Give Love a Chance [Willow Springs 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Give Love a Chance [Willow Springs 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Lee Rose

  Chance felt Noelle tense up beside him, and he wanted to strangle Carly. “Carly, you need help. Do you actually believe all the lies that fall out of your mouth?”

  Carly looked at Noelle. “Afraid the princess will break it off with you again. I can’t believe she took you back after you cheated on her with me.”

  “Get lost, Carly. You are so drunk. I can smell the liquor ten feet away,” Chase told her firmly, sounding fed up. “I hope you are not intending to drive.”

  “Want to give me a ticket, deputy?” Carly snorted, looking unafraid. “This is outside of the city limits. You have no say here.”

  A blonde girl came up behind Carly. She looked at the group and swallowed nervously. “Come on, Carly. We’re heading out to Lance’s house.”

  Carly looked annoyed by the interruption. “Go without me. Chance will take me home.”

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Chance stated, looking at her like she lost her mind. “Go with your friends, Carly, and leave us alone.”

  The blonde gave them an apologetic look and dragged the cursing Carly away.

  Hank shook his head. “That girl is demented. I would watch my back if I were you, Chance.”

  Noelle rubbed her arms as if she was afraid. Chance hugged her. “I won’t let her hurt you ever again, Noelle. You don’t believe her, do you?”

  Noelle shook her head. “I saw a crazy look in her eyes I never saw before. Maybe I was so busy being jealous I didn’t notice.”

  “Maybe she is drinking heavier than she was before. I have heard the rumors, but I try not to listen to gossip.” Quinn spoke up, setting her empty drink glass down. She looked just as worried as Noelle. Chance hated that Carly ruined their good vibes.

  “She had her license taken away for DUIs. Her stepdad had us keep it all hush hush. He was afraid it would hurt his chair on the city council.” Chase frowned. “She belongs in a rehab center, but her parents are too worried about their positions in this town to care.”

  “I am sorry she showed up to ruin the night.” Chance held on to Noelle’s hand and was so relieved when she didn’t pull away. It was progress. He linked their fingers together.

  Noelle smiled. “I did have a fun night. I haven’t laughed in a while.”

  Noelle looked at Quinn. “Maybe we should call a cab. I heard it takes a while for them to get out here.”

  Chance jumped at the chance to spend more time with Noelle. “Let me take you home on the bike, Noelle.”

  Her eyes widened. She looked down at her tight purple dress. “In my dress and heels?”

  “It’s a short ride. I always have an extra helmet, and I will even let you wear my jacket,” he offered.

  “What about Quinn? I don’t want to leave her in a cab alone.” Noelle looked undecided. Chase spoke up. “I can give her a ride home. We live in the same apartment building.”

  “Yeah. He is my annoying neighbor across the hall.” Quinn smiled at Chase. “He is not a morning person.”

  “You talk through the whole elevator ride. You never even breathe and give me a chance to respond,” he complained, but without any heat.

  Chance looked at them with curiosity. He could see an obvious attraction between the two. He’d have to ask Chase about it later.

  Noelle hopped off of the stool. “Sounds like we have a ride home, then.”

  Chance kept her close to his body in case Carly was out there lurking around. He was going to have to keep his eyes open. He and Carly hurt Noelle once. He was not going to let it happen again.

  Chapter 7

  Quinn stretched her arms up in the air and yawned. Her hair was loose around her face. The temperature was warm today, and they were both wearing shorts and T-shirts. “Last night was fun.”

  Noelle couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah. Except for Carly showing up it was. I am glad you talked me into it.”

  “The motorcycle ride was amazing. I think I found my new hobby.” Quinn grinned cheekily.

  “Riding the motorcycle, or Chase?” Noelle teased.

  Quinn blushed and swatted Noelle’s arm playfully.

  It felt good to feel normal again. She wasn’t feeling depressed or agonizing over where Chance was and who with. They weren’t a couple, so it took the stress off of her a bit.

  “You didn’t fall for Carly’s lies, did you?” Quinn asked with a frown. “I could see Chance’s anger, but he was trying to be cool. Carly is mentally unstable if you ask me.”

