Give Love a Chance [Willow Springs 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Give Love a Chance [Willow Springs 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Lee Rose

  Chance sighed and shook his head with exasperation. She needed some serious help. He should have spoken with Robert, her stepdad, instead of wasting his time trying to be reasonable with Carly. He could see it was doing no good.

  “I see you for the manipulative brat you are, Carly. Stop drinking and dry out. Your mind is being affected, and that is not good,” he told her seriously. He felt sorry for her but that didn’t mean he would allow her to make Noelle’s life miserable.

  He stood up to leave, ignoring her gasp of outrage. He headed for his car, ignoring the filthy curse words she was hurling in his directions. He got his point across.

  * * * *

  Noelle checked her windows and doors one more time. Ever since the incident with her window yesterday, she had been feeling nervous. Chance called her several times to check up on her. She was tempted to ask him to keep her company, but she was afraid she would always need to have him near. A knock on her door startled her. She made sure to look through the peephole.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Chance. Noelle couldn’t help but fix her hair and straighten her T-shirt before opening the door. “Chance. Hi, this is a surprise.”

  He smiled and held a large pizza box in his hand. “I thought I would bribe you with your favorite pizza from Geno’s.”

  “Italian sausage and extra cheese?” She opened the door wide and motioned him inside.

  He stepped in, placing the box on her coffee table. He knew she never used the dining room since it was just her.

  “Is there any other kind?” he teased.

  She sat next to him on the couch feeling sloppy in her pink shorts and matching tank top. Her hair was loose, and her face was free of any makeup. “I don’t think so.”

  “Mom went to see a movie, so I thought we could eat together,” he said, opening the box. She took a deep breath and inhaled the smell. “Mmm. You just talked me into it.”

  He grabbed a piece. “What you watching?” He glanced at the TV. She didn’t want to admit she had it on because the house was too quiet and spooky. He would just think she was being silly.

  “I don’t know. I was just dozing on the couch.” She bit into the pizza and closed her eyes.

  “So good.”

  “Are you feeling nervous after what happened at the store?” he asked after she got up to get two cans of cold soda for them. He grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels.

  “Maybe.” She looked away from him, hoping to not sound like a frightened little girl.

  He reached over and put his hand on her thigh. His bare hand on her bare skin tingled. She started feeling hot in a very sensitive area. It had been months since she felt his touch. “It’s normal to be spooked by something like that, Noelle. Chase told me you felt like someone was watching you. I know you still have doubts about us being together, but you have to know I would never let you come to any harm. Even if we never get back together I will always be around for you.”

  She blinked back a few tears and cleared her throat so she could speak. “Thank you, Chance. That means a lot to me.”

  “You call me or Chase next time you feel anything weird.” He scooted back and leaned against her couch cushions. He found a program on the Discovery channel he knew they would both like. She thought of the many times they started watching TV but never made it through an entire episode with making love on the couch. Damn it, she didn’t need to get all hot and bothered when she could do nothing about it. Even her vibrator had failed her long ago, and she finally got rid of it.

  “Tonight, you rest. I don’t have to be in until noon tomorrow. I will crash on the couch and be your bodyguard,” he said, grabbing a second slice. He gave her a sideways look of humor. “Unless your bed is cold and lonely.”

  Noelle let out a laugh and rolled her eyes. “You are just so sweet and noble.” He quickly agreed. Noelle finished off her slice of pizza. She gave him a serious look. “You don’t have to babysit me. I check my windows and doors constantly.”

  He gave her a knowing look. “And probably don’t sleep eight hours because of it. I am staying, so no arguments.”

  She nodded, although she was feeling anything but friendly. She wanted to order him to strip down to nothing. She kept quiet.

  She finished her second slice and decided she had had enough. She grabbed the small blanket to cover her feet. Chance scooted her close to him. She laid her head on his chest, feeling safe and warm. She didn’t even pay attention to the TV show. She listened to the steady beat of his heart. With Chance here, she could sleep peacefully tonight. Chance would protect her if Carly decided to try anything.

