Unhuman Acts

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Unhuman Acts Page 17

by Candace Blevins

  Her tears didn’t make it to her eyes, but I could sense them. She’d wait until she wasn’t around her pack before she cried again.

  When you’ve both eaten, I told Kirsten, you should take her somewhere to cry, so she won’t have to worry about being heard.

  Tyson died. Kane took over the Atlanta Pride, but he’s hurting. He and his brother were so damned close.

  I know, Kitten.

  She looked at Cora. “Eat. I’m going to walk into the next room with Mordecai a minute, and then I’ll come fix a plate.”

  Cora nodded and stepped in line behind the other wolves. However, Ranger settled two plates on the table and told her, “I fixed you a plate.”

  Cora’s people were taking care of their Alpha. They knew she had a huge weight on her shoulders, and they wanted to make the mundane tasks easier, so she could focus on the hard shit. A weaker woman would’ve bitched about having her plate made for her, but Cora took her seat, thanked him, and began eating.

  I called a plate and fork to my hand, filled it with the potato concoction my chef said would make any potato lover happy, took Kirsten’s hand, and walked her into the next room. I wanted to whisk her away to Olympus, but she and Cora were supporting each other too much for me to separate them.

  “The last battle between good and evil lasted nearly a decade, with estimates of eighty million lives lost. This one lasted a month, but we still lost tens of millions. This time, the majority of casualties were civilians who couldn’t survive when civilization broke down.”

  “Is it over?”

  “Your little trick knocked out bad guys from here to New York. New Orleans, too. A huge circle. It only killed the ones within eighty to a hundred miles. Still, just knocking them out was enough to give the good guys the upper hand they needed to end the fighting.” But that hadn’t been her question. “The fighting isn’t completely over, but I don’t believe we’ll see more large battles. The rest can be handled with politics and perhaps a few minor skirmishes.”

  She switched to telepathy. Nathan lost more than Tyson. He’s hurting. The wolves lost a lot of people, too. Cora’s burden is so heavy. Her eyes watered and her grief broke my heart. I’m a war god, so I’m intimately familiar with the losses one takes in battle — and the grief from it — even when you’ve won.

  You and Cora will come out of this healthy and whole, but you have to wade through the grief to get there. Make sure Cora gets advice when she needs it, and follows her instincts when it’s time to make decisions. She’s got this, and so do you.

  I sat, pulled her into my lap, and handed her the plate. She leaned her body into me, but stayed upright enough to eat. I pulled a bottle of cold root beer to me, reached around her to open it, and settled it beside us on a coaster.

  You made a deal with he-who-shall-not-be-named.

  I did. I wasn’t certain you’d be able to survive a fight with his son, especially if he brought his pet honey badger with him. I couldn’t get involved directly, so I made a deal with someone who could keep you alive.

  You made it sound like you had to stay out of things because you’re a god and you weren’t allowed to interfere.

  It wasn’t a lie, Kitten. It wasn’t the whole truth, but there are rules against us affecting the outcome of battle. Since we’re in a relationship, I could use some loopholes and step in to keep you alive, but there’s no doubt that I interfered with the outcome by doing so.

  I motioned for her to take another bite, and when she did, I continued. Humans are supposed to be figuring things out without interference. However, since the dark side is interfering, new accords are going to happen. It isn’t fair that the dark side gets help while the other struggles without assistance. World War Two was a close call, and it lasted so long because the forces of evil had so much help.

  She took a few more bites and drank down some of her root beer, and I finally continued. She’d obviously said all she intended to say. Your deal with X is the only one in effect now. Mine is finished. Also, since the outcome of the war has been determined, my interference is no longer as severely limited. I’m sorry I had to turn you away when you wanted time with me.

  What happened to the last Goblin King?

  He was an only child, as was his father. The last Goblin King and his adult sons died in battle. No grandkids, male or female. No cousins. No aunts or uncles. Stewards were already in place to rule the home front while the king and his sons were away, fighting in the war.

