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From This Moment

Page 25

by Lexi Buchanan

  His mouth slams down hard on mine, and all thoughts turns to stardust as his mouth works its magic against mine. All sense of time, place and even my name escape me. Only Jake has ever devoured me the way he’s doing now, as though he can’t get enough of me.

  My feet go out from under me as he lifts me against him.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he breathes against my ear.

  His mouth never leaves me. Whether he’s nibbling along my jaw, or devouring my lips, he’s attached to me.

  Within a few steps, my back hits the backdoor. Jake fumbles with the handle, but in seconds, we’re inside and Jake releases me.

  I’m still trying to gather my bearings when he kicks his boots off and throws his outdoor gear to the floor. I quickly follow his lead, and just as my brain starts to function again, Jake has me shoved up against the door, my jeans unfastened, and his hand slipping inside.

  “Elise, I need you now,” he growls as his fingers slip between my thighs.

  He growls again in frustration. Removing his hand he shoves my jeans and panties down my legs and pulls them off. On eye level with my pussy, he puts his lips to me causing goose bumps to break out all over my body. My nipples pucker into tight buds, desperate for some attention.

  Spreading my legs, his hands slide up the back of my thighs to cup my bottom. He pulls me closer to his waiting mouth and nearly sends me into orbit when his tongue curls around my most sensitive part.

  I throw my head back, while I grip Jake’s hair to keep him in place, but he shoots to his feet.

  “I can’t go slow. I need to feel your wet heat squeezing my dick.”

  “God, yes,” I moan.

  He unfastens his jeans and shoves them past his hips. His cock is standing proudly away from the thatch of hair surrounding the root of him. His excitement leaks from the slit on the flared head. The thought of having him large and throbbing between my thighs has the muscles of my sex contracting, wanting him with desperation.

  With one smooth movement, he lifts me up and slowly impales me on his swollen dick as I wrap my legs around his waist. When he touches base inside me we both moan, and I’m sure he expands even more. Jake’s hands shake against my bottom before he moves them and uses his hips to keep me against the wall.

  Grabbing the hem of my sweater, he tosses it over my head to join the pile of clothes on the floor. Thinking my tee shirt is about to follow, I’m startled when he keeps it around my wrists. His hands drop back to unfasten my bra with the front clasp before he binds my wrists together with my shirt.

  His eyes blaze with heat.


  I’m too damn close to losing it with Elise allowing me to tie her wrists together, and having her sitting on my dick. Her warm, wet heat surrounds me, which has me incapable of slowing down. Her glorious breasts are inches away from my face, her dark nipples hard as stone just begging for my mouth.

  Keeping one hand on her wrists, above her head, and the other on her sweet bottom, I dip my head and capture a nipple with my mouth and tongue. Sucking it further into my mouth, I swirl my tongue around, and around it before I massage it with my entire mouth. She moans and her muscles contract on my deeply buried dick.

  Trying my best to hold back, I massage her neglected nipple and slowly start to retreat from her grasping walls. Elise moans and tries to move without success.

  “Don’t move, babe. You move and I’m going to come.”

  “I need to come, now. God, Jake.”


  Holding Elise’s gaze, I start to slam back and forth inside her tight sheath. My balls feel like they’re on fire. I need Elise to touch me.

  Quickly unwrapping her wrists, I sigh in pleasure when she threads her fingers through my hair, and brings my face up to hers for a soul-shattering kiss.

  Using both my hands, I keep them on her bottom, and opening her wide, slam inside her.

  Elise starts to shake apart, grinding on my dick. Her channel contracts on my cock, and before I can take another breath, my own orgasm rushes through me. I growl like a wild beast with the intense pleasure I always feel when coming inside her. Nothing has ever felt as good.

  Slowly coming back to myself, I feel flutters along my cock as Elise has tiny aftershocks. My limp dick is already reacting to the contractions happening around it. I want nothing more than to start all over again, but my hip and thigh have started screaming out in pain.

