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Wheelie’s Challenge

Page 19

by Chiah Wilder

  As he sucked, pinched, and teased her tits, he rubbed his knee over the fiery ache between her legs. Desire electrified every nerve and muscle as arousal surged through her. Peppering love bites over her breasts, he unzipped her shorts and pushed them down until they pooled at her ankles. Sofia stepped out of them then guided Wheelie’s hand to her sopping mound. His finger lightly grazed over the thong’s thin fabric, igniting a wildfire of sensations inside her.

  “I’m on fire, honey,” she breathed then cried out when his finger pushed inside her.

  “You’re always so wet for me, baby. I love it.” Wheelie ran his tongue down her neck then kissed the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat. “I love the way your skin tastes—salty with a hint of sugar.” His lips blazed a trail over her tits, past her ribcage and down to her stomach where he lingered, swirling his tongue in and around her belly button as he slowly inserted another finger inside her.

  Sofia gasped and spread her legs wider, aching for his tongue on her sweet spot. Wheelie withdrew his finger and placed both hands on her hips and pushed her down on the floor. She glanced up at him and smiled wickedly. Before he could bend down, she pulled down the zipper of his jeans and curled her fingers around his stiff dick.

  Wheelie hissed between his teeth and his gaze caught hers as she slowly licked the smooth top of his cock. Around and around her tongue went laving the crown and the underside, playing with his balls and keeping her gazed locked with his. When she took the length of him into her mouth, he grunted and pulled at her hair then put both hands on her face and held her still as he moved in and out, slowly at first then faster and faster. His gaze never leaving hers.

  “Play with yourself,” he said hoarsely. “I wanna see you touch your tits and stroke your pussy.” In and out. Faster. Harder.

  Sofia tugged at her super-charged nipples with one hand and stroked her pulsing nub with the other.

  “Fuck that’s hot,” he grunted. “I wanna come inside you.”

  All of a sudden, he was out of her mouth, she was on all fours, and he was slamming into her while his finger stroked the right spot. With his other hand, he slapped her ass then kneaded her stinging cheeks. Sofia felt his weight as he leaned on her back, kissing, biting, and licking the back of her neck and shoulders.

  “You know how to fuckin’ please me, woman,” he gritted.

  Passion flooded her senses as love and lust flowed through her veins. Knowing she was responsible for his pleasure made her more excited than ever.

  “You want it harder, baby?” he panted.

  Sofia pressed her breasts flatter on the floor making her ass go higher. “Yeah. Hard and deep.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” A big smack on her ass.

  She closed her eyes and turned all control over to him, letting herself just feel. The soft, warm movement of his finger caressing her sweet spot and the hard, fast pounding of his cock drove her to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Fuck, Sofia,” he said raggedly.

  His groan of release pushed her over the edge, and a cloud of euphoric release engulfed her. “Wheelie!” Her high-pitched cry echoed in the hallway. He collapsed on top of her and lay panting gently, his chest pressed into hers.

  Wheelie nuzzled her neck. “You’re the weakness in me,” he whispered in her ear. He rolled off her, taking her with him so she lay on top of him, her head resting on his shoulder. Threading his fingers through her hair, he kissed her forehead softly. “We’re good together, babe.”

  Warmth spread through her and she wriggled against him, loving the way he circled his strong arms around her. Sofia was totally captivated by Wheelie: She loved him, every part of him, and she desperately wanted him to feel the same way about her.

  “I love having you here with me. This house needs a woman’s touch. Are you happy to be here?”

  “Yes. I love being with you.”

  “You can do what you want with the house. Add any feminine shit you want to any room except the basement. That’s where the brothers and I hang when they come over.”

  She giggled. “No worries. I’ll leave your man cave alone.” Sofia had moved in a week before with Banger’s blessing, and she couldn’t have been happier. She’d already met up with Baylee to go over some design ideas. But her pregnancy niggled at the back of her mind. What if Wheelie doesn’t want to be a father? I don’t want him to feel trapped. She didn’t want him to resent her later on for rushing their relationship into something he might not have wanted. But I can’t keep this from him. I have to find the right time to tell him. Make it special. Yeah … I could make a wonderful dinner with candles and everything.

