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Disciple: Knights Disciples MC

Page 7

by Hampton, Sophia

  "Do you?" she returned.

  "I think if things were different I'd like him more. Because I know you didn't date because of me. I'm grown up now," he announced.

  She smiled softly. "I can see that." She went to him reached up to bend his head towards her so she could plant a kiss on his scruffy hair. "Night. You're the most important person in my life."

  "I know that," said Lucas. "I've always known that, sis."


  Laura didn't wait up for Will. She went to bed and fell fast asleep. She slept soundly through the night, but, as tired as she was, she woke early for a Saturday. The house was super still and she figured that she and Lucas had given the Knights’ Disciples a run for their money. They wore the bikers out. She glanced at her phone. She got a text sometime in the middle of the night from Will stating he was not going to be home that night and he sent over new club members to keep them safe. Well that would explain the emptiness she felt. She made herself coffee and went to Will's back porch to sit with her thoughts. She dragged a throw from his room with her.

  The morning was definitely chilled with autumn. It was fireplace weather. Laura snuggled on a chaise under the warmth of the blanket in the crisp fall air and sipped her coffee, and then fell back to sleep. It was soothing to sleep outside.

  She awoke to Will Shriner tucking the blanket in around her tight and picking up her coffee cup to put it safely out of harm's way. She spied on him through slightly opened lids. He was so handsome, his body so graceful in its lines and power that it was difficult to remember they were in a spat. The problem with being in a spat when everything was so new, no matter how intense, is it pretty much killed everything. A wave of nausea rose up in her briefly.

  “I know you’re awake,” he said finally, lightly scolding. “I can feel you.” He picked up her cup again. “Want me to freshen this?”

  “Yes please,” she sat up sheepishly. His eyes were smoldering, brooding as he regarded her. She wasn’t sure what his mood was exactly or what he was thinking. The chaise she was sitting on was the size of a double bed and intensely plush. She drew the blanket up around her. The air was getting colder, not warmer, as the day progressed. She could see the heat from the coffee curl up towards the sky as Will brought two cups out for them. He handed one to her and sat on the chaise next to hers.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked very politely.

  “I slept really well,” she answered honestly. She was very sheepish in her response. She could feel the heat from his presence. Just being near him sent chills through her body. He had an instant effect on her. She took a couple of deep breaths and a sip of coffee. It tasted better now that she was having a cup with him.

  “Really well, huh?” he raised his brow at her.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you yesterday,” she began.

  “You made me feel like you didn’t like me anymore,” he said softly. “I know we were kind of ambitious. Probably overdid it in light of getting zero sleep the night before for so many reasons,” he said with a telling pause afterwards.

  He reached under her blanket and found a bare foot. He began to stroke her arch, teasing her. The effect went right to her core. She was aching immediately. She was so wet and ready. She swung her hips around so that she was now facing him entirely. Instinctively, she splayed her legs, offering herself to him. It was if he was completely instinct driven.

  “I didn’t like you for a second,” she said sweetly, “but now I do.”

  “Do you?” he cooed. “We aren’t really resolving anything here. I came here to discuss what happened.” His voice was soft and sweet but his hand moved from her foot and was now stroking the length of her leg. His fingers trailed on the delicate, ticklish inside up her thigh, so, so close to her hot center. Finally he found her, circling her wetness. He pressed her clitoris, agitating it, torturing it.

  There was nothing more said between them. Laura threw the blanket off and accepted Will as he lunged for her, rolling her back on to the chaise. Just as quickly, he was hard and inside of her. He plunged into her, buried to the hilt. He filled her so fully. He created such sweet friction against all her erogenous spots that she was thrust into an altered consciousness. Her night-shirt was shoved up above her bobbing breasts. The cool seasonal air plucked at her nipples and they were hard against the chill. Will’s tongue was so hot on her tips. The sensation sent erotic wires to her center and she clenched on his hard cock.

  “Does that feel good?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she gasped. She looked up into the spectacular autumn sky as he drove into her. She was inspired to excite him by talking graphically to him on the pristine Saturday morning. “Will,” she began.

  “Yes, baby,” he kissed her sensuously.

  “I think about sucking your cock,” she said in the sexiest voice she could manage. He lifted his head and looked her in the eye hungrily. “Do you want to see me with your cock in my mouth?”

  “You’re killing me,” he said.

  “Does it feel good to fuck me while I am talking this way?”

  He took her mouth predatorily, possessively. The power behind both his thrusting and his kissing heightened. It was like he was an intense storm rushing through him. She reached between them and encouraged her orgasm. He arched back so he could watch. He maneuvered her leg so he was now taking from behind. He rolled to the side so that he could easily watch and assist. He took hold of her hand and worked her working herself. He lifted her thigh and cocked it, creating a counter rhythm to his.

