Book Read Free

From This Moment

Page 22

by Lexi Buchanan

  Before entering mine though, I shout to Elise, “How are you doing in there? Do you have it on yet?”

  “God, yes!”

  I laugh at her reaction. “Let me see.”

  “I’m not coming out there.”

  “Then just open the door and let me poke my head in.”


  As the door unlocks, I push it slightly and stick my head inside. Wow! She’s gorgeous in blue. “Oh my, I think you may have to practice resuscitation before wearing that in front of Jake!” I laugh. “Don’t you dare put that back on the shelf or the shoes, it’s my engagement present to you. I’m in the next room. I’m under strict instructions to buy a white dress.”

  “Okay, but you have to show me when it’s on,” Elise says, staring at herself in the blue dress. She really does look beautiful in it and Jake will probably fall over his tongue to get to her when she wears it.

  Back in my dressing room, I strip down to just my thong. I slip off my bra to get the full effect of the dress. Stepping into the dress, I smooth it over my body. It leaves me stunned. Wow, it fits me perfectly, shaping my breasts, showing the outline through the top with the rather low cowl neck falling nicely between them. Turning around to look at the back of the dress, which actually starts at the curve of my bottom, I can’t help but feel amazing in it. The dress fits perfectly around my hips and then widens into a flowing dress. I just have to have it.

  “Rona, you ready to show?” Elise asks me.


  I shove the door open and step out. Elise looks me up and down. I spin around slowly so she can see the back of the dress and get the full effect.

  “That is lovely.”

  “Thanks. Do you think Cade will like it?” I ask.

  “Are you serious? I don’t think you’ll be wearing it for long when he gets a look at you in it.” She laughs.


  As I slip back into my clothes, my hip starts to throb slightly. I reach for the painkiller in my purse and then pause. It hasn’t been long enough for another one, and I shouldn’t overuse the medication. A coffee break would be good right about now and I’ll be able to sit for a while.

  Heading out of the dressing room, I walk over to the sales desk and set my dress on top of the growing pile of clothes. “Don’t put everything through yet, I want to have another look around.” The sales girl, who seems more interested in her phone than an actual sale, glances up at me and nods before continuing with her conversation.

  Glancing around, I spot the swimwear. I select three bikinis in white, black and red, adding two sarongs to the bundle, as well as two pairs of flip-flops. Dumping everything on the counter, I wait until the salesclerk finishes her call and starts looking at the pile of clothes. Her face lights up at the prospective sale, now she isn’t being so damn rude.

  I find Elise in the underwear section. “Have you chosen anything?”

  “Not yet, I don’t know what to wear under that dress.”

  “Nothing, Elise, you wear nothing. Trust me on this. You’ll get his blood going even more if you aren’t wearing underwear.”

  “I’ve never gone without before,” she whispers.

  “Neither had I until the other night. Cade nearly fainted.” I chuckle. “In fact, don’t show it to Jake and we’ll have dinner the night before we go on vacation. Cade can get ready first then you can come up to my room and we can get dressed together. I’ll wear my red dress.”

  Elise doesn’t look too sure.

  “Trust me Elise, it will only be us four and I’ll be wearing the same as you, plus Cade and Jake will both be in the same ‘condition’ throughout the meal.”

  She nods and laughs. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”

  “It will be fun. C’mon, let me just grab some thongs and maybe a skirt or two then I’ll pay and we can go for a coffee. I need to rest my hip for a short time.”

  Elise groans. “Rona, you should have told me you were hurting.”

  “Don’t worry, it isn’t too bad. I just want to rest it before it does get bad.”

  “I’ll just go pick up some jeans I like, and another dress, then I’m ready. We need to meet Justin, then get the coffee, and maybe a cake,” she grins, “before heading back, unless you want to go somewhere else?” Elise looks at me before she launches herself into sorting through the racks to find the perfect items.

  I smile at how wonderful today has been, despite the pain in my hip and say, “Sounds perfect.”

