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Protection: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 46

by Wood, Vivian

“We fight them on their land?” Shaw asked, squinting as he imagined the possibilities.

  “We fight them in their own compound,” Jace replied, all confidence now.

  “You’re talking about giving up home field advantage here. What would be the benefit of that?” Cord asked.

  “I don’t think you all understand. Unless I’m mistaken, out of everyone in this room only Maddie and I have actually seen the Legion take over a pack’s territory,” Jace bit out. Tessa could see him trying to keep his temper in check.

  Everyone went silent for a long second. Tessa reached out and grabbed her mate’s warm hand in her cool one. Jace looked down at her for a long second before clearing his throat and making another attempt.

  “What I am trying to say is that I know how they operate. They’ll try to preserve the Den itself, the magic is powerful enough to be worthwhile to them. They’ll have a plan in place to capture some of us and exterminate the rest of the pack. And they’re not going to be shooting blind, they’ll have several backup plans in place. By the time they come at us, we’re dead. We have no choice but to go to them,” Jace said, keeping his voice level.

  “And how are we supposed to do that?” Declan spoke up, standing and moving to stand opposite Jace. “We’ve just now found out their location. I hardly think that qualifies us to launch an invasion on The Legion.”

  Jace went still, again struggling to keep calm. Declan’s chin went up, and for a moment Tessa thought that Jace would lunge at the other wolf.

  “Anyone who fights in this meeting will be kept from the real fight,” Shaw broke in, his voice authoritative.

  Jace and Declan looked at Shaw for a moment, and then dropped their eyes in acknowledgment. They didn’t look happy, but the tension ratcheted down a notch.

  “Declan does have a point,” Kat said, sticking up for her bother. “How the hell are we supposed to break into the Legion’s fortress or whatever?”

  She crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat, unimpressed.

  “We have insider knowledge,” Jace said, inclining his head toward Tessa.

  Tessa was completely taken aback, her mouth opening in surprise. She looked up at Jace and he flashed her a look that encouraged her to speak out. Clearing her throat, she stood and joined her mate in the middle of the floor, giving Declan an apologetic look.

  “We’ve gotten James— Jameson, that is, to tell us what the Legion is planning. He’s helping us,” Tessa said, her words coming out in a rush.

  The room was quiet, listening. A better reception than she’d anticipated, to be sure. She kept going.

  “James knows the whole Legion compound inside and out. We can use his knowledge to fight against them. It’ll take all of us working together, though,” she finished. She’d snuck that last bit in, knowing Jace wouldn’t like the idea of any of the females being involved.

  “Sounds like our odds aren’t so bad, then,” Kat said. There were affirmative murmurs around the room, and Tessa felt a swell of appreciation for her new pack mates.

  “We still need to put it to a vote,” Shaw broke in. “All in favor of leaving the Den behind and finding somewhere else to stay, show of hands.”

  Everyone looked around, but not a single hand went up. A few seconds of silence ticked by before Shaw spoke again.

  “All in favor of taking the fight to the Legion, hands up.”

  Every hand in the room shot straight up. Shaw nodded.

  “Alright. We fight.”

  A cheer went up around the room, and Kat stood.

  “Now we eat!” Kat shouted, and an even louder cheer erupted from the crowd, complete with clapping and whistling. Tessa had to laugh; trust Shifters to be even more concerned about food than the upcoming battle.

  Everyone lined up to get plates loaded with lasagna, salad, pasta, and tiramisu. Chianti was poured for everyone who wanted it, and the whole pack settled down to dig in. Tessa was ravenous, and scarfed down a huge piece of lasagna plus a good bit of salad before she felt satisfied. Jace nudged her and pointed at the pasta still on her plate, and she pushed the plate over to him.

  “You really should eat more,” he said, between mouthfuls of pasta and salad. Rhett and Kat were at their table, and both Shifters chimed their agreement that Tessa was underfed. Tessa laughed, again reminded of the Shifters’ dissimilarity to humans. As before, the fact warmed her heart.

  She leaned her elbows on the table and looked around at the pack. They were talking, laughing, eating, toasting with their paper cups. Tessa’s heart swelled, a strange emotion taking her by surprise.

