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Darknest: A Dark Fantasy Erotica Anthology

Page 5

by J. M. Keep

She found it interesting – the relationship between two men. How one always had to dominate, and the other had to follow.

  She parted her lips with a moan as she pushed back against the beta male and squeezed him tighter to compensate for her sticky wetness.

  With a chuckle the big one said, “Great, ain’t she?”

  He turned his hard gaze back to her, leaning down and placing a hard kiss on her thick, pouty lips, as she felt the blond pump into her pussy, smacking against her pillowy ass.

  It was something so different and fresh. She leaned into it, tasting his heated mouth. It was beautiful, the way her tongue grazed his. They were both so fiery, and she moaned against him, hungrily biting his lower lip as he tried to pull away.

  “I’d show you again and again every night for the rest of your dumb-shit life if you were mine, you cock-hungry bimbo,” he growled.

  She smiled so brightly, so enthusiastically, as if she’d never received a kinder complement. She couldn’t remember getting one, after all. And this... this wasn’t a test. This wasn’t training. This was real. His words were real, and she clenched her cunny muscles along the blonde’s dick, rewarding him for the alpha’s kindness.

  Just then, she saw the visage of her primary master coming down the hall outside the door.

  He was already red-faced and steaming when he left, but when he saw what was going, on he became irate.

  “What the fuck?!” He threw his hands up in the air, “I told you guys to leave her alone! Jesus Christ! Don’t you know who that is?! We went to class with her, you sick fucks!”

  Momentary panic went through her, as she thought he might spoil the moment, but the big alpha pushed between him and her, gesturing to the blond to continue, which he most certainly did. The slaps of his groin striking her rear-end continued to fill the room, along with his soft grunts.

  “Hey, let the man finish, Rick. You didn’t want her, and it’s just not cool to cock-block a guy from a piece of ass that fine,” explained the burly alpha, protecting her in the throes of her service.

  “The fuck are you talking about? Asshole, stop that! Do you have any idea how sick this is?!” Her primary master looked nearly frantic.

  “No!” she pleaded, her chocolaty eyes on Rick.


  Confusion ran through her. He’d awoken her, but discarded her, but now wanted to keep her all to himself. It was complicated. Far too complicated when there was a cock lodged in her cunt.

  She could feel the blond tense, and knew his gratification was near. Knew with just a few moments more she could fulfill her duty and please another hard shaft with her flesh, just as she was meant to.

  “You wanna ‘protect’ that slut, Rick?” declared the alpha, her saviour. “You know what a smug bitch she was! Thought she was so high and mighty just because she was the only girl who got her way into the university in decades. But look at her now, man,” he said.

  He grasped Rick’s shoulder, holding him in place while directing his gaze to her beautiful display with the blond.

  Just in time, he witnessed the beta hammer his climax into her with a choked groan, burying his length inside her so his patch of blond pubic hair nestled in her ass crack as he shot his little load into that messy, cum-soaked cunt of hers.

  “She’s just like the rest now, Rick,” declared the alpha. “But better.” He slapped his friend’s sinking shoulders. “You’re a lucky man to have such a hot piece of skank ass. I wish she were mine!”

  They were talking about her, but it didn’t make sense. It didn’t really matter, either. She’d just pleased another cock, drained him within her cunny, and she groaned with satisfaction. It was exquisite! She’d done so well already, she was practically glowing with pride beneath her tan. .

  “See?” said the alpha. “She looks happier than I’ve ever seen her before. You’re the happiest you’ve ever been, aren’t you, ya lil’ whore.”

  He grinned and punched Rick in the shoulder just as the blond tugged his dick from her with a sigh of gratification, having added to the pool of creamy seed continuing to drool from her puffy, well-fucked folds.

  She whimpered, her ass pushed out towards him as if begging for more. Begging to be filled again. It wasn’t fair to feel so empty.

  “C’mon,” Rick said, pushing past the alpha at last and reaching for her arm. “We’re getting out of here. Back to my room.”