  “No, I didn’t,” Noelle admitted. Jealousy clouded your view. She realized that now. “I think I was so insecure in my relationship with Chance. I knew I loved him, but he never gave me the words or made me feel like he took us seriously. With Carly flirting and constantly touching him all I saw was red. I was never calm enough to think straight. Jealousy is an awful thing. Now I can see Carly needs help, not anger.”

  Quinn nodded with understanding. “He should have treated her like he did last night, letting her know he wasn’t putting up with her nonsense. Maybe that scene that broke you up would never have happened.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed. “He was too nice to Carly. He smiled at her and laughed at her jokes. She always had her hand on his arm like he belonged to her, and he never pushed her away. I never noticed how much she drank. It’s very sad.”

  “He never took your concerns seriously. That had to make you feel hurt,” Quinn reminded her as they waited for customers to walk in. The morning had been busy, but now it was lunchtime and slow. “He made you feel childish for letting him know how much she bothered you. I see a change in him now. Maybe he realized how important you are to him.”

  “Maybe.” She had enjoyed spending time with him. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed his company. Even Chase seemed slightly friendlier toward her. Hank had always been nice to her. Last night was nice, but did that mean she should risk her heart again? What if she couldn’t recover a second time? That is what scared her and made her hesitate.

  She made an effort to get her mind on business. Thinking about Chance confused her.

  “So what do you think of my idea to have a fashion show to drum up more business? I have a lot of cute summer outfits in mind,” Noelle asked Quinn. She could not spend all day thinking of Chance.

  “I like the idea,” Quinn answered honestly. “We could allow the models to keep one or two outfits in lieu of paying them money. We can make flyers and put an ad in the paper.”

  “Or we could just tell Hattie and let her spread the news,” Noelle said in a joking manner, making Quinn laugh.

  Before Quinn could form an answer, they heard the window shatter. Noelle and Quinn screamed in fright. Quinn threw herself to the ground and covered her head as if it was a drive-by. Noelle took shelter behind a clothes rack, bending low. Her heart was thumping in her chest so hard.

  “What the hell was that?” Quinn shouted after a few seconds when nothing else happened. She peeked her head over the counter slightly.

  Noelle looked around and found a brick on the carpeted floor. She wasn’t sure if she should pick it up. Her heart was racing frantically, and she had to breathe through her nose to calm herself down. She stood back up and looked outside. Cars drove by, and she saw a man on his phone. She hoped he dialed the police. “Someone threw this brick through the window. Should I pick it up?”

  Quinn looked pale and shaken as she stood up, too. “Better not. What if it has fingerprints or something?”

  Noelle was still shaking as she looked outside. She didn’t see anyone suspicious, but then again she was sure whoever it was would not stick around and wait to be discovered.

  Mr. Sanchez from next door came running in. He looked at the broken window with wide, shocked eyes. “One of my customers heard the glass breaking. What happened?”

  Quinn came to stand by Noelle. She pointed to the brick. “Some jerk threw that through the window, Mr. Sanchez. Scared us good. I thought it was a drive-by.”

  Mr. Sanchez shook his graying head in confu
sion. “I had a few customers in the store and didn’t see anything. Who would do this in broad daylight?”

  Noelle wanted to call Chance, but she refrained. He was just a friend, and she could not burden him with her problems. It wouldn’t be right. She would be sending mixed signals.

  “I am just glad the store was empty of customers. This could have been so much worse.” Noelle frowned, feeling shaky as she rubbed her cold arms. “I think someone outside called the police.”

  “I’ll have my son come over and help you clean up.” His young teenaged son, Jesse, often helped him out after school.

  “Thank you, Mr. Sanchez.” Noelle gave him a shaky smile as he left.

  Ten minutes later, a police car pulled up and parked in front of the store. Chase entered, looking them both over for injuries. He looked worried.

  “You girls okay? Someone called and said someone vandalized the store. I had no idea what I would find,” he said. Noelle noticed his eyes lingered on Quinn for more than necessary, but Quinn seemed oblivious.