  For the first time in her life, she actually belonged somewhere. There was a sense of rightness about her connection with these people, a sense of destiny fulfilled. When she looked over at Jace, who was pointing his fork at Maddie as if making an important point, a dam burst inside her heart.

  She was… she was happy. Holy hell, was this what being truly happy was like? She wanted to shout, or do a cartwheel, or something. Instead she settled for slipping her arm around her mate’s waist and nuzzling his shoulder.

  He slid his arm around her shoulders, turning to meet her gaze. Tessa let her happiness radiate out toward him, giving him a soft smile. He leaned down and kissed her, softly at first but of course it quickly turned passionate.

  “Tone it down, guys. Us single people don’t want to see all that,” Kat complained, and Tessa broke the kiss with a giggle. Jace went back to eating, and Tessa sighed. The hall’s front door squeaked as it opened and closed, and Tessa turned to find Camilla making her way over.

  There was a rustle and a scraping of chairs, and then a very heavy silence as Tessa stood and waved Camilla over to her table. Tessa sensed a wave of masculine energy rolling over the room, and she hurried to break the tension. Turning to the group, she made the introductions.

  “Um, everyone, this is my sister Camilla,” Tessa said, slipping a protective arm around her sister’s waist.

  “Hi,” Camilla said, giving everyone a brief wave before turning to speak to Tessa. “I smelled pasta sauce. I’m going to need to get in on that.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed or something?” Tessa asked. Out of the corner of her eye, she noted that the Shifters had mostly gone back to their conversations rather than staring at Camilla’s lithe frame.

  “I feel hungry, that’s close enough to healthy in my book,” Camilla said, slipping out of Tessa’s embrace.

  “Fine,” Tessa said with an eye roll. “Food’s over there.”

  She pointed out the serving tables and watched Camilla halfway race over to make a plate.

  “Well at least one of the Anderson sisters knows how to eat,” Jace joked. Tessa sighed and sat back down beside him.

  “Less talk about my eating habits, more talk about how we’re not going to die?” Tessa suggested, arching a brow.

  Camilla plunked down next to Tessa, nodding in greeting to Rhett and Kat. Tessa made introductions, and then returned to the conversation.

  “The real problem is the witch, I think,” Jace mused aloud.

  “How do you fight a witch?” Tessa asked, and everyone at the table shrugged.

  “What, none of you know?” Tessa asked, looking around their table. Rhett, Kat, and Jace all shook their heads.

  “You have to fight fire with fire,” came a deep rumble from just behind Tessa’s back, making her jump. They all turned to find Jesse sitting by himself at the next table over, eyes down as he focused on his food. Tessa was completely taken aback; she’d just assumed that since she’d never heard the male speak, he couldn’t speak.

  “You’ve fought against a witch?” Jace asked, swinging a leg over the bench so that he could face the other Shifter head on.

  Jesse nodded and set down his fork, chewing. At last he spoke again.

  “Witches. Multiple.”

  “And you’re saying that we need to pit one witch against another?” Kat asked.

  Jesse cocked his head, mulling over her ques
tion. Then he shook his head.

  “Not necessarily a witch. You need magic. It comes from more than one place, you know.”

  “All supernaturals have some form of it. Elementals, vampires, werewolves, the Fae…” Rhett chipped in.

  A thought tickled the edges of Tessa’s brain. Something… no, she’d lost it. She wrinkled her nose and tuned back in to what Jace was saying.

  “I’m not sure how that helps us. We don’t have any of those guys lying around, waiting to do us favors. I doubt even Shaw has those kind of contacts. Shifters usually keep to themselves,” Jace said, rubbing his jaw.

  “Don’t you guys have some magic swords or chalices lying around?” Camilla asked, all innocence. Tessa couldn’t tell if she was joking or being serious.

  “This isn’t a Tolkien novel. Objects of power are pretty rare, so I’m pretty sure there aren’t any sprinkled around the Grass,” Jace intoned. Camilla just shrugged and went back to eating.