  Chapter 26


  Waiting for our drinks and cakes to arrive, we laugh at the latest joke Justin has told us. It has been enlightening and I have discovered that Justin is very good at entertaining. Neither Elise nor I can get a word in.

  Finally, our refreshments arrive and as I’m just about to take a bite of mine, a concoction of meringue, I look up into the smiling face of Josh Mitchell, the DEA agent, and freeze.

  “Hello, Rona. How are you feeling?” he asks, still smiling at me.


  “Hi, Josh. I’m fine, thank you,” I say before realizing he doesn’t know Elise. “Josh, this is Elise.”

  “We’ve already met.”

  He turns to Elise. “Nice to see you again, Elise. Justin.”

  “Oh right.” He seems to be hovering and his eyes keep flicking to mine.

  “Do you want to join us?” Justin asks.

  “If you’re sure I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No, take a seat,” Elise invites.

  He sits right next to me.

  “We’re taking a breather from Rona’s exhausting shopping spree,” Elise laughs.

  “Hey, I’m not that bad, besides I’m not the only one who bought a sexy dress!”

  Elise blushes.

  He looks from Elise’s blush to me trying to eat my cake without getting it all over me. “Sexy dress, huh? You want to try them out on me?” Josh asks.


  “They’re packed in the car. Sorry.”

  He laughs at us now. “You actually went shopping with these two?” Josh asks Justin.

  “No chance. I’m not brave enough to do that. I’m chauffeur and bodyguard today.”

  Josh is serious now. “Good, that’s what’s needed until Nick is in custody.” Josh looks toward me. “You need to make sure someone is always with you.” He nods to Elise. “You as well.”

  I shovel another piece of meringue and cream into my mouth, and try to talk between the mouthful. “Don’t worry, between Cade and Jake I think the only place we’ll get to be alone is the bathroom.”

  “That’s probably right,” Elise confirms.

  After a few moments of silence, while we eat, Josh turns to me. “Where are you from? Sometimes I catch a hint of something else in your accent,” he asks, looking at me with eyes full of interest.

  Keeping calm, I reply, “I’m originally from Rhode Island, but I’ve lived in Ireland for the past ten years. What about you?” I avoid looking at Elise because I can feel her eyes on Josh and me.

  “Alaska originally, and now, wherever the job takes me,” he replies, giving me a lingering look.

  After this question, Justin jumps in asking about law enforcement so that keeps them both busy for a while.

  Thank God for Justin.

  Josh is an attractive guy. Actually both Josh and Justin are attractive, but Cade is the only guy for me.

  Finishing our cakes and coffee, I catch Josh throwing glances at me so I decide a trip to the restroom is in order. “If you’ll excuse me a minute.” I start to stand.

  Josh stands as well.

  I look at him. “Mmm, I can manage on my own thanks.”

  “Nick’s still not caught yet.” His eyes are full of laughter. “I wasn’t exactly planning on joining you in there.”

  At this comment, I just catch Elise saying, “You could have fooled me,” under her breath.

  I quickly glance over to Elise and then say to Josh, “It
’s just out the door to the left.”

  “Let’s go.” Taking my elbow, Josh leads me to the restrooms.

  Before I push the door to enter, Josh stops me with his hand. I look up at him. “How involved are you with Cade?”

  Oh hell.

  Looking at him, I take a breath and answer, “I love him, Josh.”

  He nods his head slightly. “I’ll wait here for you.” He pushes the restroom door open for me.



  I don’t actually need the restroom. It’s just an excuse to have a breather. Going over to the vanity area, I drop my purse on top of the counter and look up into the mirror. And freeze.

  Oh fuck. Nick!

  “Not a word.” He comes up behind me with a gun in his hand.

  Standing close to me, he moves the barrel of the gun along my neck, against my hair pinned up.

  “Don’t make a sound.”

  Josh, please help me.

  “What are you still doing here?” I ask in a shaky voice.

