From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 17

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Dad, are you okay? You look white,” Anna shouts, as she catches up to me, putting her hand on my arm.

  I pat her hand. “No. Not now Anna, please.”

  “Cade, Rona needs to get into some warm clothes and she’ll probably need help.”

  “It’s okay Daniel, I’ll help her,” Anna replies.

  “I’ll see to her. Where is she, Daniel?” I demand, my shocked daughter looking on. I’m too worried about Rona at the moment to placate Anna, who has her husband’s arm around her.

  “Cade, you should know it wasn’t just Tom. Nick is involved. He went to get the car, and they were planning on taking Rona with them.”

  I curse a blue streak, until I see the look on Anna’s face. That shuts me up.

  “Go to her Cade. She keeps asking for you.”

  “Thanks for everything.”

  I head into the house with Anna and Justin trailing me and hear Anna in the background babbling on about Rona and me. Right now, all I need is to see Rona and have her in my arms. And then there she is. I freeze momentarily. Rona turns her head in my direction and I watch her composure crumble as I rush to her side.

  Before I can think, she’s wrapped in my arms crying her heart out. I feel tears rolling down my face, mingling with Rona’s. I bring her face up to mine and kiss her softly. “Sweetheart. Are you hurt anywhere other than your face? Daniel mentioned you were limping.” I’m shaking as I caress her face.

  “My left hip, leg and head. He kept dragging me by the hair.”

  “God!” I take in some deep breaths to try and calm down.

  “Cade, will you help me upstairs? I need to put some dry clothes on.”

  “I will.” I pick her up in my arms and just hold her for a minute as she hugs me tight. She lifts her hand to my face, and I lean down and put my lips to hers in a lingering possessive kiss, not caring who sees us. Taking a deep breath, I rest my forehead against hers. “I love you. I’ve never felt as helpless in my life as I did knowing that bastard had gotten to you. I never should have left.”

  “I’m glad you weren’t here. He had a gun.” Rona starts to cry again.

  Holding her close, I turn and offer Anna a wry smile.

  “We’ll talk later,” I tell her as I walk past with Rona in my arms.

  Anna nods in response.

  Arriving at the bedroom, I see the broken door and hesitate.

  “It’s okay, Cade, let’s just get some clothes.”

  With Rona in my arms, I don’t want to let her go.

  “What do you want to wear?”

  “My yoga pants. They’re in that drawer.” She points. “And some thick socks and one of your long sleeve tee shirts.”

  Loving how she wants to wear a tee shirt of mine, I help her undress, and spot a huge bruise from above her left hip going half way down her thigh.

  “Jesus, Rona. Let me get you something for the pain.”

  “Yes, please.”

  After she takes the tablets, she clutches my hand. “Will you just hold me?”

  “Oh sweetheart, always.”

  Sitting next to Rona on the bed, I take her in my arms and cuddle her close. She feels so good. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” She pulls away slightly with a look of regret on her face. “I think we better go back downstairs. Daniel wants to talk to me.”

  “Are you ready?”

  She nods. I pick her up again.

  “I can walk, slowly, but I can still manage.”

  “Humor me, I want you close.” I kiss her.

  “Can we sit on one of the chairs? I want to stay with you.”

  “That’s fine, I was planning on that.”

  Downstairs, I see Anna, Justin and Daniel in the kitchen talking to a guy I haven’t seen before. Ignoring them for now, and the questions I can see on Anna’s face, I head to the living room and sit down in the chair closest to the fire with Rona in my lap.

  “I’m so tired.” She looks at me sleepily. After kissing me, she puts her head down, and within seconds, is asleep cuddled against my chest.

  A few minutes later, Anna comes over to sit opposite me. “Are you okay, Dad? You seem really shaken.”

  Looking at Anna, I can see her concern for me. “Now that Rona’s in my arms, I’m fine. I’ve never been in love before, Anna. Until now.”

  “I can see that, Dad. I should be mad with you because of her age. In fact, if you had told me about you both, without the drama of today, I probably would be. After today, and seeing your reaction and hers when she saw you, I can’t be angry with you. After all this time, you deserve someone to love you as a man and not a father. Rona does, I can clearly see that.”