  Noelle wasn’t sure how long she slept before she felt Chance move away from her. She stirred and yawned. “What is going on?” she whispered. Her eyelids still felt heavy with tiredness.

  “Shh,” Chance whispered back. The volume on the TV was set low. “I heard a noise outside of the window.”

  Noelle tensed up and sat up straight. She looked around her living room, but all looked calm. Only one small lamp bathed the room with a dim light. Chance stood up and went over to the large living room window. He moved the curtain slightly and peeked out. By the look on his face, he must have seen something. She went to pick up the phone and dial the police. Damn it, I disconnected it.

  Filled with fear she stood up. Chance closed the curtain and walked up to her. He grabbed her arms. “I saw a shadow running away.”

  She let out a sound of relief. Whoever it was left. Thank God.

  “I am still going to call Chase.” Chance pulled out his cell phone and started to dial.

  Before he could complete it, a loud crash of glass shattering had her screaming loudly. She covered her head instinctively. Chance cursed and handed her the phone. She realized the noise had been outside and not in the house.

  “Call it in,” he yelled out.

  “Wait, don’t go out there by yourself.” Chance didn’t listen. She dialed and spoke as soon as Chase answered. She wasn’t sure what he said. She hung it up. She walked slowly to the open front door. She peeked her head out and gasped when she looked at her car. The front windshield had been shattered.

  Chance ran up the porch steps and pulled her into his arms. “They’re gone.”

  “Why?” she cried. She had just fixed her business window yesterday. Now this. “Was it Carly?”

  “All I saw was a shadow, but I’d bet money on it,” he said grimly. Red and blue lights were headed down her street. Chase pulled up in regular clothes.

  “What the hell is going on? Noelle sounded hysterical,” he said right away, taking her porch steps two at a time. His light brown hair looked messy, like he had been sleeping.

  Noelle let go of Chance and sat on the porch chair while the two men spoke in hushed tones. She wasn’t sure how long they spoke. She sat in a daze until she felt Chance tap her shoulder.

  “You okay, angel?” he asked, looking worried. “Chase took the report. I am just glad I was here.”

  She nodded in agreement. Her terror would have been so much greater if she had been alone. “My insurance company is going to hate me.”

  Then she burst into tears. He took her back inside and held her until she felt calmer.

  Chapter 9

  “So what’s up with you and Chance? Are you back together or what?” Quinn asked, her curiosity plain to see. Quinn wasn’t one to be subtle. Noelle sighed and thought about the question. She wasn’t sure how to answer it.

  The two of them sat on a bench in the park. It was a sunny May afternoon, and the store was closed for the day. Their bikes leaned against a tree behind them. They had just finished riding a one-mile trail at the park.

  Chance and Chase were playing basketball. Noelle watched Chance move around the court with a huge grin on his face. He had a streak of competitiveness in him a mile wide.

  “I’m not sure what is going on, Quinn,” she said honestly. “I see him more now than I did when we were together. I
see the look of desire in his eyes, but I pretend not to notice. That sounds so cowardly, doesn’t it?”

  “He put you through a lot, Noelle. Kissing Carly and leaving town without resolving the issues,” Quinn reminded her. “Losing the baby on top of all that was horrible. He must understand your fears. Maybe he is giving you space.”

  “You see how he is when he stops by the store. He brings food and makes sure we both eat. He stopped by my house four times in the last two weeks with food and a movie. I have dinner with him and Polly every Sunday. I now know what Hansel and Gretel felt like being fattened up with food,” Noelle joked. “I wonder why he is trying to fatten me up.” She did feel healthier and more energetic. Also it was touching to know he was respecting her wishes to not be overwhelmed by making decisions. She had always assumed it was only physical with him. He had never mentioned emotions before. He still wasn’t, but he showed her by his actions that he did sincerely care about her well-being. Now she was ready for more. It was still scary, but she couldn’t resist Chance Brooks.