  She was a goner. She cried out, her voice sailing off into his backyard. She was clenching involuntarily with pure and total pleasure. He was coming with her, moaning without any concern of being heard. She had just enough consciousness to pump her leg as he had to agitate his climax as he exploded within her.

  “Oh my God,” he prayed as he convulsed as helplessly as she was. They writhed and wailed as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over them. Finally they were still as they enjoyed their pleasure ebb, wonderful to the last pump. He thought to grab the blanket and cover their tangled bodies. They remained entwined. He buried his face in the chaise and stroked her hair blindly. She loved him touching her. She reached for her hand and savored the feel of his warm soft skin against her fingertips.

  Fully recovered he now looked her in the eye. “So, what happened yesterday?” he asked softly.

  She gathered her thoughts. “I think when we were at the bar, I saw a side of you I hadn’t expected.”

  “Did I scare you?” he asked patiently, toying with her hair.

  “Yes I think so, maybe, yeah,” she replied.

  “I had to defend us,” he answered.

  “I get that,” she said. “Were you hard on Lucas?”

  “Yes, but not abusive verbally or physically. Lucas is a good kid. He needs some male role models. If he doesn’t get one that he trusts, he is going to look to a gang for direction. I think that was how that happened. He is looking for identity and direction.”

  Laura drew back and studied him. “I am the forensic criminology student. ‘Identity and direction’ are words that someone in my line of work my use. So that brings me to another question. Will Shriner, who are you?”

  He smiled. “What do you mean, exactly?”

  “I mean how is it you don’t have a nine to five like the rest of us?” she asked.

  “How long as that one been bothering you and you didn’t ask,” he chastised her.

  “I just wonder every once in a while, but then we get caught up again,” she said. “And I love being caught up, by the way.”

  “I do, too,” he said, his eyes twinkled. “So, what do I do for a living?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “I am retired. I was a police detective. I was married for ten years and she died during a routine tonsillectomy. She was brain damaged under anesthesiology and put on life support and eventually died. This is my parents’ house. I have no mortgage and I got a ma
jor award for my wife’s death. I invest and so I don’t have to work. I spend my time doing community service and riding bikes,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I am sorry I asked. That’s very sad,” she said.

  “You should be spanked,” he winked. Laura drew in a deep breath. “I’m teasing, sweetheart. You can ask me anything you like. I know this is a very unusual beginning, but it is a beginning. I like you. A lot.”

  “Me too,” she said and kissed him.


  They dressed and went into the house for pancakes. Laura braced herself to face her younger brother, if he was awake, after Will’s and her boisterous performance. Will and Laura fawned all over each other as they made breakfast together. Something about the light streaming through the window made Laura check the time. It seemed like Lucas should be awake by now since he went to bed at the same time that she did. She broke from Will to check on him.

  Laura returned to the kitchen almost immediately, stunned. She felt faint as she felt the blood slowly draining from her face.

  Will turned to her. “What the heck?” he asked.

  “Lucas isn’t in his bed,” she answered.

  On perfect cue, Lucas walked through the front door. “Hello?” he called. Laura rushed to him and was met with a wall of liquor and cigarette fumes. He had snuck out after he pretended to go to bed. He reacted to the disappointment on her face. “What?”

  “You are a high school student. It is against the law,” she began.

  “Oh come on. A ton of kids party. It’s normal,” he protested.

  “Not my kid,” said Laura.

  “I am not your kid. I am your brother,” he replied.

  “You can’t be a Knights’ Disciples at this rate,” said Will.

  “I don’t want to be,” Lucas fired back. “I explained that to Laura. I went out last night to blow off some steam. Big deal.”

  “Who with?” demanded Will.

  “None of your business,” replied Lucas. “What I do think we should talk about is our house. When can we go back to it?”

  “The house is being swept for evidence. As far as it is concerned, the place is a target. The Members of Park Heights gang does not like you and they won’t rest until they figure their debt is settled.”

  "I hear ya, Will," Lucas said. "I have learned a lot about myself through all of this. You have done so much for my sister and me. In fact, I have you to thank for my decision. I have found a club that gets me. I am too young to be a member, but I get to be their apprentice until I am old enough."

  Will's eyes were like razors, his voice just as cutting as he demanded. "Who are they?"

  "I don't feel comfortable telling you. Not when you're like this," he answered.

  "Did they give you the smokes and the booze?" Will asked.

  "With all due respect, Will, you're not my dad. My dad died a long time ago and I gave up on having a dad along time ago. I might have welcomed your interference at one time, but I'm past that."

  Laura stared at Lucas as he spoke like a grown man, however foolishly, even though he had been drinking. "How could I have been with you as much time as I have and missed so much?"

  "I'm going to bed if that's okay. And we can finish this talk later." Lucas lumbered off to his room leaving Laura stunned.

