From This Moment

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From This Moment Page 18

by Lexi Buchanan


  “Yes. Seriously.”

  “But . . .”

  I seal her mouth briefly with mine. “Seriously, babe. Stop worrying about Rona. I’m more concerned about you. No matter what happened recently, you were still engaged to Tom.”

  She looks everywhere but at me.

  “Elise. It’s okay.”


  I can’t hold the tears at bay and I give in to them finally, after fighting them all day.

  “Babe, come here,” Jake whispers.

  He lies on his side and pulls me into his arms. I feel loved when he wraps himself around me. Surrounded by his heat, I know I can say anything to him.

  “I remember how Tom used to be and I’m sorry that man is dead,” I admit. “But the man he became frightened and hurt me. A part of me is glad he won’t be able to come after me again. It’s that last part that makes me feel like a bad person. I’ve never, in my life, felt relief at someone passing, like I do with Tom.”

  Jake slides his fingers through my hair and massages the back of my head. “It’s a natural reaction to feel the way you do after being attacked. I’m pissed that I won’t get to punch the bastard, but I’m also relieved you won’t be worrying about him sneaking up on you in the future. I feel better knowing he can’t get to you again. I’m not going to apologize for the way I feel either. And neither should you.” He kisses my forehead. “I’m here for you, Elise. No matter what you want to say, I’ll always listen to you.”

  “That means a lot. Everything has happened in such a short time and my head is spinning. One minute I’m engaged to Tom and the next, you’re home and wanting me again.”

  “I never stopped wanting you,” he chuckles. “Let’s not get that part wrong.”

  “You’ve always been full of yourself.” I pinch him on his firm ass.

  “You’re asking for trouble doing that.”

  “The good kind, I hope.” I slip my hand inside the back of his jeans and shorts to pinch his naked ass this time.

  He growls in my ear, “Elise. As much as I want you to carry on, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea tonight.” He drops his face to the crook of my neck as I caress over his firm bottom, and he shudders when I trace the crease between his buttocks with my finger.

  He rolls me over onto my back, and pushes his hips against the juncture of my thighs as he settles over my body. My fingers thread through his hair to hold him close.

  My lips are a breath away from his mouth when I plead, “Make love to me, Jake.”

  For a split second, I see doubt cross his face before his eyes fill with lust. I’m not trying to forget everything by using Jake. I just want to feel as close to him as I possibly can, and to thank God that it wasn’t Jake who died today.

  Trembling at the thought, I apply pressure to the back of his head and bring his mouth down to mine. The minute our lips meet, Jake groans and takes control of the kiss. His tongue invades my mouth, seeking and finding mine as they entwine.

  My legs wrap around his hips as I push against the long, hard length of him; wanting, needing, to feel him in my core.

  Breaking the kiss, I draw a few deep breaths as Jake continues his assault on my senses by trailing wet kisses along my jaw and down my neck.

  “You have too many clothes on,” he whispers as he shoves my tee shirt and sweater up over my head, baring my naked breasts.

  I’d wanted to give Jake easy access during the course of the day, except with everything that happened, we hadn’t found an opportunity for any messing around.

  But that’s being rectified.

  “Elise,” he growls. “You’re killing me.”

  My breasts overflow his large hands as he cups them, rubbing back and forth over my puckered nipples. Goose bumps break out all over my body as he sucks one nipple into his mouth while pinching the other and grinding against my core with the root of him.

  “Naked,” I cry out. “Jake. Now.” I’m damned desperate to have him buried deep.

  “Yes.” He releases me, and I catch my breath. Kneeling between my spread thighs, he unzips my jeans and yanks them, along with my panties, down my legs before tossing them behind him on the floor.

  Following the clothes, Jake jumps off the bed. “Don’t move.” Unfastening his jeans, they disappear from view as he kicks them and his shorts off. Standing back to his full height, he stares at me lying on his bed.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he declares while his hand wraps around his cock and slowly strokes back and forth.

