From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 13

by Lexi Buchanan

  She grins at me. “Someone put a fantasy into my head that involved a table.”

  I groan. My hands move slowly down from her neck, heading south to her quivering breasts. Filling both my hands with them, I seal my mouth to hers again.

  My mouth replaces my hands on her breasts as I suck them through the dress. She pants, trying to get closer to me. “Cade, oh God. That feels wonderful.”

  Coming back to her lips, I suck her tongue into my mouth as I take hold of her curvy hips and lift her up onto the table.

  When I kneel between her legs, I get one hell of a view—straight up her dress to the bare jewel beneath. Forcing myself to look away, I take each shoe off slowly, kissing her foot and ankle in turn. “Don’t want to cause an accident.” I slowly kiss up her leg, reaching the hem of her dress, teasing its edges.

  She gasps for me to keep going, but I ignore her. Instead, I go back to her other ankle and start the process again.

  Standing, I give her a quick kiss, pulling her to the edge of the table—my cock rubs between her legs, against her pussy. Leaning over her, I untie her dress, letting it slide down her torso. Gently pushing her to lie back on the table, I kiss my way down her body. Licking and sucking on each of her breasts in turn, I move down to her navel. With her legs wrapped around my waist, she rubs herself against me. I can feel the heat of her center through my sweats.

  What is it about this woman that has me on the edge of orgasm every time I touch her?

  Moving out of her hold, I quickly take my sweats and tee shirt off, tossing them somewhere on the floor. Kneeling back between her legs, I place them over my shoulders. I move in closer to her pussy and slowly breathe her in. Smoothing my hands over the tops of her thighs, I slide her dress to her hips so I can kiss her mound.

  Kissing my way toward her core, I slip a finger between her legs and find her wet with arousal for me. I remove my hand and unable to resist, I put my mouth on her, holding on to her hips to keep her still. Using my tongue to kiss and lick her along her inner lips to her outer labia and then draw them into my mouth, massaging with my tongue. Rona moans. I look up at her while flicking, licking and sucking her clit and watch as she rubs and squeezes her breasts.

  “God, don’t stop!” she cries out.

  Hell, watching her, I’m about to come myself. My cock is hard as steel and really wants to play.

  As I continue to pleasure her with my tongue, I slide two fingers inside her as I flick my tongue over and around the sweet pearl, which seems to drive her wild. Moving my fingers in and out of her, faster and faster—within seconds she’s shouting my name as her orgasm hits. Trailing soft nips down her tender flesh, I lap up her orgasm as her pussy clenches around my fingers, then ease her back down to earth gently with my tongue.

  Standing on unsteady legs with my balls throbbing and my dick leaking, I help her up off the table and turn her around so she’s face down. She stretches her arms out across the table as she grabs the edge of it and opens her legs wide for me. Christ, standing behind her amazing buttocks has me gripping her hips since I’m about to come all over her bottom.

  She turns her head to look back at me. “Fuck me, Cade.”

  I slam inside her hot, wet sheath. Practically lying on top of her, I start trailing kisses along her neck and shoulders. Rona’s groaning and trying to move her hips, but I have her pinned down. Trying to slow my pending orgasm, I still inside her, but find it difficult when she starts squeezing my shaft with her inner muscles.

  “Stop moving,” I pant. Taking deep breaths, I straighten and move my hands from her hips to slowly slip them between her body and the table so I can cup her breasts. Caressing her nipples, I slide deep inside her before I slowly pull out, and then thrust back in deeper. She feels so hot and tight I’m not sure I can stop. God, she’s squeezing me again. Feeling my balls start to tingle, I move one hand from her breast and capture her clit between my fingers as I caress and play with it.

  Shouting my name over and over, she comes as I explode inside her.

  “Cade. It isn’t stopping.”

  Her sex continues to squeeze my cock. The pleasure is so intense, I’m unable to stop grinding against her.

