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The Bull Rider’s Return

Page 10

by Joan Kilby

  “I wonder how Boone made out with Piper,” Kelly mused, grateful that she was with Cody and all was right with the world, at least for now.

  “Don’t know,” Cody said. “I thought they were so good together, really tight. Funny how things aren’t always what they seem on the surface.”

  They came to the side road that led behind the hospital. In the large grassy area was a semi-circle of tents. Around a blazing campfire kids sat on folding chairs, toasting marshmallows. She and Cody stood in the shadows so it was unlikely the kids would notice them even though they were only a hundred yards away.

  “Look, there’s Ricky,” she said, pointing. “I can’t believe they’re still up at this time of night.”

  “Looks like he’s having fun,” Cody said.

  “I’m sure he is. I never let him stay up this late.”

  “Do you want to go over and say hi?” Cody asked.

  “No,” she said reluctantly. Well, she did but she didn’t want to embarrass him by having his mommy check up on him. And to be honest, she didn’t want the adults in charge to see her with Cody and guess exactly where they were going and what they would be doing. She wasn’t exactly anonymous after all the media attention and Cody, while not a resident, was well-known in town. She could see the headlines now—Kelly and Cody, Caught In The Act.

  Speaking of the act… “The night isn’t getting any younger,” she said, knowing Cody had to get up early.

  The campground when they walked through, was quiet but for a few campfires and the occasional cowboy strumming a guitar and singing softly. The few people moving about were mostly couples heading off for privacy, just like Kelly and Cody.

  Cody unlocked the door to his trailer and went in first, turning on the light over his stove. The dim glow revealed a trailer just as tidy as the first day. He turned on a small space heater and offered her a drink.

  “No, thank you.” She slid her arms out of his jacket and held out her hands. “Come here.”

  He stepped closer, a bemused smile on his face as she slowly unbuttoned his vest. “Usually I’m the one doing the undoing.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be my undoing before the end,” she joked, and pushed the vest off his shoulders. Carefully she folded it and laid it on the table.

  Cody picked it up and found a hanger in the narrow closet and hung it up. “That’s better.”

  He pulled the curtains across the windows, locked the door and led her to his bed, a mattress on an elevated platform above the gooseneck that attached to his truck.

  “The king-sized four-poster is in my other trailer.” He pushed her hair back and kissed her bare shoulder, making her shiver. His fingers slid inside the short, elasticized sleeves, tugging them lower and in the process, revealing the tops of her breasts. He growled appreciatively.

  “Hey, if you’d seen the place I was living in a year ago, this is…” Her words faltered as he kissed first one breast, then the other, then licked his way into her cleavage. “Luxury.”

  She stood helpless while he pulled her bodice down to her waist. In the dim light the rhinestone nestled between the cups of her strapless bra winked.

  Clothes came off quickly after that, hers and his. Naked and shivering on the surface but burning hot inside, she let him enfold her in his strong, sinewy arms and pressed her body against his. With two hands on her waist, he hoisted her onto the mattress. “Watch your head.”

  She giggled as he hauled himself up beside her and she had to squash over to make room. He found a condom in a sliding cabinet and didn’t delay putting it on. Without headroom, sexual acrobatics were impossible but that was okay by her. She wanted basic lovemaking, real and stripped back, an economical wrapping of limbs around hips and sinking in deep.

  She came embarrassingly quickly, one stroke, two, maybe three. She was past counting, past taking note of mundane details. There was only the feel of him, hot and hard and everywhere. His scent was clean sweat with a citrusy tang that exuded undertones of musk as he continued to move inside her. She gripped her legs tighter and he climaxed with a soft grunt.

  He kissed her cheek, her mouth, her temple in a reprise of his earlier foreplay. “Okay?”

  She nodded. “Mmm.”

  “Sorry it was so quick. I don’t usually—”

  She pressed a finger over his lips. “It was perfect.” She grinned at him in the darkness. “So, I guess that makes only sixty-four thousand, nine hundred dollars to go.”