  His voice was tense, his words terse, as if he directed them to the other two men as a warning more than to her.

  But she was pleased. Her master did want her! She moved towards him, her thong still pinning her thighs together and cum drooling down her inner legs, but it didn’t matter.

  The only thing on her mind was pleasing him.

  He tugged her along towards the door, though before she could leave, that commanding alpha slapped one of her ass cheeks, making the supple-yet-yielding flesh jiggle with his big hand print.

  “Don’t forget me, slut,” he said, with a big, toothy grin.

  Rick was only interested in getting her out of there as fast as he could, and tugged her into the hall. Still, the pleasant sensation brought a smile to her lips, and she moved in a little bit closer to her master. Finally!

  The outside hall led to a main room, and she saw so many other young men, like her new master and his close friends, as well as old. They stood around with drinks in their hands, or busied themselves with other women, other sex slaves.

  She was no expert on women. What she knew of them, and her ability to understand them, was superficial compared to her training on pleasing masters such as Rick. How to do little amusing games with other women for a master’s entertainment was all she knew about her own sex. Though as he tugged her along, forcing her to shuffle due to those constricting panties and the semen running down her legs, she noticed they didn’t seem to be as into pleasing as they should.

  Those women were performing the same acts as her, bent over or upon one of the beds in the rooms they passed, being stuffed and fucked, but they didn’t seem to enjoy it. Crave it. Not like she did. It was somehow more forced. Disingenuous. And for that matter, their bodies, unlike hers, just didn’t look as… good. They seemed almost… fake.

  As her mind pondered such strange things, her master looked down, noticing her confining panties.

  “Oh Jesus,” he said, and stopped, bending down to fix them, then hesitating. The black lingerie had white stains upon it from the spunk that trickled from her slit. “Can… could you fix this?” he said with some frustration. “So you can walk normally?”

  “I kind of liked it,” she said, but she immediately tugged the panties up.

  It wasn’t her will to question his orders, after all, and she smiled, despite her curiosity. She was still in her stilettos and that still made walking slow, but it was less inhibited now. Her legs were long and graceful, and she forced herself to take strides matching his.

  He looked troubled, which seemed to be normal for him from their brief interactions, but that made her mental rules kick in again, diverting her from the silly thoughts that rolled through her mind. Her master was a troubled man, and easing the troubles of men – unburdening them from their worries and their desires – was her prime directive. Especially her Master.

  When he brought her to a private room, unlocking the door and guiding her in, it seemed the perfect, relaxed spot for such things. A large balcony with glass doors, and a beautiful, old-fashioned canopy style bed caught her eye. It was all done in that pseudo-rococo style the rest of the manor was furnished in.

  He shut the door behind them, running a hand through his hair.

  She smiled as she looked about the place before spinning back to him. Her long, sleek brown ponytail went over her shoulder, tickling her cleavage and the gems that lay between her large breasts.

  “Finally, we’re alone,” she said hopefully, her hand touching his bicep gently. “It’s beautiful here.”

  Somewhere inside of her she knew she was supe
rior to those other women. She looked better, enjoyed her role more, she was a better object of comfort and pleasure. Yet for some reason her new master looked at her in such a strange way, as if confused by her actions. By her very touch.

  He exhaled, and walked past her to the balcony, opening the doors and letting in the warm, summer air from the night outside. He remained quiet for a while, but as he turned around to face her again he asked her a question in that troubled voice of his.

  “What did they do to you, Andrea?”

  She didn’t understand what he meant, and she walked after him, her head tilted curiously.

  “What do you mean? Do I not please you? Those other women wouldn’t enjoy you like I would.”

  She couldn’t help the lascivious grin that parted her lips.

  His silvery-grey eyes scanned over her, taking in her appearance. Those calves so prominent as she stood in her high heels. The soiled, black thong with the still-warm semen soaking into the fabric. Her bra beneath a short, leather jacket that stopped just beneath her breasts.

