Book Read Free

Bear Outlaw

Page 1

by Candace Ayers

  Copyright © 2018 by Lovestruck Romance.

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  This book is intended for adult readers only.

  Any sexual activity portrayed in these pages occurs between consenting adults over the age of 18 who are not related by blood.

  Created with Vellum


  Note from the Author

  1. Charlie

  2. Axel

  3. Charlie

  4. Axel

  5. Charlie

  6. Axel

  7. Charlie

  8. Axel

  9. Charlie

  10. Axel

  11. Charlie

  12. Axel

  13. Charlie

  14. Axel

  15. Charlie

  16. Axel

  17. Charlie

  18. Axel

  19. Charlie

  20. Axel

  21. Charlie

  22. Charlie

  23. Charlie

  24. Axel

  25. Charlie

  26. Charlie

  27. Axel





  Bear’s (Mail Order) Bride

  Most Valuable Panther (MVP)

  Dragon’s Claim

  Full Moon Lover (FML)

  Rancher Bear’s Baby

  Home Is Were My Bear Is

  The Lion’s Claim

  Claimed by the New Alpha

  Given to the Vampires

  Shadow Specter

  Haunted Whispers


  Loving the Alpha

  I am currently recruiting readers for my review team. If you would like to volunteer to read advance copies of my latest books, and leave honest reviews, please sign up for my email list here: You will receive updates, notifications of new releases, and sometimes freebies. :). ~ Candace

  She-Shifters of Hell’s Corner series is a spinoff of the Bears of Burden series.

  Bears of Burden does not have to be read before enjoying She-Shifters of Hell’s Corner. The two series can be read in any order.

  Bear Outlaw is the fourth book in the She-Shifters of Hell’s Corner series. Each book is a standalone with a different couple. While they can be read in any order, they are best enjoyed in the order in which they were written. :)

  Book 1 can be found here: Wolf Boss

  Book 2 can be found here: Wolf Detective

  Book 3 can be found here: Wolf Soldier



  I blew raspberries on my infant niece, Honnie’s, cute pink belly and smiled each time she released peals of giggles. There was nothing in the world more infectious than baby giggles. She and I were hanging for the day. My brother Holt and his mate Sonnie hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks. I figured I’d give them a few hours off to take a nap—or whatever. Knowing those two, my money was on whatever. I smiled thinking about how cute they were as a couple and hoping someday soon it would be my turn. I loved what they had.

  I sat on the front verandah for a while cuddling the cutie and listening to the peacefulness surrounding me. Everything was quiet and serene and I couldn’t have been happier. Honnie kept flashing me toothless grins and kicking her chubby little foot against my arm.

  Earlier, on my way to get Honnie, I’d stopped in town and picked up an assortment of gourmet dishes from Muddy’s chef, Jay. Muddy Hilton, another best friend, owned Muddy’s Corner Bed and Breakfast. Jay was a newer cook of hers, and he was damn good. When he wasn’t working at Muddy’s, he cooked for people out of his own home. The food was to serve as a bribe and I was crossing my fingers that it would work.

  Behind me, inside my home, there was a mess of incredible proportions. My entire extended family, from my brothers to my crazy aunts, had only recently left town. They’d come to Helen’s Corner to meet Honnie, the newest, and sweetest, addition to our family.

  Of course, since I had a huge home, they’d all stayed with me, and I was pretty sure there hadn’t been a single one of them that had cleaned up after themselves. My brothers were just gross—farting, belching, dirty clothes, foot odor. Aunt Barbara had a penchant for crockpot cooking in her room. I didn’t doubt for a second that I’d have to do a full scrub down of that room. Judging by the smell, I wouldn’t be surprised if I found poultry gizzards stuffed under the mattress or something. If I ever wanted my house to be livable again, I’d needed help. And lots of it.

  I could get away with basics dishes, but I wasn’t known for my cooking skills. If my plan of bribing my friends into helping me clean was going to work, I knew I’d need some damn good food, so I ordered all Jay’s best dishes before coming back home and calling everyone. Everyone, of course, but Sonnie.

  Muddy was the first to show up.

  “Nice try, Charlie. I can smell Jay’s cooking and an underlying stench of something much worse. I’m not cleaning your house.”

  Damn, she was too sharp. I batted my eyelashes at her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She sat down next to me and grabbed the baby from my arms. “Mmm… sweet baby scent.” I could smell this all day.

  “Oh, come on, I just need a little help.”

  “I clean up after people every day. Cut me a break.”

  I contemplated other ways I could bribe her. “I’ll give you one of the new designs I’m working on. It’s a ‘barely there’ silk bra with just a hint of the softest lace.”

  Her eyes glazed over for a second. “Shit. Fine.”

