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Whisper To Me In The Dark

Page 7

by Claire, Audra

  Unruffled, Cash laughed and asked, "So what ideas are brewing in that devious little head of yours?"

  Angelica giggled and replied, "Oh, you'd be surprised."

  Cash winked. "The sad thing is I don't think I would be ..."

  "Stay with me ..." Cash stretched out on the bed, crumpling her pretty bedspread, making dusty bootprints with the heels of his cowboy boots in the intricate layers of lace.

  "For God's sake, were you raised in a barn? Get off my beautiful bed. You're making it all messy." Angelica sat on the floor, adjusting her new dress, her back leaning against the bed, her glowing hair flowing in ringlets, almost touching Cash's leg.

  Cash wrung his hands, trying to control his urge to run his fingers through her flowing locks. It was one thing to sleep with her. After all she was his. No matter what she said. No matter what Edward thought. No matter what anyone thought. But his overwhelming urge to run his fingers through her hair seemed strangely too intimate a thing to do at that moment.

  In that deep baritone voice Cash implored, "I said stay with me ..." Cash's arm reached down to Angelica's delicate wrist and grabbed it.

  "Stop being silly. You know I have to go. I have a date." Angelica tried to rip her wrist from his grasp, but it was a futile gesture.

  It was a battle of wills and he would not let her win.

  Angelica sighed, "You know the only reason you're in a mood is because Rita is yanking you around on a short chain. Being with Rita is like being stuck in quicksand. She pulls you down with her until it's too late."

  "I am NOT on a chain. And no woman has the power to 'yank me around'," Cash responded, annoyed, as he used his free hand to run his fingers through his own thick black hair, as if it would somehow help clear the dust out of his mind.

  "Now let my damn arm go!" Angelica yanked a second time, as Cash held on even tighter.

  "Damn arm. Now. Now. Watch that pretty mouth. Though you do remind me of that girl who dumped the sugar and honey on me so many months back. I've missed her lately. Seems like you've become such a prim and proper lady that I rarely recognize you anymore." Cash propped himself up against the headboard and smiled. "And how exactly is it that you are 'dating' when you are engaged to my brother?"

  "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Angelica bristled, irritated, as she brushed imaginary dust off her pretty skirt with her one free arm. "And how exactly do you have no qualms about what you asked me to do last night. Hmmm? I was engaged to your brother then too, wasn't I? So don't get all high and mighty on me Mr. Worthington."

  Cash laughed, "I do love it when you use my full name. Gives me delusions of grandeur."

  Angelica had to laugh to herself, under her breath. She dared not let Cash know how amused he often made her. Noticing the ticking of the mantel clock, she realized that this useless exchange had been going on for over ten minutes.

  "Now stop being stupid, and let me go."

  Cash leaned over and whispered soft words of promises never kept.

  "I said no." Cash's left hand began a slow, delicious, path across her bare shoulders, giving her shivers from the tips of her perfect red high heeled shoes to the top of her angelic golden hair. His strong grip immediately left her arm, giving her an unearthly chill where his fingers had been.

  The ticking of the clock seemed to be pounding somewhere deep inside her. Cash remained motionless, eyes closed, still leaning leisurely against the headboard, still making a mess out of her gorgeous bed, breathing deeply, as his massive chest rose and fell in rhythm with his pounding heart.

  The jumble of thoughts flew around Angelica's weary head. Mr. Noble would be livid. She was late for their date. He could make or break her. It was her career that was at stake after all ...

  Angelica peered up at Cash, not entirely sure if he was asleep or just caught up in one of his pensive moods. Every once in a great while, if she closed her eyes hard enough, she could glimpse that hurt little boy somewhere - somewhere deep in those dark eyes.

  Angelica reached up and interlaced her fingers with his. The reassuring squeeze she felt let her know he was not asleep, just waiting ... Just waiting …

  Chapter 11

  There was a new addition to the theater company. A tall distinguished blonde man named Roberto. He made nearly as big of a splash as Cash did when he arrived, sending all of the young actresses into a tizzy. Nearly as tall as Cash and almost as well built, he was a welcome addition to the theater at least for the female patrons in the audience. They sat in the audience, fanning themselves with their programmes, swooning, literally overwhelmed just by his magnetism and presence as he walked on stage. He was a legend - at least in his own mind ...

