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Falling for her Fake Boyfriend (#2)

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by Ann King


  Ann King

  Copyright 2013 by Ann King

  All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  Thank you, God for all my blessings. To my wonderful son and husband for your unconditional love. With gratitude to my family and friends for your endless support.


  NEW ADULT Contemporary/Erotic Romance: For adults 18+ due to explicit sex and graphic language.

  Novelette (10,000 words)

  One passionate night. One hot kiss with her sexy neighbor. Her life would never be the same again.

  Holly Jackson not only fell for her hot neighbor, Ethan, but she fell hard—in love. No man has ever stirred so many desirable emotions within her or brought her to the brink of ecstasy and beyond. He has agreed to be her fake boyfriend for the weekend but she’s getting mixed signals from him.

  Does Ethan want to make their relationship real, or is he playing his part for the charade? Maybe Holly read too much into the night of passionate mind-blowing sex. Love sucks when you’re left not knowing where you really stand. And what’s with Ethan’s hot and cold emotions? She really thought there was something between them.

  As they head to Brooklyn Heights for her cousin’s wedding…she discovers that Ethan has a dark

  secret that he’s kept for the past ten years. A burden too great for one to bear alone. His dark past will either tear them apart—or draw them closer together.

  The sizzling sequel to Falling for her Fake Boyfriend #1.


  A deep feeling of peace entered Holly Jackson’s soul as she lay snuggled under the sheets with her deliciously sexy neighbor Ethan Rockwell.

  Damn! He was hotter than a burn. She’d never dreamed his body over hers would send gusts of desire sweeping through her body. Just hours earlier they had the most erotic sexual encounter she’d ever experienced sending her into an ecstasy she’d never known before. Her body was still pulsing and on fire from his salacious touch. His gentle touch and his soft lips stroked every area of her body. She smiled to herself at the delicious memory as butterflies tickled her belly.

  Then…a sinking feeling coursed through her veins.

  He was only her fake boyfriend. Not her real lover. But it was too late, she was falling for him and she could do nothing to stop the feeling from flooding her soul. Even if she tried.

  She felt as if she were in a dream and any moment she would wake up and it would be all over. Her stomach churned at the thought.

  Just one kiss.

  One erotic mind-blowing night of hot passionate sex. And she was changed. Feeling Ethan’s warm, hard body over hers moments ago got her hooked to his addictive touch. No way did she want this to end.

  She turned her head towards Ethan as he slept on his back, his soft lips curved into a dreamy smile. She was in awe of his masculine beauty. He had the longest thick, black lashes she’d ever seen on a guy. So sexy. So enticing. From his dark exotic features to his high cheekbones—she was hooked. His muscular chest rising and falling with every breath he took lulled her senses.

  She lifted her hand to gently stroke his firm, hard abs hoping he would wake—even though it was only four o’clock in the morning. She admired his well-sculpted six-pack. God, he had the body of a pro athlete. He worked out at the gym every day and it showed. He was fit to perfection. Dark skin, beautiful dark brunette hair and that sexy bad boy stubble he wore turned her on. She brushed her hand against his hard biceps. Her whole body shivered as desire flood through her again. The pleasure Ethan gave her during the night was pure and explosive.

  It won’t last.

  He’s just using you as much as you’re using him, a horrible thought echoed in her mind.

  No! she screamed inside her head. No.

  You’re going to end up hurt and embarrassed. You’re not his type.

  Fuck off! She shouted at the negative voice that slid inside her head.

  Holly squeezed her eyes shut and tried to mentally push the thought out of her head.

  Why was it that when things started to look so good for her, she got the feeling of impending doom or disappointment hiding around the corner just waiting to screw things up for her?

  Was it because every time she got close to happiness, the further it seemed to pull away from her?

  Her mother had taken some courses at the local college and finally landed a job after years of living off the state. They were ready to move out of their cockroach-infested slum house and into a new home and a better neighborhood.

  Then…it all ended.

  Holly’s road to happiness came to a dead end.

  Her mother’s health took a violent turn for the worse and she was dead less than six months after her diagnosis of Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

  Holly flinched at the thought. Her blood boiled at the pain of losing her mother. She felt heat rise to her throat like acid ready to scorch her insides.

  “You okay?” Ethan’s silky, deep voice cut through her painful memory. His dark handsome face was dressed with concern. He must have woken up by her squeezing onto his arm.

  There she was in bed with a hot stud built like a Greek god and all she could do was think about all the bad stuff that had happened to her in her life.

  What was wrong with her?

  Get a grip on yourself, Holly! Stop creating drama in your head.

  “Um. Yeah. I’m good thanks.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind about my upcoming bio exam,” she lied quietly. She knew she could ace that exam. It was everything else in her life she wasn’t sure about.

  Just then, Ethan moved closer to her and she felt her fears melt away. His delicious clean scent aroused her. He smelled of clean soap and a faint scent of sweet cologne. God, she could devour him right there and then.

