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Unhuman Acts

Page 21

by Candace Blevins

  “Few people alive can remember the last time a burial site was blessed by The Harlequin. When Tyson got to know our Kirsten, she was powerful, but she was still human. I wish he could see her now.” Kane turned to me and gave me a little bow. “Thank you for honoring my brother.”

  Nathan jumped up onto the podium and asked Kane, “Our Kirsten?”

  Kane didn’t look the least bit cowed by his King’s question. “She’s yours, and you’re our King, so we get to claim her.” He looked back to me. “Ours.”

  I stood and walked to them both. “You’re my friend, Kane. You’ve saved my life, for goodness sakes.” I jump-levitated onto the stage, stood between them, and put my arm around both their waists before raising my own voice enough to tell the audience. “Thank you for the warm welcome I’ve felt from the group as a whole today. I needed to come say goodbye to Tyson, but I also wanted to be here for Kane.” I looked to Nathan and then back to the crowd. “And I’ll be by Nathan’s side whenever I can.”

  A man I didn’t recognize walked through the crowd and stood directly below us. I sensed lion energy. Belligerent. Angry. “The Amakhosi couldn’t find a lioness good enough for him?”

  “You confront me on the day we bury one of our own?” Nathan asked him.

  “You’re sending my sister away so your human girlfriend doesn’t have to deal with her!”

  Nathan let go of me, jumped to the ground, and hit the man so hard he fell backwards, knocked out.

  “RaeLynn is moving to Asheville because it’s time for her to spread her wings,” he told the crowd. “I’ve kept her with me far too long, and for that, I owe her an apology. Moving her has everything to do with where she needs to be, and nothing to do with Kirsten’s place by my side. She’s training three people to do the job she alone has done for me. She will be missed, but it’s time for her to move somewhere she can grow and thrive.” He looked to the ground at the unconscious lion shifter at his feet. “I don’t owe anyone an explanation, but I’m giving it. Don’t expect that to be the case in the future. Our grief is riding high, but lions aren’t supposed to be ruled by our emotions.”

  He bent, lifted the unconscious lion onto his shoulder and met my gaze with his hand extended towards me. “Can you flash us to the dungeon in my basement, please?”

  I levitated down to him and did as he’d asked — and hoped Mordecai’s trick of Nathan wanting to go there worked.

  It did, and Nathan tossed the unconscious man into a cell, slammed the door shut, and made sure it was locked.

  “Thanks,” he told me. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Not your fault, and I think you handled it well. Was I out of line to bless the ground Tyson was buried in?”

  “You did good. You proved yourself worthy of me. My lionesses already knew you were, but it was important others see it in you, too.” He looked back to the man in the jail cell. “He was just pissed, and he needed to vent his emotions. He did it publicly, so he’ll have to sport the marks of my whip before I can release him, but I’m not up for that just yet.” He sighed. “Today wasn’t the right time to handle discipline, so this works.”

  “Is he a pride leader?”

  Nathan shrugged. “He’ll say he is, if you ask. He has two lionesses and he lives in the sticks, where he doesn’t have to fight for territory.”

  “Was he close to Tyson? Or is he just really close to his sister?” It didn’t make sense someone with so little clout would confront his King like that.

  “First cousin to Tyson, but they were raised in the same house for several years. He probably sees Tyson as somewhat of a big brother, or possibly even a father figure, since there’s twelve years between them. I feel his pain, but I can’t let his actions slide without consequences.”

  “I know.” I pulled him into my arms. “I get it.”

  “You’re freezing. Let’s get you upstairs in front of the fireplace.”

  We were partway up the steps when he told me, “Mordecai just arrived in the street. I suppose I should work out a place for the two of you to arrive, but I’ll need to research all my options. Give me six to eight weeks?”

  “I’m not making any demands. You don’t need to ask me for time.”

  “It feels as if I should apologize to Mordecai. Go on into the living room. I’ll step outside and invite him in.”

