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Heavenly Blood (Roseville Vampires, #2)

Page 14

by Brighton Hill

  He leaned in close to her, their lips less than a centimeter apart. “Your breath is like perfume,” he whispered, their lips brushed against each other.

  She sucked in a jagged breath as her back arched slightly. Their mouths met, his breath as soft as a feather. But the passion rose and the kisses became hungrier, more fervent. He lifted her up to a seated position and unzipped her dress, slowly sliding it down as he gazed at her beautiful body. His eyes trailed down her neck, to her bare breasts, to her stomach. She lifted off his torn t-shirt. His chest was cut and well formed, his shoulders broad, his waist tight with washboard abs. “What’s that?” she whispered as she touched the hint of a tattoo protruding from the waistline of his worn jeans.

  A blush of color brightened his pale cheeks. “It’s nothing,” he said brushing off the imploration.

  “Let me see.” Her forehead lifted as she suppressed a smile.

  “I didn’t think I’d ever touch you again.” He stood up beside the bed and took off his pants. The tattoo was still mostly covered by the elastic of his boxer shorts.

  She stood up before him, her dress falling to the floor before she kicked it away. He gazed down at her lace underwear and shook his head side to side. Staring into his eyes she eased the elastic waist band down. Her eyes broke from his as she looked at the design. It said, “Violet Forever.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up at him with watery eyes.

  His eyes smoldered at her as he slid his hand across her wet cheek and down her neck. He continued to look her gently in the eyes as his hand advanced over one of her breasts resting lightly on the nipple. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” His voice was soft like cashmere. His hand slid off her breast and down her stomach, stopping at the edge of her panties. She inhaled at once. He grinned teasingly. And then his hand brushed over the lace. Her body tensed. He continued to watch her as his fingers rubbed lightly over the lace between her legs.

  Her body trembled at his touch. So badly, she wanted him to take off her underwear, but he didn’t. He ran his finger along the upper edge of the lace and inside slightly feeling the least bit of soft curls. And then his finger slid along the leg band downward pushing underneath the elastic slightly. She had never felt this aroused before. She felt warmth and throbbing between her legs. He eased her panties down.

  Quickly, she stepped out of them and looked up at him, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. “You are so fucking hot, Violet,” he whispered. He cupped her vagina in his hand and moved in close, lightly touching his lips to hers before his tongue entered her mouth twining with hers. His finger parted the folds of the soft skin between her legs. Her body shuddered. The kissing became more heated as he ran his finger over her bump.

  “Whoa, what is happening?” she breathed, her head falling back as he kissed her neck.

  His finger moved back and forth over the hot, wet knob.

  She was breathing heavy. Her voice cracked, “How are you doing that?”

  “You are so wet, Violet.” His finger slid down to her entrance and circled around its edge, sliding over the skin teasingly. She wanted him so intensely. This was the craziest thing. She didn’t know how he knew how to make her feel so wild inside. His finger pushed in. She gasped.

  “So, damn tight,” he moaned. “Violet, oh, Violet my sweet vixen.” He moved his finger in and out of her heat as he laid her back on the bed. Her hips thrust up to his, but he pulled his finger out and ran it through the folds over her bump again.

  “God, Radley,” she moaned her voice lifting as she tried to suppress her panting. Her fingers dug into his back as he touched her spot. She couldn’t even get his shorts off before her hips started rocking against his. “Oh, oh, oh…” she gasped as her body shuddered all over in utter pleasure. She couldn’t help but cry out. She pushed his hand away. There were so many twitching sensations at once. The feelings were so intense, heavenly. She pulled his boxer shorts down and he kicked them off. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He breathed.

  “Yeah, I do.” Her eyes were pleading as she looked at his perfect body. Everything within her was drawing him into her. It was like her body couldn’t be without his. She kissed along his ear and down his neck. Her hand slid over his ass as she pulled him into her. “I love you.” She bit down on her lip as his hardness entered her. “Oh…” She took in rapid, short breaths.

  “I love you, Violet, more than life itself.” He looked at her longingly. “If it hurts tell me to stop.”

  “Just do it,” she begged, lifting up her hips. She felt a pinching sensation.

  “Oh, God,” he breathed. “You are so fucking tight and wet. I never felt anything like this. He pushed in deeper and she gasped. “Are you okay?” he brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Yes, more.” Her hips rocked against his. Now he was moving in and out on top of her as he rubbed her clit with his finger. She grabbed onto his ass and pushed him in deeper as she moaned in pleasure. Her legs wrapped around his lower back. “I never knew…I never knew…” Her head tilted back as little noises left her throat. And then there was a release, a splendorous explosion that they both felt at the same time.

  They lay pressed up against each other like that for some time until his hardness left and slid out of her body. He rolled over on his back beside her holding her hand.

  “I could lay here forever with you,” he whispered.

  “Me too.” She had a little smile on her flushed face.

  “Making love to you is the ultimate ecstasy.”

