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Protection: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 22

by Wood, Vivian

  The man laughed, the sound sending shivers down her spine.

  “Jesus, you humans. You’re frightened of your own shadows, but unafraid of things that could get you killed. Jasper McDonough is not someone you want following you around.”

  “I’m just not sure what I’m supposed to do about it,” Tessa replied. She winced at her lie. She was losing the war of half-truths.

  Jace cocked his head to the side, studying her again. Tessa’s face heated under his gaze, but she didn’t back down.

  “I know there are groups of people like you. Or, I guess I should say… like us. I know that my bloodline is tainted, just like yours. My source said I’ll become a werewolf soon, and that I’d be better off if I’m with my own kind. I know that I’m supposed to find a pack to take care of me,” Tessa said, reciting information from the packet James had given her. It had proved to be quite an interesting read.

  “You’ve got a couple of truths, buried six feet deep in the dirt,” he replied. “Still, you got one part right. You do need protection.”

  “Funny, I’ve been hearing that a lot lately, but no one’s offering.”

  “I’m offering, if you’d stop talking long enough to listen.”

  Tessa looked up, startled.

  “How are you planning to do that? Protect me, I mean,” she asked, curious.

  “I belong to the Louisiana pack. We have places to lay low,” he said, eyes dark.

  “Like where your, um… your pack… where they stay?” she asked, trying not to sound too eager.

  “No. I don’t know you. I can’t just drag you into pack territory, but I can take you someplace safe here in town.”

  Jesus, he was serious. She’d known this guy for two minutes and he was already offering to save her. If only she’d met him instead of James, things would be different. James hadn’t been wrong about these Shifters and their deep-seated savior complexes.

  “I don’t know what to say,” she said, trying to find the right words. “I think I’d be bringing a lot more baggage than you could know. My situation is… well, it’s complicated.”

  “Human,” Jace said with no little aggravation. “I’m not sure who your source on Shifter info is, but I hope they at least explained that you’re an Ascendant. Did your source tell you about that part?”

  “The part where someday soon some Shifter is going to hunt me down and drag me off like a caveman? How I’m supposed to just accept it, and let them screw me so I can have little werewolf babies? How my genes will make me like it, and make me crave a dominant male? Yeah, I’ve heard all that. The whole thing is creepy.”

  Tessa gave a dark laugh, trying to disguise the fact that she found the idea terrifying.

  “Let’s back up for a second, here,” Jace said, raising his hands to deflect her repulsion. “Ascendants are often sought after by Shifters, but they’re cherished in our culture. They get their choice of the pack. It’s not some weird date-rape scenario. The males fight for an Ascendant’s attention, and of course the females fall all over them.”

  “But not you?” Tessa asked, looking up from under her lashes. From her words, she guessed that Jace was either already in an ill-suited marriage, or that he was one of those guys who refused to be ‘tied down’.

  “No,” was all Jace had to say on that. The scowl of disgust on his face spoke volumes, though.

  For some reason, that stung. They weren’t even talking about her, but his vehement denial felt personal.

  Tessa knew she wasn’t exactly a runway model, but she didn’t need the male bullshit right now. Especially from a guy who looked like Jace. Tessa needed Jace to fall into the snare she was building, and for that she needed Jace unable to resist her, unable to think. She needed him dumbstruck enough to walk right into the Legion’s trap.

  Tessa didn’t know exactly what would happen after she turned him over, but it didn’t bear thinking on. A little shiver crept up her spine, and she studied Jace again. A wave of guilt hit her hard when she thought of screwing over someone who would offer help to a total stranger.

  Tessa steeled herself against the feeling. She would do whatever she had to do to save her sister. She tried to think what James would tell her to do in this situation, how to play her cards just right.

  Brushing away a burgeoning tear, Tessa stood up.

  “I have to go. Thanks for the offer. You ought to give it to someone who deserves it,” she said.

  Not even a hint of lie, this time.

  Tessa turned and started toward the patio’s back exit, steeling herself not to look back.