  Rita was in full agreement and spent hours fawning over him much to Cash's irritation. The temptation was too great and Cash trusted Rita as far as he could throw her.

  After one particularly gratifying performance, with three standing ovations, Roberto sat smugly backstage talking to Cash, trying to get the scoop on all of the beautiful young women - making a mental list of which he could bed next.

  "So what can you tell me about the little blonde, Angelica?"

  Cash ran his fingers through his thick black hair and bristled. "She's with me," was his terse reply.

  "I thought you were with Rita?" Roberto asked, confused.

  "Who says I can't be with both?" If this was a contest of machismo, Cash was determined to win.

  Roberto thought that Rita would definitely be interested in this piece of information since she thought she owned Cash - body and soul - or at least that is what Rita had told Roberto between moans of ecstasy when she was in his arms last night.

  Rita, with her blonde hair tied in an elegant roll, glamorous as ever, dripping in diamonds, the train of her black dress following several feet behind her, glided in, grabbed Cash by the arm and said, "Cash, we're going to be late for dinner. Let's go. They have a table waiting for me of course. Let's go now, silly."

  Cash, although wanting to finish his conversation with Roberto just to see what his intentions were with Angelica, obediently followed, not something that he enjoyed nor was used to.


  Cash sat in the second row, enjoying the comfortable theater seat, just relaxing, with his feet up on the seat in front of him, thinking of the fine day he had ahead of him. He was so sick of that theater, so sick of the actors, so sick of the greyness inside of the building. Fresh air, green trees, blue skies and a shining sun lay ahead of him that day. He'd go riding, come home late and just go to bed. Didn't sound like a terribly exciting prospect but in fact he was desperate for a little quiet. Boston just did not agree with him. His restless nature clashed with the constant hustle and bustle of the city and it made him long for his old life in Texas. The wide open spaces. The clean air. The peace.

  His peaceful meditation was interrupted by the excited flurry that was Angelica as she sat down in her most ladylike pose in the seat next to him. "Cash you promised to take me riding some day. Can't I go with you today?" She recognized his restless nature, and knew of his need to be alone, but she desperately wanted to spend time with him away from the apartment, and away from that rat Rita.

  Cash huffed and puffed, feeling strangely happy about Angelica wanting to come with him. What was wrong with him? He didn't allow anyone to go riding with him. It was his innate need for solitude. Cash didn't know exactly why he was like that, but he accepted it as a big part of his personality.

  "I know you wanted to go alone, but I just would like some fresh air. To get away from this place," Angelica begged. Ok she actually hated the outdoors, but she wanted to share this part of Cash's life. Wanted to understand his true nature which he rarely shared.

  "Please???!" Angelica twirled her hair around her finger, batted her eyelashes and begged one final time. If only she could get him to love her before Edward came into town life would be perfect. Why, oh why, did life have to be so complicated?

  "Is there something wrong with your eyes? Got
something in them?" Cash asked, strangely puzzled by Angelica's furious blinking.

  Angelica looked embarrassed and replied, "Oh it must just be some makeup - um the greasepaint, that got into them. Nothing important." Ok her seduction techniques apparently needed some work. At least he'd always been the gentleman and never mentioned her missing padding that once was used to complete her buxom figure.

  "Ok fine. Meet me there at three o'clock." What could it hurt Cash figured? Angelica had become such a part of his life that it seemed almost strange that she didn't share this aspect of his life.

  "Oh thank you Cash!" Angelica squealed as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off.

  If it hadn't been for the deep tan he always wore on his chiseled face, Cash would have sworn that he was blushing. He'd bedded so many women over the years, brought them to such heights of unimaginable passion, listened to them beg and plead with him to never let them go - watching them as they offered themselves to do his bidding - having them do such delicious things to him that his body exploded with fire even now thinking about them on their knees before him - yet with one quick kiss Angelica made his knees weak in a way that not one of those hundreds of other women had.

