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Disciple: Knights Disciples MC

Page 19

by Hampton, Sophia

  There were a few sunbathers, but it was the middle of what should have been a workday. The beach was fairly empty. Once they almost reached the water, he stopped. He took a deep breath. Laura was frightened. Even though she had taken so much for granted, she left him in the dust; she was afraid of what he might say. She didn’t want to face a permanent break-up speech from him.

  She didn’t want to hear that he had left Becky behind because he wanted this time alone, just the two of them to finalize things. That after he finally, finally got Lucas settled, he never wanted to see the two of them again. He started to say something but she cut him off. She was going to say it for him.

  “I know what you’re going to say,” she interrupted him.

  “You do?” he replied wearily.

  Will had this strange quality that, no matter what environment he was in, he seemed perfectly suited for it. He was made for biker clothing, so as Sergeant at Arms of the Knights’ Disciples, he was perfect. When they were in the Carolinas in cutesy southern communities where everyone knew and loved him, Laura swore he had Southern roots somewhere, despite being from Baltimore. And now she thought he would be mouth-watering on a surfboard. He could blend in with the beach town and no one would be the wiser.

  “Yes, I do,” she said choking up. “I don’t blame you. I have been horrible. And you have been great. Your generosity –”

  “Stop,” he said. “This is not about you and me. This is about the Knights’ Disciples and Lucas. Period.” His toned was uncharacteristically tough and unfriendly. This man didn’t like her one bit; she was sure.

  “Okay, I am sorry for interrupting you,” she said.

  “Don’t do it again,” he ordered. “While you’re here, don’t run interference for your brother again. Am I clear?”

  “Yes,” she replied, though she wasn’t sure if she could do it.

  “You’re enabling him is what has gotten him to this point so far. Cut it out or I will separate you two. And I don’t want to hear any ‘fine then we will leave’ garbage either. We have stuck our neck out for him. We have special deals worked out so he can assist the government with these gangs. From this point forward, this is none of your business.”

  “I am his guardian –” she began to argue, regretting it instantly.

  “You are not his guardian!” Will snapped. “If you weren’t so out of it these past couple of months you would realize that boy turned eighteen. He had a birthday, Laura. That means he is an adult. And you have no say.”

  Laura staggered. Had she really been so out of it? Had her drinking been that all-consuming? “Okay,” she said, nodding. Letting it all sink in. “Okay. Your way. However you call it. I will do my best to take a back seat. Thanks,” she said. Waves of emotion greater than those crashing the beach at the moment, threatened to break and she wasn’t of the mindset to let him see. “I need to take a walk,” she announced. But she was wobbly from the gravity of what he had just shared with her. How he had just shared with her. “I can find my way back to the house,” she said.

  Will was up and behind her. He took her by the arm firmly. “When are you going to finally learn to rely on others? When are you going to admit it's too much instead of always sucking it up?"

  "You've done so much already. I can see the strain it's put on you. I didn't want to be dramatic that's all."

  "Just once I wish you would say 'this is what I need. This is what I feel' instead of always putting on some kind of act."

  "Act?" she repeated, completely wounded. And then what came out was completely unplanned. "Oh does Becky show her true feelings?"

  The expression on Will's face said it all. He clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Lucas said Becky was his girl but Laura kept going.

  "Yes Becky. You made me look just like her. Is that why you hugged me at the airport like you were going to go for it right there?"

  Will cocked his head to convey is total confusion. He put his hands up to stop the conversation. "Okay well I've said all I have to say.” He took a step. "Except to say, you're hot because you're you. Except for right now because you are clearly not yourself. Not because you look like some kid Lucas has a thing for. For God sake, she's a kid."

  "She's older than Lucas and you just told me he's an adult," she replied, playing wounded.

  "Come on," he said. "Really?"

  "I think I need a nap," she said. "You're right. I'm not myself."

  Those were magic words. Will eased up. They went back to the house, through a side entrance and again took the elevator, this time all the way up to the top floor. He took her to a beautifully finished room, a dorm room with sloping walls, and a tiny fireplace. It was well lit with sunlight with western exposure. But the room was small. Not too small for lovers hot for each other, but too small for people with so much history between them. Not that she ever really needed it, but Will didn't do his usual fussing over her. He just dropped her off.

  "Okay?" he asked politely before letting her alone.

  If Laura weren’t so wiped out, she would have cried herself to sleep. She climbed atop the velvet bedspread that was wickedly comfortable. She covered herself with the velour throw, and slept.


  Sleep was good tonic. Laura awoke in a much better mind set. She rose, checked out the contents of the dresser in her room just to see if there was something she could change into. And there was. Her stuff had been unpacked for her. It was official this was her room. Will hadn't officially said so, but they were done.

  She drew out a well-worn jean skirt and T-shirt along with a sweet bra and panty set, and placed them on the bed. She went in search of a shower.