  “Oh, honey, you have no idea how much that means to me. What about Beth?”

  “She knows. I called her and told her what happened here and what I suspect between you and Rona. Justin rang Jake to tell him about Tom, so I think Jake’s probably getting the third degree about you both as he’s taken Elise to Beth’s house until everything is cleaned up here.”

  “That’s probably for the best. Did he say how Elise is?”

  “She’s upset that Rona has gotten hurt, but okay about Tom, at least that’s what Jake said.”

  “Thanks, Anna.” I run my fingers through Rona’s hair.

  What a day this has turned out to be. It started out amazing and has ended in near disaster.

  “Cade, how is she doing?” Daniel takes a seat nearby.

  “She’s hurting, but I guess it could have been a lot worse if you hadn’t gotten here so quickly.” I kiss Rona on the forehead.

  “I was on my way to let you know Nick had been released, when the call came through.”

  “Thanks for looking after Rona until I could get to her. She means everything to me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but I need to get a statement from her, Cade, you know that. The guy over there is with the DEA and he needs to talk to her as well. I’m sorry, but can you wake her up? The paramedics can check her out first, but you know we have to talk to her tonight.”

  “Okay, but she needs some privacy.”


  Waking up slowly in Cade’s arms, while he caresses my face, is heaven. I want to keep my eyes shut, but know that isn’t possible.

  “Hi.” I open my eyes and look straight into Cade’s.

  “Hi. I’m sorry to wake you, but the paramedics want to take a look at you, and then you need to talk to Daniel and a DEA rep.”

  “Daniel’s nice.”

  “He’s not that nice.” Cade scowls.

  “Don’t worry, you’re the only one with my heart.” I give Cade a kiss, but he pulls away, much to my disappointment.

  “We have company, sweetheart,” he says. I turn and see Anna, Justin, Daniel, two paramedics and a couple of sheriff’s deputies, if I’m not mistaken, and the same strange guy as before, all looking at us.

  “Oops! Let’s get this show on the road.” I try to move from Cade, but I’m unable to manage.

  “Let me carry you to the sofa.” Then he turns to the others. “Okay, everyone to the kitchen, except the paramedics.” At this order from Cade, people scatter.

  Once the room clears, one of the paramedics steps forward. “Hi, Rona, I’m Lucas and my partner over there is Graham.”

  “Hi, it’s mainly my left thigh and hip that’s painful. I don’t think anything is broken, just badly bruised.”

  There is no way I’m going to the hospital.

  Cade helps me get my yoga pants down so everyone can see the bruising on my hip and thigh—a huge and ugly mess that makes me wince in pain.

  “Cade, are you okay?” He’s lost all color and stares with tears in his eyes. I reach for his hand, holding tight through the rest of the examination.

  Fully dressed once more, I still cling to Cade’s hand. “I’m a bit sore, but okay.” I pull him closer. “Tell Daniel he’s up.”

  Cade calls Daniel over while I keep my eyes on the man I love. The feel
ings he brings out in me are so strong. I’m not sure what to do with them half the time.

  “Hi, Rona,” Daniel brings my attention over to him. “I’m going to record this, if it’s all right. It will also get it over quickly, because I’m not writing everything down.” Daniel sets a tape recorder down on top of the coffee table.

  The other guy walks over and sits next to Daniel. He’s tall with cropped hair, broad shoulders, a flat stomach, and strong thighs. He looks uncomfortable in his wrinkled suit. I’m guessing he’s more of a jeans kind of guy, and when I focus on his face I see a huge grin on there.

  Shit. Caught ogling. I hope he doesn’t get the wrong idea.

  “Rona, is it okay to call you that?” I nod. “I’m Josh Mitchell and I work for the Drug Enforcement Agency. Do you mind if I ask you some questions along with the sheriff?”

  I hold Cade’s hand. “No, that’s fine, Mr. Mitchell.” He looks too young to be an agent. I wonder how old he is.