  “I’ve come back for you, babe. I want the money, but I’ve decided that I really do like you, so I want you to come with me, plus you’re my ticket to freedom.”

  My knees start to weaken. “Please leave me alone, Nick. I’ll give you money, but just go.”

  “Shut up. We’re going to walk out of here really quick before the woman you’re with comes looking for you. One word and I’ll shoot either you or her, your choice.”

  Oh Josh, please still be waiting for me.

  “Let’s go.”

  Taking hold of my arm, he starts leading me toward the exit. “Open the door and don’t try anything. I’m the one with the loaded gun remember.”

  “I hate you.”

  As I start to open the door, I see Josh leaning against the wall. He sees me and starts forward, then stops when he sees the panic on my face. I cut my eyes to the side hoping he realizes what I mean.

  Quickly, he removes his gun and slides in beside the opening door. As I start walking out slowly, I pretend to stumble, giving Josh enough time to disarm Nick and elbow him in the face.

  I’m down on the floor as my legs won’t hold me up anymore. Josh cuffs Nick.

  In all the commotion, Elise and Justin come running over to me.

  “Rona, are you hurt? What happened?” Elise asks as she pulls me into her arms.

  “Nick got to me in the restroom and said he wanted me and the money. Josh stopped him.”

  Just then Daniel burst through the door and dashes over to me. “Rona, we really have to stop meeting like this.”

  “Hi, Daniel, you got here quickly.”

  “I was just walking past and happened to glance through the window and saw all this commotion.” He frowns. “Thanks, Josh. I’ll take him back and sort this mess out.” Daniel takes charge of Nick.

  “I better call Cade,” Justin says.

  “No, Justin. Please. I’m fine. Just a bit shaky. I’ll be home soon. Please don’t worry him. We’ll tell him in person so he can see me. He’ll just freak if you call him.”

  “I hear you.”


  Just then, I make eye contact with Josh.

  “C’mon, let’s get you out of here.” He picks me up in his arms.

  “Elise, can you carry Rona’s things? Justin, lead the way to the car,” he says to a stunned Justin and a snickering Elise.

  “I can walk. I think,” I tell him.

  “If this is all I’m going to get, then, please humor me,” he whispers.

  Oh, boy!


  I glance over to Elise, but she won’t make eye contact with me.

  Getting more comfortable in Josh’s arms, I put my arms around him and as my hand touches his neck, he shivers.


  I look at him. “Don’t get the wrong idea.”

  He puts his face closer to mine. “I can dream.” He looks into my eyes.

  Heaven help me. He’s a terrific guy, but not as hot as my Cade.

  At the car, Justin unlocks the doors and Elise climbs into the back while Justin gets into the driver’s side.

  Josh tucks me in the car. “Why am I reluctant to let you go?” he whispers for my ears only.

  “Josh,” I plead.

  “I know.” He leans over to fasten the seat belt. Pulling away, he looks straight into my eyes. “Look after yourself, Rona.”

  “I will. Take care, Josh, and thank you for today.”

  Justin clears his throat and gives Josh a withering glance. Finally, after what seems like forever, Josh steps back and shuts the door.

  As we pull away, I rest my head against the headrest. “Fuck. Just shoot me now.”

  I realize Elise has witnessed the tender scene between Josh and me when I hear her snickering in the back.

  “Well, I’m glad someone enjoyed that little show.”

  “Didn’t you?” Elise asks.

  “I was more embarrassed than anything. If I didn’t have Cade, then in honesty, I would have probably encouraged him. He seems to be a really nice guy. But Cade is it for me. I really hope Cade and I are together the next time I meet him. I get the feeling I’ll be seeing Josh again.”


  Chapter 27


  Sitting in my office and trying to concentrate on paperwork for the stables is impossible. All I can think about is Rona. I really hope I survive this trip. Heck, if she has bought anything else like the red dress, I’m really done for.