  Very gently, I take Elise by the hips and lift her from me, feeling the loss of her heat when I do. Glancing into her face, I see the blush on her cheeks that she’s trying to hide. She isn’t getting away with it though.

  Cupping her face in my hands, I tell her, “Thank you for loving me, Elise. Thank you for forgiving me.” I kiss her and drop my forehead to hers. “It’s only ever been you. Even when we weren’t together, it’s only ever been you that I wanted. You that I dreamed about. Not just your body, but your mind, your teasing, your smile. Just everything in this neat little package.” I pull her into my body. “God, I love you.”

  Speaking from the depth of my heart isn’t something I’ve done before, but I need Elise to know that I haven’t just missed her sexy little body, but that I’ve missed her. No one compares.

  Chapter 31


  Last night is the first full night’s sleep I’ve had since the whole thing with Tom and Nick started. But after yesterday’s trip to the Sheriff’s office, my mind is now at rest.

  Glancing toward the shutters, I’m guessing today’s going to be a fine day considering the sun is trying to burst through. It will still be cold but at least we won’t get covered in the falling snow when we leave the house today.

  I turn my attention back to the woman in my arms. Waking up with Rona wrapped in my arms feels wonderful, although it certainly isn’t helping my erection having her delectable backside snug against it. “If you don’t stop wiggling around, I’m going to pull your shorts down and fuck you senseless,” I whisper into her ear, knowing she’s awake.

  “Mmm, sounds good.” She’s still half asleep.

  Taking my hand from her stomach, she slides it down inside her shorts, bringing my fingers between her legs. “You’re not the only one worked up. Feel how wet I am for you.” She pushes my fingers into her.

  “Shit sweetheart, you’re soaked.” Continuing to push my finger in and out of her, I find it next to impossible not to rub my cock between her buttocks. We’re both breathing heavily, and I groan. If we’re waiting for our vacation to make love again, I need to put a stop to this.

  Moving my groin away, I look down, and see a damp patch on my pajamas. I’ve been leaking. Hell, I want nothing more than to bury myself inside her and never come up for air.

  Rona is moaning, and grinds her pussy against my hand.

  Shit, how have I let this get out of hand? We’ve managed to behave ourselves, somewhat, for a good few days.

  Pulling my finger out of Rona, she cries out in dismay. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I take some deep breaths to try and calm the throbbing between my legs. “I want to make love to you so much, that if I don’t stop now, I’ll be inside you.”

  She turns to look at me, watching me lick the finger that has just been inside her. She tastes delicious. My woman.

  “Licking your finger is cruel. Now I want your mouth between my legs.”

  I jump out of bed before I can act on her want. “I’m going to have another cold shower and then I’ll head downstairs while you shower. Do not join me in there!”

  She winks at me. “Okay boss.”

  Closing the bathroom door, I lean against it and crack my head in frustration against the door, giving me a different kind of pain to think about.

  Smiling, I step away from the door and turn the shower on to cold. I wasn’t joking about needing to cool down. I’ve gone months, even years without having sex, but with Rona, I can’t seem to go five minutes.

  Stepping into the shower, I catch my breath when the needles of
ice hit my body.

  This is going to be the quickest shower in history.

  Within a minute, I’m out and drying off with a hot towel. Christ, I won’t be doing that again anytime soon even if it has shriveled me right up.

  Warmer now, I stroll naked through the bedroom and let Rona see what she’s missing—forgetting what it does to my body having her eyes on me.

  Ignoring her while I shove my legs into my jeans, I hear the covers rustle on the bed. Turning, I watch her strip her shorts and vest off before she walks over to where I’m sitting and pulling my socks on. I try to avoid looking at her luscious curves, but my eyes wander over her body to engrave her on my brain.

  Reaching for her, I circle her small waist with my hands, and slowly caress over her body. Leaning forward, I kiss each of her nipples, and watch as they tighten into hard buds, goose bumps breaking out over her chest. Pulling her onto my lap, I nibble along her neck before meeting her lips, in a sweet kiss.

  “Good morning,” I whisper in an unsteady voice.