  Chapter 12

  Three thirty and still there was no Angelica in sight. Cash had wanted to show her his favorite places to ride. The places where he could just get away from it all - be at one with the world. The horses were getting restless, much like Cash himself so he thought about taking them for a little ride down the road anyway, just to clear his head.

  No such luck. Stumbling his way through the underbrush was Mr. Noble, all decked out in his riding outfit, accessorized with riding crop and bootstraps, with Angelica trailing behind, looking slightly panicked.

  "Cash, Cash," Angelica nearly screamed to get his attention. Sadly the sight of Mr. Noble crawling through the trees was something that he couldn't avoid looking at.

  "Isn't it wonderful - Mr. Noble heard about me going riding and wanted you to give him a lesson? Isn't that just great?" Angelica's words tumbled out of her mouth, in a panic, knowing full well Cash would be in no mood to give Mr. Noble a lesson, but desperately trying to keep Cash's often belligerent mouth shut to save her job.

  Angelica desperately tried to spin Cash around so he wouldn't be facing Mr. Noble so she could plead with him with her eyes not to say or do anything to jeopardize her acting job. Unfortunately Cash dug his boots firmly into the hard ground, an immovable and an impatient force to be reckoned with.

  "Where have you been? I've been waiting for nearly an hour now," Cash demanded, not caring in the least about Angelica's silent pleas.

  "I said that Mr. Noble wanted a riding lesson. He's been getting dressed ..." Angelica replied demurely.

  "So I suppose you've been helping him get dressed," Cash broke in.

  "Don't be silly Cash. Can you please help Mr. Noble. Give him a little riding lesson?" Angelica's voice rose with her level of panic.

  "Oh yes, you can bet I'll give him a lesson." Cash would teach Noble a thing or two with the way he was always chasing after Angelica. Cash detested him and this would be the perfect time to draw a line in the sand. Or the forest as the case may be.

  Mr. Noble looked on nobly, for lack of a better word. He always thought himself the aristocrat and he felt this peon, Cash, owed it to him to teach him to be a better rider.

  Cash offered his favorite horse, put on the saddle and taught Mr. Noble how to get on.

  Angelica wondered if he had put the saddle on correctly? Hmm? Did he? Or did he not? It just didn't look right. A quick look into Cash's eyes by Angelica quickly answered the question.

  Cash propped himself against the nearest tree and proceeded to chew on a piece of grass. Mr. Noble seemed to be doing fine, riding the horse around gently in circles. Everything looked a-ok.

  "Spider!" Angelica screamed as she brushed a huge black bug off the bottom of her dress.

  "Oh for Pete's sake, sit down. It's a spider. Not a badger. It can't hurt you," Cash replied as he watched the spider sailing through the air. He grabbed Angelica's arm and pulled her down next to him.

  "Eww. I don't want to sit on the ground. Bugs. Yuck!" Angelica replied. She was a girly girl to the core and sitting on the dirty ground was not part of the job description.

  "Oh for Pete's sake what am I going to do with you?" Cash rolled his eyes and let her go.

  Their conversation was interrupted by the yelps of Mr. Noble who was now on his stomach, laying sideways across the horse, which continued to spin in circles. "Help me!"

  Cash looked on unconcerned. Not moving. Or even saying a word.

  Angelica started to run toward Mr. Noble. Desperate to help him. More desperate not to lose her job.

  "Oh well. I guess that is long enough," Cash said to himself, as he stood up, brushed off his jeans and walked slowly to the circling horse.

  After Cash pulled Mr. Noble off the horse, Mr. Noble stood unsteadily, tipping forward and backwards, trying to get his equilibrium back and spluttered, "Well I never ..." and stomped off.

  Cash's only response was, "Well you can't exactly blame the women if they have to look at you."

  And that was the end of that ...

  Angelica stood there speechless, with her mouth hanging open, in horror at what Cash had done.