  “Jesse? Any thoughts?” Kat asked, leaning over to look past Tessa to the next table. Jesse looked thoughtful for another moment before shaking his head. He got up and picked up his tray, moving back to the food line again.

  Good thing this place provides the food, Tessa thought as she studied Jesse’s hulking form. The thought from earlier tickled at her brain again, and Tessa focused for a long beat. Then she jumped up, slapping Jace and Camilla’s arms.

  “It’s magic!” Tessa shouted gleefully.

  “Uh…” Kat began to break in.

  “The Den is magic. It’s literally made of magic, and it changes to suit our needs,” Tessa said, smacking herself on the forehead.

  “Yeah…” Rhett said, trying to understand. Camilla looked just plain confused.

  “Think of it. The Den is sort of sentient, at least to the point that it understands our needs. Jace, you told me it was created by the Fae. It’s an object, and it’s made of magic. Doesn’t that sound like an object of power to you?” Tessa asked.

  The table was quiet for a moment, and then everyone started talking at once, at full volume . It only took a couple of minutes for Tessa’s idea to spread across the room to Shaw.

  “Okay, okay. Gather around everyone,” the alpha announced. The pack gathered around Tessa and Jace’s table, waiting for Shaw’s word.

  “I believe Tessa has the right idea. The Den is designed to meet our needs, without further clarification. If, as Jace has suggested, we need to take the fight to the Legion’s territory, I have reason to believe that the Den will convey us to the location, follow us, and protect us.”

  Claps and whistles broke out amongst the pack, and Shaw waited a moment before he waved the noise down.

  “We still have to make a plan. We’ll need to draw the witches out, I assume. And there’s the matter of what happens after the witch is dealt with. Camilla and Tessa, we’ll need more information about the Legion’s property. Details about the defenses and manpower, and so forth. Jace and Cera, draw up a plan of attack. Declan and Rhett, get us some weapons and clothing from the outside. Kat, coordinate the teams.”

  Everyone rose and split off as Shaw assigned their roles, leaving Tessa sitting next to her sister in the silent Mess Hall. Camilla’s eyes were as big as saucers, and the dark circles under her eyes had returned.

  “You don’t have to fight, you know,” Tessa said, reaching out and taking her sister’s shaky hand.

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just— how the hell are we going to go up against the Legion? There’s what, fifty people in this pack? Less than that, probably. Someone’s going to get hurt, or worse,” Camilla said.

  “Would you rather just let them come and take us again?” Tessa asked. Camilla bit her lip, and then shook her head.

  Patting Camilla’s hand, Tessa tried to soothe her.

  “We’re going to do our best, Cam. We’re few in number, but we’re a heck of a lot stronger than your average human. It’s going to be all right, you’ll see.”

  When Camilla nodded, Tessa hugged her once more and then rose to her feet.

  “Shall we start plotting our revenge, then?” Tessa asked.

  Camilla couldn’t help but laugh and follow Tessa.

  “You’ve changed, you know,” Camilla said as they left the Mess Hall.

  “You think?” Tessa asked, glancing at her sister in surprise.

  “Uhhh… yeah. You’re all confident. Making decisions, speaking your mind. You haven’t been like that since we were teens,” Camilla said.

  “Since Byron, you mean,” Tessa said.

  “Yes. I really like this new Tessa. She kicks ass,” Camilla said, smiling at her sister.

  “Well… thanks. Now let’s go get some serious questioning done.”

  The sisters headed to James’ cell to help with their part of the master scheme.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “Whoa, who are the hotties?” Kat asked, leaning against a tree in a clearing close to the Legion’s compound.

  The pixie-like brunette was surveying a group of thirty or so Shifters that Tessa had never laid eyes on before, each one tall, tan, and well-muscled. They were dressed in militia-esque black uniforms; combat boots and pressed pants, fitted tee shirts and berets. Every unmated female was eying them up without an ounce of shame, and a few of the males were looking right back.

  “Men!” Jasper barked, drawing unilateral attention from both the black-uniformed soldiers and the Louisiana pack.

  “It’s Jasper’s pack,” Maddie whispered to Kat. “He’s called them in to fight with us.”