  A chair scraped behind her, and a heartbeat later a huge hand grasped her by the arm. Rough hands grabbed her shoulders, spun her around. In a heartbeat, she was flush against Jace’s big, taut body.

  His skin against hers wasn’t just warm, it was scalding. He stepped forward, crowding her up against the patio wall. His arms came forward and braced on either side of her, locking around her like a cage. He looked down at her, unblinking. As if the fact that her breasts were an inch from touching his chest didn’t affect him in the least.

  Tessa swallowed, caught in his flashing mahogany gaze. Maybe her false resistance had worked a little too well.

  “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  Tessa swallowed, unable to move. Tipping her head back, she looked up at her captor, biting her lip.

  Jace’s eyes drifted down to her lips and then back up, his gaze so intense it made her burn.

  “The thing is, I claimed you in front of Jasper,” he said, leaning down closer until she could feel him warm breath fan her face.

  “I.. okay,” was all she could get out. She was drowning in his warmth and maleness, his very closeness.

  “Under our law, I am your protector. You belong to me, and I belong to you. Anything that happens to you is my fault,” he explained.

  He tilted his head. His nose brushed the top of her ear, sending little fissions of heat down her spine.

  “That’s very… medieval,” Tessa murmured, unable to come up with a better response.

  “Shifters aren’t known for caring much for human opinions,” he intoned. He raised his head to look in her eyes again.

  “I never would have guessed,” Tessa said. Her soft, breathy tone killed her attempt at sarcasm.

  “We can stand here all day discussing this. We can stay right here and let McDonough track you down. You can take a gamble, hope that he’s a better match than me. The point is still going to be the same. You need protection, and you can’t go to the human authorities. ‘See, sergeant, this crazed werewolf is out to get me because I smell so good’. They’ll put you in an institution, or worse. And that’s not even mentioning the shit I’ll be in for letting you get caught.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but Jace shook his head. The look on his face made her snap her jaw closed.

  “You’re an Ascendant, I’m your protector,” Jace insisted. “Those are the only two factors here. Think of it as a test run. As soon as you’re safe, I’ll hand you over to the pack. Then you can sort things out with them. Whatever you’re mixed up in, we will fix it. You’ll be safe.”

  Tessa looked up at him, wavering for a moment. Despite his harsh tone, his intentions seemed pure. She faltered, wishing she didn’t have to betray the only man who’d shown her kindness in the midst of all this craziness.

  Jace gave her a sharp look, then dropped one last warning.

  “Me, or McDonough? Safety, or the unknown? You have to choose.”

  Tessa bit her lip again, the truth of the matter on the tip of her tongue. You’ll be safe, he’d said. It made her think of Camilla, and of Camilla’s safety. With a sinking heart, she did what was required.

  Chapter Four

  All Jace could do was pray she’d make the right decision. This would be twice as hard if he had to protect her and kidnap her at the same time. The girl looked torn, indecision evident in her face. At last her shoulders sagged in resignation, decision made.
br />   “Okay,” she said, dropping her gaze. The shame that radiated from her puzzled him, but he set it aside for the moment. The human was nothing if not proud. Jace could understand and sympathize with that.

  “Best decision you’ve made all day, human,” he said.

  The girl just bit her lip and looked worried, which didn’t do much to bolster Jace’s confidence. Good thing he was one tough son of a bitch. He had a thick skin, in both the literal and metaphorical senses.

  Jace gripped Tessa’s shoulders, staring down into the stormy gray sea of her eyes. He watched her for long moments, trying to understand her appeal. Something had made him come after her. The expression on her face, or maybe the self-loathing in her voice when she’d turned to leave.

  Whatever it was, Jace felt a compulsion to protect her. It was what Shifters ought to do for Ascendants, he told himself. Nothing personal; they did need protection during the delicate time preceding their first shape shift.

  Not that Ascendants were short on suitors. Especially Ascendants that smelled as good as Tessa did. She was a walking cock tease, and not acting in her own self-interest. Her claim that she lacked offers of protection shocked him.