  She feels absolutely amazing against me whether fully clothed or naked and has no embarrassment with me. In fact, she seems to really let go. God, she’s really going to kill me with the no sex thing she has come up with. Hell, I’m hard the moment she looks at me. A lot of cold showers are in my future.

  Hearing a car pull up outside, cold showers are shoved from my thoughts as I head downstairs to open the front door. I’m just in time to watch Rona and Elise climb out of the car. It’s only when I glance toward Justin that my heart drops to my feet.

  What’s happened now?

  “Cade.” Rona spots me walking down the path. “I really missed you, and I bought a hell of a white dress.” She smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

  Something isn’t right, and with a quick glance at Justin, I can tell that something huge happened—something I’m not going to like. “I missed you too, sweetheart.” I bend and kiss her softly on her cold lips. “I couldn’t concentrate for thinking about you. How’s your hip?”

  “It’s fine. I rested it while we had coffee and cake.”

  “Are you sure?” I frown. “There’s something wrong, though.”

  The forced smile that Rona was wearing slips and she begins to sob.

  “What the hell?”

  Pulling her into my arms, I look toward Elise and Justin for an explanation.

  Elise has tears in her eyes.

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”

  Justin and Elise approach while Rona continues to sob in my arms.

  “After we’d finished eating, Rona went to the restroom and came face-to-face with Nick,” Justin tells me.

  I feel my blood freeze.


  “Cade, he had her at gunpoint, but luckily, Josh was waiting outside the restroom and realized she was in trouble. He acted pretty damn quick and disarmed him. Nick’s now under lock and key for the foreseeable future.”

  “Hell, Rona. Are you hurt?” I push her away slightly to check for injuries or something.

  “No, he just frightened the life out of me. I’m so glad that Josh was out there waiting for me, otherwise, he would have taken me with him.”

  “Thank God you’re safe.” I pull her back into my arms.


  I gently tip her face up so that our eyes meet. “What do you mean, ‘Josh was waiting for you?’”

  “He came in when we were having lunch so Justin invited him to join us, and boy,
am I grateful.”

  Shit! He’s still after Rona.

  My fear of losing her must be showing, because Rona takes hold of my face and kisses me. “Yes, I know he’s attracted to me. In fact, I would have to be an idiot not to know, but I’ve told him it’s you I love. He’s a nice guy and I’m so glad he was there today, but I don’t have anything other than, maybe, friendship on my mind.”

  “I believe you.”

  “I feel better now,” Rona says, smiling.

  I only wish I could.

  After a quick kiss to my lips, she takes my hand and pulls me toward Justin’s car. “Will you help us carry the bags in please?”

  “Of course I will.” Then I stop dead at the pile facing me. “I think you really are going to need a walk in closet,” I look at a smiling Rona, “or do these belong to Elise?”

  “These are mine.” Elise walks around the car waving her two bags in the air. “Your girlfriend loves shopping at that store.”

  “You bought all this in one store?”

  “Yes, it’s so much easier than going store to store, don’t you think?”

  Smiling, I shake my head and laugh. “C’mon, let’s get this lot inside.” I grab as many bags as I can. “Rona, I’m going to go straight upstairs with these.”

  “Thank you. Don’t peek.” She smiles. “I’ll make coffee.”


  “Elise, do you want some coffee?”

  “No thanks, I’m going to go and hide these before Jake gets back.” Elise heads toward her room, but not fast enough before Cade comes back down.

  “Elise, what did you buy to wear for Jake?” Cade asks, trying not to laugh at the look of horror on her face.

  I laugh, while she blushes. “I made her buy her own red dress, except Elise bought one in blue.”

  “Oh. I think I should warn Jake.”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  I laugh at Cade, pointing the sugar spoon at him.

  “I’ll see you both later.” Elise mumbles, backing up before she turns around and makes her escape.

  I smile at Cade. “Jake’s in for a shock.”

  “When is she planning the big seduction?” Cade walks over to me with that look in his eyes. The one that usually means I’m about to lose my clothes.


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