  “Maybe he wants to eat you up.” Quinn wiggled her eyebrows up and down playfully. Noelle blushed and swatted her arm. Fighting her desires for Chance was getting harder and harder. Pretending to just feel friendliness around him was becoming difficult. She tried to give him subtle hints, but obviously they were too subtle. He had been her rock through the whole incident with Carly. Carly’s mother gave her an alibi for both occasions, but no one believed Louisa. There was nothing the sheriff could do, Chase told them. Chase was frustrated with the whole thing, too.

  “Seriously. It sounds very sweet. He knows how devastated you were physically and emotionally. It is his way of taking care of you.” Quinn sighed dramatically. “My love life sucks. At least warm me up with stories about yours.”

  “Seriously. I don’t think we’re dating. He holds my hand and kisses my cheek.” Noelle was burning with desire but didn’t know if just blurting it out was such a good idea. She had been the one to insist they were friends. How did you tell someone you changed your mind, and you wanted to spend the next few hours naked and rolling around his bed?

  “The last few weeks since he has been back have been extremely busy for both of us. He has his job in Cole County that he is adjusting to. I’ve been busy organizing that fashion show for the end of this month.”

  Noelle had a few models signed up already. She put the ad in the paper. She was excited for this event.

  “Let him know you are ready to take it to the next level. Make a romantic dinner at your place. He’ll get the hint,” Quinn suggested. “This is modern times after all.”

  Noelle put the top back on her water bottle. She watched him moving around the court with the bouncing basketball. Could she be that forward?

  “I see him looking at you when you don’t notice,” Quinn replied in a low tone while keeping her eye on the game a few feet in front of them.

  “How?” Noelle loved how he looked shirtless. His skin was glistening with sweat, and his shorts rode low on his hips. His abs showed nicely, and she felt possessive. She noticed a few girls walking by give him looks filled with lust. She wanted to stand up and shout that he belonged to her, but he didn’t. Not yet. She wanted him to belong to her. Then she got scared and kept quiet about her feelings. She pretended she was perfectly happy with his friendship, but she wasn’t. Quinn was right. She was an independent woman. She would be brave and let him know she wanted more.

  “Like he is hungry and not for food, my friend.” Quinn giggled.

  Noelle turned to Quinn. “What about you and Chase? He looks at you with plenty of hunger in his eyes.”

  Quinn looked at Chase thoughtfully. “He is handsome and sweet. He says he is not the commitment type. At least he is upfront about it, but I don’t want my heart involved with someone like that. Not again. We’re just hanging out.”

  Noelle understood and told Quinn that. She thought maybe there were more feelings there than the couple realized, but Noelle was not up to giving out romantic advice.

  They heard loud noises coming from the basketball court and turned back to the game. Chase was waving his fist in the air. “I won. Yeah.”

  Chance shook his head with amusement and put his shirt back on. He walked over to the girls. He kissed Noelle’s forehead. “How was your bike ride, girls?”

  “Energizing,” she replied, standing up. She patted his arm. His muscles were hard, and she was tempted to smooth her hands over them. “Sorry you lost.”

  “He cheated,” Chance grumbled. Chase rolled his eyes and shook his head. He called Chance a sore loser. Chase looked at Quinn dressed in her tight black shorts and purple tank top. Her red hair was up in a high ponytail. His expression was serious, but the heat in his eyes stated he liked what he saw in Quinn. “How about dinner with the champion, sweetness?”

  “Only if you pick me up on that motorcycle of yours. I love a motorcycle man.” Quinn sent him a flirty grin, getting up to grab her bike. She climbed on and gave Chase a heated look of her own. “Pick me up at six?”

  Chase grinned and slapped Chance on the back. “See you later, loser.”

  Chase walked to his truck, whistling happily, and Quinn headed to the apartment on her bicycle after saying her good-byes to Noelle and Chance.

  Chance laughed, then looked at Noelle. “I can’t claim to be the winner of this game. Want to have dinner with me anyway?”

