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Give Love a Chance [Willow Springs 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 2

by Lee Rose

  He got in his truck and slammed the door hard, but it didn’t make him feel any better. Damn, that woman drove him nuts, but she was embedded deep in his heart, and there was no turning back. Come hell or high water, he would fix things between them.

  * * * *

  Noelle sat in her car waiting for her hands to stop shaking so she could start her car. She unconsciously put her hands across her stomach, remembering the night she miscarried the baby she conceived with Chance. Not that he knew of her pregnancy. He had left town by the time she got brave enough to take a test. She had wanted the baby so much, but it had been another broken dream.

  She hoped never to see Chance Brooks again, but at the same time, she knew it was inevitable. This was also his hometown. She thought about moving away and starting over somewhere new. Maybe she should seriously consider it now. Carly was still around making her hatred for Noelle obvious and spreading her stories. Noelle wasn’t sure how much of Carly’s story was made up and how much was real. She was afraid to put her trust in Chance again. His sudden reappearance really messed with her emotions. She liked having them under control, not all over the place.

  She was just convincing herself she could live without Chance Brooks. Last weekend she had gone out with Quinn to a new dance club outside of town, The Red Barn. She had found herself genuinely smiling. Not the fake, strained smiles everyone was used to seeing on her. She laughed, danced, and truly enjoyed herself. She had even slow danced with a few sexy cowboys. She wasn’t ready to engage in sex yet, but she was able to have fun again and allow herself to relax. What if Chance’s presence ruined her road to recovery? She had worked hard to just arrive at this place where she was sort of sleeping and eating occasionally.

  Facing him had been harder than she had imagined. She had thought months apart would make her stronger, able to resist him. It hadn’t. He looked tired but still ruggedly handsome. His blond hair was cut military short, and his brown eyes had been filled with determination. That determination would have been appreciated before. Now it was too late. He had stood so close to her. Her pulse had started racing with excitement, and her chest felt like it would burst open. All she had wanted to do was throw herself in his arms and sob with joy that he was safe. She did not want to put herself in any triangle love story though. According to Carly, they loved each other, and Noelle should stay away from him. Like she wanted to open herself up to all that devastation and chaos. She worked so hard to get Chance out of her heart, and she would not break down the wall she built.

  She had wanted to believe that Chance would love her forever. She had been so foolish and naive. Her own parents had not loved her. Love was just a fairytale.

  After about ten minutes, she was able to start her car and drive home. She wanted to forget about Chance if she could. Her greatest fear was that it would be an impossible task.

  Chapter 2

  “He has a lot of nerve to just surprise you out of the blue like that, Noelle.” Quinn Parker, Noelle’s best friend, shook her head in outrage the next day. She was cleaning the store windows of Noelle’s Nook, Noelle’s clothing store in the downtown district of the small rural town in Missouri. Quinn’s long, red ponytail swayed as she scrubbed the window until it was shiny. She worked for Noelle since the store opened three years ago. Noelle would be lost without Quinn. Not only was Quinn a loyal friend, but she helped Noelle a lot with the business, too. Quinn had gone to college and majored in business. Noelle just learned things on her own.

  “Yeah. It caught me off guard,” Noelle admitted, feeling a little calmer now that she had time to process his return. She had always known Chance would return sooner or later. He always did. Willow Springs was his hometown, too. Only now it felt too small for the both of them, or should she say the three of them? She would never be able to handle Chance and Carly being a couple.

  “Did you tell him to fuck off and take his slut with him?” Quinn arched her eyebrow at Noelle. Quinn was blunt and open. Noelle liked that about her. Quinn was also a good listener. Noelle would not trust any other person with her feelings.

  Noelle let out a genuine laugh despite how upset she was. “Not exactly, but I did think it in my head. Instead, I was cool and mature.”

  Quinn made a face letting Noelle know she didn’t think that had been the way to deal with Chance. Quinn was outspoken in a way Noelle could never be. Noelle didn’t do confrontation well. She tended to shy away instead.

