Beyond the Call
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Poznań, Poland 155, 157–8
Praga, Poland 164
prison camps 71, 80, 214
prisoners of war (POWs)
Allied, liberated 1, 63, 65, 73, 74, 78–81, 84, 89, 92, 95, 99, 100–04, 118–22, 130, 156, 158, 161–7, 183, 188–9, 191–3, 202, 204
collecting points 164–5, 197
contact teams 73, 80, 198, 200, 243–4
evacuation of 1, 100–04, 124–5, 164, 167
Russian 2, 72, 197, 200, 202, 207, 318
women and children 122–5
Red Army 64, 65, 71, 75, 81, 87, 105, 175, 189, 196, 207, 220, 254
liberators 91, 155, 188
Red Army Air Force command 61
Red Army Air Force intelligence 142
Red Cross 64, 87, 166, 202
refugee camp 155, 157
refugees 120, 125, 213, 223–4
rehabilitation centres see holding camps
Ritchie, Brigadier General 269–72
Roklikov, Lieutenant 131–4, 140, 258, 312, 313
Roosevelt, President Franklin D. 2, 8, 65–6, 74, 199, 253
Rostov, Russia 56–7
Russia 27
atrocities 57, 93–4, 126, 147–8, 188–9, 191, 207–11
distrust of Americans 83
hospitality 174–5
soldiers 107, 146–8, 187
attitude to POWs 1, 72, 99, 183, 202
treatment of POWs 9, 162–7, 179–82, 184–5, 188–9, 195, 197–9, 201
sabotaging Americans 135, 160–2, 178
stealing US aircraft 145–8, 256, 312–13
Rzeszów, Poland 110, 113, 117, 126, 132, 140, 171
salvage of American aircraft 63, 74, 81–2, 130, 139–41, 143–6, 149–54, 171, 193, 256
Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO) 218–19
see also forced labor
Shenderoff, Captain Morris 242, 249–52, 257, 321
shuttle bombing 61–2
Skytrain, C-47 41, 50, 67, 130, 132–4, 140, 149, 160, 237, 269, 272
Slavin, Lieutenant General Nikolai V. 245
Smith, Jack 241, 320
Smolensk, Russia 64
Spaatz, General Carl 15, 271, 273–5, 324
SS 86–7, 120–1, 214, 220
Stalag III-C 91, 155, 188, 195, 308
Stalag VIII-B 120
Stalag XX-A 91, 308
Stalin, Marshal Josef 1, 8, 61, 64, 65, 66, 72, 74, 76, 165, 198, 200, 265, 321
Staszów, Poland 109–10, 112–13, 117, 127, 139, 148, 171
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Arthur 132
Tehran, Iran 51–5, 194
Tillman, Lieutenant Arnold A. 106–8, 110–13, 127–8, 312
Trimble, Carol Ann 18, 115, 277
Trimble, Eleanor 3, 18, 24–7, 46–50, 108, 116, 206, 277–80, 284–5
Trimble, Robert 3, 17, 117–18, 129–30, 142–8, 179–86, 203–9, 215–18, 239–41, 261–7
arrival at Poltava 67
arrival in USSR 55–6
Auschwitz 86–9, 109
bombing missions 4, 17–19
CO of Eastern Command 245–52, 255–7, 263–7, 269–72, 324–5
Croix de Guerre 8, 289–90, 325
departure from Poland 236–8
discovery of bodies on rail track 207–11
Distinguished Flying Cross 8, 115, 127
first mission 98–100, 102–4
flying POWs disguised as US airmen 193–4, 241
flying salvaged B-17 153–4, 171–4
French refugees train escape 231–8
infected tooth 43–4
journey to Ukraine 41–2
mistaken for Joe 36–7
money 95–6, 228
offered aircraft salvage mission 21–6
official mission 74
passport 38, 42, 70, 74, 102, 217, 304
POW rescue 98–104, 119–22, 124–5
proposed promotion to Major 271–3
pulling gun on Russian Colonel 151–2
return to Pennsylvania 275–85
US Embassy, London 35–40
Washington 281–3
witnessing Russian atrocity 93–4
US Embassy, Moscow 261–7
US Embassy, UK 29, 35–40
US flights grounded, Poltava 239, 255–7
US Strategic and Tactical Air Forces in Europe (USSTAF) 15, 61, 82, 127
US–Russian relations 63
US–Russian tension 243–5
Vergolina, Sergeant Rudolph 187–92, 194, 316
Vlasov, Colonel 160, 164–7, 197–9
war, end of in Europe 260–1
Warsaw, Poland 92, 158, 189
Wilmeth, Lieutenant Colonel James D. 79, 101, 126–7, 130, 158–67, 181, 183, 191, 195–9, 201, 239, 240, 257–8, 310, 322
Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) 30, 33
Yalta agreement 74, 79, 113, 165, 198