  “It’s like stealing candy from a baby.” I winked at Honnie who grinned and flailed her little arms showing off her mad boxing skills. “That’s my girl, show Auntie Muddy your one-two punch. And, between you and me, now’s the time to drop one of those death bombs in your diaper.”

  Muddy’s smile widened. When she shook her head, her vibrant red hair moved even after her head stilled. After a few minutes, she turned to me, her expression melancholy. “I’m leaving tomorrow for a few days. I have to go back home. My uncle passed and my parents are expecting me for the funeral.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Muddy. Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine. I don’t want to go, but you know how it is.”

  I rested my hand on her shoulder. “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow. Jay and Anna are going to watch over the B&B. I told them to call you if they had any problems.”

  “Of course. You know I’ll look after things.”

  She squeezed my hand and shrugged. “I feel guilty because I’m upset but not about my uncle. I’m upset about having to go back to that place. I should be ashamed of myself.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up about something like that. You can’t help how you feel.”

  Denny Wade came barreling down the road, her little car knocked around by potholes. She made a sharp turn onto my driveway, fast enough to squeal the tires, and raced down the length of the drive. Almost before the car stopped moving, she swung the door open and hopped out. She didn’t notice t
hat when she slammed it shut, it caught her long sweater until she was yanked backwards and had to re-open the door to free herself. Arms outstretched, Denny rushed towards us beckoning for the baby. “Lemme see that precious angel! Ooh…I love baby smell.”

  Carter Ray was next to arrive, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “That food smells too good for this to be a ‘stop on over and we’ll chat and play with the baby’ visit. I’m on to you, Charlie. What’s really up here?”

  “Um…Muddy’s leaving town tomorrow.” I gasped when Muddy’s finger dug into my side.

  Muddy rolled her eyes at me. “I am leaving town tomorrow for a while, but that’s not why we’ve been summoned by the queen of deception.”

  “Okay, okay. I need help cleaning.” I at least had the decency to wince as I confessed.

  Before anyone could respond, Holt’s truck turned onto the driveway. We watched as he pulled up behind Carter’s car and Sonnie climbed out. “What is this? Y’all having a party and didn’t invite me?”

  “It’s not a party, Sonnie. And we were trying to give you and your mate some time alone.”

  “I smell food.” Sonnie’s fists flew to her hips. “And, it’s so hard to be away from Honnie for too long. We couldn’t stand it.”

  Holt came walking up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “We missed our daughter. We only have 157,680 hours to spend with her until she’s 18 and we’ve already used up 1,440.”

  Muddy fake-gagged. “I think I’m going to leave town a day early.”

  Denny reluctantly transferred Honnie into Holt’s waiting arms. “So, what are you leaving town for? Where are you going?”

  “Back home for a funeral. Nothing big. I’ll be back in a few days.”

  Sonnie’s eyes went wide and she bit her lip. Her expression was strange. Sonnie was my closest friend in the world, and now she was essentially my sister-in-law, and mother of my niece. If knew Sonnie, and I did know Sonnie, she had a whale of a secret that she was keeping and I wondered what it was.

  Carter wrinkled her brow. “If I’d have known we were bringing mates, I would’ve brought Alec along.”

  I groaned. “Invite your men, then. I don’t care. As long as they’re up for cleaning. I just need my house cleaned. Pretty please. I had Jay make his best dishes. I’ll even pay you if I have to.”

  “Pay us in lingerie coupons and you’ve got yourself a deal.” Carter held out her hand for me to shake.

  “Says the woman who used to wear a five-year-old Hanes bra held together with safety pins.” I shook her hand. “You’ve got a deal. Ten percent off coupons for everyone.”

  Muddy cleared her throat. “Thirty percent off coupons.”

  “Fine. Thirty percent!” I flopped back in my chair and sighed. Muddy always did drive a hard bargain. “I’ve already done a bit of cleaning, so I’ll babysit Honnie and you guys can get the rest, right?”

  Holt snorted. “No fucking way, little sis. Get up and help, or I’m shooting a text off to Aunt Barbara inviting her back for a month.”

  I sighed and stood up. “I’ll lead the way.”



  I pulled my bike up to Big Al’s Bait and Tackle, and whacked the throttle a couple times just to announce my arrival before shutting down the engine and heading towards the back entrance. Big Al hadn’t sold bait or tackle in more years than I’d been alive, but he brewed up a mean moonshine that tasted like apple pie and got a big ol’ bear like me fucked up. It wasn’t easy getting a bear my size—or a human my size—inebriated.

  The back entrance led straight to the real party, a hollowed-out garage that Big Al once used to work on boats and bikes, but had since been turned into a bar of sorts. He was a member of the Smith Chapter of the Raging Bear MC. Me and the rest of my crew stopped by and spent a day or two with the Smith Chapter every year or so. Big Al usually blessed us with plenty of moonshine to carry back with us and enough pussy and herb to keep us happy while we were in town.

