked them, but the effort cost him. He took an arrow to the thigh, and one grazed his left side.

  Abby screamed.

  The burning started as a slow steady heat in the pit of his stomach, but quickly spread through his entire body. Sweat beaded at his temples then came the excruciating pain followed by spots in his vision. The fucker had used poison. It wouldn’t kill him, but if he passed out, he would tumble to the ground. The force would shatter his body, and it would take him weeks if not months to heal. Forget that it would leave him vulnerable. His main concern was his mate as well as the other females.


  Poison. The arrows held poison. He could no longer maintain his mental block, and Abby felt every muscle-shredding pain he did.

  Cade. Ashley slipped into his mind. You are going to have to allow your darkness to take over. You are the lord of Lulerain, a keeper in Hell. Use your resources and trust your mate to bring you back.

  Cade thought of how Ashley had saved Eli. Kelana brought Lyzander back from the brink of being forever submersed in the darkness. Abby was a reaper. A powerful angel of good and evil, and he trusted her with his life. Even if Cade didn’t come back, she would be safe.

  His vision slanted but not before he heard the crackle of power in the air. Thunder echoed. Cassiel was gearing up for something severe.

  I love you, Abby. Always remember that.

  I love you too. Now, kick his ass so we can go home.

  Cade let go. Dropped all shields and focused on the black oily stain that was now a part of him. Cassiel smiled. No doubt thinking he’d already won and powered down. Cade allowed the stain to consume him. It slid over him like silk, and his vision hazed to red. The burn of the poison eased as he pushed the toxin from his body. His wounds healed, and then he ripped open a portal. Out of the swirling black hole came ghouls. Hundreds of black ghosts of menace. Their mouths gaping open in hunger and ready to slice even an ancient angel to shreds. Cade gave the command for them to turn Cassiel into Swiss cheese.

  They swarmed the archangel as he launched a blast of power at them. Cassiel was successful in taking out half, but Cade only fed those remaining more of his dark power. The ghouls simply multiplied, replacing their lost brethren.

  Abby looked on while Cade pulled a number of dark tricks from his bag. One being the ghouls, which appeared to be slashing at Cassiel with invisible claws. For a moment––however brief––she felt sympathy for the other angel, whose flesh was quickly being ripped to shreds. However, the remembrance of him touching her, threatening those she loved, shoved down any feelings of remorse for his situation. He deserved what he got, and the Maker had condemned him. Abby felt herself on the verge of something...

  “Shifting. You want to shift and fulfill your duty,” a dark voice spoke next to her.

  She looked to her right and found Charon floating next to her. His wings in gentle motion as he held himself in position. Abby felt as though her wingbeats were much more frantic in order to keep herself in position.

  “Don’t worry. Your wings will grow stronger the more you use them.”

  “What are you doing here?” she finally asked.

  “I’m to make sure your first assignment goes smoothly for you.” He grinned. “Plus, it’s been a long time since I did more than ferry the high class to their eternal home. I’m bored.”

  “What do I do?” She was ready for this to be over. To get on with her life and no longer worry about looking over her shoulder for that bastard. As she focused back on her mate, she also knew he needed her. She felt his own darkness taking a firmer grip on him.

  “Follow your instinct. It will never lead you astray. Surrender to the darker side of yourself, and it will guide you in your duty.” He lifted a shoulder. “Plus, it scares the shit out of your victim. Remember, they had a choice in their life to do right and chose to follow their own darkness. Redemption is no longer an option for them.”

  Abby tried to calm her racing heart. Being a reaper was the total opposite of what she had thought to become. But it was who she was now, and she would embrace it.

  “You are of both light and dark, Abagail. You hold the power of good and evil inside you. The only beings stronger than us are the gods themselves, and they chose you to do their bidding. It is an honor to be a reaper. Now, fulfill your duty.”

  She looked to Charon. “Thank you.” His words were exactly what she needed to hear. Letting go, she surrendered. Allowed the darkness to fill her, and in a much smoother transition than her first time, she shifted. Her skin glowed translucent.

  Cade, I’m coming to take Cassiel to his destiny.

  He is weakened.

  Abby flew closer and the ghouls parted to allow her access. Cassiel’s gaze met hers and realization flickered in his eyes. She followed instinct and produced the tether that would bind them together. Flicked it out where it wrapped around his wrist.