  Unable to help myself, I moan and arch up from the bed. Watching him touch himself is so hot. He’s causing my whole body to go up in flames.

  “You enjoy watching me?” he observes.

  Taking a firmer grip on his cock, Jake moves his hand slowly up and down and rubs over the head, leaking pre-cum.

  I’m licking my lips at anticipation of having him in my mouth.

  With a wicked smile in his direction, I wet them again before sucking my middle finger into my mouth. Trailing said finger down between my breasts, over my naval and further south, I open my legs wide and trace between. I do this without taking my eyes from Jake, or his gaze. He’s watching every move my finger makes. When the tip of my finger disappears inside my body, I arch up and moan.

  He’s on me before I can even catch my breath.

  My hands are held loosely in one of his, pinned above my head as he thrusts inside my sex to the very core of me.

  “Keep your hands there,” he demands.

  I get a hard kiss to my lips as I nod my acceptance. My voice has deserted me for now.

  Jake props his arms beneath my hips, raising me slightly, and starts a slow, and long, withdrawal before sliding back inside me just as slowly.

  Everywhere I touch, when he lets me, is rock hard. Gone is the eighteen-year-old boy who broke my heart, and in his place is a man who is crying out for me to love him. A man asking me to take him back into my heart, only, he never left and never will.


  Being inside Elise’s tight sheath is like coming home. She’s the only girl who has ever made me feel complete. As though I can do anything, and, no matter what, she’ll be by my side always. I screwed up badly when I was younger, but now that I’m older and wiser, there isn’t any way I’m going to let her go.

  It’s killing me, moving so slowly, but I want her to feel every single inch of my cock as I slide back and forth inside her. She’s so wet, hot and tight and my balls are crying out for release. I just don’t want this to end but I can’t help wondering if she’s going to regret being with me after the events of the day.

  Feeling her legs quivering around me, I slide out to the tip of my shaft and slam back inside her. I can’t stop, and piston back and forth like a freight train inside her.

  Elise throws her head back, thrashing around and moaning, as she arches up from the bed. The stretch of her little body tightens her core around me.

  Gasping for breath, about to come, I suck one of her rose-colored nipples into my mouth, and she shatters on me. Nothing ever felt as good as coming inside Elise.

  I grind my groin against her while my dick continues to release inside her. I can feel the little ripples of pleasure fluttering along the walls of her core against my cock, prolonging my climax.

  Seconds from dropping like a dead weight on top of her, I manage to slip free with a groan. I drop on my stomach, face first into a pillow beside her. With a grunt, I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her close.


  He’s asleep!

  How the hell can he fall asleep after the most earth shattering experience of my life? I should have been prepared, as this is the response I used to get after he’s come, but, well, I guess I was expecting to talk.

  I ease from under his arm and make my way to the bathroom to clean up. Feeling his semen running down my thighs, I decide it would be better to have a shower.

  I step beneath the hot spray while thi
nking about Jake. We’ve had sex a couple of times now and haven’t once given a thought to precautions. I know I admitted to Jake that I haven’t been with anyone since he left, but he hasn’t said anything. I’m not stupid and realize he’s been with other women, and, although those thoughts hurt a lot, I can accept it happened in his past. He’s chosen me for his future.

  Finished with my shower, I smile at the thought of a future with Jake, but I really do need to ask him about birth control. I wouldn’t mind being pregnant with his baby, but without the discussion, it makes me very unsettled.

  Towel dried, I walk back toward the bed and smile when I see a very naked Jake sprawled out on top of the covers with his legs spread. One leg is bent, which gives me an amazing view of his sac, nestled between his legs.

  “Are you going to stand there ogling the goods all night, or are you going to join me?” Jake asks in a sleepy voice, unmoving.

  I don’t need telling twice, and crawl on the bed between his spread legs, desperate to touch him.