  “Excellent decision making on your part, obviously,” Kat whispered back to Maddie, who just rolled her eyes.

  Tessa turned to survey the scene. The Shifters stood in clusters along the edge of a dense forested area, just feet from a one-lane country highway. The Legion’s building stood a quarter mile off, a tall white structure that looked more like a university science building than the headquarters of evil religious fanatics. The Shifters were lucky that there were only three buildings to worry about: the main building, a garage and artillery building, and the barracks for the Legion’s soldiers and priests. A wide circular driveway swept from the highway up to the main building, all done in spotless white gravel and surrounded by white-blossomed trees. White must a predominant theme around here, Tessa guessed.

  “All right, everyone. We’ve gone over this several times. Team A, the Alabama pack, is going to lead the witches into combat with the Den and also back us up on Team B. Team B, that’s Louisiana, we’re going to storm the castle. Any last questions?” Shaw shouted. When no answer was forthcoming, he nodded. “Everyone move out!”

  Tessa and Camilla had been teamed with Jace, Shaw, and Jesse. Jace had given her a small pistol to carry, but Tessa was praying she wouldn’t have to use it. A pair of Shifters had already left, intending to cripple the garage and barracks by cutting the power and starting fires wherever they could.

  Tess waited, watching as the Alabama pack stormed the Legion’s perimeter defenses, until the soldiers fought their way right up to the Legion’s doorstep.

  Tessa’s team team moved swiftly and quietly away from the Alabama pack’s direction, where the sounds of fighting could already be heard. Tessa followed behind Jace and Jesse as they went the wide way around the steep slope surrounding the Legion’s fortress-like main building. Camilla kept close behind, nearly stepping on Tessa’s heels each time Jace paused to listen or look about.

  Shaw pulled out the map of the Legion’s compound, drawn from James’s memory. James had offered to come and fight, but Shaw had decided to keep his brother safe at the Den.

  It only took the group a few minutes to reach an unguarded back entrance to the building. They gathered at the door, preparing to fight any guards that came along. A keening howl split the air, sending chills down Tessa’s spine. It took her a long moment to realize that the cry had come from inside the building, rather than the battle on the other side of the building.

ng rent the air, striking too close to Tessa for comfort. Jace cursed and motioned to Jesse, who kicked down the metal door as if it were made of cardboard. Tessa cringed, but no alarm blared, no lights flashed. No one came running. An ominous feeling pooled in the pit of Tessa’s stomach, but she scrambled to follow Jace as Shaw took the lead.

  They entered a cool, unlit hallway. Just as Tessa remembered, the floors, walls, ceilings, everything was perfectly white. Something clicked in her brain, and she realized that the Legion’s headquarters reminded her of the pack’s safe house; impersonal, and ready to be wiped clean if needed.

  Shaw led them through the halls without hesitation, though it was so dark Tessa could barely see Jace’s back just ahead. Shaw stopped, and the whole group skidded to a halt.

  “We should have seen someone by now,” Jace said, his voice echoing in the deserted hallway.

  “Let’s keep going,” Shaw said. They pushed forward, mapping the whole floor before confirming that it was abandoned. Jameson stopped by an elevator and hit the button, and the machine whirred to life. Backing away, they waited as it descended and the doors opened.


  “Is there more upstairs?” Jace asked Jameson as the group huddled near a stairwell.

  “I’m not sure,” Tessa said with a shrug.

  “Good thing Shifters like surprises, I guess,” Jace said. He turned and shouldered the door open, taking the stairs two at a time. Tessa and Camilla rushed to catch up with him at the upstairs landing. Jace opened the door and stuck his head into the waiting darkness. Other than the sound of their group’s feet on the concrete steps, there was silence.

  “Nothing,” Jace said. “There’s no one. They’ve completely gone. They must have had advance warning, somehow.”

  Tessa watched as Shaw took a deep breath, holstering his gun. Everyone else did the same.

  “I don’t know their contingency plans, but this doesn’t entirely surprise me,” Jace said, his voice and face blank.

  “Alright. We should do a sweep just to be safe,” Shaw said, looking over at Jace and Jesse. The males nodded, jaws tense.


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