  “Cassiel, the Maker has condemned you for crimes against another angel.”

  Terror glazed over his chiseled features, and she wondered how she had ever found him handsome. Her mind delved into his, tore though his memories like a sick movie as she realized she was not his first victim. He had commanded his troops to burn a village decades ago. Killed many innocents. Raped a young bride, making her husband watch. His conquests caused her stomach to roll, and she had to stop, seeing enough of his deeds to no longer question if she was doing the right thing. Abby was more than happy to take him to the Pits of Hell.

  “You are a sick fuck,” she spat then pulled him into the still open portal Cade had summoned earlier. Through the darkness, she pulled Cassiel until their feet touched solid ground. In front of her stood an iron gate that stretched into the air. The gates swung open, and a shadowy figure made its way down the stone path to them. Another reaper, but he was hidden in the depths of his black robe.

  “Welcome, reaper.” The faceless head turned to Cassiel. “We have been waiting for you. Our new lord will no doubt make sure your punishment in Lulerain is most severe.”

  Abby tossed Cassiel’s leash to his new guard, knowing the lord he referred to was none other that her own mate. She would make sure she shared the other things he had done. “Take him from my sight.”

  “Yes, mistress.” The reaper dragged a screaming Cassiel down the path. The gates closing behind them, and it was then Abby realized what the reaper had called her. Mistress. She was indeed the mistress of this realm. Her mate a powerful fallen, and she was now a lady of the dark herself. Together, they would find those who were innocent and set them free while making sure evil paid the ultimate price. She opened her mind to her mate.

  I’m coming home.

  Good. I need you.

  Smiling again she opened a gate. Abby would go and bring Cade’s light back to the surface, and then she’d take him to bed.


  “Oh, my God! Riot, where did you find that nasty thing?” Abby yelled as the hellhound pup was busy trying to drag a very long leg that had probably once belonged to a demon, across her freshly cleaned floor. As she shook her fist at the pooch, Cade laughed.

  “You know you love him.”

  “I had no idea they were so disgusting.” She sighed. “But he is so damn cute, I do love him.”

  “Just make sure you don’t love him more than me. I’ll not be sleeping on the couch while that beast takes my bed.”

  This time she laughed. He loved it when she did. It brightened up their portion of black Hell. He was so proud of how she’d quickly adapted to her new life.

  “Is Logan still hunting for that vampire?” she asked.

  “Yes. She is proving to be one slippery immortal. Rumor has it she has been feeding on humans and turning them. While so far things have been quiet in the human realm, Ashley says that the Maker is planning on sending Tegan on an assignment to infiltrate their forming vampire society.”

y frowned. “They have a society?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t really know. The higher ups are being tight-lipped about it. I suppose we will find out soon enough.” He rose from his chair and was behind her in a flash, his mouth to her ear. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Is that so?”

  He nibbled her lobe. “Want it now or later?”

  “Are you teasing me?”


  “What is it? Tell me.”

  “I have to show you.” He turned her to face him. “Trust me?”

  Her eyes softened to the beautiful copper he loved so much. “Always.”

  He took a step back, clasped her hands in his, and opened a portal from the palace to the outside grounds where he gated them out of Lulerain. Minutes later, their feet landed on a crystalline beach.

  She gasped. “It’s beautiful. Where are we?”

  The sun was just beginning to set and splashed the sky with colors only an angel could paint. Turquoise water lapped at their toes. “Our own private island.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Back there,” he pointed to a grove of palms. “We’ll build our home.”

  “What about Lulerain and the palace?”

  “Since I can’t go to the clouds, I thought this could be our other home. A place away from all the darkness. You deserve that much and you can even bring Riot here. I’m sure the beast will enjoy digging holes in all this sand.” He had wanted so badly to give her something nice. Something special.

  Tears formed and dropped onto her cheek. “I love you.” She flung her arms around his neck. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” She kissed him and he melted away their clothes. “Hey, you’re doing that magic stuff again.”

  He grinned. “Yep.” Flared out his wings. “I intend to show you what two angels can do in the sky.”

  Desire bloomed, her eyes swirled with flecks of molten gold. “Teach me.”


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