  The only other thing on this floor of the house besides the elevator door, a closet, and her room was a beautiful bathroom. It appeared that they opted out to have a very large bathroom instead of another small bedroom. The bathroom was as luxurious as her little room. The bathtub was a deep, claw-foot. Beside it was a basket of various oils. Laura stripped and placed her clothes in a wall hamper just outside the bathroom. She closed the door and drew a bath.

  Every toiletry that Laura used smelled incredible. Beautiful, fresh, and extraordinarily different scents spilled out of simple bottles into her palm. She had a field day. She shampooed her hair with patchouli soap and slathered on every bottle of oil there was. She was glad she had washed her hair first because she realized that in all her playing, she had become super oily. Depending on how well she toweled off, she may have needed to take another bath.

  She got out of the tub carefully, very conscious of how slippery she was. Though the floor was tiled, there was a lovely and very secured lambskin rug on the ground. She stepped onto it and realized that there was no towel hanging up. She checked under the sink. Nothing. In fact, it was completely empty. She would have to get something from her room.

  Only she couldn't open the door. Her hands were too slick. She had no clothes and no towel. She could use the rug? Laura tried to grip the knob with the rug and that didn't work. She wiped her hands on the rug thinking it would work, but the rug itself had oil on it, just a hint. The only thing she succeeded in doing was making her hands hairy.

  Toilet paper! Only there wasn't a roll on the rack. Laura began to panic. The only thing she could think of was to run another bath and rinse off. There was no regular soap in the bathroom. And while she had been hopeful, she was frustrated all over again when she saw globs of oil floating on the water.

  She pounded on the door and yelled for help. Then she sank down knowing that was useless. She was on the top floor of a house with four floors. Will was not very fond of her at the moment. He wasn't going to miss her. She sank down on the lamb rug. She released the second tub of water and just waited for a solution.

  As the tub was almost empty she thought, of course, a shower. She felt dumb she hadn't thought of that at first. She started the shower only to discover she had no hot water. She was furry from the rug, covered in thick oil, and locked in a bathroom.

  And now she was hungry.

  At this point, the only thing Laura wanted to do was wait for the hot water and to shower off. She was getting chilled naked, though. Nothing was comfortable. Just as she was fully resigned to her situation, she heard the elevator operating. It sounded like it had come to the top floor.

  When the elevator doors opened up she began to yell. “Hello? Can you please open up the door?"

  "Sure," said Will softly.

  “Wait," she insisted. "I just want to warn you I don't have any clothes on. And I am covered in rug fur and oil."

  There was something of a long pause before the door simply knocked opened. Will hadn't needed to fuss with the lock and that raised a lot of questions in her mind.

  "How did you-?" she asked. "I could not get that thing to budge."

  "I just," he said and demonstrated pushing the door in. "There is no," he made a motion to turn the knob.

  It was then that she realized the doorknob was fixed. It hadn’t been locked the entire time. All she had to do was pull a little harder than she had. She was completely overtaken with how dumb the whole scene was – how dumb she was. But maybe, even still, she wouldn’t have been able to do so with it being slick with oil.

  She knew she was a spectacle. She avoided looking Will in the eye, though he was certainly staring. 'Thank you for doing that.”

  "I heard the bath run a couple of times. I came up to check on you – see if you were okay." His face was a mix of bewilderment and amusement.

  Laura gave a little laugh, embarrassed. "Just me. Playing with the oil."

  "I see that" he said. He opened a closet in the short hall between her bedroom and the bathroom, and pulled out an extra-large towel. Without foretelling his intent, he enveloped her with it and began to rub her down vigorously.

  Her skin still bore a thick film of soapy oil that had to be rinsed off but it was better. "I’m fine," she said interrupting his very thorough attention. "I just need the water to be hot again."

  "Come," he said, wrapping the towel around her snugly. "The bathroom on my floor will have hot water."

  They both loaded into the elevator to the floor below. Stepping into the elevator car began a transformation between the both of them. An elevator, her naked, and the two of them put thoughts in both their heads that electrified the atmosphere. Laura knew he was thinking what she was thinking. His face showed the gathering storm of intent.

  As the elevator stopped on his floor, Will was commanding. He was very hands-on as he guided her towel-wrapped, but otherwise naked, body to the bathroom. Of course she could take it from there, but Laura realized how much she craved his attentions. She wished she could wipe the slate clean and have it be just the two of them with the purity of their passion.

  Will drew a hot bath for her. The steam curled into the air and misted the mirror. Laura didn't need his help, but he was very helpful all the same. When he unwrapped the towel from her body, he suppressed a laugh. Though most of the rug fur was off of her, there were still hairs plastered to her skin.