  I let myself in and nodded to their man on the door. My guys were already spread out, causing chaos in every corner of the place—a sight that stretched a wide grin across my face. Big Al was behind the bar, pouring drinks into a naked redhead’s mouth while another man did shots off her stomach.

  To an outsider, it might have been almost dizzying to take in all the crazy shit going down, but I was used to it. I’d been raised in the club. These guys were the only home and family I knew. I’d been with Raging Bears since I was twelve years old and I’d seen some crazy shit go down at these shindigs.

  “Look what the cat drug in. I was wondering when you’d be joining us.” Big Al’s tobacco stained grin welcomed me as he lightly slapped the redhead’s cheeks and pushed her away. “What took you so long?”

  I bumped fists with him from across the bar. “Took a detour to hook up with a sexy little bitch in Las Cruces. You know the deal.”

  “Well, shit. You sure you left her happy, man? You ain’t that late getting to the party.”

  “I never leave them anything other than worn out and smilin’, brother.”

  Fontaine, another patched member from my chapter, came up beside me and clapped me on the shoulder. “How was Mari Jo?”

  I shrugged. “As kinky and as willing as ever.”

  “I may need to visit her on the way back, myself. That bitch has an exceptional set of titties on her. Not only that, but she is one freaky chick.”

  “That she is, brother.” I looked around and noticed some of the guys were missing. “Where’s the rest of the cocksuckers?”

  Big Al grinned. “My bar ain’t good enough for some of them boys. They took off to some hoity-toity new place in the city. Lots of pretty, young, fresh pussy there.”

  The redhead ran her hand up my arm, and pouted when I ignored her. From the smell of her, I’d guess she was human, mixed with a little wolf. Neither were my thing. I was partial to bear shifter chicks. “Good luck to them.”

  We were on vacation. No work and all play for the next week or so. When we felt like going back, or when the president, Gunner, decided it was time, we’d head back to the real world, but until then, we were all free to fuck off as we so chose. Some of the guys were into hunting for fresh pussy, as Big Al pointed out. I liked my bitches a little more accustomed to the ways of the club.

  It was hard for outside chicks to understand that the club came first. Club bitches knew that. They got it. They knew not to ask questions, and they didn’t bother me with their trivial bullshit. Kept their mouths shut and their legs wide open.

  The night went on the same way most party nights in an MC went. There was fucking and fighting, not always in that order. Drugs and booze circulated freely and everyone had a raucous good time.

  Sometime during the nightly festivities, the missing members strolled in with a couple of sweet, wide-eyed little bear shifters on their arms. Timid little bitches who looked like they’d piss themselves at a drop of an ‘F’ bomb. They sat around the bonfire that Big Al started out back and sipped their beers while taking everything in.

  I hadn’t paid them much attention until I heard one of ‘em mention a town of mostly female shifters. I remembered hearing rumors about the place a while back, and something about hearing it that night piqued a niggling curiosity in me.

  I joined them around the fire and winked at one of the girls who stared back at me in astonishment before giggling and fluttering her eyelashes. “What’s this about a town of all female shifters?”

  The fluttery eyelash chick blushed. “Helen’s Corner. People call it Hell’s Crazy Corner. It’s like an hour south of here.”

  Another chick sat forward. “I’ve been once. They were having some weird festival and there were lots of women in their undies selling calendars. Those women are beasts when it comes to men. Hungry, man-eating beasts.”

  The guys nearby hooted and hollered. I tipped up my beer and drained it. “Sounds like our kind of bitches.”

  Big Al joined us and no
dded to me. “I’ve met a wildcat or two from there in my day. Crazy bitches alright.”

  My niggling curiosity expanded into a full-blown eagerness. A town full of wild women? What better way to spend our remaining vacation. “I think we may be making a trip, fellas.”

  “We’d be like totally willing to show you the way.” The eyelash chick sat forward, twisting her hair around her finger and completely ignoring the brother who brought her. “If you have room on your bike for me, I mean.”

  I laughed, and considered it for a second, until I stood up and spotted one of the bitches I liked fucking when I was in town. On a no strings attached basis, of course. “That’s what GPS is for, honey.”

  Striding across the party, I caught Shellie in a tight embrace and dipped her backward. “It’s been a while. Were you even going to say hello?”

  She grinned up at me, lips parted. Her tongue stretched out slowly to stroke her top lip. “You looked busy with your teeny boppers over there.”

  I slipped my hand inside the back waistband of her jeans to cup her bare ass and squeezed. “Why don’t we go somewhere and you can show me what grownup bitches do?”


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