  So how am I a descendent?

  Likely from an illegitimate child from many generations before. No one would’ve known the line existed anymore.


  I don’t have all the answers, Kitten. I’m not all knowing, just mostly-knowing. And I had no idea whether she was going to forgive me for making the deal with my brother. I needed to know, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask.

  The potatoes are heavenly, but I need protein. What else is there?

  I pulled in an egg salad sandwich on some kind of bun my chef said she’d like, a decent helping of baked beans, and a kale/almonds/feta cheese concoction I was assured tasted better than it looked. My chef was always right about these things, but I hadn’t tried it.

  Thank you. I’ve never been so tired in my life. My soul is weary. It almost sounded like I’d been forgiven, but I wasn’t ready to assume anything just yet.

  You have a lot of responsibility now, Kitten. It’s weighing on you, as it should. You’ll learn to handle it in due time, but in the meantime, let your friends help with the lesser things.

  I need food, shower, and sleep. In that order, but Cora and I are going to need to rotate the guard unit around the house and make sure our security is tight before we can sleep.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her I’d bring a security team in to make sure they stayed safe, but I didn’t bother with the offer because I understood Cora wouldn’t accept it. She needed to show that her pack could handle itself.

  Though, perhaps there was a way.

  I kissed Kirsten’s forehead. “Let’s move into the dining room with the others. I hope you’ll let me sleep with you when the time comes. I’ve missed you, too.”

  I followed her into the other room, with her carrying her plate and drink. She didn’t respond to my request, and that worried me, but I didn’t bring it up.

  She sat across from Cora, and I made myself a plate and sat beside my little red-headed spitfire.

  “You have a million things going through your mind,” I told Cora. “Today is about making a list of things to handle so you can clear your mind and sleep.”

  She shook her head and looked at Kenny. “You should go to Randall’s. You have my blessings to leave Homewood so you can take over as alpha of the Chattanooga Pack.”

  He closed his eyes a good ten seconds, and I felt his conflict. He didn’t want to leave Homewood, but he realized he might be the best choice to step into Randall’s shoes and help heal the wolves who’d been so close to the former alpha.

  “You haven’t asked for my advice,” I told Cora, “but there are a few rules that might help some of the transition. I’ll be more than happy to act as a consultant.”

  “I can appoint him transitional alpha,” she told me. “I’m aware of the rules, but I need to know if he wants to move back down there before I put him on the spot.” She turned to Kenny. “I felt your conflict. You want to stay here, but you’re also being pulled back to our old pack. I get it. Let me appoint you the transitional alpha. If you think someone else can step up and become the permanent one, and you want to return to Homewood, you’ll have that option. I hope this will help you decide what you want to do. I’ll decree that no one new is allowed in while things are in flux.”

  He nodded. “It’s a good solution. I can help the pack heal, and work with the attorneys to make sure the trust is handled as it should be.”

  “Trust?” Kirsten asked.

  “His land and home were in a trust.” Cora explained. “
He had some items listed to go to Duke, but he wanted the pack lands to stay with the wolves.”

  Kirsten’s voice came in my head. Kenny’s her third. Why him and not Ranger?

  Ranger’s relationship status wouldn’t be politically correct for an alpha. He’s tied too tightly to Jonathan, and having a cat live on pack lands would cause problems the pack doesn’t need to have to deal with right now. Mostly, though, he isn’t interested in the position. He’s happy being Cora’s second. Remember, he spent years legally in a pack, but realistically he was a lone wolf since he only did the bare minimum to stay in, and he was so far from his alpha. He’s still getting used to the social structure as a member.

  Thanks. Should I offer to flash Kenny to Randall’s house?

  No. His car’s here, and he’ll need it once he’s there.

  Damn, I was thinking politically. Didn’t even consider basic logistics. You’re right.

  Of course I am.