  As if Ethan could read her mind, he then lowered his head to hers. His soft lips brushed hers gently and the heat from his touch electrified her.

  Holy shit! If this wasn’t love, she seriously didn’t know what was.

  “God, you feel so good, Holly,” Ethan declared in a low moan as he sucked on her lips. He then slowly slid his hot tongue between her parted lips. A moan of ecstasy escaped Holly’s lips in response. Her sex pulsed in anticipation.

  “Oh, Ethan!” she groaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lay on top of her. His heaviness and hardness over her body was surprisingly comforting. God, she could not believe this was real. She was really with Ethan. All she cared about was that moment. But still, a nudging feeling in her heart caused her to ache. She’d never felt this way about any man before. Ever.

  How long would this last?

  Was he really falling for her? Or was this all in her mind? Was he just playing up with the fake boyfriend part or did he really want her? God knew she wanted him…badly.

  This past week she’d enjoyed spending time with Ethan.

  She was surprised to learn they shared similar interests and had similar opinions about issues like politics, schools, money and the system. Oh, and nosey meddling family members. He’d even blurted out some saying about “happiness means having a close knit loving family…in another state.” She smiled at that thought.

  God, he came up with some crazy
ass sayings sometimes. But she’d learned so much about him. His accomplishments, all he stood for. His caring heart and his devotion to helping kids in poor neighborhoods—even though he down played it when she’d asked him about his community awards.

  She’d felt as if she knew everything about him.

  Well, almost.

  What she didn’t know was details about his past. His relationships with other women. He was adopted as a teen after going from foster home to foster home…but there must be more to the story. He seemed to cut her off before she could delve deeper into his past. She even teased him that she needed to know so that she could play his fake girlfriend more convincingly. She craved him and wanted him in every way. God, what was this addiction to this hot guy? She just couldn’t explain it. All she knew was that she’d heard about people having a soul mate somewhere in the universe and when you met that person you would know right away. She used to think it was all a bunch of BS until she’d gotten closer to Ethan and felt it for herself.

  Yet he was holding back. Seriously holding back. The question was…what was he hiding?

  “You really seem like you have a lot on your mind, Holly. What’s eating you?”

  Ha! An understatement. She wished he were eating her. She’d love for him to feast on her again just as he did hours ago.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his handsome face closer to her, rubbing her nose on his stubble that tickled her. She inhaled the delicious scent of his cologne and felt relaxed. She could feel his dick getting harder by the second. Oh, God! Would they fuck again? She really hoped so. She really wanted to feel Ethan inside her again, filling her walls and satisfying her to dizzying heights. Again. She could feel her folds tingle and engorge at the naughty thoughts swirling in her head.

  They French kissed for a good while as their hot bodies embraced. His kiss was so fully loaded it made her almost forget her name or where on earth she was. Pulsations rippled through her aroused body.

  She slid her hands down his naked back feeling the hardness of his muscles and he pulled the sheets from her and tenderly stroked her taut pink nipples one at a time.

  His deep eyes penetrated her soul, she shivered with pleasure. She loved the way he undressed her with his sinfully sexy gaze.

  He groaned as he lowered his head to her nipple and sucked hard on it. Her pussy pulsed and she could feel moisture pooling between her legs. She arched her back as his expert tongue did its miraculous work. His hot wet tongue circled the tip of her nipple while his other hand stroked and squeezed her other hardened nipple.

  “Oh, God! Ethan!” she cried out in pleasure.

  “God, you have no idea what you do to me, Holly. Fuck, I want you now,” he growled.

  But then he pulled away from her…leaving her panting.

  “What?” she cried out breathless. Her body throbbed. “Why did you stop?”

  He got up out of the bed and she could see his body in full view as the moonlight and street lights seeped into the room, his huge juicy cock erect and hard from his midsection and soft curly pubic hairs around his penis. Her mouth watered to taste him again. For him to thrust his manhood into her mouth and take him in deep. But why was he pulling away from her?

  “Don’t you want me?” Holly pulled the sheet back up to her bosom feeling self-conscious and rejected.

  “Fuck, yeah! God, Holly, you’re so fucking amazing…so trusting…don’t you know that? I just can’t right now.”

  Holly’s face fell. No way could he just tease her body and leave her hanging like that.

  Heat rose to her throat and she felt her eyes moisten with tears.

  “Holly, it’s not what it looks like,” he said as he began to pull his boxers on then his track pants.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I used the last condom last night.”

  “Oh,” she felt her stomach sink. She wanted Ethan inside her so badly. Why wouldn’t he have a whole pack of condoms ready? How fucked up is that? Then the thought dawned on her. He probably got laid so often that he’d run out of condoms.

  She heaved a sigh. “I…I think the pharmacy down the street is open, isn’t it? Twenty-four hours.”

  Ethan looked away for a moment. What was on his mind? His jaw clenched.

  “You really want this don’t you?” he said in a low, deep voice.

  “Oh course, Ethan. I…You really turn me on.” Her gaze dropped to his tented pants. She could tell he felt the same way about her. So what was the problem?