  Collapsing over her back, we both fight to breathe deeply. Somehow, I find the strength to lift up and pull out of her. Helping her up, I sit her back on the table and take her into my arms.

  Once my breathing has evened out, I say, “I don’t think I will ever be able to eat at this table again, without imagining you spread out on top of it, waiting for me to taste you.”

  Moving her hands down to my rear, she squeezes bringing us skin to skin again as she kisses my chest. “I think you just gave me two orgasms, one after the other. Wow!”

  I smile. “I feel like beating my chest.”

  She laughs.

  I steal another hot kiss. “C’mon, we better get cleaned up before Jake decides to show up earlier than he said he would.”

  She pulls her dress up while I find my sweats.

  “I think you may have to help me up the stairs, my legs are like jelly.” When she collects her shoes from the floor, she gives me one hell of a view.

  I hold in a groan. “Under no circumstances are you to wear that dress anywhere in public or in front of anyone else.”

  She laughs at me now. “I take it you really like it?”

  “Sweetheart, I loved it. But my reaction was all to do with the woman wearing it.” I kiss her lips as I scoop her up to take her upstairs.

  Chapter 14


  After leaving Mack, I find myself driving toward Elise’s house. I know I promised Rona to give Elise a few days, but I just need to see her. I need to reassure myself that she’s still going to be mine. All the plans I’ve ever made have been with the thought of Elise. All apart from the Marines. But I always knew I’d be back one day to claim her as my girl.

  If I wasn’t getting a bad vibe about Elise, I’d be able to settle. I believe everything she said the other night—or I’m trying to. It’s difficult with her being away from me, and things not being settled between her and Tom.

  She should have never gotten engaged to him, and it pisses me off. The thought of his hands on her, of him kissing her, makes me want to pound him into the floor.

  It was such a relief to discover she hasn’t slept with anyone since I walked away. I’m still surprised, but happy. I have a lot to make up to her for, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life doing just that. Once the whole situation is sorted and I can finally call her my girl again.

  Pulling to a stop about half a mile from her house behind a couple of cottonwoods, I climb out of my truck and shove my hands into my thermal gloves. I quickly make my way up to her house and hope he isn’t there. That’s the main reason why I’ve parked where I have.

  The last thing I want is to cause Elise more stress by showing up at the same time as him. In fact, I’m getting a damn headache being considered the ‘other guy.’ I’m the only damn guy.

  Not seeing any other vehicle around, I step onto Elise’s front porch with a slight limp. I should have known better than to walk through the damn snow. Instead of the cold numbing my hip, it’s causing an all too familiar ache, making me thud along the porch to the door.

  “Jake?” Elise opens the door before I can even raise my hand to knock.

  “Get in here.” She grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

  I wince with the sharp pain that shoots into my hip at the sudden movement.

  Slamming the door shut, she turns to me, and everything I need to know is written on her face. Her concern. Her love, quickly turning into a scowl.

  “You’re an idiot for being out in this.” She starts undoing my jacket. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I wanted to see you.”

  She pauses and finally meets my eyes. “Jake . . .” She pushes my jacket from my shoulders to the floor, taking my gloves with it.

  Reaching for her, I pull her against me and l
et my head drop to hers. I breathe her in. She smells of strawberry shampoo and the scent that is just her—unchanged through all these years. Her hands slide beneath my sweater and meet skin. She spreads her fingers, dipping into the waist of my jeans. She’s playing with fire as my cock hardens to a fully engorged, throbbing erection. I don’t stop her because she makes me feel so damn good.

  Her hand slips to the front, and it’s all I can do to not push into her grasp. As her finger dips lower, she rubs against the head of my leaking dick, causing more to leak out.

  When she pulls her hands away, I groan, but I’m not sure if it’s in relief or loss. Her hands stay on me as she opens my jeans and starts to shove them down my legs.

  Dropping to her knees, she whispers, “Your jeans are wet,” right against my throbbing shaft. I should stop her, but I don’t. I want her hands on me so badly, I don’t think I can stop her even if I wanted to.