  My fingers tickle back and forth along his thighs, over his cheeks and between to his crushed balls.

  I hear the hitch in his breathing at my touch.

  His scarred buttock and thigh get special treatment from me with my mouth. Jake nearly shoots off the bed when he feels my tongue massaging his marred skin.

  “Stay still,” I order.

  Jake grunts, pushing his hips into the bed. “I’m leaking all over the bed with your mouth on my ass.”

  With my hands splayed, I open him wide, and tickle his balls with my tongue.

  He starts to thrust with his hips.

  “Turn over.” I back off. “I want to see you. I want to wrap my hand around you. I want you to come in my mouth so I can taste you in the most basic way.”

  He does as I ask.

  I’m delighted to see his eyes blaze with heat, and his cock hard and long with his excitement. The flared head is glistening with his need.

  Dipping my head, I swirl my tongue around him before leaving a trail of wet heat down to his balls to show him who really has whom by the balls in this relationship.

  Chapter 22


  Waking with the sun blazing through the half open blinds, I try to stretch and discover I’m in pain. My moans wake Cade from his slumber.

  A good night’s sleep had eluded us all night because I kept waking up and disturbing Cade in the process. At four in the morning, he brought me some more painkillers. It’s now ten thirty and my stomach is growling for food.

  I offer Cade a sleepy grin now that the pain has diminished some.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” Half asleep, Cade turns on his side to look at me.

  “Stiff,” I reply, rolling over onto my good side and resting my hand on his chest.

  “You’re not the only one.” He winces.

  I smooth my hand down to feel for myself, and smile as I wrap my fingers around his erection.

  He groans. “Sweetheart, you really need to remove your hand.”

  “I want you too, Cade. All I can move is my right arm.” I grin. “So there’s no point in us both suffering.” I return my hand to his dick, and move my fingers over the crown, all the way down to his balls. I lightly squeeze them. Tightening my hold around his shaft, I start moving my hand up and down.

  He kicks the bed covers off. “Christ, this won’t last long,” he chokes out.

  “Kiss me,” I whisper.

  Our lips meet in a soft kiss. Impatient, I press harder against his lips, opening my mouth. I want a very hot, wet tongue tango, and that’s exactly what I get while continuing to stroke his shaft. Moving my hand, I swipe the tip with my thumb, before going back down to the root of him. I let my other hand drift down to his balls. He shivers. I stroke down between his legs as Cade breaks the kiss and comes over both our stomachs. He groans, loudly, then brings my face back to his for another soul shattering kiss.

  “You take my breath away. God, you make me feel like a teenager. I can’t hold back, the minute you put your hands or mouth on me, I’m ready to explode.” His eyes are filled with concern. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you?” he asks, while caressing my face and my swollen cheekbone.

  “You really didn’t hurt me. I love what I do to you.”

  “If you’re sure. I’ll get a cloth to clean us both up.”

  As he climbs out of bed and heads toward the bathroom, I have a wonderful view of his naked body. All muscle. I love looking at his rear and when he turns around and heads back, I have an amazing view of his six pack and fully erect cock. I move my eyes upward, meeting his sparkling, green eyes.

  “How can you be ready to go again?” I query with a raised eyebrow.

  He laughs. “The slightest glance from you has me in this condition. Plus, I really need to make love to you, probably not happening any time soon.”

  Climbing back on the bed with a washcloth and a towel, Cade begins to clean me up. I just wish he’d go lower and touch me the way I did him. I know he won’t because he doesn’t want to hurt me, but there’s no harm in trying. So while he’s concentrating on the washcloth, I slip my hand between his legs and find that his balls are just in the correct place for my hand to massage them, until he gently removes me from him.

  “You know how badly I want you.” He kisses me. “I want nothing more than to lie between your spread legs while I make you come with my mouth, but you won’t be able to stay still and then I’ll hurt you. I can’t hurt you, Rona.” He kisses me again. “I promise to make it up to you in a day or two when you don’t ache as much.” He smiles. “Ache as much from the bruising, I mean.”