  She gave me a deadpan stare, and I grinned at her. Even tired, she had the balls to glare at a god.

  I pulled a paper and pen to me, and began making a list while I spoke out loud.

  “You’ll need new treaties and pacts with pretty much everyone. Homewood is no longer a young pack with a powerful alpha. It’s now the lead pack of six states and portions of a few more. You’ll want to wait until after Randall’s funeral for the formal meetings, but backdoor negotiations can happen earlier. Also, you’ll want to read through his pacts and treaties ahead of time. Know what he had, so you’ll know what you can ask for and what you can demand.”

  She closed her eyes in grief, sorrow, and the weight of everything she had to do.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I assured her. “But you need to rest and get sleep. Assume someone will arrive tomorrow to challenge you. It’s imperative you be in top shape. Do you understand?”

  Her exhausted eyes went even greener than usual, and I sensed her wolf just under the surface. “What do you know?”

  “They’re going to try to re-engage the war. Easiest way? Send one of the South Carolina pack leaders they think can beat you. If he or she wins, they have a strong foothold — possibly enough to mount another offensive. Imagine the other side being able to control so many wolves?”

  “But no pressure, right?” Kirsten was pissed. “What the hell? Give her at least the day!”

  “I’m trying, Kitten, but she needs to understand why it’s so important she sleep and recharge.”

  “I get it,” Cora told me. “Thanks for your wise counsel. Anything else pressing?”

  “I’d like to pull a bed in big enough for you to sleep with your top people.” He grinned at Ranger. “And their significant others, should they wish to be included. Jonathan isn’t here, but Mac and Bethany, of course. If someone sleeps with someone at home, and they’re here, then they should be invited. Sleeping together will help heal you all — physically and emotionally. Never discount the energy you receive from even the perceived weakest in the pack. Everyone plays their part.”

  “I’ll accept the offer of a huge bed, but some of us are going to be assigned to sentry duty. We can’t all sleep at the same time.”

  “I’ll put the whole of Homewood into a bubble, and only those who mean you and the pack no harm may pass. It’ll last one rotation of the sun. In exchange for this, I’d like to be the first person you meet with when you begin negotiations to redo pacts and treaties.”

  “We don’t have a pact or treaty with you.”

  “I’m aware.”

  I could tell she and Kirsten were telepathing, but not what they were saying. Finally, she nodded. “Agreed.”

  Chapter 2


  I started out in the big bed with Cora, but I needed my own space, so I moved upstairs to my own bed — and was pleasantly surprised to find Mordecai already there.

  “How did you know?”

  “You aren’t a werewolf. You understand them, and you fit into the pack, but I didn’t think sleeping in a puppy pile would be your thing.”

  I slid under the sheets beside him. He was naked, of course, and I wore loose joggers and an oversized t-shirt. I expected he’d order me to take my clothes off, but he merely fixed us so I was spooned in front of him, and then left me alone so I could fall back to sleep.

  Perhaps I was more tired than I realized.

  Unless something else was wrong.

  I awoke in the arms of a god the next morning, and I realized it’d been weeks since I’d had to fight the urge to kneel to him. Was it because I was getting used to him, or because of my new title? I had no idea. I wasn’t even sure it was morning. I breathed him in — his energy, his essence, his strength. I’d missed him. In the back of my mind, I’d been terrified he was pulling away and I’d never have this again.

  I turned in his arms and was met with clear blue eyes, his gaze so intense it nearly took my breath away.

  “I let you sleep as long as I could. A few of your guests from downstairs are cooking a breakfast feast, and Cora’s going to need you by her side. She’s grieving hard.”

  “Does that mean no morning sex?” Just another hour until I had to face the world. Today was going to be hard, but I’d missed Mordecai and I needed to reconnect.

  “Your energy isn’t settled yet, Kitten. You should face everyone with your own power signature today, and not with something that feels and smells like mine.”