  The situation was beginning to get awfully familiar. It was reminiscent of the other night when he gave her pleasure. Laura wanted more or she wanted nothing. As spectacular as she knew it was going to be, if that was, indeed, the way it was going, as much as she wanted what she could get from him, she would have to rebuff any advances – unless he was willing to go the distance with her.

  "I think I can take it from here," she said, her voice husky with arousal.

  "Sure you don't want some company?" he asked.

  "Yes I am sure. I do. I don't want just a taste. I want all of you. And if I can't have all of you, I don't see there is any point," she said. It was killing her to turn him down.

  He pressed his lips to her forehead. "Fine," he said softly. And he left her alone.


  The light of the day was falling. Nothing about Ocean Beach said winter except for the early nightfall. They took the party down to the shore and a couple of the Disciples lit a beach fire. Will and couple of the bikers enjoyed some beers. Every so often, Will looked over to Laura with a hungry look in his eye. Laura knew she wasn't exactly himself. She had never known him to be intoxicated, but he wasn't exactly sober. Laura was certain he was what they called 'high and horny.'

  She got up and walked to the water's edge to think. Like a ghost besides her…surrounding her…she could feel the memory of him when they were at the height of being in love. They had been at the beach another time. A sweet recollection of his arms around her, the two of them rolling around on the wet sand, invaded her mind. Laura's legs were wrapped tightly around his hips and he was driving into her. There was nothing on earth like the feeling of Will Shriner making incredible love to her. Laura looked longingly at the last traces of the sun setting into the ocean.

  Just then, he was up and behind her. He was standing cheek to cheek, his breath not unpleasantly laced with alcohol. "Beautiful," he murmured. He was remarking about the California sky. He took the liberty of wrapping his arm around her waist.

  She couldn't deny that his powerful arm, so warm as she now fit snuggly against him, felt wonderful. "Yes it is," she agreed wanly. Laura wished things were different. How was it the one and only love, and an amazingly passionate and fabulous one at that, got so tangled with the ugly reality of her young brother getting mixed up with a gang? Between losing her mother and father and her relationship with her brother in peril, it seemed Laura was not to have a close, loving relationship with another human being – at least not in the immediate future.


  And yet the mere touch of Will Shriner lit Laura’s body with arousal. Right or wrong, she could drag him to a remote corner and take him. Will chuckled softly in her ear and it tickled.

  "What?" she asked.

  "The sight of you with that hair all over you. Tell me again what had happened?" he asked.

  As she began to explain about the oil and the rug, his hands found their way under her shirt and gently stroked her tenderly, ever so lightly on the skin of her belly. The sweet sensations caused her to stutter and stammer. She couldn't think straight. Even in the dark, before the glittering ocean, even while he had a few, Will knew exactly what he was doing to her. Even above the noise of the waves, her heavy breathing could be heard.

  “You okay?" he teased.

  "Will," she pleaded.

  "Let me come see you tonight," he said.

  "Is it a good idea?" she asked.

  He laughed out loud. A great burst a little too loud for her ears. And then he got super quiet, darkly so, like a predator and he had closed in on her, she his captured prey. "Is it a good idea? Well, just think about it," he coached her in a soft yet commanding voice. Laura closed her eyes. "Are you thinking about it?" he whispered. "Thinking about the look on my face as I’m looking into your eyes, the way I look as I am standing over you, about how good it feels with your legs spread for me, about my wet mouth on your tits," his fingers very covertly found her nipples as he said that, and grazed them until they were erect. "Now think about," he said and he guided her firmly against him. She could feel his definite hardness press into her. "Me super hard for you. The way my cock feels as I graze the soft inside of your thigh, as I press into you and you are so, so wet and hot for me."


  "Will," she begged again.

  "So what do you think there, Goldie Locks? Think that's a good idea. Me, personally, I think it's a wonderful idea. Every time I think about it," his voice was like honey against her.

  "Do you think about it?" Laura asked her.

  "All the time," he replied, completely sober.

  There were sounds of other people joining the Disciples around the fire. Women. Laura turned just to check it out though it made sense. These were healthy men and the one thing the West Coast Disciples had in common with the East Coast Disciples was their pension for passion. Laura's eyes narrowed. Becky.

  "What is she do
ing here?" Laura inquired. Will whipped around to focus on what she was focusing on.

  "That's Lucas's girl. He asked if we would bring her. We didn't care. It was annoying, but he paid her way. We just asked that they didn't travel together."

  Laura bristled. It shouldn't bother her that her brother had a girlfriend but that wasn't it. "What's the matter?" Will asked.

  Laura recalled the sort of dopy looks both Will and Becky's faces when they had their few exchanges. She couldn't very well tell Will she was jealous but that was what it was.

  "Uh oh, something is bothering you," Will remarked. Even with some drinks in him, Will didn't miss a trick. He reached up and drew down her new blonde ringlet and let it go. It sprung back up softly. "So pretty."

  "I have to go," she said agitatedly. "I wanna go back to the house."


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