  I laugh. “I knew what you meant.”

  He leans in and kisses me again before tossing the washcloth back into the bathroom.

  He lies down with me. “Do you want to stay in bed and I’ll bring you breakfast?”

  “No, I want to come downstairs and be with you.”

  “Sweetheart, I was planning on staying here with you today.”

  “Thank you, but I’ll be better if I don’t lounge around too much. I think. Plus, I can hear activity downstairs.”

  “Do you want some comfortable clothes?”

  Just one more kiss. “I love you, and yes, please.”


  Rona, I discover, is one stubborn woman. After taking more painkillers, I help her dress, but she refuses to have me carrying her around. I certainly don’t mind because I love having her close in my arms.

  At the top of the stairs, she does give in and lets me carry her down, but insists on walking again once we’re at the bottom.

  I’m trying to be patient and let her do things for herself, but it’s difficult when I want to wrap her up in cotton wool.

  We make slow progress through the living room, but finally arrive at the dining table where she drops into a chair.

  Before I can say anything, Jake is at her side and takes her hands. “Are you okay? We were really worried about you.”

  Rona smiles at Jake. “Come here. I could really do with a hug.”

  Jake kneels and gives her a long embrace.

  “I took Elise over to Beth’s first thing and they made breakfast, so I brought it over for you and Dad.” Jake sounds a bit choked as he stands.

  “Thank you for caring about me, and for breakfast.” She looks at me. “Your dad could do with a rest. I don’t suppose you want to help me out here?”

  That’s all I need, my son looking after me when it should be the other way around. He won’t let me though and I know well enough to leave him alone. If Jake ever needs my help, he’ll ask, even if he is stubborn like his old man.

  “I hear you. Dad, sit with Rona. I’ll bring everything over.”

  Jake circles the breakfast bar and starts getting out plates and cups.

  “How’s Elise?” Rona asks as she shifts around in the chair. It’s clear she’s having a hard time getting comfortable.

nbsp; “She blames herself for what happened to you. I was trying to get her to come with me, but she thought you wouldn’t want to see her.” He shrugs, but I can see how much it’s hurting him that Elise wouldn’t come with him, especially as she’s staying in his room.

  Rona looks surprised as she opens her mouth, fails to say anything, and closes it again. “God Jake, the only people to blame are Tom and Nick. I’m really glad no one else was here, because they had a gun and could have used it on anyone. I think if Elise had been here, he would have used the gun on anyone in his way, except maybe me. Nick wanted money. After that, who knows what they would have done to me?” She shudders.

  I take hold of Rona’s hand as Jake returns and sets the plates on the table.

  “Please tell Elise I don’t blame her and I would love to see my friend.”

  “You’re a good friend, Rona.” Jake kisses Rona’s cheek before looking at me. “Don’t let her go.”

  “She isn’t going anywhere, unless it’s with me.”

  Jake collects the food-laden tray from the kitchen and carries it over to us.

  “This looks good,” I say, and just as the words leave my mouth, Rona’s stomach growls.

  I laugh at her. “I guess your appetite is back.” I pass her a blueberry muffin along with a cup of coffee.

  “Yum, this looks delicious. I’m rather hungry now.”

  As Rona starts to eat, I ask Jake, “How’s Beth handling me and Rona being together?”

  “You’ll find out later.”

  I raise an eyebrow at Jake’s comment.

  “Beth and Anna are going to come over after lunch,” he adds.

  “Please ask Elise to come with them,” Rona mumbles with a mouth full of muffin.

  “Thanks Rona, for not blaming her and for being her friend.”

  “I could never blame her.”

  “Jake, how much work is expected over the next few weeks?” I ask with a smile. Since Jake has been back, he’s gotten wholeheartedly involved in the business again, and I couldn’t be happier.


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