  Chapter 9


  Nathan was gone a while, outside with Mordecai. I didn’t know what they were talking about, but I had time to build a fire and get toasty before the two alpha-men in my life joined me.

  “You’re strong enough.”

  I stared at Mordecai, trying to figure out what he was telling me.

  “We won’t imprint your new power signature permanently. I’m sorry I underestimated you.”

  “What changed?”

  “You blessed the ground. It’s sacred. Do you have any idea how much power that takes? It’s as if a thousand people meditated there for a hundred years, but you did it in seconds.”

  I must’ve looked confused, because Nathan asked, “You didn’t know?”

  I shook my head. “The word sacred went through my head when I sent energy, but then it felt a little too egotistical, to think I could make anything sacred.”

  “Do you trust us?” Mordecai asked.

  “Both of us. Do you trust both of us,” Nathan clarified.

  Though I’m not sure he clarified anything, because I still needed to be sure of what they were asking.

  “You’re saying you want me to...” I’m not often at a loss for words, but I couldn’t seem to speak in complete sentences. “...both of you? Together?”

  They walked to me and each man grasped a hand. “Take us to Alfheim,” Mordecai told me.

  “This needs to happen in your new realm,” Nathan added.

  I stared at both of them, unsure, and Mordecai said, “I’d like this first time with your new powers to incorporate both of us. Would you rather choose who goes first?”

  Well, when he put it that way, I kind of had to go with both, didn’t I? If I’d had to choose that morning, it would’ve easily been Mordecai, but after going to the funeral with Nathan, no way could I deny the fact we were a couple. Kind of.

  I flashed us to my bedroom, in my castle, in my realm. They were right. This was my place, my territory, and it was fitting I first have sex here as the Harlequin.

  I held a finger up to tell them I needed a moment, and I had a quick telepathic conversation with Zeta, so she could let my guards know what was going on.

  When I was certain we were all set, I dropped my hand to my side and asked my men, “So, I’m what, some kind of virgin? Is sex going to be so different with my new powers?”

  “Only one way to find out,” Mordecai said as he took his shirt off.

  “Shouldn’t we, like, talk about this?” I asked. On the one hand, my heart sped and I was getting all warm, but on the other... both of them? Together?

  Nathan stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “Mordecai and I talked. Your safeword is red. We hope you’ll do as you’re told, but there aren’t any rules. If you aren’t into it, stop us.”

  “The time stuff. Randall’s funeral. I can’t miss it.” Time doesn’t flow the same between realms.

  “I know,” Mordecai assured me. “Phobos is keeping an eye on the time. If we aren’t back in Midgard an hour before the funeral, he’ll alert me.”

  Nathan pinched my right nipple and a low groan escaped my chest. The therapist in me needed to talk about this — Nathan and I had broken up. Shouldn’t we agree to be back together verbally before we had sex? I needed promises from him before I gave him my heart again.

  And was he going to be okay with me and Mordecai? How could I be sure this would work?

  But my libido didn’t give a fuck. My inner submissive pointed out that Nathan was clearly fine with Mordecai, else this wouldn’t be happening with both of them... not to mention the fact I loved Nathan whether I w
anted to admit it or not. He knew what I needed from him, so the fact he was willing to move forward meant he was okay with what he knew I’d want.

  All this went through my head at once. Ideas more than words, but it was what I’d needed to process in order to relax and enjoy.

  I closed my eyes and let Nathan have his way with me — his mouth at my throat, his hands on my breasts, and his hard length at my back. My pulse thundered in my ears.

  Sometimes, Mordecai likes to physically take each piece of clothing off me. He makes a sexy production of it, and it’s equal parts fun and frustration. Other times, he magics them off me all at once.

  So when I suddenly felt air on my body, I opened my eyes and met his gaze. He was naked, too, and my focus shifted to his beautiful cock, standing proud. It’d scared me the first time I saw it. It still does a little, but I wanted it. I wanted him.

  Ordering him to come to me would be counterproductive, so I asked, “Why are you still over there?”

  “I’m enjoying watching you squirm for your lion.”