  “Good morning.” She caresses my face with her eyes before moving away. “I better head to the shower.”

  I stand with her to head back to the closet for a shirt, but not before she places her hands on me and presses against my happy erection.

  “Later!” I try to rearrange myself in my jeans.

  Laughing, Rona shuts the door to the bathroom.


  Finishing up my shower, I pull on one of my new, short skirts, in denim. It looks good with my cream tee shirt and the new cowboy boots that I bought a few days ago with Elise.

  Smiling to myself, I head downstairs to join Cade, knowing his mouth will be watering when he gets a look at me in a skirt as I always wear jeans.

  Starting down the stairs, I glance down and see Jake watching me.

  He grins then looks at his dad who hasn’t seen me yet.

  Walking toward the kitchen, I grin back at Jake.

  Jake rolls his eyes, because Cade still hasn’t seen me. Then he starts to whistle, which has Cade looking at him, then looking to see where Jake’s eyes are focused, and voila he spots me!

  He gulps. “Wow, you look seriously gorgeous today.”

  “I know honey.” I reach for Cade and pull his head down for a mouth-watering kiss, while he puts one of his hands on my bare thigh and slowly starts to move it north.

  Hearing a throat being cleared, we pull apart. “Don’t you need to go and find Elise?” Cade growls at Jake.

  “No need, I’m here,” Elise appears in the doorway, her laughter filling the room as she looks at me and then at Cade.

  I move away from Cade. “Morning Elise, you both still on for dinner tonight?” I ask her.

  “Sure we are. What time shall we start getting ready?”

  “I’ll kick Cade out of the bedroom around six thirty, so come up then, and don’t forget the dress.”

  “Oh don’t worry, I won’t.”

  “What dress?”

  “You’ll have to wait until tonight, Jake.” I pour a cup of coffee. Cade’s eyes are still on me so I blow him a kiss.

  “Oh God, are you two going to do kissy face all morning?” Jake asks, going over to plant a hot looking kiss on Elise.

  “We already did that. Didn’t we, Cade?”

  “Answering a question like that always gets me in trouble. I’m saying nothing.”

  “How’s your hip, Rona?” Jake asks, changing the subject.

  “It’s as good as new. There’s still faint bruising, but no pain anymore unless, of course, I catch it on something.”

  “That’s good,” Elise comments.

  “How did everything go yesterday down at the Sheriff’s office?” Jake asks.

  “It went okay. They’re moving Nick to a different location today, but hopefully he won’t be able to get out anytime soon,” I inform them both.

  “Yes, and lover boy is going as well.” Cade smirks.

  “Oh, honey. I’m in love with you, you know? That doesn’t change with the weather.” I reach up and kiss him.

  “Lover boy?” Jake questions.

  Elise snickers. “Josh has the hots for Rona.”

  Jake looks stunned. “Since when?” he asks.

  “Since he first met her,” Cade replies.

  “Yes, but I made it clear it’s only Cade I want so can we change the subject now. Please?”

  He laughs at me. “All right, sweetheart.” He finishes by kissing me on the head.

  “Jake, after breakfast, could you give me a hand to attach the sleigh to Bonnie and Clyde?”

  “Yeah. Sure, Dad.”

  “Who’s Bonnie and Clyde?” I’ve never heard them mentioned before.

  “Horses. As hot as you look, you’ll have to get changed after breakfast, because I’m taking you on a sleigh ride.”

  I’m all excited now for a different reason. “Seriously?” I run to him and throw my arms around his neck and as he catches me, I say, “Thank you,” before sealing our lips together.

  He grins. “You’re welcome.”

  “Let’s get breakfast done.”


  Sitting next to Rona while eating breakfast is really testing my restraint. Every time she moves, her skirt creeps further up her thighs. An inch higher and Jake is going to get an eye full!

  So, it’s a relief when she finally finishes eating and heads upstairs to change. Following her with my eyes, I sigh once she disappears. I glance to Jake and meet his eyes across the table.

  He’s trying not to laugh and failing miserably.