  I step out of one leg, and with a slight wince, I step out of the other. I toss my sweater to the floor before taking hold of Elise’s hands and pulling her up. Her eyes are wide and she is clearly startled.

  “You being on your knees in front of me is going to have me coming.”

  Before she can answer, I move her toward the sofa and drop my ass down onto it before my legs give way on me.

  Elise scoots away from my reach and sits facing me on the coffee table. Her eyes stray from my face to my dick and back again, before returning to my erection. It’s so full and desperate for some relief. I’m not even embarrassed at having her look at me the way she’s doing.

  “You look so good in tighty whites. I don’t know where to start.”

  My hips arch slightly with her words.

  Elise stands and slowly shoves her yoga pants down her legs. I can’t move and I’ve lost my voice. After all these years, are we finally going to be together again? My eyes zero in on her shapely legs that lead to her trimmed pussy.

  My eyes move further north and land on her bare breasts. They’re slightly larger than I remember; there’s plenty to fill my hands and mouth. Christ, my whole body feels like one, big, throbbing erection. Nobody has ever been able to get this reaction out of me, except for Elise.

  Kneeling to the floor in front of me, she takes hold of the waistband of my shorts and yanks them down. I lift up so she can get them over my ass, and when I drop back down, she covers my dick with her hand so I don’t get tangled in the shorts. I feel the loss when she moves her hand, and pulls them all the way off with her breasts swaying before me.

  With my eyes closed, I start to count to ten. I’m so damn worked up, I don’t want to come the minute her hands are back on me. Like I did the first time we had sex, way back when.

  “Jake, please open your eyes. I want you to watch me touch you.”

  My eyes snap open.

  “I don’t want to ruin anything, but I want you to know I’ve told Tom I can’t marry him because I’m in love with someone else.” She looks away before meeting my eyes again. “He’s away somewhere, and he was annoying me when he called, so I just blurted it out. He didn’t take it too well and hung up on me. His ring is back in its box at his sister’s house. As far as I’m concerned, that’s over with, although I think I’ll be seeing him again.” She bites her lip. “I really needed to tell him in person. He didn’t deserve me telling him over the phone, but it’s done.”

  I offer her a wry smile. “I’m glad you’ve told him, but to be honest you have me so worked up, he wasn’t even on my mind.”

  “Good.” She grins.


  I might feel bad for telling Tom over the phone that I can’t marry him, but for now I push it out of my head as I slowly start to caress up from Jake’s knees up to his thighs. His whole body seems to be vibrating with suppressed need the closer I get to his twitching dick. He’s sticking straight up, away from his body with his pre-cum leaking from the tip while his hooded eyes follow the movement of my hands.

  It’s not my hands that touch him first, though. Leaning forward, I swirl my tongue around the sensitive tip and get rewarded when he inhales, sharply. I suck him between my lips, and his hands tangle in my hair as he arches to get more of his dick into my mouth. I don’t disappoint him.

  He arouses me like no other, and just one touch from him on my breasts or pussy will have me seeing stars. I’m so wet between my legs, and my core clenches to have him inside me. A part of me yearns to have him stretching me as he massages my walls with the hard, smooth length of him.

  I moan around his shaft.

  “Oh God, Elise.”

  He pulls me off him.

  “Not like this.”

  He yanks his tee shirt off; it joins his sweater on the floor. He grasps my waist and soon has me straddling his hips. The head of his cock pulses at my entrance, causing tiny pinpricks of pleasure to run through my blood. Goose bumps break out all over my body with my nipples going rock hard as he slowly pulls me down onto him.

  He’s so big and stretches me fully, but it doesn’t take long for me to be completely impaled on his shaft.

  The way his hands flex on my hips and bottom shoots ripples of pleasure straight to my core as I clench around him.

  “God, Elise. This isn’t going to last long,” he groans.

  “I know.”

  Leaning forward, he laps at both of my nipples before sucking one into his mouth as he helps me ride him. My hands slide into his hair to hold him close.