  A moment of stunned silence and then he hooted out a laugh. “That means we have…” He did a quick calculation in his head. “Six hundred and forty-nine nights to go. You’re mine for almost two years.” Then his smile faded. “You do know that’s not what this is about, don’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t be able to joke about it if it was.” The thought of making love with him every night for another two years had made her giddy. But then it wouldn’t be a fling.

  “As long as we’re clear.” He was very serious.


  “And by the way…” He traced her lips with the tip of a finger. “You sell yourself way too cheap.”

  For no reason at all she suddenly felt close to tears. She would give anything to have a solid man like Cody in her life, someone she could depend on, someone who would love her and Ricky with all his heart. She wasn’t after material support but the important things like knowing he was there for her when life got rough. And for sharing the joy of small moments, and celebrating the big moments.

  But she wasn’t going to think about that right now. He’d made it clear he didn’t want to be encumbered by a girlfriend. Anyway she had her own plans for the future. A life on the rodeo circuit didn’t fit in with her dream of providing a stable home for her son.

  She snuggled more comfortably into Cody’s arms and started to drift off to sleep with the faint sound of country music in the background and the gleam of starlight coming through the tiny window above the platform bed. She thought about how, even though he didn’t know it, Cody had just done her another favor. He’d made her feel like a woman again, sexy and desirable and full of love.


  Sleepily, Kelly blinked open her eyes in the semi-darkness. She was lying on her side with Cody spooning her from behind, his breathing deep and even. The clock radio read 6.20 a.m. She should get up and leave before she had to do the walk of shame in front of cowboys drinking their morning coffee outside their tent or trailer. But it was warm in bed and cold outside. Cody’s body felt so good next to hers. Just a few more minutes’ sleep…

  The next thing she knew Cody’s hand was sliding up her thigh and around her rib cage to cup her breast. His erection nudged her bottom. Without turning over she shifted a little to give him better access and sent a hand back to stroke his hip. He pushed between her legs and his fingers rolled her swollen nipple as he kissed the back of her neck, sucked on an earlobe. Turned on, she dragged his hand down to the mound at the apex of her thighs. Liquid heat poured through her and his movements became more urgent.

  Then she heard a rustle of plastic and he drew back slightly before his hand on her butt cheek opened her for him and he entered her in a series of short thrusts that had her gasping. All the while he spoke sweet and dirty into her ear, one hand massaging her breasts, the other between her legs, bringing her to a rapid climax. No sooner had she arched her back and groaned aloud than he came, too, setting off an aftershock. And another. She rode them out, pressing his hand to her until the last wave died away.

  Limp and satiated, she turned in his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Morning, cowboy.”

  Cody grunted and gathered her closer, stroking her back with large, warm hands.

  She must have fallen asleep again. When she opened her eyes again her neck was stiff and there was a mosquito bite on her exposed ankle. Craning her neck she checked the clock. Eight thirty! She sat up so abruptly she banged her head on the low ceiling.

  Cody’s eyes flew open. “What it is?

  “Look at the time.” She rolled off the bed and scrambled around on the floor for her clothes, dragging them on quickly. “I was supposed to pick Ricky up at eight.”

  Cody propped himself on an elbow, yawned and scratched his chest. Then he dragged a hand through his rumpled black hair. “Don’t worry. They won’t leave him on his own.”

  “I know but still. I’m late. I need to go.” Her dress got tangled around her shoulders as she drew it on and she hopped up and down trying to shimmy into it. Cody leaned over and helped her pull it down. “Thanks.”

  She went into the tiny bathroom at the other end of the trailer and used the facilities. Then she washed her hands and face, and used Cody’s comb to disentangle her long wavy hair. Peering into the tiny mirror over the sink she rubbed at the smudges of mascara below her eyes. Great. She looked exactly as if she’d just rolled out of bed after a tumble with a cowboy.