  “You’re quiet. What’s inside your pretty head?” Wheelie asked.

  “Nothing. Just enjoying being close to you.”

  “Me too.”

  Should I tell him now?

  “You got goosebumps. Let me help you up. The AC is cold.” Wheelie helped her up. “You’re gonna catch a cold.” He swatted her ass. “Go put some clothes on.”

  Sofia looped her arms around his neck and brought his face down to her and kissed him. He was so considerate and kind that sometimes it made her want to cry. She’d been so used to Tigger’s cruelty for too many years that a large part of her was still amazed when Wheelie thought about her feelings or didn’t yell at her or call her names.

  She pressed against him and giggled when she felt his hard dick. Sofia tilted her head back and Wheelie covered his mouth with hers.

  “See what you do to me? I can’t be near you without wanting you, babe.”

  “I want you too,” she whispered, putting his hand on her taut nipple. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  Without answering, Wheelie swooped her up and carried her to the second floor.

  * * *

  A few days later, Sofia had the patio table set up with bright orange and green napkins, tropical-designed plates she’d bought at the kitchen store that had just opened, and five yellow candles in varying shapes and heights. She brought out a bottle of Jack and two Perriers and adjusted the awning to block the western sun while they ate. Once Wheelie came home from work, they’d enjoy a good meal, and then she’d tell him about the baby. Sofia had gone to the doctor’s the day before and she’d confirmed what Sofia had already known: she was six weeks pregnant. The fact that she hadn’t lost the baby during Tigger’s brutal beating was a sign to her, and she’d decided that if Wheelie didn’t want the baby, she’d pack up and leave, but there was no way in hell Sofia wouldn’t have this child. Since she and Wheelie hadn’t used birth control, she wasn’t that surprised she was pregnant, and he couldn’t be either. Maybe he’ll be cool with being a dad. Sofia inhaled deeply then slowly exhaled. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  Her phone rang and she glanced at the screen. She didn’t recognize the number and she hesitated. What if it’s Tigger? Sofia hadn’t heard from him since the day he’d beaten the shit out of her, but, at times, she could feel his anger and hatred toward her then fear would grab hold of her like icy fingers, scratching and strangling her. But what if it’s Russ?

  “Hello?” she said tentatively.

  “Sofia. How’re you doin’?”

  Russ. Relief chased away the fear. “Great. How are you?”

  “Tired. I’ve been working too hard. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.”

  “You left when I was only nine. I’d say that’s a long time.”

  “I had to get out of Dodge, you know? Dad and I never got along, and I knew if I stayed, I would’ve done something real bad. Sorry I left you with all that mess.”

  “That was a long time ago, but I never understood why you didn’t call or anything. None of us has met your wife.”

  “My head wasn’t in a good place back then. I did something stupid and got into some trouble, but I’m back on track. Life is good and that’s why I’m trying to reconnect with you and Mom.”

  “I’m happy that you called. I love being back in contact with you.”
  “I feel the same that’s why I want you to come out and visit me.”

  “I’d love to, but right now isn’t a good time. Why don’t you come here? I’d love to meet your wife and I’m sure Mom would love to see you. Colorado Springs is only about four hours from here.”

  “I already told you that I can’t get away from work. Weren’t you listening?”

  Sofia picked up a steely edge in his voice. “I was, but I didn’t mean to come right now. I meant at some point. We haven’t seen each other in years, so I can wait until you can get away from work.”

  A loud sigh came over the phone.

  “I wasn’t gonna tell you this, and you can’t tell Mom, but I’ve got stage four cancer. The doctors tell me six months top.”

  Her body stiffened in shock and she stared, tongue-tied.

  “Did you hear me?”

  “Yes … yes I did,” she stammered, swallowing the sadness in her throat. “I’m so sorry. It seems so clichéd to say that, but I don’t know what else to say.” She bit her lip until it throbbed.