  No sooner have I started to move than I feel his dick swell inside me.

  He pulls away from my breast and drags my head down to meet the thrust of his tongue. He seals our mouths together in a toe-curling kiss that has my climax consuming me.

  Gasping through the most intense release, I feel the moment Jake starts to orgasm. His body shudders as his dick spasms with his release, coating my insides with his milky white cum.

  Tiny aftershocks race through my core, causing me to grind on him to prolong them.

  Groaning, Jake releases his hold on my hips and wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his chest as he relaxes back against the sofa, totally spent.

  “I love you, Elise,” he whispers into my ear. “That isn’t climax talk. I’ve always loved you and thought I was doing what was best for you by breaking things off, but I was wrong. I’ve missed you so damn much. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had your number dialed into my cell or how many times I’ve typed you an email only to delete it.”

  I can’t stop the lone tear from running down my face at his heartfelt words. “I never stopped loving you, Jake.”

  “Thank God.”

  Jake pulls the blanket from the back of the sofa down and drapes it over my shoulders.

  “I want you in my arms all night.”

  He keeps hold of me and turns with a wince to lie down on the sofa with me spread out on top of him. I feel the loss of him between my legs as he slips free, but I’m content with him surrounding me.

  This is how it should have always been.

  “I love you,” he mumbles.

  I lift my head to look at him, but he’s flat out asleep.

  I snuggle back down, and as I feel sleep start to pull me under, I have the fleeting thought I’m going to be seeing Tom sooner rather than later.

  Chapter 15


  The following morning, I wake alone. Wondering where Cade could have gone, I climb out of bed to the most beautiful winter’s day. Everything is covered in deep snow. I reach for my camera and snap a few photographs.

  With one, longing glance through the window, I head for a really quick shower. I’m so impatient to find Cade.

  Dressed in my new red skinny jeans, and black turtleneck sweater with my usual thick socks, I head downstairs.

  The house is silent, and even before I reach the kitchen I know there isn’t anyone around.

  In the kitchen, I feel the coffee pot with my palm—still lukewarm. As I pour a cup, I try to fight the upset threatening
to surface. Cade isn’t around after our night together. He hasn’t even left me a note saying where he’s disappeared to.

  I just hope everyone is okay.

  Leaving the half-cup of coffee on the side of the sink, I walk over to the front door and pull on my new thermal boots, coat and gloves before heading outside. Wow, the sight that greets me is like a winter painting. I can’t wait to make a snowman! Everything is thick with snow coming down, making everywhere I look, magical.

  Not two minutes later, Cade and Jake pull up in their respective trucks with an older couple in Cade’s.

  “Morning, Rona,” Jake says, climbing out of his truck. “We have plenty of snow for you today.” He runs over to me and, wrapping his arms around me, twirls me around in a full circle.

  “Well, not only is there plenty of snow for me, it looks like some of the excitement has passed on to you.”

  He puts me down. “Now that might have something to do with a little lady who we won’t mention right now,” he whispers, and then winks, as he turns to his dad’s truck where he runs around and opens the door for the woman in the front seat.

  Cade’s out of his truck, and it only takes one hot glance from him to have me ready to incinerate. No sooner have I noticed the passion in his eyes for me, than a blank look crosses his face as he turns to the woman and man who are with him.

  “Isn’t someone going to introduce us?” she asks.

  “Um, sorry.” Jake gives his dad a quizzical look before turning to me.

  “This is Susan and Bill Grady from just outside of town. Their power line has come down so we brought them over here for breakfast. I’m going to take them back later and fix the generator for them. They’re my grandparents on my mother’s side,” Jake tells me.

  “Hi, you must be the guest we’ve heard about from Anna.” Susan walks over to shake my hand.

  “Yes, she is,” Cade agrees, but looks pained.

  “Hi, Susan, Bill, it’s nice to meet you both.” I look to Cade for direction, but he ignores me.


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