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Disciple: Knights Disciples MC

Page 15

by Hampton, Sophia

  Finally, she rolled over to face him. She looked at him intently. “There are no words for all that you’ve done for my family and for me,” she said.

  “We aren’t out of the woods, baby. I kept Lucas from getting arrested now, but he probably wasn’t supposed to cross state lines. And if he was out on bail, there is someone back in Baltimore that is seething now. We have to see what’s what with the D.A. and with Detective Vasquez.”

  “I realize all that. I am sorry I forgot how amazing you were in the bar and I started that stuff,” she said.

  He grinned from ear to ear. “You were asking for it.”

  “I was jealous. I’m not very mature; I admit it,” she said. “I haven’t had much practice being in relationships. I can’t imagine why a man like you wouldn’t have a thousand girls hanging off of him.”

  “Well I do have some say in the matter, Miss Mills. In case you hadn’t noticed, I do like having my own way. And if that were my way, that would be the case. But that’s not what I want. I want you. I know you didn’t like it when I said it before, but in answer to your question, yes I do love to fuck you. But I also love to make love to you. I love to wake up next to you. I love you on the back of my bike. I love you when you need me and when I need you right back.”


  The plan was that the Knights’ Disciples would deliver Lucas back to Baltimore after alerting Detective Frank Vasquez. A safe house in which Lucas could live under heavy security was arranged for. They would go, but Laura and Will were going to stay behind for a few days.

  The storms cleared and left behind perfect weather once again. Laura had been avoiding her brother since the night at Big John's but eventually she sought him out. He didn't seem to have any problem living under the same roof as her, though he had, at one time, cursed and abandoned her. He had no problem taking food and shelter from the people who came into their lives to protect them. His appetite had not waned nor had his sleep suffered. Laura and Will had their relationship tested and they had to nurse each other back to normal. But her younger brother seemed to emerge from the drama of his life as a gang member just fine.

  Lucas sat on the screened in porch. The morning was cold. Charleston was chilled from the winter storm that had passed through. The two-way fireplace was lit so it warmed both the house and the porch. As Laura approached him, she was once again struck by his size. Their father had been of slightly above average height. He had not been as tall as Lucas was. He had never been a fit man, or so Laura remembered. Lucas was a powerhouse. His arms looked like knots of iron. He was reading a magazine. He looked at her casually. "Hi," he said. He wouldn't even give her his full attention.

  She said, "You are either a coward or you are totally heartless."

  He rolled his eyes. "How is that?"

  "You're hiding from me behind that magazine or you find it more interesting," she said.

  "It could be a little of both," he replied and set the magazine aside. "I can say something like I am sorry, which I know I am. Somewhere. But I don't have feelings anymore. I have seen things and been places in a few square blocks that no one should ever see," he said.

  Laura was wrenched at the thought of what those things could be. She had a lot of hard feelings for her brother. She adored the little kid he used to be and even the sweet adolescent, but he was so transformed; it was difficult to relate to this new Lucas who went from a skinny boy to a hardened bull overnight.

  "I can't make up for all the worry and grief and fear I made you endure. If I got to prison, so be it. I am willing to pay my debt to society if it means I can walk away from the gang." He started to sob. "I wish I could go back in time and just tell you what I was feeling instead of seeking out those guys." He wiped his tears. "We never talked about our parents. It was just you and me all the time."

  Laura was horrified. Lucas was finally opening up and what he was saying was that he wanted someone to talk to and she wasn't available. It was sort of what Will said about her. In situations where she felt vulnerable, she never discussed her feelings. Lucas was right. They never talked about the fact that their parents were killed in a tragic accident and they went from a family of four to a family where she was once his sister and now his mother figure, and he was an only child. Laura wiped her eyes. Now she felt more selfish than ever, making that decision to indulge her personal desires when she thought she had lost her brother to a gang. She was so confused. All the decisions she thought were the absolute best for Lucas were for nothing. None of those things kept him safe. The one thing she overlooked in their relationship, that Will pointed out was overlooked in their relationship, was the feelings. She had driven him into the arms of gangs because he wanted to feel included, not excluded.

  Laura thought she might throw up. Lucas insisted he wasn't telling her these to make her feel bad, but he was saying things like if he should die without ever saying them, he wouldn't rest. The very real possibility that he could die at any time, and because of murder, weighed on her – all because she couldn't talk about her feelings. That poor little kid.

  Will walked in the room, clapping his hands slowly. "Oh man, that was beautiful." Lucas looked at him like he would kill Will. "You are really good man. You have this woman thinking she was the lousiest parent on the planet."

  "She’s not my parent," Lucas glared.

  "You catching this Laura? Look at that face. He is pissed at you for what has become of him," Will pointed out. "You forget, Mr. Mills. I was a police detective for many years. And by the way, she is your parent. And she was a kid herself and she sacrificed all the things that young women her age get to experience so that you could have the best of the situation."