  He smiles. “Mr. Mitchell is my father. Josh will do fine.”

  As I’m giving Daniel my statement, Cade’s grip on my hand keeps tightening. A couple of times, I have to squeeze his fingers to loosen his hold. After about thirty minutes, Daniel asks his last question.

  “Rona, you said Nick told you the big boss was after him. Did he give you any names? Locations?”

  “No, I’m sorry, nothing. I really wish I could help you more, but I didn’t hear anything like that. Although, he did say that he was selling drugs with Tom and a couple of other guys, but he didn’t mention any names.”

  “Okay, thank you for your time,” he says, smiling.

  “What about Grace, Tom’s sister?” I ask.

  Josh frowns. “What about her?”

  “Well, is she okay after Tom’s attack?”

  “She’ll be fine and it wasn’t Tom, but Nick who attacked her.”

  “Wow! He has been busy.”

  “Thanks Rona, we may need to follow up on a few things with you, but that’s it for now. We’ll leave you in peace.” Daniel starts to gather his things together. “I’ll be in touch. Take care. Catch you later, Cade,” he says, on his way out the door.

  “Nice meeting you Rona, take care of yourself.” Josh offers me his hand to shake and passes me a business card. “If you should have any more problems or hear from Nick, please call me, anytime.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  “I’ll make sure we get in touch if anything else occurs.” Cade’s voice sounds a little bit ruffled.

  After Josh leaves, I look at Cade. “What was that?” I ask him.

  “He’s a good-looking guy, and probably around the same age as you.”

  I have to laugh, and after everything that happened, it feels good. “You can’t be serious. I love you and you alone, you idiot. Now just come and hold me.”

  But he just stands there, looking ill.

  After going through it all again, I just want to curl up and sleep with Cade. “Honey, come here.” He moves to sit on the sofa, where I’m lying. “Cade.” I pull him in close for a kiss. “I love you. I’m going to have a bit of a sleep. I want you to go get something to eat.” I can smell something delectable coming out of the kitchen.

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll try something after I’ve slept. I promise.” Relaxing on the sofa, I close my eyes and hope Cade feeds himself.


  Hell, watching Rona sleep, I can’t bring myself to leave her just yet. It’s eight at night, but I feel drained.

  “Dad,” Anna whispers.

  She’s standing next to me. “Anna. Heck of a day, huh?” I run my fingers through my hair.

  “Dad, she’s okay now. You need to eat.”

  “That’s what Rona said.”

  Anna looks worn out, too. I hold my arms out to her. “Come here, honey.” She walks straight into my arms and hugs me as hard as I’m hugging her. “I needed that.”

  “Please come and eat, Dad. I need to get home, but I can’t leave until I know you’re okay.”

  “All right, it sure smells good. Thanks for doing this. Rona will eat some when she wakes up.”

  Moving to the dining table, Anna has organized, I sit down and eat chicken casserole and dumplings. Anna keeps an eye on me from the kitchen. After dinner, I talk to Jake on the phone to see how they’re doing and try assuring him Rona will be okay. Hell, I need to believe it myself.

  Going back to the living room, I sit on the end of the sofa where Rona sleeps softly. I need to wake her. I don’t want to take her to bed without a small amount of food inside her. I gently wake her up and manage to persuade her to eat some casserole, before carrying her up to bed.

  “Cade, I need the bathroom,” she tells me.

  Changing direction, I carry her to the bathroom, unsure what to do when we get there.

  “Just put me down in front of the sink, and stay while I take a few steps.”

  “Take it slow.” Letting her go isn’t easy, neither is watching her struggle, but she manages.

  “I’ll be fine now. Just leave the door slightly open.”

  “Okay, sweetheart.” I kiss her tenderly and leave her alone in the bathroom.

  She’s been in there for about five minutes when I hear the shower. I shoot off the bed to see what she’s up to, and there she is, naked as the day she was born, in the shower.

  “Cade, I know you’re there. Are you going to soap me up?”

  Shit, how the hell am I suppose to survive this?