  "I've been selfish," she muttered.

  "No," said Will. "You have done the very best you could and you did a damn good job."

  "But he's so dark now. That is not my little brother," she said trying not to break down sobbing.

  "For now. That can change. He is just showing his feathers. Absolutely normal. And whether he likes it, we have his back. We have your back too, missy." Will Shriner was so tall and warm beside her. Their pancake batter was ready and the skillet hot, but Laura no longer was hungry.

  "Where did you come from?" she asked him. "How did we get so lucky to have you in our lives when we needed you most?"

  "That works both ways, Laura," he said taking her face in his hands. He kissed her gingerly. "You gonna help me cook these? Your little brother is going to have the munchies when he awakes and you need to eat."

  Laura scoffed, "I'm fine."

  Will pulled a chair away from the table and directed her to sit down. She heard the sizzle in the pan of pancake batter. It was extraordinarily soothing to listen as Will worked. She mulled over the things he told her about all he had been through. Who took care of him?

  He set a plate stacked with steaming cakes in front of her. She could hear him pouring juice. When he set it down she clutched his wrist. "Hey," she said. "What about you?” She looked up at him.

  "It's your turn right now," he replied.

  "How about we take our turns at the same time," she said.

  "Deal," he winked.

  When he sat down, Laura picked up a knife and fork and cut his food. She picked up the syrup. "Wants some?" she asked suggestively. "Do you like it here?" She asked as she spilled it.

  "Yes," he answered, his voice sounding like he was coming undone.

  Laura spiked a forkful and fed him. "Does that taste good?" He nodded. She stood up and let her body graze his as she held a glass of juice to his lips. He drank. "Is that wet enough and sweet enough?" she asked.

  "It is," he replied. He turned towards her; her breasts were just at mouth level. He tugged the neckline of her night clothes and exposed her breast. He cupped it in his powerful warm hand and feasted on it. Laura strummed his hair. She broke his contact and covered her breast to take her seat again. She ate a bite of pancake.

  "Dinner for breakfast," he winked.

  "So the house is destroyed?" Laura asked.

  "No not destroyed. A few windows need to be replaced," he answered.

  "And for sure M.O.P.H. is responsible? Not just the kid Will fought?"

  "They are one and the same," answered Will. "Gangs aren't like us. They let anyone in, no matter the age. Lucas's opponent was a gang member. Lucas knew that. He was trying to make a point with them. I'm afraid he's gone over to them."

  "Can we find out?" Laura's heart was filled with alarm.

  "Yes," he stroked her face. "We will. But the blessing of his having gotten loaded is that he has to sleep. We know where he is. I think we should take advantage of the time, go in and take a shower, and take a little nap. I think my sleeplessness of the past couple of days is catching up."


  They cleared the dishes and headed to Will's room and bath hand in hand. As soon as the door was closed, the clothes were off. Will streamed the water of his shower. His house was older like Laura's and so his tub was broad and deep. They both stepped under the hot water. Will reached for the body wash and soaped Laura up. He was extraordinarily thorough. His fingers touched every possible surface. He traveled the glistening curves of her body and ministered to nooks and crannies. He slid his wet slippery fingers inside of her wantonly. She pressed against the tiles of the shower wall so that he could have his way.

  But Laura was struck with inspiration. She turned to him and sank to her knees, and took him into her mouth. She reached beneath him and fondled his testicles as water streamed onto her face. She took Will all the way into her mouth, directing his erection toward the soft pliant flesh of her cheek. She gripped his generous shaft firmly, moving her hand up in sweet agitation. He raked his fingers through her hair to her scalp, his hips moving in and out of her in very controlled rhythm.

  "Oh my god," he moaned.

  Laura was determined to taste him to completion. She would not let him break away. She licked down his shaft and dragged her wet tongue on his testicles. She felt him shiver. She plunged her mouth on him and in a quick, intense motion, bobbed her head up and down to give him the ultimate ecstasy.

  She could feel his body tense in that telltale sign that he had shifted to a climb to orgasm. He was muttered graphic encouragement, telling her to do it and that she was good. She softly bared her teeth and grazed his skin. His moans b
ounced around the bathroom walls. Laura was bound and determined. Will's pumping took on a powerful intensity. She braced herself and withstood, pleasuring him to the finish. She released him long enough to tell him how good he tasted.

  That did it. She worked him with her mouth and hand, flicking the sensitive head of his shaft with the tip of her tongue. She tasted the first bit of fluid. Laura withdrew and knelt up and pressed her erection between her breasts and worked him with her hand against the nest of ample flesh. As Will ejaculated, she rubbed her breasts with the fluid as though she were soaping herself. Will braced himself against the shower wall as his climax subsided. She teased him with light touches to encourage aftershocks. She nonchalantly went about shampooing her hair as though it was all in a day's work.


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