  Noelle explained what occurred. She felt a bit calmer now that he was here. He picked up the brick and turned it over. On the brick in sloppy red letters was one word. Homewrecker.

  Noelle looked at it, feeling confused. She looked at Chase. “I don’t understand. I am a single woman. I am not involved with a married man or any man.”

  Chase looked angry. “Chance.”

  “What?” She looked at him with confusion. “Chance and I are friends, and he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Does he?”

  Chase looked at her patiently. “In Carly’s head you are the interloper. I know she has been calling his house several times a day, and Hank had to ban her from the bar because she was harassing him to find information on Chance. Has she been in contact with you, Noelle, other than last night?”

  Noelle gasped loudly, and Quinn hung on to her arm for support. The idea that Carly did this scared her. Noelle shook her head no. “When Chance first left town, she confronted me a few times, told me to stay away from her man. She claimed Chance was sending for her.”

  “Bullshit,” Chase grumbled, looking angry. “She is a spoiled bitch, and I blame her parents.”

  “Have you seen anything or anyone suspicious?” Chase asked both of them.

  “I have felt like I was being watched a few times. I put it down to my imagination over stress.” Noelle had to go sit on the stool behind the counter. Her legs felt weak and wobbly. Was Carly watching her? How creepy that would be.

  “We had a few hang-up phone calls, but I didn’t think anything of it either. You think Carly is dangerous?” Quinn added, putting a hand over her mouth in fright. Chase set the brick down and pulled Quinn close. Quinn leaned against him for a few seconds before pulling away.

  “I’ll get a broom,” she said nervously.

  “I’ll have a report typed out for your insurance company by the end of the day,” Chase said, looking to where Quinn had disappeared. He picked up the brick to take with him.

  “If you feel scared, call me or Chance,” he said seriously. “Don’t let pride stand in the way of your safety, Noelle. I am going to see where Carly is.”

  She nodded and watched him cross the street to where the dry cleaners was. He was probably going to see if they saw anything.

  “I doubt they will find any prints.” Quinn sighed coming out of the backroom with a broom and dustpan. “If this was Carly, she has crossed the line. Rumors is one thing, but vandalism takes it to another level.”

  Noelle agreed, feeling aggravated. Fixing the window would be a big expense for her, not to mention the fear she now had. Carly had crossed a line here. Was this retaliation for Chance being stern with Carly?

  * * * *

  Chance had to breathe in and out a few times after he got Chase’s phone call. He wanted to hunt Carly down, but his temper was out of control. He was also angry and hurt that Noelle had not called him herself. Even though he didn’t like being stuck in friend mode, she had to know she could count on him. He felt optimistic, but Carly was going to ruin everything.

  Chance parked his car down the block and got out. When he got to the store, he saw her shattered window. He surveyed the mess inside the store all over the carpet and stepped over a large pile of glass. Noelle and Quinn looked up, startled by the ringing over the door when he entered. Noelle had a broom in her hand, and she looked pale. She looked up. “Chance? What are you doing here?” Her voice was low and shaky. He hated the look of fear in her eyes. He hugged her to him and felt her body tremble. The broom fell to the floor.

  “Why didn’t you call me? Chase let me know what was going on.” She burrowed into his body, and he wanted to keep her this way forever. He could hear her sniffing as if trying to hold in her tears and be brave. Obviously it shook her up.

  “I thought you were at work. I didn’t want to bother you.” Noelle stepped back, and he missed having her in his arms.

  Quinn spoke up, sounding more furious than afraid. “Some idiot threw a brick through the window about thirty minutes ago. Chase thinks it was Carly. I doubt she will confess though. She’ll just play stupid.”

  Chance’s fury rose another level. Was this because he rejected her in front of everyone?

  Quinn went to go and get the vacuum cleaner. Chance grabbed the broom from the floor.

  “Next time, call me, Noelle,” he said firmly, looking at her hazel eyes that were shining with unshed tears. “You are important to me, and I will be here for you. I was serious about that.”