  “Tessa…” he said, trying to explain himself.

  He stopped. How could he explain something that he didn’t understand? All he knew was that he she drew him like a magnet, her pull irresistible to his lonely wolf. The draw was physical in its intensity, and he was of no mind to deny it just yet. That feeling, coupled with his white knight complex… he couldn’t just walk away from her.

  She shifted, brought her hands up to push him back a half step. That brief touch made his muscles clench, made him long to close the small distance between them. Hell, having enough space to get a good look at the girl wasn’t helping his situation any.

  She had a nice body, for a human. Petite and lean, but with generous enough breasts and a shaped ass. Her breasts and ass would fit just right in his big hands. And she had that curly blonde hair… Hair made to fist a hand in as he held her from behind, pressing ass up against his aching-

  “How do you know my name, exactly?” Tessa asked, cutting in on his thoughts.

  Jace swallowed, mouth gone dry. He was unsure how to respond, imagining the true answer in his head.

  Well, see, I smelled you at a gas station in downtown. You smelled and looked so wonderful that I didn’t even realize you’re on the human side of Ascendance. I snapped a photo, called in a favor, found your name in the NSA’s database. Since then I’ve been stalking you, following you for two days. Trying to convince myself to either approach you or leave you alone. Nice to finally meet you. Did I mention that you look and smell delicious?

  Jace stopped himself. She had beautiful, deep-set eyes, if she didn’t look so crazed at the moment. Humans never crossed the line from attractive to sexy for Jace, although Tessa was tempting. It was her Ascendant pheromones. They screamed at him that she needed a good, hard-

  “Mr.. uhh.. Jace? Aren’t you supposed to be telling me how you know my name? Or about how you sprout hair and howl at the moon?” said the girl. She waved her hand in front of his face.

  “It’s just Jace, no Mr. needed. And I don’t howl at the moon, human.”

  He might have done it once or twice, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “And my name?” she prodded.

  “I know a lot of things about a lot of people,” Jace answered.

  Tessa crossed her arms, irritation washing away the traces of fear in her expression. She didn’t respond, just pressed her lips together to show dissatisfaction. She was testy, but Jace preferred feisty women. He just didn’t need the distraction of any female at this particular moment.

  He didn’t need one around at any time, to be truthful. They were all brazen temptresses, using the lure of sex to trap men in the webs they called relationships. They would flaunt their bodies, and even the bravest men would fall prey. Jace wasn’t about to make that mistake. He was to protect, and nothing more.

  Jace and his wolf took a big gulp of the pheromone-perfumed air and grumbled in a pleased tone. The wolf didn’t understand why Jace hadn’t dragged Tessa to a more private place by now and mated her. Jace ignored his wolf’s seedy thoughts and focused on proving himself to the girl. Again, just here to protect.

  “Are you coming with me or not?,” he snapped, losing patience. “Because I can just let Jasper claim you as his mate. Maybe the forced mating and degradation from his pack would be way less awful than what I’ve heard.”

  Tears welled in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. He’d pushed her, trying to frighten her into compliance, but instead she looked furious. She opened her mouth to retort, but Jace stiffened and looked around. The female followed his lead, wiping her eyes.

  “We’re out of time,” Jace said. “McDonough is here. I can smell him. He’s back in human form, but he’s got friends. You’re going with me, or you’re going with him. Either way, you’re going.”

  She looked up at him with big eyes, all the fury vanished. She nodded, and his wolf growled with pleasure.

  Jace grabbed her elbow and pulled her toward the back exit. He knew this area well; the coffee shop patio sat on a quiet back alley that led several blocks in both directions. He paused, trying to get a bead on McDonough’s location. He listened hard for a few seconds. The noise of traffic and pedestrians made it impossible to locate McDonough by sound.

  Jace stepped off the open patio and into the cobblestone alley. He looked both directions, waiting several seconds. Nothing, aside from the indistinct waft of McDonough’s scent.