  But then they heard a knock at the door and the handle turning back and forth. “Radley, it’s Lord Dyson.”

  Violet’s heart started slamming against her chest. She rushed out of the bed and grabbed up her dress off the floor. Quickly, she slid it over her body and zipped it up.

  “Hide in the closet,” he whispered.

  She rushed to the closet, opening the two wooden doors before she climbed in and shut them. “Be right there, Lord Dyson,” he called out.

  After quickly dressing, he walked over to the door and opened it. “Why are you here?” Lord Dyson asked as he walked inside. “I heard you left your concert to run off with some girl.

  Perspiration dripped from Violet’s forehead as she hid behind a rack of clothes in the dark, small quarters. She tried to keep perfectly still like a statue, but her heart was racing much too fast. She feared she might start to hyperventilate.

  Radley knew he had screwed himself, but he didn’t regret one moment with Violet. He would die a happy man. “Oh, that whore. Yeah, I got horny and leaving when the tension’s high, makes the girls in the audience obsessed.”

  Lord Dyson pressed his lips together. “Smart move.” He sat down on the edge of the bed and searched the room with his eyes. “Smells like sex.”

  Radley shrugged. “Hump them and dump them.” He walked into the bathroom and put toothpaste on his toothbrush and walked out brushing his teeth. “You wanna hang out and watch porno?” Radley laughed.

  “Funny guy.” He punched him hard, but not too hard on the shoulder.

  “Dang—watch that left hook,” Radley said through his frothy toothpaste mouth. He went back into the bathroom and rinsed before rejoining Lord Dyson.

  “You have enough money?” Lord Dyson asked.

  Radley shrugged. “Can always use more.”

  Lord Dyson counted out a wad of cash. “Next time don’t leave the concert early when you know I’m coming.”

  “Yeah, sure—no problem.”

  Lord Dyson opened the door. “Be good, boy, but not too good.” He winked, staring at him as he shut the door.

  Radley let Violet out of the closet. “Close call,” he said lifting his eyes.

  “Oh, Radley. I was worried to death.” She climbed out and grabbed onto him.

  “I know.” He wrapped his arms around her too. “I was too.”

  “This is too dangerous.”

  His eyes looked fierce. “We’ll make it work. I can’
t ever be away from you like that again.” His tone was penetrating.

  “I can’t be away from you either.”

  Suddenly, he swept her up into his strong arms. She laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “Let’s lie in bed and talk for a while until Lord Dyson is gone and I’ll take you back to the club so you can drive home with your gang. We don’t want Viparado getting suspicious if I drive you home,” he said as he carried her to the bed.

  She nodded. “You’re right.”

  For over an hour they discussed their lives and revealed some about what they had been up to since their separation. Radley left out any mention of all the women he had been with and Violet omitted how horrible her life actually was. She didn’t want to worry him. If she told him all that she had been through, she was afraid he might do something reckless like he did to Roger. She couldn’t risk losing Radley. Now she realized she could handle anything as long as she knew she would see her true love again. He made life worth living.

  He rolled over on her and started kissing her neck. “I love being with you,” he whispered as their lips met. The kisses began to heat up, but he pulled back. “I have to get you back to the Whiskey Raven before the Fatals take off.”

  Violet nodded. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I know,” he whispered as he helped her out of bed. “I’ll find a way to see you tomorrow night. Be ready for me.”

  A smile lifted on her pale face. “I can’t wait.” She rolled on top of him. “Are you okay? You look tired.”

  He shrugged, holding her in his arms. “Sex weakens male vampires. I’ll be as strong as ever in a couple of hours or so.” Amusement danced on his lips. “It was worth it.”

  They took the elevator down to the lobby and walked out to his motorcycle in the parking lot. “Wear a helmet this time,” he said, grinning wryly as he handed it to her. He sat down on the seat and she climbed on behind him.

  Taking her cell phone out of her purse, she called Su-Jin.

  “OMG—are you with Radley?” she asked excitedly. Violet could hear rock music from the club in the background.

  “Yes,” she giggled. “Thank you for the roses. The room looked amazing.”

  “You knew it was me?” she laughed.

  “Yeah, Radley told me you’re the little match maker behind this.”

  “I want you to be happy.”

  “I am.”

  “So can he bring you back to the nightclub? We’re ready to leave now.” Violet gulped as she thought about how that meant that they probably had five bodies in the limo’s trunk by now. Either that or they were planning to go hunting around the dark alleys or parks of Los Angeles.

  “Yes. We’re leaving to meet you now. I’ll just go directly to the limo and call you when I arrive.”

  “Sounds great. The club is closing down and most everybody is gone.”

  “Ready?” Radley asked as she shut the phone.

  “No,” she said. “But we don’t have a choice.”

  He turned to her and kissed her long and hard until her mind started to whirl. She wanted to pull him back into the bedroom again, but she knew they didn’t have time.