  Well, so what? Her whole identity for the past six years had been wrapped up in being a good mother to her son. Now that he was healthy, and old enough to do some things on his own, didn’t she deserve to have a life?

  Good in theory.

  She opened the trailer door a crack to survey the scene outside. Shoot. People were up and moving about, heading to the public washrooms or tending to their horses.

  Behind her, still in bed, Cody cleared his throat. She turned to see him regarding her, half-frowning, half-bemused.

  “Love ’em and leave ’em—is that how you roll?” he asked dryly.

  “Just checking the lay of the land.” She leaned over the bed and hugged him, breathing in his warm scent. “I wish I could stay longer but I can’t.”

  “I know. I was just giving you a hard time. I’ve got to get moving, too.” He kissed her soundly and then gently pushed her away. “Go on, get your son.”

  “If I don’t see you again before you compete, good luck.” She kissed him three times. “Thanks, again. Last night was awesome. And this morning.” She felt heat spread over her as she took in his broad, naked chest and the arrow of hair that disappeared beneath the rumpled sheet. She needed to get out of here fast before she jumped him again. “See you later.”

  Resolutely, she opened the door and walked swiftly away, head held high. Beads of water clinging to grass blades wet her bare ankles. It must have rained last night. All she wanted was get to the park where the kids were camping without having to stop and talk to anyone.

  A low wolf whistle made her step falter. She turned to look and froze. Dean Maynard sat in a folding lawn chair with a coffee cup in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He was unshaven, his shirt was open to his waist and his feet were bare and filthy. He didn’t say anything; he didn’t need to. His knowing smirk said it all. That he knew where she’d spent the night and that she was trying to get away without anyone knowing who she’d been with was all too obvious. No doubt he would spread the news so fast he would put Carol Bingley to shame.

  Kelly wanted nothing more than to go over there and step on his bare toes with her high-heeled sandals and knock his steaming coffee into his lap. But that would only play into his desire for confrontation. Instead she raised her chin higher, threw him a withering glance and sauntered off. His mocking laughter followed her all the way across the field.

  Ricky was waiting for her, his sleeping bag rolled up and his backpack on his back, ready to go. The adults in charge were busy taking down the tents. Kelly went over and apologized for being late then hurried back to Ricky. He looked tired and his chin was smudged with burnt marshmallow but as soon as he saw her his face lit and he started telling her excitedly about his night.

  “So you had a good time?” she asked, hugging him.

  “Awesome! The other kids thought my buckle was cool.”

  All the way back to the motel he regaled her with stories of his evening and she had to revise her assessment that he was too young to be away from her overnight. A little independence was exactly what he’d needed to give him confidence in his own abilities.

  They washed up and then headed back to Main Street for the pancake breakfast where the long tables had been stripped of tablecloths and spread with butcher’s paper. Armed with steaming cups of the chocolate shop’s legendary hot chocolate, they loaded up their plates with fluffy buttermilk pancakes and savory sausages and bacon.

  Ricky needed no urging to eat his meal. Nowadays, fresh air and exercise were all that he required to give him an appetite. Remembering how lackluster he used to be brought a fresh reminder of how much she owed to Cody.

  And how unable she was to pay him back. Sex wasn’t the answer. Cody’s looks and charisma guaranteed he was never short of female company. Physical release he could get anywhere. Kelly wanted to do more for him, give him something he was lacking. Money was the obvious thing but she wasn’t exactly rolling in dough herself.

  “So, Cody’s in the finals today,” she said to Ricky as they tackled their breakfast.

  “It’s called the short round,” Ricky explained around a mouthful. “I hope he wins the bull riding.”

  “Not the bareback?”

  “Yeah, ’course. But he wants to win bull riding more.”

  Kelly reached for the maple syrup. Cody hadn’t let anything of the sort on to her. “How do you know that? Did he tell you?”