  He stalked to me, touched my chin, and he took me in a kiss. His lips met mine and opened them, and I let him in. He didn’t have to take me, he already owned me.

  Nathan’s strong fingers tweaked my nipples, and I pushed my naked butt backwards, into him.

  “Mordecai?” Nathan asked it as a question, but without waiting for an answer, he said, “I don’t think I’ll mind you doing away with my clothes, so long as they’re close enough I can get to them when we finish.”

  I’m honestly not sure how we made it to the bed. I remember being turned, so Nathan kissed me while Mordecai played with me from behind, and my next memory is of me on my back on the bed, Nathan’s mouth and tongue doing heavenly things between my legs, and Mordecai torturing my nipples with his strong fingers — pulling, pinching, squeezing, twisting.

  They changed out, and Mordecai licked and drove me crazy while Nathan used the tip of his belt on my breasts, beating, slapping, and — possibly the most painful of all — catching just the tip of the belt on my nipples when he swung.

  For the longest time, one pleasured me while the other hurt me, but they didn’t let me get close to an orgasm. Both men are so possessive, and having them work on me at the same time was so damned overwhelming, I sucked air in as if I were in the final mile of a marathon the entire time.

  Eventually, I found myself getting face-fucked by Mordecai while Nathan belted my ass — and then they changed places, but Mordecai alternated with a flogger and a cane. I was totally out of control, focused on breathing around the cock in my mouth while the two men claimed me and used me and gave me the pain I craved.

  Mordecai used magic to restrain my hands, and Nathan controlled my head while he fucked my mouth. I had to fight to breathe when his cock wasn’t buried deep. I needed to scream when Mordecai used the cane, but Nathan seemed to like the feel of my throat trying to scream, so he made sure he was buried when the cruel cane impacted my ass and I came unglued.

  When they switched again, Mordecai levitated me in the air with my hands holding my wrists over my head like some macabre ballet dancer.

  And this time, one flogged my breasts while the other belted my ass, and they swapped out every five or ten minutes.

  Tears streamed down my face. At times, they’d work in concert, as if they were hitting me to some music they could hear and I couldn’t. Other times, it was as if one was listening to a ballad while the other listened to a jitterbug — totally different beats, and they never matched up.

  I cried. I screamed. I begged to come — but I never asked them to stop, and never considered using my safeword. These men knew how to give the most delicious pain. They made me want more, and more, and more.

  And then they moved in. Sandwiching me. Nathan at my front; Mordecai at my back. No one had fingered my pussy or ass. Nothing more than a tongue had been in either hole, and now their huge, thick cocks pressed in. My ass seemed to be well lubed — I assumed with Mordecai’s magic, but I didn’t really care. His dick spread me wider than I could handle without prep, and the stretch and burn were overwhelming and too much, but I was slippery, at least.

  My legs had been straight and under me, though spread slightly, while they beat me. Now, Mordecai brought them up by the knees, like I was a damned marionette he could pose.

  Which, I suppose I was exactly that. Sure, I could’ve stepped out, probably. Maybe. It’s possible he’d fixed it so I couldn’t. It didn’t matter though, because I didn’t want to.

  With my legs bent and lifted, both men had a better angle, and better access, and they pressed in at the same time. Filling me, spreading me, and hurting me beautifully. I’d never felt so owned. So loved. So submissive. It was the most beautiful agony.

  Part of me wanted them to slam in and force me to take them all at once, but they took their time pressing in. Nathan coached me, reminding me to breathe when I forgot, his gaze on mine, demanding I open my eyes so he could see me while I was stretched by two dicks. Meanwhile, Mordecai’s mouth was at my ear, giving extra pointers while Nathan held my gaze. I breathed when they told me to. I relaxed my toes and wiggled them. I squeezed my pussy and ass for ten seconds, relaxed them for ten seconds. Next time, it was a count of twenty. Eventually, they demanded I hold the squeeze to a count of forty, and when I couldn’t, Nathan squeezed my nipples while Mordecai pinched the fuck out of my clit for forty seconds. I screamed and begged for relief from this, though I hadn’t when they’d beat me.