  Noelle was about to say no. All the good places in town would be crowded, and she didn’t feel up to being watched. Not yet, not until she knew where they were headed. Then she thought of The Red Barn. She heard they served casual food.

  “Let’s go back to the Barn. I had so much fun. They have burgers and wings, and then we can slow dance,” she said excitedly.

  Chance gave in with a smile. “I can’t say no to that bright smile, angel.”

  “I should go home and figure out what to wear.” She hopped on her bike and looked at him. He’d let his hair grow some, and it was a sexy look. Tonight she would take Quinn’s advice. He had been patient with her and didn’t push her.

  “I can’t wait to dance with you, Chance.”

  He scooted close to her and slid his hand around her waist. Her breath hitched in her throat, and she felt that familiar heat whenever he got too close. Her breathing was heavy, and she was tempted to lean in and take a kiss.

  “I should have taken you dancing so I could hold you and seduce you softly. I wanted to ask you last time, but Carly ruined things.”

  Memories of their past lovemaking crowded her mind. She felt hot and bothered already. “Oh you seduced me, soldier. Maybe not softly, but the passion was always there between us.”

  She felt brave suddenly. She put a hand on his cheek and caressed his rough-feeling cheek. She leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his lips, her tongue tracing his lightly and tenderly. She resisted the urge to really kiss him. “I can’t wait until tonight.”

  He had a gleam in his eye that made her belly tighten with desire and her nipples harden into pebbles. He had a hold on her heart. Even though she wasn’t sure she liked it, she needed this, wanted this. “See you soon, Chance.”

  * * * *

  Noelle leaned her head on Chance’s shoulder. The sweet melody of the song only added to the feeling of romance between them.

  His hand was on her back under her silky blouse. His fingers sent shivers up and down her skin. She felt hot and sweaty, but it had nothing to do with the dancing. His lips were placing soft kisses along her neck. She tightened her hands on his shoulders and moaned. It felt good, too good. Thank goodness the club was dark with only a few colored lights shining. It was a full house, but she felt like they were in their own little world. “Chance.”

  “Mmm,” he mumbled but didn’t stop. She could feel his erection behind his jeans. They had found a table in a dark corner and sat next to each other holding hands. He had kissed her at the table. His tongue had swept through her mouth and filled her with heat.
She had been sure her panties were soaked. Now they were for sure.

  “I am having a great night,” she whispered, keeping her eyes closed and relaxing against him.

  “Me, too,” he agreed. His hands caressed her hair.

  She leaned back to look into his eyes. “I want us to be together tonight.”

  His eyes widened and he looked like he was breathing hard. “You mean…?”

  She nodded and giggled. “Did I just shock you?”

  He nodded and hugged her, picking her feet off the ground. He twirled her in a circle. “I thought it would be another year before you gave me a sign you were ready to kick it up a notch. I am not going to lie, angel. I was dying a slow, painful death.”

  “Let’s get out of here, then,” she suggested. The desire was clear on his face, and it elevated her own flames. Butterflies danced in her belly, and she felt anxious to be alone with him. It was scary letting her guard down, yet thrilling.

  Chance practically dragged her out of the club, and they were driving down the dark highway before she could blink. Noelle felt amused. The radio was on low, and she felt good about this decision. She felt more energetic than she had in a long time and knew it was due to his presence in her life.

  She put her hand on his thigh and rubbed. She swore his bulge got bigger. “I miss being with you, Chance. This last month was calming and sweet. It gave me time to adjust and figure out what I wanted. I’m ready to take it further now.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that,” he admitted. “The dark circles from under your eyes are gone and you’re gaining weight.”

  She put her hand on her stomach, feeling self-conscious. If she didn’t eat he gave her his “I mean business” look. “Is that bad?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “I worry about your health. I don’t care what your size is. I know everything that happened between us and losing the baby depressed you. I didn’t want you not eating because you were sad. I want you healthy and whole.”


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