  “Cade, I’m serious. I’m getting too tired and my hip hurts.” She’s using the seat for support.

  I strip down and enter the shower and think I’m doing well, until she gives me a very thorough once over, which provokes my erection. “Ignore him. He gets like that every time he sees you naked.”

  “If I wasn’t in pain I’d do something about it.” She strokes me as I help her up.

  “Don’t touch. I’m helping only. I actually do mean it this time. You’re in too much pain to take me tonight.”

  Keeping a grip on her isn’t easy; she’s all slippery with soap. Her breasts with their hardened nipples keep rubbing against my chest, playing hell with my libido.

  “Cade, I think this is a bad idea. You’re going to be frustrated as hell.”

  “I’ll survive. C’mon, let’s get the soap washed off. We both need a good night’s sleep.”

  After barely surviving the shower, I finally get us both out and into bed without too much pain, on both our parts.

  Rona slips into my arms as soon as we’re in bed. In seconds, she’s out for the count.

  Chapter 21


  Having to break the news to Elise that Tom had been shot while hurting Rona wasn’t something I relished. Yes, I was planning to confront him. Yes, I wanted him found and put behind bars for what he did to Elise and to his sister. Yes, I was more than prepared to kick the shit out of him for what he did to my woman. But I didn’t relish telling her that he was gone.

  Partly because I’m afraid it will hurt her and partly because I feel angry I’m not going to get the chance to hit him. The bastard is dead, but I still have so much anger inside me because of the fear he put in Elise, and Rona. I’m not a bad person, but how the hell am I supposed to feel sorry for him? I just can’t get there, and I hope to God Elise doesn’t expect me to.

  She has been crying on and off since we got the call earlier today. She had wanted to go to the house immediately and help Rona, but I’d made her wait until I was sure it was safe. Now I’m driving toward where it all took place, unsure how she’s going to react. I love her so I’m not going anywhere and will always be here for her, but right now I don’t know what the hell to do or what she needs from me. As we drive, I talk about what happened and how Tom is dead. She’s silent and I have no idea what is going on in her head. If it was anyone else close to Elise then I’d know to offer her my strength, but she isn’t talking so I have no clue how she’s feeling.

p; Once we get to the house, I circle around to the back. To my relief, everything looks normal.

  I cut the engine and in the quiet, we both stare at the house. After a few minutes, I glance at Elise before jumping out of the truck. I need to get her inside so I can hold her, and reassure myself that my woman is okay. There’s nothing worse than having the sick feeling in your gut that all isn’t well.

  Elise turns after she alights from the truck, reaching for me. Her arms around my neck, she holds me tight.

  “I’m all right, Jake. I promise. I just want you to take me inside and hold me without so many layers between us.”

  “I can do that.”

  Letting her slip out of my arms, I take her hand, kiss her fingers and then lead her inside through the kitchen and straight to my room.

  As I was the only boy around growing up, when Dad had the house built, he made sure I had plenty of room. So there isn’t just a king sized bed, but a sofa and TV area, and a separate bathroom and shower room. Really, it’s like I have my own apartment.

  Dropping my jacket onto a chair, I help Elise with hers before kicking off my shoes.

  Even though my hip is giving me some pain, I reach around Elise and haul her against my body. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She does as I ask and her arms curve around my neck.

  Having her soft bottom in my hands and her lips trailing kisses along my jaw isn’t helping with my intention of just holding her. My body comes alive every time she’s so close.

  Carrying her to my bed, I don’t let go, but slowly climb on top of the covers, and lay her down with her glorious blonde hair spread out beneath her. I caress her face while resting my forehead against hers.

  “Please talk to me, Elise. I don’t want you keeping anything inside, no matter how you think I’ll react. I can only help you if you let me.”

  “I’m okay,” she whispers as a tear trails down her face. “It’s just that Rona got hurt because of me. She’s going to hate me now.”

  “Babe, Rona isn’t going to hate you. Also, from what I’ve heard, her ex, Nick, was involved with Tom in some way. So they’d have gotten to Rona with or without you.”


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