  "How could you? I could lose my job? Are you insane?"

  "Is that all one question? Or three separate ones?" Cash replied sarcastically. "Firstly I did because I could. Secondly I don't care if you lose your job working around that pompous jerk. Thirdly, no I'm not insane, but I'm starting to wonder if you are." With that he put the horses back into the stables and started the walk home with Angelica, as always, trailing behind him. Her mouth was moving so fast but she trailed so far behind that he actually couldn't hear what she was yelling at him and it was quite a nice change.

  They strangely reached the door at the same time and Angelica was still yelling. Cash did nothing but simply pick her up like a rag doll, throw her over his shoulder and begin the walk upstairs to their apartments.

  "Are you crazy? You're not a caveman! Let me down!" Angelica screamed as she kicked and struggled.

  Cash plopped her down in front of her door, dug her skeleton key out of her purse for her, opened the door, gave her a gentle shove into the room and slammed the heavy wooden door behind him as he returned to his apartment for some peace and quiet.

  Angelica crumpled into a ball on her bed and wept at how mean Cash could be and over the fact that she probably lost her job. And most of all that Cash would never, ever, ever love her like she loved him. She tried so hard. She wanted it to be so perfect ...

  Cash on the other hand, reclined on his bed, furious with himself for how much he craved Angelica's body, mad at himself for how mean he had been to her and most of all irritated at himself for the way his heart ached for her and how he had absolutely no control over it.


  The evening of the costume party was glorious. Angelica was dressed in a flowing white gown that made her feel like a princess, with a stunning pearl covered mask she could hold in front of her face, leaving only a view of her enchanting eyes.

  Cash looked more handsome than Angelica had ever seen him, dressed in a tuxedo she borrowed from the costume department of the theater. They'd never notice. Luckily it was one that had been made for stupid Roberto, but he was such an arrogant buffoon that she didn't care whether she got in trouble for borrowing it or not. The only person she detested as much as Rita was Roberto. If only they could get together they could rule the underworld together they were so annoying and evil. Cash refused to shave his 5 o'clock shadow but it only made him more ruggedly handsome and set off his dimples.

  Angelica felt like a princess and happily beamed into the mirror. Cash was more like a caged animal, complaining about how tight the tuxedo was, how it was choking the life out of him.

  "Oh don't be silly. You look handsome," Angelica bubbled.

  Cash suppressed his dazzling smile. It stroked his manly ego to hear Angelica say it but he wasn't about to let her know it.

  They'd arrive at the party separately. Cash was there primarily to get information on the jewelry and bank robberies. With his mask he could be mistaken for any other man in the room. Although his build was more imposing than most, he was confident that no one would recognize him with so many people. Rita was attending the event alone but he was sure she’d glom onto Roberto anyway so that shouldn’t be a problem.

  Angelica glided into the room, looking more like an Angel than ever. All eyes turned toward her. Particularly the ones attached to the big ego of Roberto. Immediately grabbing her he spun her around and asked her to dance.

  Although Angelica considered him nothing more than a self important worthless jerk, she did have to admit that he danced divinely and all eyes were on the two of them as they glided around the room. She did enjoy being the center of attention - she was an actress after all. And tonight she'd put on her best performance. Determined to help Cash obtain information, she planned to schmooze each and every one of the party guests.

  Roberto's hand kept sliding down to her shapely bottom and Angelica kept lifting it back up and placing it on the small of her back. What got into him she could not imagine.

  "Come on. Let's get out of here," Roberto said as he yanked Angelica out the french doors that allowed for a secretive exit out the opposite side of the room.

  Cash's eyes followed them, worried, as he saw her gossamer gown disappearing out the door.

  Roberto settled in a comfortable chair on the patio and motioned for Angelica to sit in his lap.

  Angelica's eyes bugged out, and her brow crinkled, wondering about his odd behavior. Taking the seat next to him she sighed, enamored by the beautiful night and its surroundings if not by her annoying company.

  "So I hear you're a party girl. You know. A good time girl," Roberto said with a suggestive laugh.


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