  “Let that jerk come in here and I’ll gladly tell him for you,” Quinn assured her. She hated Chance for hurting Noelle in such a public way. Noelle wanted to hate Chance too but she couldn’t. She would never allow herself to trust in him, but hate was too hard of a burden to carry.

  Noelle was making a new display in the window of all the latest bathing suits and cute outfits for the upcoming summer season. She loved owning her own business. Fashion had always interested her, and getting the idea to open a boutique allowed her to be her own boss. After three years, the store was doing very well. She was even thinking of expanding into men’s clothes. Willow Springs was a small town but had enough people to make her store a popular place to shop for those who didn’t want to drive the forty-five minutes into the nearest city.

  “I’m not sure how to handle it,” Noelle said honestly. She picked a few of her favorite strapless dresses to put on the mannequins as she talked. Keeping busy helped her keep her cool. “I feel like I am finally healing, and I don’t want to mess that up by trusting in him again. Being hurt isn’t all that much fun.”

  Quinn sighed and set the cleaning equipment down. She watched Noelle dress the mannequin. Quinn was wearing a navy blue strapless dress that was exactly like the one Noelle was putting in the window. Quinn had a white sweater over it because the spring air was still chilly at times. “I know you really loved him, Noelle. That love almost destroyed you, too,” Quinn reminded her. “Don’t jump into any quick decisions about anything. If Chance is sincere in fixing things between you two, he will be patient until you have time to think. Don’t rush into anything.”

  Noelle took a minute to make sure she liked the outfits she picked out. After making sure she was satisfied with the display, she turned to Quinn.

  “I did love him, but that’s what is scary. I gave him my trust and he betrayed me with Carly. After months of making me feel stupid and petty about her flirting with him, he betrays me, with her of all women. That almost made the situation more painful. I don’t know if he can fix this, Quinn. The wound is too deep. I prepared myself for facing him again, but it’s not the same in your head as it is in person.”

  Quinn looked sympathetic. Her green eyes were filled with emotion. Noelle knew Quinn had a bad breakup in the past and had hardened her heart to romance. Quinn was levelheaded when it came to dating. Why couldn’t she be as strong as Quinn? Quinn frowned. “The problem is, men see a small blonde woman who knows how to be manipulative and they lose whatever brain cells they did have. Carly is a master manipulator. Men are not so smart.”

  “That is true.” Noelle snorted. She did all she could to avoid Carly these days. She worked and went home. She avoided town, unless it was absolutely necessary. Carly, however, hung out and told any person willing to listen her grand stories.

  Noelle liked keeping busy, so she had no time to think or dwell on the past. Noelle’s Nook had become her salvation. It gave her security, something she didn’t have a lot of growing up. Her parents had been too busy fighting with each other to pay attention to her needs. She had been ignored mostly.

  Since it was a small rural town, everyone knew or heard about the drama between her, Chance, and Carly. Everywhere she went people bugged her for juicy details. It didn’t help that Carly enjoyed having the spotlight on her. Her story grew bigger by the day. According to her, she had a grand love with Chance Brooks, and Noelle was the one trying to keep them apart. What bullshit. Noelle had not spoken to Chance since the night at the bar. Noelle often wondered if Carly believed her own fair
y tales. Noelle wondered how much was true and how much was in Carly’s head. The gossip grew, but Noelle did her best to not add to it by engaging Carly. People finally gave up trying to get information out of her and left her alone. She was afraid it would start up all over again once Chance showed his face in town.

  “I was very naive buying into the whole true love fantasy,” Noelle admitted. She felt like a fool now. Never again would she put herself into that position. She felt broken inside. Love was a painful thing. Hopefully she would be wiser and stronger this time. “Every woman wants to believe she can change a man, but that’s just a myth. You can’t change a person. They have to do that themselves.”

  “Very wise.” Quinn agreed. “I for one don’t plan on falling in that trap ever again. I am staying footloose and fancy free.”