  The next time they demanded I squeeze around them and hold — I found a reserve of energy and made it happen.

  And then, finally, they started fucking me in earnest. Hard, fast, and without mercy. At first, they were both inside at the same time, and then both nearly out. I was millimeters from an orgasm when they both slammed inside and held a few seconds, but Mordecai had told me I didn’t have permission, so I held onto my orgasm — but barely.

  Eventually, one was pressing in while the other pulled out, and I was always full. My world consisted of the cocks repeatedly ramming into my pussy and ass. No end. No relief. Spread wide, and so much friction. My arms were still immobilized over my head. My body frozen like a statue. The only muscles I had control of were my pussy and ass muscles, but they were exhausted from having to squeeze them closed earlier — and now, they were held open while two huge cocks rammed in and out, over and over.

  I needed to orgasm. I needed relief. I thought I’d go crazy, and then both men ordered me to come at the same time, and my body obeyed.

  I can’t explain exactly what happened. It wasn’t the first time I’d experienced an energy transfer during orgasm, but those were a tiny splinter compared to a giant redwood tree. I felt everyone in the castle, the dungeons, the nearby villages, and possibly the entire realm. I felt every one of Nathan’s cats, and everyone in Mordecai’s life — who were mostly gods and goddesses.

  My energy tasted them all and merged with those it felt were worthy. Those closest to me got the strongest dose, which meant Nathan, who was facing me, experienced more than anyone else.

  This wasn’t a personal orgasm. Perhaps forty to sixty percent of the Alfheim realm experienced it, and a whole bunch of people in other realms. And somehow, I got the feedback of every person. It was if I experienced thousands of orgasms all at once, and in the back of my head, I worried my heart would give out as it galloped in my chest, trying to supply enough blood to keep me conscious.

  I think Mordecai levitated all three of us to the bed. I know he put cool towels on my forehead and Nathan’s when it was over. I wanted to be able to take care of Nathan, but I could only lie beside him, gasp for air, and hope to gain control of my limbs soon.

  How can one describe pure bliss times thousands?

  Chapter 10


  Mordecai had warned me, but I hadn’t taken him seriously.

  The day before, he’d thought sex with her would be risky because we might flavor her energy with
ours. So when he’d told me he worried her energy might, instead, overtake ours during orgasm, I hadn’t truly believed him. I mean, it wasn’t as if I thought he was lying, but rather, covering his own ass so he could say he’d warned me in the event her power was stronger than he thought.

  I’d even volunteered to be at her front. I’d thought he was trying to get her pussy this first time, and I wanted that position.

  In reality, he’d been discussing logistics, and I’d been worried about who got to look in her eyes and take her. I wanted to see into her soul. I wanted her memories of that first time to be of my eyes, my voice, my orders to open her eyes and let me see inside her.

  And I got that, but then I’d received so much more.

  There was no other way to say it. I was whammied by the Harlequin. I’d thought I was in control, not allowing an orgasm until I was ready for her to pop, and then ordering it.

  She’d asked me earlier if I could handle my girlfriend being more powerful than me. Okay, so she hadn’t put it in those words, but the question was there. Or maybe she hadn’t asked it at all, but I’d heard it.

  I needed to move, but still couldn’t. Another attempt at taking a deep breath failed — my muscles weren’t following orders yet. It was as if they were so saturated with bliss, they were punch-drunk. My involuntary systems were keeping me alive, but not alert.

  Mordecai settled a cold cloth on my head and I wanted to rail at him for treating me like an invalid, but it helped. I focused on the temperature difference until I could think straight, and then connected with the lions in this realm. I finally sucked in a deep breath, blew it out, and sat up.

  The room swam, but no way was I going to lie back down. I was up and I was staying up.

  “Hard-headed lion,” Kirsten said, her eyes closed, her body totally relaxed. “Lay the fuck down with me a few more minutes. Enjoy the bliss. Don’t fight it.”


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