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, with a half-grin as he pulled on his hoodie and grabbed his car keys off the counter.

  Holly didn’t know what to think at that moment.

  Just then Ethan’s cell phone buzzed beside her. He’d forgotten it when he left to go to the drugstore. It was now four thirty in the morning. Who the hell could be calling him at that hour? Curiosity got the best of her and she looked at the display of the phone. “Baby.”

  Holly felt a knife twist in her stomach. Who the hell was baby? His girlfriend? His real girlfriend?

  Holly, don’t do anything to fuck this up now. You need him to go with you to your cousin’s wedding, remember? Nothing more. A voice inside her was telling her to ignore the call and pretend she wasn’t being a nosy-assed busy body.

  But she could not ignore it.

  She really felt strong feelings for Ethan. How could she just ignore it?

  Her mind was telling her “no,” but her heart was telling her “hell no!” She was not going to ignore it. She was going to ask him as soon as he walked back into the apartment. Yeah, she needed a fake date but not somebody else’s real boyfriend. That was just so messed up on so many levels. If they hadn’t been intimate it probably wouldn’t be such a huge deal. But they were intimate in every way.

  “Is my phone here?” Ethan said half-hour later when he came back into the apartment.

  “Yeah,” Holly murmured, just aching to bitch about his late night or early morning phone call. She bit down on her lip.

  “Oh, good,” he said, as he reached for his cellphone on the counter. “I’d leave my own head if it wasn’t screwed on,” he continued, scrolling down for his missed calls. A grin touched his lips. It must be his “baby.”

  “I’ve gotto make a call. Be right back.” He left the room and left her sitting up in his bed, dazed. For a few moments while he made his private call she sat alone in the dark—with her doubts and self-pity.

  “So you have a girlfriend?” she asked him when he returned to the room and started to undress.

  “No. I think I already told you that, didn’t I?”

  “Oh? Who was that call from?” she queried, trying to sound as casual as possible. She really didn’t want to be a man stealer or home wrecker or what ever it was called.

  A whore.

  He heaved a sigh and he shot her a deep, salacious look. A cute dimple appeared on his cheek. God, he looked so gorgeous. Drop-dead fuckable gorgeous.

  Damn! What’s wrong with me? How could this guy have this kind of hold over me? What is it about him?

  Those eyes of his. They mesmerized her. Cast a spell over her soul. Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling as defensive as she was before. Why shouldn’t she trust him? He swore to her that he did not have a girlfriend, and that was that. End of discussion.

  Ethan got onto the bed as he slid of his boxers revealing his hot juicy dick. The one she’d sucked so hard on and pleasured him to near orgasmic heights last night as he moaned uncontrollably and pressed his fingers into her hair as she bobbed her head back and forth taking him into her throat as deep as she could without gagging. Tasting the sweet, salty pre come from his impressively huge cock.

  Having watched those YouTube adult videos in the past really helped Holly master her technique. Her friend Abigail even bought her a dildo that looked like a large male penis so that she could practice on. Abby had teased her about knowing how to suck her way to a man’s heart by his dick—or something stupid
and lame like that. The two girls both had too much to drink that night and well…they’d made stupid jokes about oral sex and everything else. They’d even come close to a drunken kiss but Holly had passed out by then.

  Holly’s thought slid back into the moment. She wanted Ethan. She wanted him again and again. “You still in the mood,” he said in a low, husky voice as he kneeled on the bed. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. She could tell. Her pussy pulsed like crazy and butterflies exploded in her belly.

  God, yeah!

  I want you, Ethan. More than you could possibly know.

  She was addicted to his sexual power. His erotic touch. His warm body and charming grin. She loved every thing about this sex god. She ignored the voice in her head telling her he could be playing her like a game of chess. She believed him when he said he didn’t have a girlfriend. And that was that.

  Before long, Ethan was caressing her skin with his tongue as his hands slid over her body teasing her nipples then moving lower to her slippery inner thigh.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he moaned. “You really want this don’t you?”

  “Mmm. Oh, God, Ethan. Yes.”

  “How badly do you want me,” he groaned into her flesh as his soft tongue swirled around her belly button causing her to writhe with pleasure.

  “Oh, God. Now, Ethan. I want you so much, oh…”

  She could feel his lips widen into a grin as he slowly kissed the area around her moist curly pubic hairs. His tongue slithered over the soft curls framing her sex as he groaned. He French kissed her sex as she arched her back and grabbed the sheets, growling like an animal. She moved her hands to cup his head holding on as he moved in for the kill.

  “Mmm,” she moaned in ecstasy as he slid his hot tongue between the folds of her sex, sliding up and down, tasting her juices, devouring her hungrily. “Oh, God! I’m coming,” she moaned unable to control it any longer. Ethan cupped her ass and squeezed it as she lay on the bed shifting her body closer to his face as he sucked harder and feasted on her moist inner thigh. She came hard and violent. Her body convulsing until she relaxed, breathless.


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