  “Those women have been altered, Andrea. Twisted…”

  He stammered, looking more upset. Classic signs of being overworked, she noted. Masters worked so, very hard, and they needed her to relieve that tension.

  “Cut open, operated on… They didn’t do that to you, did they?” Fright drained the color from his handsome face as his mind got carried away.

  For once, she had an answer for him. She understood, then, what was happening. The rules taught her she was not operated on. She was the product of pure hormonal and psychological training, cutting-edge pharmacological work, and she was told to reassure any man who doubted with those details. Not that she really understood what any of that meant.

  So she repeated to him, verbatim, what the rules said. They sounded so funny, so foreign, that she giggled softly as her hand reached out to stroke his jaw but he still blanched. This wasn’t the Andrea he knew, that he’d had a crush on for years.

  “Take off your jacket. You’ll feel more comfortable.”

  Her master was so stubborn, though. He pushed away from her as she took hold of his jacket, ready to help him take it off, and the act helped her tug it away, even as he tried to put distance between them. He sat on the edge of the bed.

  Part of her wanted to be annoyed with his obstinacy, but the rules took prominence in her mind, reminding her that her feelings didn’t matter. That masters did such important things that put such immense stress on them, things which she could never understand, that satisfying them was so important.

  “Don’t you remember anything, Andrea?”

  His voice was full of anguish, and he rested his elbows on his knees, looking handsome and broad-shouldered as he sulked. He had such a lean, healthy physique, despite his sourness.

  “You were so brilliant. Had such willpower… You never would have wanted to be enslaved like this.”

  Her nose crinkled as she moved after him, carefully draping his jacket along the foot of the bed before kneeling in front of him.

  “I want this,” she pleaded, her hands resting on his knees. “That’s why I’m here.”

  He stared down at her, and though she could tell he was so wrapped up in his tension that he fought her efforts, he did like her in some strange way she couldn’t fathom. He was very unique, she thought, compared to what her training had taught her.

  “I loved you Andrea,” he said in a hurt voice. “But you were too good for me, and I knew that. You fought for what you had a thousand times harder than I had to. And now… now… you’re…”

  He looked at her, his brow furrowed.

  Yet her mind just worked through its practiced calculations. Her gaze moved between his parted knees, seeing that light bulge of a man’s groin she so craved. It was right there before her, aching to be touched.

  She wouldn’t refuse it, or him, and her manicured hand snaked up his leg to grasp him in her heated palm. Her eyelids fluttered and she let out a soft moan, her back arching as she pressed her breasts towards him.

  “I need you,” she whimpered, pushing herself up off her knees and sitting down on his thigh. She straddled that thick, muscled leg, grinding her dirty panties against it.

  He hadn’t been quite hard when she touched him, but now she felt his member twitch to life, then jump again as she straddled him. His bulge grew as she worked her fingers against it in her practiced manner.

  Rick seemed about to object, but she watched him become almost hypnotized by the swell of her cleavage. Those breasts so naturally big, so perky and full as they spilled out of her bra, which was painfully tight on her.

  “You’ve changed so much,” he murmured, staring still, and she realized she may have found the key to pleasing and unburdening her new master.

  “For the better,” she agreed as her free hand moved to his hair, cradling his head towards her breasts, begging him to stare. Her nose ran along his ear, tenderly caressing him as she whispered, “I owe so much to you.”

  For a moment she was able to press his face to those pillowy mounds, and the shiver that went through him convinced her she had him at last. But he pulled back, resisting again.

  “Owe me? For what?” He sounded upset all over again.

  He was a tough one, yet the rules were there for her, guiding her. Making things clear and easy. She had to escalate her efforts for this handsome, young man, with his strong jaw, so lightly darkened by his evening growth of facial hair.

  Her fingertips played along his chest, his package. She was slow, but forceful about it. She giggled softly before taking his lobe into her mouth, tasting his flesh before letting it snap back into place.