  Lucas flew into a rage. "I am so sick of hearing about what Laura lost! What about me?" he cried. "Jesus, what about me?"

  Laura looked at Lucas and looked at Will. Her first instinct was to side against Will and protect Lucas, but Lucas had lied to her so many times before and it was just a few days ago that he brought men to kill all of the Knights’ Disciples. She swallowed hard and did her best to be neutral. "I am sorry, Lucas, I didn't do right by you. It's still going to take some time to sort all of this out. Let's take it one step at a time."


  After their emotional discussion, Will and Laura strolled down to the beach and took a meditative walk. She had on a dress with a billowy hem and flat, short boots. The boots were perfect for walking on the beach, but the wintery Charleston ocean breeze kept lifting her skirt. A couple of times, her entire backside was exposed. The curves of her lace-covered buttocks were on display when feisty gusts blew up.

  With one such blast of air, Will drew his arm over and cupped her firm round flesh. It was just the two of them – and whoever might have been looking outside their windows. They stood in the shallow surf and kissed. His tongue was so warm, so penetrating. It entered her mouth and prowled and owned. Laura entwined her tongue with his and searched the wet pliant walls of his mouth as he did hers. At once she was possessed by a driving, carnal desire – the earth elements, the natural romantic setting. But for potential lookers on, Laura had a strong fantasy to be taken in the wet sand with the water washing over them in the broad daylight. The urge conjured an intense internal sensitivity and a need for pleasure.

  Their kissing became ravenous and without regard for who might see, Will hoisted her and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He was able to brace her with one hand and sneak a sweet agitation between them in the vulnerable soft flesh between her legs. Finally he broke their kiss and buried his face in her hair and growled with slight frustration. He lowered back to earth, took her hand and said, "Come."

  Will wound them around on rocky formation where there was no sand. They had to climb around its face and in to a cove. Into the rock face of this cove, rising from a private beach, was a structure with a beautiful worn but polished wooden door. She thought, at first, that they were going to go inside. The door had a nob and hin
ges. Unless it was locked and Will didn’t have the key, Laura assumed they could. Will turned her around so that her palms were pressing against the very solid structure. In the cool beach air, he fitted his body behind hers, unfastened his clothing and entered her. He held her in bondage with his body, completely encasing her against the weather, bracing her with his powerful arms, pleasuring her with his skillful fingers. Will knew her body so well. With the sun on them and the thunder of the sea filling their ears, he took her fast and furiously. Like a locomotive, he drove into her until they were both stunned and wailing from an intense erotic peak. She felt him stagger, finding his footing by leaning against the wall of rock rising up around them. Her entire body was electrified from the quick, intense, arousal. She could do it again. And she said so.

  “Fuck me again.”

  He looked at her with the wicked expression of the devil. He took her slight waist in his hands and propped her on the rocks, less sheltered from the eyes of anyone who might happen to pass by. He held her firm and requested that she make herself come again. Laura scanned the area and saw that, even though they were out in the open, they had total privacy. So with the warming sun on her exposed flesh, she did as he asked, for her pleasure and his. It didn’t take much to bring back to life that exquisite climax.

  As the waves of pleasure washed over her and slowly ebbed away, he brought her back to the sand and they returned to the beach. “Miss Laura, I will take the image of you with me always,” he murmured into her hair. “Now, I promised you a night of fine dining in Charleston and you shall have it. Why don’t you go put on another sweet dress and meet me downstairs in about an hour? This is fancy so you can go all out.”

  She wasn’t sure what he was doing in the meantime. He readied himself separately. Now that the house was virtually empty, the girlfriends and the dates had all gone and some of the Knights had gone, as well, there were lots of rooms where Will could do that. Laura had thought to pack a black strapless velveteen number. In the dresser drawer were clothes that belonged to someone else. She understood that when the Knights’ Disciples were not there, the house was vacant. She was curious, and perhaps a little jealous, as to whose clothes those might be but she practiced restraint and decided if she really wanted to know she would raise it in conversation. Whosever clothes it was, with whispered apologies, she borrowed a pair of her seamed stockings. They were absolutely beautiful and were the perfect finishing touch.


  When Laura descended the stairs, Will was there waiting for her looking drop-dead gorgeous in a black dinner jacket and tie, and a gleaming white shirt. She had never seen him in anything besides a T-shirt before. He was a stunning man. “Oh my goodness,” she said. “I think I am going to cry.” Will grinned. “You are absolutely beautiful.”

  “So are you,” he said. He took her in his arms and kissed her. He pressed her to him and looked over her shoulder to her backside. “Nice,” he said of her stockings.

  “Do you think it’s okay? I borrowed them,” she said.

  “I think it would be more than okay,” he said. “In fact, you can have them.”

  Now that bothered her. How would he know? Was it another woman he had brought here who had been replaced by Laura? “Are you sure?” she said, trying her best to hold her tongue.

  Will must have sense that and chuckled. “Oh you are cute. Sweetheart, they were my late wife’s. I know she would like you and be glad you rock them. Please take them.”