  “No, but he told me Baby Huey was a bad old beast and this time he was going to conk him.” Ricky punched a small clenched fist in the air.

  “Conk? He’s going to hit the bull?” Kelly frowned. “Or do you mean conquer him?”

  Ricky nodded. “That’s what I said.”

  Now she remembered Cody saying something last night about bull riding being the more important event. At the time she’d thought it was just because it carried the most weight in terms of points for his overall PRCA score. But to Cody winning meant more than just prize money or points. He had a personal score to settle with that bull.

  She smiled and shook her head. Cowboys.

  Chapter Nine

  After Kelly left, Cody hit the shower, letting the hot water stream down on his sore shoulder. He winced as his probing fingertips found the painful pressure points. The smart thing would be to see the rodeo medic and get it taped but likely he would be told not to ride and risk further injury.

  Funny he hadn’t felt a thing last night in bed with Kelly. Not pain, at any rate. Even though he hadn’t gotten much sleep he felt energized. Kelly was fun and sexy and easy to be with. But it wasn’t just that. She’d got him talking about things he hadn’t thought about in a long time, had made him see his guilt over Tegan in a new light. If a good person like Kelly didn’t think he was an asshole then maybe he ought to ease up on himself.

  But he wouldn’t feel right when it came to Tegan until he could bring himself to talk to her. He should apologize and find out how her life had turned out. He knew that and yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it. What did that make him but a coward and no better than he’d been at age sixteen?

  Cody dressed and headed through the campground, making his way to the pancake breakfast. He’d just crossed the footbridge and was about to enter the park when a woman wearing jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up stopped him in the middle of the path. A flat hat sat atop dark hair twisted in a long braid. Silver and rawhide circled her wrists.

  “Excuse me. I’m Ella Etxeberri.” She stuck out a hand, which he dutifully shook. “I’m doing my masters thesis on rodeo and I’m interviewing contestants to find out what makes rodeo riders tick, why they ride, that sort of thing. Could you spare a minute to answer a few questions?”

  “Now?” Cody was tantalizingly close to the breakfast location and his nostrils flared at the aroma of pancakes and bacon.

  “If it’s convenient, or we could make a time for later.” Ella’s hopeful expression said she wanted to interview him now.

  He would have liked to blow her off but his mama had drilled good manners into him too hard to buck his training. “Have
you had breakfast yet?”

  “Yes, but I can sit with you while you eat,” she replied. “We can talk while we walk.”

  “Fire away.”

  Ella fell in beside him, fiddled with the recording function on her phone and then began. “What is it about rough riding that you love so much? And do you prefer bulls or bareback bronc?”

  “Rough riding is an adrenaline rush, there’s no question,” he said, ducking his head to speak into her phone. “If I wasn’t leaping on a bull’s back I might have taken up base jumping.”

  “Go on,” Ella said. “Tell me more.”

  Cody spent a few minutes talking about the pros and cons of each event and the different things he took from each of them. Bareback bronco was a big challenge but could give you whiplash. Bull riding was more unpredictable because of the way the animal spun as he bucked. Plus bulls were heavier and if you fell under them they could do more damage, not to mention what happened if they gored you. But the bigger the risk, the bigger the thrill.

  “If I had to choose my favorite,” he summed up, “I’d pick the bulls every time.”

  “Interesting that you go for the most dangerous event in a dangerous sport,” Ella mused. “I heard through the grapevine that you’re hoping you’ll draw the toughest bull again today—Baby Huey. Would you say you have a death wish?”

  Cody gave a choked bark of annoyed laughter. “No way! And just a friendly warning—if you ask all the rough riders that I could say the same about you.”

  “You guys are tough, I get that,” Ella went on, unperturbed. “Do you think there’s a macho tendency for cowboys to cover up their injuries on the circuit?”

  It was all Cody could do not to put his hand up to massage his injured shoulder. “Happens sometimes, I guess.”


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