  “You never believed me before, Chance. You told me I was immature any time I told you Carly wasn’t so innocent,” she explained. “We have been getting along so well I didn’t want to ruin it by causing an argument.”

  Chance’s gut felt like it was tied up in knots. Regret burned through his stomach. “I will believe you from now on, Noelle.”

  Quinn came back and vacuumed the carpeted floor while he picked up the large glass pile with the dust pan.

  “Let’s see if we can board up this window for tonight,” Chance said. “Call Steve Nelson. He’ll come by first thing in the morning. He is an honest guy.”

  Mr. Sanchez’s son Jesse came in to the store. “Miss Carrington, Dad says he has extra wood in the back of the store you can have.”

  “Thank you, Jesse.” Noelle smiled at the teen boy. He looked to be about sixteen.

  Chance smiled at the boy. He shook hands with him. “Hey, Jesse. I haven’t seen you at the gym lately. Did my slaughtering you at basketball scare you away, son?”

  Jesse laughed, obviously knowing Chance. “Yeah right. You beat me by three points. My dad had someone quit on him. I have been here lately,” Jesse complained. “Do you know how boring it is to talk wood and screws for hours? How can I practice for the basketball team if I am stuck here all day?”

  Chance patted Jesse on the back. “Cheer up, kid. Your dad will hire someone soon. Let’s go take a look at this wood.”

  Chance looked at Noelle. “Be right back, angel.”

  Chance and Jesse walked to the store and to the backroom. Piles of wood panels were stacked on shelves.

  “Hey, kid. I’d really appreciate it if once in a while you could look in on Noelle and make sure she is okay,” Chance said to him. He hated knowing he couldn’t be here with her all day. He doubted Noelle would like that anyway. He had a bad feeling in his gut about this whole thing. He heard people saying Carly was drinking heavily. Had the alcohol warped her mind? He had no idea if it was true, but it did put fear into him.

  Jesse grinned widely. “Sure. A lot of the high school girls go shopping there. Now I have an excuse to play the big, tough guard.” He put his arms up to show off his muscles.

  Chance rolled his eyes, but he knew Jesse would call him if something went down.

  Getting Noelle back was going to be his greatest mission. He had to do it soon.

  Chapter 8

  Chance went to see Carly at her parent’s home on his next day off. Th
ey had a large estate just outside of the city limits. Her stepfather was on the city council and liked to have the best of everything. A huge house and the latest cars. Chance never spoke to the man himself. They were snobby and didn’t have many fans in Willow Springs.

  “I knew you would come looking for me.” Carly smiled happily, sitting on the porch swing next to him. It was awkward since there was nowhere else to sit. Her skirt was hiked up higher than necessary to show off her thighs. He kept his eyes on her face.

  “I knew you returned my feelings.” Her eyes were red, but he couldn’t smell any alcohol on her breath. Her skin looked pale and unhealthy, and her blonde hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. She looked hungover.

  “That is not why I am here, Carly,” he stated firmly. “I want to make it clear to you again. You kissed me at the bar six months ago, and I should have pushed you away sooner. I was drunk and taken by surprise. I told you this that night when I apologized. I love Noelle, and I don’t like all the lies you have been spreading about me and you.”

  “What lies?” She gave him an innocent look, but he wasn’t falling for it. He would not allow her to continue to torment Noelle because of some obsession she had with him. He had been nice seeing her as a harmless flirt. Those days were over.

  “Don’t act stupid, Carly,” he snapped. “Stop telling people there was something between us. I am ashamed of my part in all of this, but even if Noelle never takes me back there will never be an ‘us.’ If you even think of going near Noelle or her store you will deal with me. I make a bad enemy, Carly.”

  She scooted close to him and tried to kiss him. He moved his head, and her lips landed on his cheek. He put a hand up stopping her. “Did you just not hear what I had to say?”

  “You can’t mean it.” Carly looked confused. She blinked a few times. “I am so much prettier than Noelle. I am more sexually experienced. A tiger like you doesn’t deserve a mouse in his bed. You wanted me, Chance, but your honor got in the way. You are single now, and there is nothing to stop us from getting together.”


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