  “Nothing to say. Life works out that way. I guess we all gotta die.”

  “But you’re only thirty-five. Did you get a second opinion?” A tear rolled down her cheek and she brushed it away.

  “I’ve been to so many fuckin’ doctors. Always the same result. I even went to UCLA cancer institute. It’s one of the top cancer places in the world. Same thing. I got six months, eight if I’m lucky. Now you can see why I want to see you. I can’t die without seeing my little sister. Traveling is hard for me, and I’m working a lot so I can give money to Kendra so she won’t end up broke when I go.”

  “I’m surprised you can even work. Aren’t you too weak?”

  “That’s not really the fuckin’ point, is it? I do what I have to. I want her to be secure.”

  A stab of guilt sliced through her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I hope she appreciates you.”

  “She does. Anyway, I want to send you a ticket to San Diego. I need to see you. I want to die knowing I reconnected and made amends with my family.”

  Sofia cover her mouth, catching a sob that spilled from her throat. “I just can’t believe this. Of course I’ll come, but you don’t have to send me a ticket. I know Wheelie will get one for me.”

  “Don’t tell him. I want to buy your ticket. Let me do this,” Russ said.

  “Why don’t you want me to tell him?”

  “These biker guys are so damn possessive. He’ll want to come with you. I just want you all to myself. I know it sounds selfish, but it’s been too long since I’ve seen you. He’s got you for the rest of his life. I’ve only got a short time to live. Please.”

  Sofia pulled at the skin on her neck. “Send the ticket. I’ll come. You’re right about Wheelie wanting to come.”

  “Don’t tell Wheelie about me at all.”

  “I already told him you called me and we reconnected.”



  “I’m here. What did he say?”

  “He said that he was happy and it’s always good to be close to family. He’s close to his mom.”

  “Does he have any brothers or sisters?”

  “A sister who was murdered by her husband. Isn’t that awful? He’s still very angry and bitter about it.”

  Silence again.

  “Are you feeling sick?”

  “I was for a minute. What was his sister’s name?” Russ asked in a low voice.

  Sofia shrugged. “I don’t know. He didn’t say and I didn’t ask. I can tell it still hurts him a lot and he doesn’t want to talk about it.”

  “I want our relationship just for us. I don’t want to share you, and I don’t want people knowing about me. Don’t tell him anything about me, even my name.”

  “I can’t lie to Wheelie about going to San Diego. I understand you don’t want people to know about the cancer, and I respect that, but I don’t get why you don’t want Wheelie to know your name.”

  “You’re arguing with a dying man?” Coldness laced Russ’ voice.

  “Sorry. Okay … I won’t tell him your name.”

  “Or that you’re coming out to see me? Just tell him you’re going to Colorado Springs to see Mom. I’ll make the ticket from Colorado Springs. Mom will be happy to see you again. She told me it’s been years for the two of you.”

  “It’s been too long,” she said softly, regret weaving through her.

  “So it’s settled. I’ll send you a ticket, and you don’t tell Wheelie you’re coming to see me. This is our time. Look at it as a dying man’s last wish.” Russ coughed.

  “Okay.” I have to tell Wheelie. I can’t lie to him, but I know he’ll understand. I think all the meds are affecting Russ’ thinking because he’s acting real strange.

  “I’ll text you the information. I want to see you real soon, so expect to leave in the next day or two.”

  “That soon?”

  “I’m fuckin’ dying here. I got cancer, or don’t you get that?”

  “No, I do. I just thought you were going to say next week. Don’t get upset. I’ll be ready to come. I do want to see you.”

  After Sofia hung up, she covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Russ was too young to die. He won’t be around when my baby is born. All the years we didn’t see each other were wasted. She sat crying and remembering the past for a long time until she finally dried her tears and decided that she’d be the best sister she could for Russ during the time he had left. Glancing at the time, she stood up and went into the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.