  Noelle laughed. One day a man would sweep Quinn off of her feet. She was beautiful and bubbly. Noelle’s only wish was that whoever that man was he didn’t hurt Quinn. Heartbreak was painful and never went away completely.

  Quinn stopped smiling. “Did you tell him about the baby?” Quinn had done her best to help Noelle through the grieving process.

  Noelle felt the familiar pain in her chest. She almost put her hand on her stomach as she often did when she mourned the loss. “Not yet. I was so shocked by his sudden appearance. I will. Later.” Much later.

  * * * *

  Chance looked at his mom, Polly Brooks, across the dinner table. He had missed her so much. Polly always had a way to make him feel calm and loved. The house had not changed at all over the years. It filled him with warmth and familiarity. He had spent many happy years of his childhood living here. His dad had been killed by a drunk driver when he was thirteen, but he had many fond memories of his dad, too. He always felt the same sense of home, no matter how long he had been away. He never bothered getting his own place since he was gone for long periods of time.

  “You really ready to retire, son?” his mom asked as if afraid to hope his statement was real. Her brown eyes were focused on his face.

  “I’m tired of traveling to deserts and jungles. I want to stay still. I am ready to find a new path for my life,” he told her between bites of food. “I have an interview with SWAT tomorrow morning in Cole County. You remember Jaxon Steele? We served together in the army. He got shot in the leg last year. They wanted to put him on desk duty.”

  Polly’s smile was filled with humor. She had met Jaxon a few times. He was a wild character. “I bet that didn’t go well.”

  “Not at all,” Chance agreed, thinking of all the fuss Jaxon had shown for that suggestion. “He got me an interview. He really likes the job. This job sounds like it will keep my interest. Jaxon seems to have found a good niche. Maybe I can, too.”

  Polly looked back at him with understanding. When he had arrived last night, he had been exhausted from travelling for two days. He had heated up some food in the microwave and had gone straight to bed. This was their first chance to converse. She knew his only dream had been to join the military and serve his country. She worried but never stopped him from going after his dream. Now he was just tired of never being in one place. He was getting older, and he wanted a wife and a family. He knew Noelle hated him right now, but his new mission was to change that. He planned to show her he did care. She wasn’t just another notch on his bedpost. She had thrown those words out there during their last argument. Maybe he had never spoken words of love out loud, but he had given her his commitment. He had never done that with any other woman.

  “Does this also have to do with Noelle?” she asked him. Chance knew his mother was unhappy with all the rumors floating around town about him, Noelle, and Carly being involved in some kind of love triangle. What bullshit. She had lectured him something fierce before he left for the base. His mom might be petite, but when she gave him a lecture he nodded and said yes, ma’am. Her all-gray hair was short and layered in a trendy style. He knew she was still active in a lot of activities around town. She had retired from being a teacher but didn’t want to sit around getting old.

  “Some,” he admitted, looking down at his plate of meatloaf. His mom was an excellent cook, but his thoughts were preventing him from truly enjoying the meal. “I spent a lot of time thinking about her while I was gone. I love her, Mom. I tried to fight what I was feeling last year. I know I messed it all up, but I want to fix things.”

  He needed a beer, but he wasn’t ready to head into town or Hank’s bar just yet. Hank, his buddy from high school, knew he was home, but Chance told him he needed time before heading to the scene of the crime so to speak. Chase, his other friend, was not taking Chance’s phone calls. He was so angry with him for that horrible scene at the bar. Chase had a soft spot for women.

  Polly’s brown eyes were filled with sympathy. “Carly caused quite the drama, until it was like a three-ring circus out there. All this nonsense of you and her being star-crossed lovers was quite ridiculous, but people ate it up. Poor Noelle handled it all with grace of course, but it took its toll on her physically. She looked so sick for so long. I tried checking up on her a few times, but it was obvious she felt uncomfortable discussing anything with me, so I left her alone.”