  Jace tugged Tessa into the alley, putting a finger to his lips in warning. Instinct guided him to the left, and he went with it.

  As they moved, Jace’s mind raced. How the hell was McDonough already moving around? He couldn’t have recovered so fast; he’d still be moving around with a serious wound. A blond giant, sporting a bleeding leg wound, followed around by a bunch of rough-looking thugs… McDonough was just asking for a police intervention at this point. His actions reeked of desperation.

  Jace’s concern grew. A desperate man was a dangerous man, and a Shifter male desperate for a mate was even worse. Jace needed a plan, and he needed it yesterday.

  He racked his brain. His motorcycle was just a few blocks away, stashed behind a local grocery store. If they could make it to his bike, they might be able to outrun their pursuers.

  “We need to move faster,” Jace advised the girl.

  “Your legs are twice as long as mine. I can’t help that,” she retorted.

  Jace looked at her expression for a split second, and then let it go. Arguing with the human wasn’t going to get them far. He led the way, speeding up to fall in with a tour group. Rather than head straight for his motorcycle, Jace pulled Tessa into the thick of the group, ignoring the tour guide’s lecture on the French Quarter’s ghost-laden past. He took Tessa’s hand in his own and gave her a look, hoping that she’d understand his plan. The name of the game was ‘Hide In Plain Sight’.

  They made it almost three blocks before Jace knew they were in trouble. He could see a hulking figure far down the street, moving toward them with supernatural speed. If one of the pack members spotted them, he would signal the others.

  Turning his head, Jace saw that it was too late. The rest of the pack were only half a block behind them, McDonough limping as he led the charge.

  A gunshot rang out, and the tourist group scattered. Jace saw that all of McDonough’s men had guns drawn, and it floored him. Shifters didn’t use guns, period. He’d taken that for a given fact, considering Tessa’s half-human fragility, and the little Jace knew of McDonough.

  The shot went wide, and Jace couldn’t decide if it was intentional or not. Jace snarled a curse, furious with the enemy’s desperate maneuvering. Not only would the cops arrive in a matter of minutes, but Tessa could be killed in the cross fire. This was flat-out insane.

  Their desperation meant they mus
t be planning to mate the girl right away. Ascendant females were few and far between, and with the Alabama pack’s bad reputation no Ascendant with half a brain would choose to go with them. There was a sick kind of logic to their actions. Tessa’s situation was looking worse by the minute.

  Jace pushed Tessa forward so he could block her from gunshots, but she backpedaled. She’d seen the man approaching from the front and wouldn’t take another step forward.

  “They’re going to trap us!” she said.

  “Maybe not.”

  Jace grabbed her and half-carried her, zig-zagging across the street and around the corner. When she struggled, Jace swept Tessa’s legs up and cradled her close.

  He tucked her head in toward his chest, and then ran flat-out. Shots rang out as he turned another corner, relief flooding him when he found himself on another tourist-heavy block. Another shot fired, this one much too close for comfort. Tessa gave a little cry, flinching at the sound.

  It seemed humans weren’t as used to being targets as your average Shifter.

  Jace gritted his teeth and pushed himself harder. He came around another corner and came out on Royal St., spotting the Rouses’s grocery store on the corner. His bike was parked on the street, just a dozen yards away. He’d have to shake the gunmen before he could get the girl onto the bike.

  Jace got to the door of the grocery store, pushing inside. A shot rang out, and humans panicked all around. A police officer stood just inside the door, his hand dropping to his weapon.

  As soon as the door closed behind him, Jace dropped Tessa to her feet. He shuffled her further inside and turned to the door. He grabbed the metal handle and twisted it hard, bending it to warp the door and make access more difficult. There were other doors, but he planned to be long gone before that became an issue. He picked up Tessa again and beat feet.

  “Hey!” she shrilled.

  Jace ignored her panicked cry. He sprinted toward the back of the store, knocking over several people and half the displays on his way to the stock room. He’d been in this store enough times to know that there were restrooms in the back stock area, and a door that led back out to the street.


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