  As Sofia finished brushing olive oil and oregano on the sliced zucchini, the roar of Wheelie’s bike pulling into the garage surrounded her. As always, her stomach fluttered in anticipation of seeing him and she hoped that would never stop.

  The door opened and the scent of soap and leather curled around her as Wheelie came in. Sofia stood by the counter and he came up behind her, hugging her close to him. He bit and kissed her neck, whispering in her ear, “Mine.” Her skin pebbled and she craned her neck and their lips pressed together in a deep intimate kiss.

  “I’m going to put you to work,” she said.

  Wheelie chuckled. “I kinda figured that when I saw the steaks on the platter.” Nuzzling her shoulder, he held her close. “I’m gonna wash up then we can pick up where we left off.” His hands cupped her breasts and he kneaded them lightly. “You’re so damn beautiful. I love coming home knowing that you’ll be here, babe.”

  His words ignited desire and love in Sofia and she almost told him about the baby, but Wheelie untangled his arms and, after a quick pat to her rear end, he was gone. She looked out the window as a cacophony of emotions swirled inside her: love, excitement, apprehension, and sadness. Telling the man she loved that she was carrying his baby should be one of the happiest days of her life, but Sofia didn’t know how Wheelie would react, and the heartbreak in learning that Russ was dying filled her with deep sadness. Forcing herself to concentrate on making dinner, Sofia finished the zucchini then began husking the corn.

  Small sparks of light lit up the backyard as fireflies crackled in the night air. A warm summer breeze gently rustled through the trees carrying the low rumble of a freight train as it cut through the town.

  “That was a great dinner, babe.” Wheelie held her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. “Thank you.”

  Sofia’s skin tingled as love filled every part of her. “You make a mean steak. Way better than any I’ve ever had at restaurants.

  “I agree with you.” Wheelie winked at her. “You seem kinda down. Did Tigger contact you?”

  Shaking her head, she slid her hand away and took a deep breath. “No. Today’s been a strange day. I have great news and some very sad news.”

  “What’s making you so sad?” Concern laced Wheelie’s eyes.

  “Remember I told you that my brother called me a couple of weeks ago? Well, he called me today and told me he has sta
ge four cancer and the doctors have only given him six to eight months to live. I’m still numb about it. I just can’t believe it.” Sofia brought her hand to her throat and pressed at the lumped that was starting to form.

  “Fuck, baby, that’s tough. I’m so sorry.” Wheelie stood up and came over to her and cupped her chin, tilting her head back. “Let me know what I can do to help.” He kissed her gently.

  “And we just reconnected after all these years. This fucking sucks.”

  “I know. Life can really bite you in the ass when you think everything is going good.”

  “I dug out some old photos of him that he sent me when he first moved away. He looks so strong. I just can’t believe this is happening.”

  Wheelie pulled her up and rested her head against his chest. The steady beating of his heart calmed her but it also made her sadder because she was healthy and carrying a new life in her and Russ was getting ready to leave this world.

  “Why don’t you go get the pictures. I’ve never seen any of your family.”

  “I’d love to share them with you.” Sofia padded into the guest bedroom where she still had boxes stacked that she needed to go through. Wheelie’s so sweet. I know he probably doesn’t want to see my family pictures but he’s trying to be there for me. Sofia pulled out a faded brown album and went back out to the patio. Wheelie had cleared the dishes and sat on the wrought iron love seat. He patted the spot next to him. “Come sit by me.”

  She went over and sank down on the cushion and leaned into him. Wheelie wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tugged her close. Sofia opened the album and the first set of pictures were her as a baby. Wheelie kidded her about the pictures of her in a basinet and a playpen, and it lifted her mood. She pointed out her mom, dad, Russ and Josh, and it was when she got to the pictures Russ had sent of him in Denver that she felt Wheelie stiffen and pull away from her.

  Sofia looked up at him. “Is something wrong?” She’d never seen such a hard, cold look on Wheelie’s face.

  “What’s your brother’s name?”

  Wheelie’s tone dripped ice and it took her by surprise. She’d forgotten what Russ had said about not telling Wheelie his name. “Russ.”


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