  When they arrived at the Whiskey Raven, Radley shut the engine and walked her up to the limo in the nearly empty parking lot. It was already after two in the morning. The guard got out and opened the door for Violet before walking back around to the driver’s seat without saying anything. “Friendly guy,” Violet scoffed.

  “Guards are like that.” He took her hands as they stood beside the vehicle. “I have a surprise for you tomorrow night.”

  “What is it?” She was so curious.

  Without saying anything, he pulled her up against him and kissed her until her knees weakened. “You’ll have to wait and see.” He lifted a dark brow. Before she could protest further, he whispered, “I love you.”

  Her heart melted as she got in the limo and he shut the door. She held her hand up against the glass window and he pressed his against the same spot on the other side before climbing on his bike and speeding away.

  Just as he pulled out of the parking lot, he saw Lord Dyson’s Lamborghini parked against the curb with the engine idling. Did he follow them from the hotel? Maybe he just saw Radley kissing Violet.

  In a panic, Radley jumped off his motorcycle, releasing his wings from his back before running and taking off into the air.

  From the window Violet saw Radley. She raced out of the car. Where was he going? What was happening? As her adrenaline rushed, goose bumps rose on her arms. She looked around and saw the Lamborgini at the edge of the parking lot beside Radley’s motorcycle. The driver’s door flew open. Her heart fell as she saw Lord Dyson run and take off into the air with huge powerful bat wings like a master dragon of the air, bigger and more powerful than anything she had ever seen.

  She would die to save Radley. At once she ran ahead releasing her wings and flew up after Lord Dyson. She wasn’t very skilled, but she was determined to fight him to her death. That would at least give Radley more time to get away. Because of their love making, he was in a weakened state.

  But in no time, Lord Dyson caught up to Radley and attacked him in the air. A big fight in the sky ensued. He grabbed him by the leg and swung him through a cloud. “You betrayed me,” he yelled.

  Radley tried to get away, but Lord Dyson jumped on him again ripping his teeth into Radley’s shoulder. Blood gushed out. This time Radley punched him hard in the face and kicked him in the stomach. When he keeled over, Radley slammed his motorcycle boot into his jaw. At once, Lord Dyson took hold of Radley and swung him around by his injured shoulder so fast before sending him spinning through the air.

  Violet caught up to Lord Dyson. In a rush, she jumped on his back and bit into his head. “Violet, get away!” Radley yelled hoarsely, blood flowing freely from his shoulder. The pain was excruciating. Lord Dyson screamed out and swatted Violet down fiercely and she slammed into the branches of a tree. Her leg was injured. It hurt like hell. She struggled to get out but her dress was caught.

  Radley swept in on Lord Dyson and tore into his arm with his teeth. But Lord Dyson spun around and bit into the soft skin of Radley’s neck tearing away the flesh. Radley started to fall from the sky. It looked like he had passed out from blood loss.

  From the tree, Violet started screaming, “Radley. No! No! No! Radley.” Tears ran down her face. Life was over. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her.

  Violet kept yanking and tearing at her dress, but that only tangled her up more. All she could do was watch Lord Dyson snatch up Radley and carry him away, his body hanging limply from Lord Dyson’s hands as he flew with magnificent wings onward.

  This fantasy isn’t over yet…

  Find out what happens to Radley and Violet in Book 3 of the Roseville Vampires series.

  Here is a sample of Bluewicked (A Watermagic Novella):


  (A Watermagic Novella)

  Brighton Hill


  My three sisters, mother, and I lounged on the huge black rocks enjoying the full moon overhead and the gentle rain on our naked jeweled bodies while we gazed out at the dark Atlantic. Our long hair draped alluringly over our breasts. In my mind, I could hear my two brothers and father laughing and joking around with each other as they swam down below the rocks.

  “There’s the yacht,” Emily said, pointing. Her tropical blue eyes twinkled in the night. I could tell she was excited.

  Upon seeing the boat, I felt a surge of adrenaline from my entire family at once. What a rush! We were ready.

  Even though I wasn’t born into this American group nor was I even raised in the same country, our minds were interconnected. I experienced the pain in Savannah’s mouth as she bit down hard on the inside of her cheek like it was my own. I felt Logan’s long brown hair tangle in some sea grass at the bottom of the ocean as his head jerked up in response to the intensity of the moment. Together, our hearts beat
fast—the pounding rhythms overlapped hard in my chest.

  At once, our heads fell back involuntarily. Our backs arched as our bodies quivered. The girls and I lifted our faces and began to sing. Our song was like that of the angels, clear and perfect—penetrating. We sang of legends, celebrations, beauty…

  Through the drizzle, the sounds carried out toward the teenagers on the yacht. They were a group of four, two guys and their girlfriends. In their drunken stupidity, they had stolen a yacht that was docked at one of the islands in Key West. They were just out partying and wanted to have some fun. But now, they listened to our song.

  “You hear that?” one guy asked his girlfriend. With my attention on him, I read his mind. I could feel his thoughts reeling. He loved our melody. He was an easy catch.


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