  “Taking me for yourself.”

  Her hand lingered on his chest for another moment before she reached between her shoulder blades, beneath the leather jacket. Quickly she unclasped her bra, letting out a sigh of relief as the pressure along her full tits was released. She shrugged off the jacket and the little black bra, leaving her glorious chest exposed.

  Her brown nipples were already stiff, so hard that they almost pained her. She touched them, squeezing each one and lifting them towards his gaze.

  She heard his breath hitch, and felt his cock stiffen against her knee as he watched her display. She knew then she had him at last. She had his full attention as she toyed with those achingly large breasts.

  “I’m sorry I left you alone with those idiots back there,” he said, a bit of moisture in his eyes as he shakily brought his hands to her hips.

  Such a satisfying feeling, a man’s hands on her hips. It kindled such positive emotions in her.

  “So, you… You’re glad to just be with me, then?” he asked, blinking away the glossy moistness from his gaze. “Glad you’re with me instead of them, Andrea? The real you?” It was hope, hope that he hadn’t lost her. Hope that he wasn’t the reason that she was turned from a smart, capable woman into a sex doll.

  His questions registered with her, but in the face of those manly hands on her fleshy hips, and her own hands massaging her teats, it was a little hard to take her mind off her desires.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, struggling for a better response. She tweaked her dark nipple and her body shuddered with delight as she nodded. “I’m so glad I’m with you,” she managed as she ground her hips, rubbing her clothed cunny on his thigh. It was exquisite, and her breath quickened. “Aren’t you?”

  Those strong, manly hands of his slid up over her hips, then across her stomach, and she could feel him aching to touch her magnificent tits. Yet, he was still so sheepish and reluctant, and she had to release those heavy mounds and let them slap to her chest before guiding his palms into place.

  He stared into her eyes as her stiff, dark nipples prodded his palms.

  “You were the only woman I’ve ever known free of all this…this mind control, Andrea,” he said in his pained voice. “I want to believe some part of you is still in there. At least if you’re like this, it’s with someone who appre
ciated you for who you were...”

  Such silly things he said. Though she knew masters liked their reassurances.

  “I am happy I’m with you,” she said as her nose nuzzled his, her lips grazing his mouth and sharing a breath there. “Don’t overthink this. Just enjoy,” she murmured before she pressed her mouth to his, her tongue teasing the seam of his lips.

  There was but one moment of hesitation before his will gave way, and her tongue slipped into his mouth, and they let them tangle and twirl. He finally squeezed her aching teats, let his fingers sink into those sumptuous breasts and feel their supple, soft flesh which she knew were so much better than what the other women had to offer their masters.

  Her free arm wrapped around him, drawing him into her body as she continued to writhe against his strong form. Her hand kept rubbing him, feeling out the shape of his package, enjoying every beat of his heart that made it throb so hard.

  She couldn’t remember ever being so excited, but he kept his mouth locked with hers and together they enjoyed their kiss for such a long time, she could felt her tongue grow weary. She couldn’t believe his passion, his need, but she reveled in it. He was her master, and she would please him. She did please him!

  At last he broke the kiss, panting, breathing heavily, that pale, leanly-muscled chest of his heaving beneath his open shirt.

  “I’ve loved you for so long, Andrea,” he said, hands still holding those heavy tits up off her chest.

  Her mouth moved to his neck, licking along his flesh as she moaned whorishly.

  “You’re gorgeous,” she purred. “I need you.”

  As her leg rubbed against his swollen prick, he gave a low groan of his own, reflexively, and she felt his great need in that big member of his. The intensity of his desire in its rock-hard width.

  “I’ll keep you with me,” he said huskily as her hands explored beneath his shirt, the buttons popping open, showing more of those pecs and abs, outlined so well, with but a light peppering of hair.

  “I’ll take care of you,” he promised, his heart beating quickly as he let one of those large tits drop to her chest.


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