  “Don’t say a word.”

  Jake bursts out laughing, setting Elise off. Without a word, they both slip into their outdoor gear and disappear out the backdoor.

  I load the dishwasher and clean around the kitchen waiting for Rona to reappear. Before long, she’s walking toward me again.

  “Is this better?” She’s now wearing jeans and sweater with her thermal boots already on her feet.

  I smile. “You looked great before, just like you do now, except you would’ve frozen as you were, and I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands to myself.”

  “Ha, you can’t keep your hands to yourself anyway.”

  “C’mon, let’s get our jackets on and head over to the horses. Jake’s probably there already.”

  “Okay. I’m really excited for this.”

  So am I, sweetheart. I just hope you love the surprise I have waiting.

  Taking Rona’s hand, we trek through the snow to the stables. Just being outside with her, holding her hand, claiming her as mine is a lovely miracle. Just two weeks, ago I had nothing compared to what I have now.

  “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen and with the snow, it’s amazing.” Rona hugs me as we stand looking across the pond.

  “Yes it is. There’s nowhere like it.”

  I take hold of her hand again as we carry on to the stables to help Jake with the sleigh.

  Walking around the side of the stables has us coming up short. We’re met with the sight of Bonnie and Clyde already attached to the sleigh and Jake pinning Elise to the wall, her legs wrapped around him. Not the sight a father wants to see no matter how old his son is!

  “Jake, what are you doing?” I shout, which has a startled Jake and embarrassed Elise pulling apart.

  Looking at Rona, who is shaking at my side, I find her laughing so hard that tears are rolling down her face.

  “Sorry. The look on your face when you saw them was funny.” She tries to mop the tears up. “Cade, they’re only doing what we do all the time.”

  “Yeah, Dad,” Jake drags Elise to where we’re standing, a huge grin splitting his face.

  I scowl. “Yes, but we don’t put on a performance for everyone to see.”

  “So what would you call having your hand on Rona’s thigh lifting her skirt up for all to see this morning?” Jake responds.

  I pull Rona toward the sleigh. “C’mon, let’s get going, before he takes her i
n the snow.”

  I can hear Jake making choking noises behind me as I help Rona get comfortable in the sleigh.

  “We’re going now, Dad. You two behave out there. You don’t want certain parts freezing off.”

  The snowball I throw at him hits its target.

  We watch as Jake reaches for some snow. “Don’t you dare! I have to sit next to him and I don’t want to freeze my butt off because your father is full of snow,” Rona pleads.

  “Okay, he’s safe for now. But when you get back, all bets are off.”

  “Oh cool, a snowball fight. Can I join in?” Rona asks with excitement.

  “Sweetheart, you can join in anytime,” I say. “Let’s get going.”

  “Thanks for doing this, guys. We’ll see you both later.” Rona takes her seat in the sleigh.

  Leaving the house behind us, with Rona snuggled into my side covered in a couple of blankets for warmth, makes my heart leap with love. She doesn’t know it yet, but I have a surprise waiting for her when we arrive at our destination in about twenty-five minutes.

  Jake had snuck out of the house before we’d gotten up this morning to take the few things I wanted down to the river. If I could have done it without his help, well, I would have as I had to put up with no end of teasing from him.

  “This is magical, Cade. Thank you.”

  I lean over and quickly kiss her. “Anything for you. It will only get better.”

  Most of the ride is done in silence, but no words are needed in this beautiful wonderland when I’m with the woman I love.

  Bonnie and Clyde pull us around the corner, heading toward my favorite spot beside the river. Rona turns to look at me with her eyes alight. She’s noticed the ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne, two glasses sitting beside the pink roses. I just hope the champagne hasn’t turned to ice, or the glass hasn’t cracked with the cold.

  “What are you up to, Cade Matthews?”

  I smile at her with my stomach full of butterflies. “I want to romance you, and to show you just how special you are. I want to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Oh Cade.” She covers her mouth with her hand. “You’re very special to me as well. You know that, right?”


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