  “I never planned for any of it to happen,” he said honestly. He hated himself for drinking so much that night. He never saw Carly as anything but a harmless flirt. She flirted with every man, so Chance never took her seriously. “I made a mistake in not listening to Noelle about Carly wanting to cause trouble between us. I hurt Noelle. She trusted me. I know after her parents she never let anyone close except Quinn.”

  Noelle had turned down his requests for dates at first, but he had broken down her defenses. He fought so hard to date her but not to admit he loved her.

  He looked his mother square in the eyes. “The way she looked at me that night, with such pain and disappointment. My heart ached and I thought if we both cooled down our conversation would go smoother. I never expected to be gone for so long.” He sighed, picking at his food once again. “One drunk moment in the bar cost me everything. I loved Noelle, but I didn’t appreciate what we had. I had trouble thinking long term. I just thought about what I wanted, my career. I wanted Noelle waiting for me, but I never thought what all that waiting was doing to her.”

  Polly looked at him. Understanding showed in her brown eyes. “I believe you, Chance. It is a hard life. It might be hard to get Noelle to forgive you, but nothing easy is ever worth it.”

  “I never liked Carly Sanders,” Polly admitted with a loud sigh. “Carly’s mother Louisa is such a snob because she has the looks and married a city councilman. I suppose she taught her daughter to be the same way, vain. Carly’s smile was too perfect and too fake. She relished in all the gossip. The more it hurt Noelle, the happier she became.”

  He had underestimated Carly it seemed. Never again would he make the same mistake twice. His appetite disappeared completely. He had been traveling for two days to get home.

  He took his plate to the sink and yawned. “I think I am going to call it a night. I still feel like I haven’t caught up with my sleep. I have to be up early for my interview tomorrow.”

  He kissed his mom’s cheek and headed for his old bedroom. After he showered and changed clothes, he sat on his bed. A picture of him and Noelle lying under the stars entered his head. They were both sweaty after their lovemaking. He remembered that night like it was yesterday. He had never felt so content. He didn’t want their time to end, and he pushed his fears away and just looked at her. Her smile had been happy and genuine. He never realized what he had until he lost it. His plan was to see her look that way again. No matter how long it took.

  Chapter 3

  Noelle turned off the lights to the store and shook the door handle to make sure she locked it properly. It had been another long day, and she was looking forward to having the weekend off. Quinn would handle the store alone on Saturday. Then the store was closed on Sundays. Noelle planned to sleep late and lounge around her
apartment. Maybe catch up on a few chores and work in the garden.

  All day she had been feeling like she was being watched, but she kept it to herself. Maybe it was just knowing that Chance was back, and she wasn’t sure when she would run into him again. She was sure the possibility of Chance stopping by the store had caused a lot of her customers to stop by in hopes they would witness a scene. They had been disappointed. Four days and she had not seen one sign of him. She told herself she didn’t care, but she knew deep inside she did. She pictured him with Carly, and the jealousy was painful. What if he had slept with Carly? Men weren’t known for their faithfulness. She hated thinking so cynically, but she couldn’t help it.

  After checking the lock, she turned around and found herself up against a hard chest.

  “Ump,” she muttered, looking up into Chance’s warm, brown eyes. He looked her up and down as if he had missed seeing her. Her body came back alive just like that. What a traitor her body was. She flinched and turned her face away. She had a few days to prepare herself for seeing him again, yet she still felt unprepared. She wanted to ask him if he’d been to see Carly already, but she forced herself to stay away from those kinds of questions. In the past, they led to huge, ugly arguments. She was not going there again.

  “Why do we keep running into each other? I know you’re not interested in buying women’s clothes.” Her face paled, and she felt dizzy. She blinked her eyes a few times and looked at his face, trying to read his agenda.

  “I hope you are not here to buy Carly clothes. I’d refuse to sell you any.” She gasped with pain at the thought.

  Chance cursed under his breath. He gripped her shoulders and squeezed. His brown eyes bore into her hazel ones. His eyes were filled with unbelief and a hint of anger. “Do you really think I am that low?”


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