  A chord of grief flickered through her. She felt ashamed she thought the worst and sad about the truth. “Will, I –”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her forehead gingerly. “It’s okay. Yes, it hurts. I think it always will but Laura you make me very happy. It’s all good.”

  They climbed into Will’s truck, which was not hitched to the motorcycle trailer, and drove to the historical restaurant Poogan’s Porch. It was, indeed, lovely and romantic. “This place is supposed to be haunted,” he said in his soft and low voice. “I think we should leave some memories here that give those ghosts a run for their money.”

  No matter how much sex had or how recently they had, he could turn her on. Her whole body tingled at the thought. She could not tire of being with him. He ordered some wine for them off of the menu.

  “Wow, for a biker dude, you clean up pretty good there, Mr. Shriner,” she beamed. “You were a detective and you’re a great nurse maid. You cook, you keep house, you give great oral, you look great in a tie, and you know your wine.” As she finished saying that, she felt his hand find the underside of her thigh. A romantic warmth overtook her and she gushed. “I just want you to know,” she said with a hint of emotion, “I am yours.”

  “I will have you,” he leaned in and kissed her briefly. “Mmm, mine all mine. You know they have this wine cellar. I know I could slip the waiter a small tip and take you down for a tour.”

  Laura’s eyes were suddenly heavy; she was flooded with the drug of attraction to him. “I would like that very much. I want to forever be finding places where I can be with you. That’s how much I want you.”

  “I don’t want to be a buzz kill,” he said, taking her hands into his. “You know Lucas is on his way back to Baltimore with some of the members of the club.”

  Some tears surged behind her eyes. “I know,” she said. “And I want him safe, but I feel like I am disconnected from him. He doesn’t feel like the little brother I knew.”

  Will laughed. “He’s hardly your little anything. That kid must have grown five or six inches since I’ve met him and packed on forty pounds of muscle. If he means what he is saying, he will turn around. It takes time to build a relationship back up when trust is lost.” He took her hands to his lips and kissed them lightly.

  “Do you think there is a chance he will?” she asked, optimism in her heart.

  His face was strained when he answered. She could see he wanted to say the nice thing and not what he felt. “There’s a chance. I’ve been wrong before.”

  “You told me that I should tell it like it is and not make you guess. I want you to do that for me now,” she asked.

  “Laura, I don’t think so. I’ve been wrong before. I could be wrong now. That’s a big kid. I don’t have much experience with successful rehabilitation. But I welcome the chance to be wrong in this case.”

  Laura agreed with him and she felt awful for it. She felt like she had lost her brother just like she had lost her mother and father. “So weird. I had a family once,” she began.

  He took her hand. “So did I, darlin’, so did I.”

  “What happened to your wife, Will?” she asked.


  He released a heavy sigh. “She died because of a mistake. Someone did the math wrong. She went into have some scar tissue removed from her fallopian tube so we could have a baby.” His face had a smile but it was a mystified, almost crazed look. “And whoever calculated the anesthesia just plain screwed up. He killed her. So in the morning I had a wife with the hopes of a new family and that afternoon, I was alone in the world. If it weren’t for my guys, I would have gone insane.”

  “How long has it been?” she asked, a little timid that she might be pushing a little too much.

  “It’s been three years,” he said.

  “It’s been about eight years for my mother and father. No, nine years. Lucas was little and now he is almost a legal adult.”

  He changed the subject, lifting the menu and started to talk food. He made some recommendation and right as rain, the waiter appeared. Laura had no appetite because of the downturn the conversation took but by the time the food arrived, he had her in a pretty good mood. It was very fun to have him coax her to eat, waiting as he fed her little bites until she was enticed to eat. They finished with a shared crème brûlée and a little brandy. When they rose from the table, Laura was a little tipsy but wonderfully so.

  Will seemed to be in full control of his faculties. “Did I tell you this place use
d to be a grand home? It got its name,” he began as he guided her to what looked like a door that led to a lower floor. He casually palmed something as he shook hand with the waiter who looked the other way as Laura and Will went through the door down an ominous staircase. “From a dog,” he finished.

  “Have you gotten me all liquored up to take advantage of me?” she teased. But as they found their way to bottom of the staircase, they were walking into pitch-blackness, though there were lights that lit the stairs. It sounded like waves were breaking in the basement. She turned to him with fright. “I can hear the ocean!”

  “Shhh,” he said. “I’ve got you.” With a steady gait, he lifted her to his arms. “Okay when you feel a string brush your face, tell me. I want you to reach up and pull it.” She did and the lights came on. She wiggled as though she wanted to be let down. He stopped. “I didn’t say you could go,” he winked. In the corner of the cellar, for it was a wine cellar, though there were shelves stocked with kitchen things and some home canning, was a generously based, bentwood rocker. Once she saw the chair she knew that Will had an idea that would result in their having sex. “See that chair,” he asked her.


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