  I sat up and looked down at him. “Wait. I thought we were going to sequester ourselves for days when all of this was over?” It came out as a whine, and I barely managed to hold onto the You Promised! I wanted to tack onto the end.

  “It isn’t over yet, Kitten. I’m hopeful the brunt of the fighting is, but now you have to deal with the fallout. Setting up the new order of things is as important as who won the battles.”

  “Is there a reason you seem to be avoiding sex with me?”

  He sighed. “Avoiding isn’t the right word. I love you, and I want you to be seen as strong and capable in your new role. If you take on too much of my energy while you’re adjusting, people will sense my energy and assume some of your strength is mine. They need to sense you without my energy.”

  “But if we aren’t having sex, they’ll assume we’ve broken up.”

  He gave me a cocky smile. “We slept together. They’re going to smell me, but it won’t be overpowering. They won’t know for sure if we’ve had sex or not, but in their minds, if we did, it’ll mean you’re even more powerful than you are.”

  I shook my head. “I love you. It scares me, but there it is.”

  “You love Nathan, too. It’s okay. You can’t be there for him the same way you’re going to be for Cora, but it’s important you and Cora stand with him. It’s even okay for you to be by his side as a partner would be.”

  “Where will you be while I’m by his side?”

  “I’ll work that out with Nathan.” He pulled me back down to him, and I rested my head on his shoulder, snuggled between his body and his massive arm. “I love you, too. It’s going to be okay, Kitten. What do you feel like wearing today?”

  “What will we be doing?”

  “Planning Randall’s memorial service, helping the pack deal with grief, and then going to Nathan and doing the same thing. You don’t know the women in the Atlanta Pride, so it won’t be quite as hard emotionally, but it’s still going to be tough because I know how much you liked Tyson.”

  “Kane took over as pride leader. I thought it was going to be a couple of years before he was ready for his own pride?”

  “It would’ve been a few years before their lions forced them into separate prides. He’s old enough and strong enough to handle it now. The power went to him, and I can’t see anyone challenging him. He’ll tear them to pieces if they do.”

  “But you expect someone to challenge Cora?”

  “I do.”

  Chapter 3


  I lost too many lions, but Tyson’s death hurt
the most because I couldn’t escape Kane’s anguish. The brothers were so damned close, and my heart broke for him.

  Also, one of the lionesses in my main pride lost her father during a fight that happened in Asheville while we fought in Chattanooga. I instructed the Asheville Pride to handle his funeral that evening. Tyson’s funeral would be the following morning, and then Randall’s funeral was late the next evening, so the vampires could attend. There would be many funerals and memorial services in the coming days, but these three would be the hardest for me.

  I felt Kirsten pull into my driveway. The land is an extension of me. It’s my territory. I hadn’t expected her, and I stepped outside to greet her. She pulled up in her car. Alone. I leaned against the faux boulder that hid my garage door. If I went to her I’d want to hold her, and I wasn’t sure she was up for that, so I kept my distance.

  “You shouldn’t be alone.” Okay, not the best greeting, but I worried about her.

  “As far as I know, everyone trying to capture or kill me is either dead or out of commission.”

  “I expected you’d be by Cora’s side today, and she’d see to your safety.”

  “I’ve been with her since breakfast. I understand you’ll be leaving soon for a funeral in Asheville. Do you want me by your side, or is this strictly a pride thing?”

  The lion and man were in agreement — we wanted her by our side. The man, however, was wary. I could smell Mordecai on her from fifteen feet away. Was she offering to stand with me out of guilt because she hadn’t gone to Abbott with me?

  She stepped to me and stopped just out of my reach. “I can feel your grief. Let me help.”

  “As my friend or my partner?”

  “Is partner an option?” she asked. “Can a woman be the Amakhosi’s partner?”

  “Not an ordinary woman, but you could be.” My hair was in my eyes and I pushed it back. “Not in pride matters, but in everything else? Yeah. Partner.”


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